In this notebook, we'll be investigating some data from the Department of Education, Training, and Employment (DETE). The original data can be found here. We'll also be investigating some data from the Technical and Further Education (TAFE) in Queensland, Australia. Both datasets are employee exit surveys.
Our goal for these data-sets is to, after carefully cleaning the data, answer the following questions:
The primary purpose of this notebook is to demonstrate techniques for cleaning and combining data. These data sets do not have an associated data dictionary, so we'll have to use some common sense to determine column names.
Let's begin by reading in both surveys, and checking some statistics regarding the DataFrames. We haven't yet combined our data-sets, so for now we'll keep the DETE and TAFE data separate.
import pandas as pd
dete_df = pd.read_csv('data/dete_survey.csv')
ID | SeparationType | Cease Date | DETE Start Date | Role Start Date | Position | Classification | Region | Business Unit | Employment Status | ... | Kept informed | Wellness programs | Health & Safety | Gender | Age | Aboriginal | Torres Strait | South Sea | Disability | NESB | |
0 | 1 | Ill Health Retirement | 08/2012 | 1984 | 2004 | Public Servant | A01-A04 | Central Office | Corporate Strategy and Peformance | Permanent Full-time | ... | N | N | N | Male | 56-60 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | Yes |
1 | 2 | Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) | 08/2012 | Not Stated | Not Stated | Public Servant | AO5-AO7 | Central Office | Corporate Strategy and Peformance | Permanent Full-time | ... | N | N | N | Male | 56-60 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 | 3 | Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) | 05/2012 | 2011 | 2011 | Schools Officer | NaN | Central Office | Education Queensland | Permanent Full-time | ... | N | N | N | Male | 61 or older | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
3 | 4 | Resignation-Other reasons | 05/2012 | 2005 | 2006 | Teacher | Primary | Central Queensland | NaN | Permanent Full-time | ... | A | N | A | Female | 36-40 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
4 | 5 | Age Retirement | 05/2012 | 1970 | 1989 | Head of Curriculum/Head of Special Education | NaN | South East | NaN | Permanent Full-time | ... | N | A | M | Female | 61 or older | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 rows × 56 columns
We immediately notice that some entries that should be missing values are marked as "Not Stated." See, for instance, the 'DETE Start Date' column. This has an easy fix using the 'na_values' parameter within pd.read_csv.
dete_df = pd.read_csv('data/dete_survey.csv', na_values = 'Not Stated')
ID | SeparationType | Cease Date | DETE Start Date | Role Start Date | Position | Classification | Region | Business Unit | Employment Status | ... | Kept informed | Wellness programs | Health & Safety | Gender | Age | Aboriginal | Torres Strait | South Sea | Disability | NESB | |
0 | 1 | Ill Health Retirement | 08/2012 | 1984.0 | 2004.0 | Public Servant | A01-A04 | Central Office | Corporate Strategy and Peformance | Permanent Full-time | ... | N | N | N | Male | 56-60 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | Yes |
1 | 2 | Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) | 08/2012 | NaN | NaN | Public Servant | AO5-AO7 | Central Office | Corporate Strategy and Peformance | Permanent Full-time | ... | N | N | N | Male | 56-60 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 | 3 | Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) | 05/2012 | 2011.0 | 2011.0 | Schools Officer | NaN | Central Office | Education Queensland | Permanent Full-time | ... | N | N | N | Male | 61 or older | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
3 | 4 | Resignation-Other reasons | 05/2012 | 2005.0 | 2006.0 | Teacher | Primary | Central Queensland | NaN | Permanent Full-time | ... | A | N | A | Female | 36-40 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
4 | 5 | Age Retirement | 05/2012 | 1970.0 | 1989.0 | Head of Curriculum/Head of Special Education | NaN | South East | NaN | Permanent Full-time | ... | N | A | M | Female | 61 or older | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
5 rows × 56 columns
The next step we'll take is to look at all the column names. We're looking for any columns that will not be helpful for answering our questions.
for col in dete_df.columns:
ID SeparationType Cease Date DETE Start Date Role Start Date Position Classification Region Business Unit Employment Status Career move to public sector Career move to private sector Interpersonal conflicts Job dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction with the department Physical work environment Lack of recognition Lack of job security Work location Employment conditions Maternity/family Relocation Study/Travel Ill Health Traumatic incident Work life balance Workload None of the above Professional Development Opportunities for promotion Staff morale Workplace issue Physical environment Worklife balance Stress and pressure support Performance of supervisor Peer support Initiative Skills Coach Career Aspirations Feedback Further PD Communication My say Information Kept informed Wellness programs Health & Safety Gender Age Aboriginal Torres Strait South Sea Disability NESB
There sure are a lot of columns! It seems that columns 28-48 will not be useful to us. We'll go ahead and drop these columns.
