When we need to analyze data contained in a .csv file which is too big to fit into memory, what can we do? In a separate notebook, we investigated how chunk processing in pandas can be used to process the data. Some analysis, however, seems to require an entire column, or multiple columns, to be handled at once. One popular framework well equipped to work around such issues is MapReduce, which we discuss in a future notebook.
In this notebook, however, we'll use investment data from crunchbase to demonstrate how SQL can be used together with pandas to create a workflow that can deal with analyzing big data sets without putting too much pressure on our memory constraints. This workflow is best described in the diagram below.
To simulate using a bigger dataset, we impose an arbitrary memory constraint of 10MB throughout the notebook.
In this notebook, we
Overall, we demonstrated a useful workflow for analyzing big datasets using pandas and sqlite3.
The data analyzed in this notebook contains information regarding crunchbase fundraising rounds from October 2013, and can be found here. Since the purpose of this notebook is to demonstrate a useful workflow for analyzing large datasets, we don't include a data dictionary here. Column description information can be found in the above link.
To begin, we'll use pandas to read the dataset in chunk by chunk. Lets use this framework to determine how many missing values each column has.
import pandas as pd
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
missing = []
for chunk in chunk_iter:
missing_chunk = chunk.isna().sum(axis=0)
missing = pd.concat(missing)
df = pd.DataFrame(data=missing.index,columns = ['column name'])
df["counts"] = missing.values
df.groupby('column name').sum()
[0, 0, 52, 0, 53, 0, 64, 0, 0, 2557, 778, 1371, 0, 900, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 653] [0, 0, 51, 0, 43, 0, 45, 0, 0, 5000, 261, 714, 0, 313, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 239] [0, 0, 82, 0, 56, 0, 44, 0, 0, 5000, 271, 808, 0, 314, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 221] [0, 0, 57, 0, 36, 0, 44, 0, 0, 5000, 239, 714, 0, 274, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 299] [0, 0, 69, 0, 40, 0, 41, 0, 0, 5000, 352, 1116, 0, 434, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 243] [0, 0, 61, 0, 39, 0, 33, 0, 0, 5000, 218, 732, 0, 238, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 206] [1, 1, 88, 1, 35, 1, 42, 2, 2, 5000, 313, 922, 2, 339, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 287] [0, 0, 83, 0, 65, 0, 55, 0, 0, 5000, 267, 775, 0, 334, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 368] [0, 0, 75, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 0, 5000, 1432, 1787, 0, 1464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 324] [0, 0, 15, 0, 46, 0, 70, 0, 0, 5000, 5000, 5000, 0, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 469] [0, 0, 10, 0, 29, 0, 45, 0, 0, 2870, 2870, 2870, 0, 2870, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 290]
counts | |
column name | |
company_category_code | 643 |
company_city | 533 |
company_country_code | 1 |
company_name | 1 |
company_permalink | 1 |
company_region | 1 |
company_state_code | 492 |
funded_at | 3 |
funded_month | 3 |
funded_quarter | 3 |
funded_year | 3 |
funding_round_type | 3 |
investor_category_code | 50427 |
investor_city | 12480 |
investor_country_code | 12001 |
investor_name | 2 |
investor_permalink | 2 |
investor_region | 2 |
investor_state_code | 16809 |
raised_amount_usd | 3599 |
We see that a handful of columns have quite a few missing values. One column standing out in this regard is the investor_category_code column. Let's look at the total and column by column memory usage of the dataframe.
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
mem_usage = 0
for i,chunk in enumerate(chunk_iter):
chunk_mem_usage = 0
print(f"Chunk {i}:")
cols = chunk.columns
for col in cols:
mem = chunk[col].memory_usage(deep=True)/(1024*1024)
print(f"{col} memory usage: {round(mem,2)}MB")
mem_usage += mem
chunk_mem_usage += mem
print(f"Chunk {i} memory usage: {round(chunk_mem_usage,2)}MB\n")
print(f"Total Memory usage: {round(mem_usage,2)}MB")
Chunk 0: company_permalink memory usage: 0.37MB company_name memory usage: 0.32MB company_category_code memory usage: 0.31MB company_country_code memory usage: 0.29MB company_state_code memory usage: 0.28MB company_region memory usage: 0.31MB company_city memory usage: 0.32MB investor_permalink memory usage: 0.41MB investor_name memory usage: 0.34MB investor_category_code memory usage: 0.23MB investor_country_code memory usage: 0.27MB investor_state_code memory usage: 0.25MB investor_region memory usage: 0.31MB investor_city memory usage: 0.29MB funding_round_type memory usage: 0.31MB funded_at memory usage: 0.32MB funded_month memory usage: 0.31MB funded_quarter memory usage: 0.31MB funded_year memory usage: 0.04MB raised_amount_usd memory usage: 0.04MB Chunk 0 memory usage: 5.58MB Chunk 1: company_permalink memory usage: 0.37MB company_name memory usage: 0.33MB company_category_code memory usage: 0.31MB company_country_code memory usage: 0.29MB company_state_code memory usage: 0.28MB company_region memory usage: 0.31MB company_city memory usage: 0.32MB investor_permalink memory usage: 0.47MB investor_name memory usage: 0.36MB investor_category_code memory usage: 0.04MB investor_country_code memory usage: 0.28MB investor_state_code memory usage: 0.26MB investor_region memory usage: 0.3MB investor_city memory usage: 0.31MB funding_round_type memory usage: 0.31MB funded_at memory usage: 0.32MB funded_month memory usage: 0.31MB funded_quarter memory usage: 0.31MB funded_year memory usage: 0.04MB raised_amount_usd memory usage: 0.04MB Chunk 1 memory usage: 5.53MB Chunk 2: company_permalink memory usage: 0.37MB company_name memory usage: 0.33MB company_category_code memory usage: 0.31MB company_country_code memory usage: 0.29MB company_state_code memory usage: 0.28MB company_region memory usage: 0.31MB company_city memory usage: 0.32MB investor_permalink memory usage: 0.47MB investor_name memory usage: 0.36MB investor_category_code memory usage: 0.04MB investor_country_code memory usage: 0.28MB investor_state_code memory usage: 0.26MB investor_region memory usage: 0.31MB investor_city memory usage: 0.31MB funding_round_type memory usage: 0.31MB funded_at memory usage: 0.32MB funded_month memory usage: 0.31MB funded_quarter memory usage: 0.31MB funded_year memory usage: 0.04MB raised_amount_usd memory usage: 0.04MB Chunk 2 memory usage: 5.54MB Chunk 3: company_permalink memory usage: 0.37MB company_name memory usage: 0.32MB company_category_code memory usage: 0.31MB company_country_code memory usage: 0.29MB company_state_code memory usage: 0.28MB company_region memory usage: 0.31MB company_city memory usage: 0.32MB investor_permalink memory usage: 0.47MB investor_name memory usage: 0.36MB investor_category_code memory usage: 0.04MB investor_country_code memory usage: 0.28MB investor_state_code memory usage: 0.26MB investor_region memory usage: 0.31MB investor_city memory usage: 0.31MB funding_round_type memory usage: 0.31MB funded_at memory usage: 0.32MB funded_month memory usage: 0.31MB funded_quarter memory usage: 0.31MB funded_year memory usage: 0.04MB raised_amount_usd memory usage: 0.04MB Chunk 3 memory usage: 5.53MB Chunk 4: company_permalink memory usage: 0.37MB company_name memory usage: 0.33MB company_category_code memory usage: 0.31MB company_country_code memory usage: 0.29MB company_state_code memory usage: 0.28MB company_region memory usage: 0.31MB company_city memory usage: 0.32MB investor_permalink memory usage: 0.48MB investor_name memory usage: 0.36MB investor_category_code memory usage: 0.04MB investor_country_code memory usage: 0.28MB investor_state_code memory usage: 0.25MB investor_region memory usage: 0.31MB investor_city memory usage: 0.3MB funding_round_type memory usage: 0.31MB funded_at memory usage: 0.32MB funded_month memory usage: 0.31MB funded_quarter memory usage: 0.31MB funded_year memory usage: 0.04MB raised_amount_usd memory usage: 0.04MB Chunk 4 memory usage: 5.53MB Chunk 5: company_permalink memory usage: 0.37MB company_name memory usage: 0.33MB company_category_code memory usage: 0.31MB company_country_code memory usage: 0.29MB company_state_code memory usage: 0.28MB company_region memory usage: 0.31MB company_city memory usage: 0.32MB investor_permalink memory usage: 0.48MB investor_name memory usage: 0.37MB investor_category_code memory usage: 0.04MB investor_country_code memory usage: 0.28MB investor_state_code memory usage: 0.26MB investor_region memory usage: 0.31MB investor_city memory usage: 0.31MB funding_round_type memory usage: 0.31MB funded_at memory usage: 0.32MB funded_month memory usage: 0.31MB funded_quarter memory usage: 0.31MB funded_year memory usage: 0.04MB raised_amount_usd memory usage: 0.04MB Chunk 5 memory usage: 5.56MB Chunk 6: company_permalink memory usage: 0.37MB company_name memory usage: 0.33MB company_category_code memory usage: 0.31MB company_country_code memory usage: 0.29MB company_state_code memory usage: 0.28MB company_region memory usage: 0.31MB company_city memory usage: 0.32MB investor_permalink memory usage: 0.48MB investor_name memory usage: 0.36MB investor_category_code memory usage: 0.04MB investor_country_code memory usage: 0.28MB investor_state_code memory usage: 0.26MB investor_region memory usage: 0.31MB investor_city memory usage: 0.3MB funding_round_type memory usage: 0.31MB funded_at memory usage: 0.32MB funded_month memory usage: 0.31MB funded_quarter memory usage: 0.31MB funded_year memory usage: 0.04MB raised_amount_usd memory usage: 0.04MB Chunk 6 memory usage: 5.53MB Chunk 7: company_permalink memory usage: 0.37MB company_name memory usage: 0.32MB company_category_code memory usage: 0.31MB company_country_code memory usage: 0.29MB company_state_code memory usage: 0.28MB company_region memory usage: 0.31MB company_city memory usage: 0.32MB investor_permalink memory usage: 0.47MB investor_name memory usage: 0.35MB investor_category_code memory usage: 0.04MB investor_country_code memory usage: 0.28MB investor_state_code memory usage: 0.26MB investor_region memory usage: 0.31MB investor_city memory usage: 0.31MB funding_round_type memory usage: 0.31MB funded_at memory usage: 0.32MB funded_month memory usage: 0.31MB funded_quarter memory usage: 0.31MB funded_year memory usage: 0.04MB raised_amount_usd memory usage: 0.04MB Chunk 7 memory usage: 5.51MB Chunk 8: company_permalink memory usage: 0.37MB company_name memory usage: 0.32MB company_category_code memory usage: 0.31MB company_country_code memory usage: 0.29MB company_state_code memory usage: 0.28MB company_region memory usage: 0.31MB company_city memory usage: 0.32MB investor_permalink memory usage: 0.45MB investor_name memory usage: 0.35MB investor_category_code memory usage: 0.04MB investor_country_code memory usage: 0.25MB investor_state_code memory usage: 0.24MB investor_region memory usage: 0.31MB investor_city memory usage: 0.27MB funding_round_type memory usage: 0.31MB funded_at memory usage: 0.32MB funded_month memory usage: 0.31MB funded_quarter memory usage: 0.31MB funded_year memory usage: 0.04MB raised_amount_usd memory usage: 0.04MB Chunk 8 memory usage: 5.4MB Chunk 9: company_permalink memory usage: 0.36MB company_name memory usage: 0.32MB company_category_code memory usage: 0.31MB company_country_code memory usage: 0.29MB company_state_code memory usage: 0.28MB company_region memory usage: 0.31MB company_city memory usage: 0.32MB investor_permalink memory usage: 0.37MB investor_name memory usage: 0.33MB investor_category_code memory usage: 0.04MB investor_country_code memory usage: 0.04MB investor_state_code memory usage: 0.04MB investor_region memory usage: 0.31MB investor_city memory usage: 0.04MB funding_round_type memory usage: 0.3MB funded_at memory usage: 0.32MB funded_month memory usage: 0.31MB funded_quarter memory usage: 0.31MB funded_year memory usage: 0.04MB raised_amount_usd memory usage: 0.04MB Chunk 9 memory usage: 4.64MB Chunk 10: company_permalink memory usage: 0.21MB company_name memory usage: 0.18MB company_category_code memory usage: 0.18MB company_country_code memory usage: 0.16MB company_state_code memory usage: 0.16MB company_region memory usage: 0.18MB company_city memory usage: 0.18MB investor_permalink memory usage: 0.21MB investor_name memory usage: 0.19MB investor_category_code memory usage: 0.02MB investor_country_code memory usage: 0.02MB investor_state_code memory usage: 0.02MB investor_region memory usage: 0.18MB investor_city memory usage: 0.02MB funding_round_type memory usage: 0.17MB funded_at memory usage: 0.18MB funded_month memory usage: 0.18MB funded_quarter memory usage: 0.18MB funded_year memory usage: 0.02MB raised_amount_usd memory usage: 0.02MB Chunk 10 memory usage: 2.67MB Total Memory usage: 57.02MB
We see that all in all, we have about 57MB of data. To get an idea of how we might reduce this, let's analyze the datatypes of each column in each chunk.
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
types = set()
for chunk in chunk_iter:
types = types.union(set(chunk.dtypes.values))
['company_permalink', 'company_name', 'company_category_code', 'company_country_code', 'company_state_code', 'company_region', 'company_city', 'investor_permalink', 'investor_name', 'investor_category_code', 'investor_country_code', 'investor_state_code', 'investor_region', 'investor_city', 'funding_round_type', 'funded_at', 'funded_month', 'funded_quarter', 'funded_year', 'raised_amount_usd'] [dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64')] [dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64')] [dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64')] [dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64')] [dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64')] [dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64')] [dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('float64')] [dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64')] [dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64')] [dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64')] [dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('O'), dtype('int64'), dtype('float64')]
{dtype('int64'), dtype('float64'), dtype('O')}
We have only ints, floats, and strings. We suspect that some memory can be saved by downcasting each column, and converting floats representing integers appropriately. We complete this in the following code cell.
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
types = set()
mem_usage = 0
for chunk in chunk_iter:
chunk.drop(columns=['investor_category_code'], inplace = True)
floats = chunk.loc[:,chunk.dtypes == 'float64']
float_cols = floats.columns
for col in float_cols:
remainder = chunk[col].apply(lambda x: x % 1).sum()
if remainder == 0:
chunk[col] = chunk[col].astype('Int64')
chunk[col] = pd.to_numeric(chunk[col],downcast='integer')
chunk[col] = pd.to_numeric(chunk[col],downcast='float')
ints = chunk.loc[:,chunk.dtypes == 'int64']
int_cols = ints.columns
for col in int_cols:
chunk[col] = pd.to_numeric(chunk[col],downcast='integer')
mem_usage += chunk.memory_usage(deep=True).sum()/(1024**2)
print(f"Total Memory Usage: {mem_usage}MB")
Total Memory Usage: 55.84935283660889MB
While this slightly reduced the memory consumption, it didn't have a big effect. Let's look at the object columns to see if we can make some more impactful changes.
objs= chunk.loc[:,chunk.dtypes == 'O']
company_permalink | company_name | company_category_code | company_country_code | company_state_code | company_region | company_city | investor_permalink | investor_name | investor_region | funding_round_type | funded_at | funded_month | funded_quarter | |
50000 | /company/nuorder | NuORDER | fashion | USA | CA | Los Angeles | West Hollywood | /person/mortimer-singer | Mortimer Singer | unknown | series-a | 2012-10-01 | 2012-10 | 2012-Q4 |
50001 | /company/chacha | ChaCha | advertising | USA | IN | Indianapolis | Carmel | /person/morton-meyerson | Morton Meyerson | unknown | series-b | 2007-10-01 | 2007-10 | 2007-Q4 |
50002 | /company/binfire | Binfire | software | USA | FL | Bocat Raton | Bocat Raton | /person/moshe-ariel | Moshe Ariel | unknown | angel | 2008-04-18 | 2008-04 | 2008-Q2 |
50003 | /company/binfire | Binfire | software | USA | FL | Bocat Raton | Bocat Raton | /person/moshe-ariel | Moshe Ariel | unknown | angel | 2010-01-01 | 2010-01 | 2010-Q1 |
50004 | /company/unified-color | Unified Color | software | USA | CA | SF Bay | South San Frnacisco | /person/mr-andrew-oung | Mr. Andrew Oung | unknown | angel | 2010-01-01 | 2010-01 | 2010-Q1 |
Since the investor_category_code column is mostly missing values, we'll drop it. We'll also drop the two columns with names ending in permalink, since this contains URL info that will not be useful for our analysis. We'll also keep track of only the funded year and month. As such, the funded_quarter and funded_at columns are not useful, so we drop them.
We can split the funded month column into two columns - funded_year and funded_month. We can also convert each of these to numeric, which will save space.
drop_cols = ['investor_category_code','company_permalink','investor_permalink','funded_at','funded_quarter']
alter_cols = ['funded_month']
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
mem_usage = 0
for chunk in chunk_iter:
chunk.drop(columns=drop_cols, inplace=True)
chunk['funded_year'] = chunk['funded_month'].str[0:4].astype('Int16')
chunk['funded_month'] = chunk['funded_month'].str[-2:].astype('Int8')
floats = chunk.loc[:,chunk.dtypes == 'float64']
float_cols = floats.columns
for col in float_cols:
remainder = chunk[col].apply(lambda x: x % 1).sum()
if remainder == 0:
chunk[col] = chunk[col].astype('Int64')
chunk[col] = pd.to_numeric(chunk[col],downcast='integer')
chunk[col] = pd.to_numeric(chunk[col],downcast='float')
ints = chunk.loc[:,chunk.dtypes == 'int64']
int_cols = ints.columns
for col in int_cols:
chunk[col] = pd.to_numeric(chunk[col],downcast='integer')
mem_usage += chunk.memory_usage(deep=True).sum()/(1024**2)
print(f"Total memory usage: {round(mem_usage,2)}MB")
Total memory usage: 37.54MB
After making these changes, we were able to reduce the memory footprint of the dataframe by quite a bit!
Now, we'll use DataFrame.to_sql() method to append our data, chunk by chunk, to a table for future querying.
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('crunchbase.db')
chunk_iter = pd.read_csv('crunchbase-investments.csv', chunksize=5000, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
for chunk in chunk_iter:
chunk.drop(columns=drop_cols, inplace=True)
chunk['funded_year'] = chunk['funded_month'].str[0:4].astype('Int16')
chunk['funded_month'] = chunk['funded_month'].str[-2:].astype('Int8')
floats = chunk.loc[:,chunk.dtypes == 'float64']
float_cols = floats.columns
for col in float_cols:
remainder = chunk[col].apply(lambda x: x % 1).sum()
if remainder == 0:
chunk[col] = chunk[col].astype('Int64')
chunk[col] = pd.to_numeric(chunk[col],downcast='integer')
chunk[col] = pd.to_numeric(chunk[col],downcast='float')
ints = chunk.loc[:,chunk.dtypes == 'int64']
int_cols = ints.columns
for col in int_cols:
chunk[col] = pd.to_numeric(chunk[col],downcast='integer')
chunk.to_sql("investments", conn, if_exists='append', index=False)
Let's get some info on the table we just created.
query = """
PRAGMA table_info(investments);
result = pd.read_sql(query,conn)
cid | name | type | notnull | dflt_value | pk | |
0 | 0 | company_name | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
1 | 1 | company_category_code | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
2 | 2 | company_country_code | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
3 | 3 | company_state_code | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
4 | 4 | company_region | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
5 | 5 | company_city | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
6 | 6 | investor_name | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
7 | 7 | investor_country_code | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
8 | 8 | investor_state_code | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
9 | 9 | investor_region | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
10 | 10 | investor_city | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
11 | 11 | funding_round_type | TEXT | 0 | None | 0 |
12 | 12 | funded_month | INTEGER | 0 | None | 0 |
13 | 13 | funded_year | INTEGER | 0 | None | 0 |
14 | 14 | raised_amount_usd | INTEGER | 0 | None | 0 |
Now we have an SQLite3 table we can query to answer questions about our dataset. Let's demonstrate how this can be done explicitly by solving a couple questions.
q = 'SELECT company_name, SUM(raised_amount_usd) AS total FROM investments GROUP BY company_name ORDER BY total DESC;'
result = pd.read_sql(q, conn)
print(f"{result.memory_usage(deep = True).sum()/(1024*1024)} MB \n")
total = result['total'].sum()
num_companies = round((result.shape[0]/100)*10)
percentage = 100*(result[0:num_companies]['total'].sum()/total)
print(f"Top 10% of companies account for {round(percentage,2)}% of total investment funds")
num_companies = round((result.shape[0]/100)*1)
percentage = 100*(result[0:num_companies]['total'].sum()/total)
print(f"Top 1% of companies account for {round(percentage,2)} of total investment funds")
0.8442239761352539 MB Top 10% of companies account for 67.13% of total investment funds Top 1% of companies account for 26.31 of total investment funds
q = 'SELECT company_category_code, SUM(raised_amount_usd) AS total FROM investments GROUP BY company_category_code ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 1;'
result = pd.read_sql(q, conn)
print(f"{result.memory_usage(deep = True).sum()/(1024*1024)} MB \n")
print('Company category attracting the most investments: ' + result["company_category_code"].values[0])
total = result["total"].values[0]
print(f"Total biotech investments: ${total}")
0.00019073486328125 MB Company category attracting the most investments: biotech Total biotech investments: $220792846124
q = 'SELECT investor_name, COUNT(investor_name) AS num_startups, SUM(raised_amount_usd) AS total FROM investments GROUP BY investor_name HAVING num_startups > 5 ORDER BY total DESC;'
result = pd.read_sql(q, conn)
print(f"{result.memory_usage(deep = True).sum()/(1024*1024)} MB \n")
print('Biggest investor: ' + result["investor_name"].values[0])
amount = result["total"].values[0]
print(f"Total amount contributed: ${amount}\n")
result["investment per startup"] = result["total"]/result["num_startups"]
most_per = result.loc[result["investment per startup"].max() == result["investment per startup"],:]
print('Biggest investor per startup: ' + most_per["investor_name"].values[0])
amount = most_per["total"].values[0]
print(f"Amount contributed per startup: ${amount}\n")
print("(among investors contributing to at least 5 startups)")
0.238922119140625 MB Biggest investor: Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Total amount contributed: $22435652752.0 Biggest investor per startup: Sprint Nextel Amount contributed per startup: $5000000000.0 (among investors contributing to at least 5 startups)
q = 'SELECT funding_round_type,SUM(raised_amount_usd) AS total, COUNT(*) as num_rounds FROM investments GROUP BY funding_round_type ORDER BY total DESC;'
result = pd.read_sql(q, conn)
print(f"{result.memory_usage(deep = True).sum()/(1024*1024)} MB \n")
result["funds per round"] = result["total"]/result["num_rounds"]
most_freq = result.loc[result["num_rounds"].max() == result["num_rounds"],:]["funding_round_type"]
print(f"Most frequent type of funding round: {most_freq.values[0]}")
most_total = result.loc[0,"funding_round_type"]
total = result.loc[0,"total"]
print(f"funding round contributing highest total: {most_total}. Total of ${round(total)}")
funds_per = result.loc[result["funds per round"].max() == result["funds per round"],:]["funding_round_type"]
print(f"Highest funds per round: {funds_per.values[0]}")
0.0008592605590820312 MB Most frequent type of funding round: series-a funding round contributing highest total: series-c+. Total of $531506928414 Highest funds per round: post-ipo
In this notebook, we began by processing the dataset in chunks using pandas. In particular, we converted some inefficient string columns to more efficient numeric equivalents. We also downcasted each numeric column to the most space efficient subtype. After making these changes, we decreased the total memory consumption from 55MB to about 37MB. We then saved the processed data into an SQL database using sqlite3. Finally, to demonstate the efficacy of this workflow for analyzing big datasets, we answered a variety of questions about the data by appropriately querying the database, converting the result into a pandas dataframe, and studying its memory consumption. In each case, we were able to exract the desired answer from the dataframe while remaining well under the desired memory constraints.