dete_df_updated = dete_df.drop(dete_df.columns[28:49], axis = 1)
The next step in the data cleansing process is to rename each column. This will make accessing columns of the dataframe easier in the future, when we are handling things like missing values, or doing analysis. We'll also want to combine the two data frames in the future, so we'll need a convention that is consistent across both. We'll start by removing any leading/trailing spaces, then changing spaces to underscores, and making sure all letters are lowercase.
dete_df_updated.columns = dete_df_updated.columns.str.lower().str.strip().str.replace(' ','_')
Index(['id', 'separationtype', 'cease_date', 'dete_start_date', 'role_start_date', 'position', 'classification', 'region', 'business_unit', 'employment_status', 'career_move_to_public_sector', 'career_move_to_private_sector', 'interpersonal_conflicts', 'job_dissatisfaction', 'dissatisfaction_with_the_department', 'physical_work_environment', 'lack_of_recognition', 'lack_of_job_security', 'work_location', 'employment_conditions', 'maternity/family', 'relocation', 'study/travel', 'ill_health', 'traumatic_incident', 'work_life_balance', 'workload', 'none_of_the_above', 'gender', 'age', 'aboriginal', 'torres_strait', 'south_sea', 'disability', 'nesb'], dtype='object')
Since in this project we're investigating why employees resign, we'll only need employees whose separationtype reflects this. The rest of the rows, we can drop. Let's take a closer look at the unique values in the 'separationtype' column in order to see which rows to drop.
Age Retirement 285 Resignation-Other reasons 150 Resignation-Other employer 91 Resignation-Move overseas/interstate 70 Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) 67 Ill Health Retirement 61 Other 49 Contract Expired 34 Termination 15 Name: separationtype, dtype: int64
We see that there are three separationtypes that reflect resignation:
Let's keep only rows where the answer in seperation type contains the string 'resignation.'
dete_resignations = dete_df_updated.loc[dete_df_updated.loc[:,'separationtype'].str.contains('Resignation'), :].copy()
Now, let's take a look at the unique answers in the 'cease_date' column.
2012 126 2013 74 01/2014 22 12/2013 17 06/2013 14 09/2013 11 07/2013 9 11/2013 9 10/2013 6 08/2013 4 05/2012 2 05/2013 2 07/2012 1 2010 1 09/2010 1 07/2006 1 Name: cease_date, dtype: int64
Similarly, let's look at the 'dete_start_date' column.
2011.0 24 2008.0 22 2012.0 21 2007.0 21 2010.0 17 2005.0 15 2004.0 14 2006.0 13 2009.0 13 2013.0 10 2000.0 9 1999.0 8 1994.0 6 2003.0 6 1992.0 6 1996.0 6 1998.0 6 2002.0 6 1990.0 5 1997.0 5 1980.0 5 1993.0 5 1989.0 4 1991.0 4 1988.0 4 1995.0 4 1986.0 3 2001.0 3 1985.0 3 1983.0 2 1976.0 2 1974.0 2 1975.0 1 1984.0 1 1971.0 1 1982.0 1 1972.0 1 1963.0 1 1977.0 1 1973.0 1 1987.0 1 Name: dete_start_date, dtype: int64
Since the start date only contains the year, and is a float, we'll go ahead and convert the 'cease_date' column to have the same format. I.e., we'll extract the year and convert the column to a float.
dete_resignations.loc[:,'cease_date'] = dete_resignations.loc[:,'cease_date'].str[-4:].astype(float)
Since we're asking questions regarding how long an employee worked, it will be useful to have a column that keeps track of the years of service of each employee. Below, we create a column named 'institute_service' which does this. We'll then check to see if there are any negative values in this new column. This helps us determine if the data in the 'cease_date' and 'dete_start_date' columns make any sense.
dete_resignations.loc[:,'institute_service'] = dete_resignations['cease_date'] - dete_resignations['dete_start_date']
dete_resignations.loc[dete_resignations['institute_service'] <= 0.0,'institute_service'].value_counts()
0.0 20 Name: institute_service, dtype: int64
We see above that there are no negative values, and the information in the columns makes sense. Now, we'll create a boolean column which indicates whether each employee is disatisfied. We've collected a list of boolean columns that indicate disatisfaction. If the respondent answered True in any of these columns, we'll mark the disatisfied column as True. Otherwise, it will be false.
dete_disatisfied_cols = ['job_dissatisfaction', 'dissatisfaction_with_the_department',
'physical_work_environment', 'lack_of_recognition', 'lack_of_job_security',
'work_location', 'employment_conditions', 'work_life_balance', 'workload']
dete_resignations['dissatisfied'] = dete_resignations.loc[:, dete_disatisfied_cols].any(axis = 1)
False 162 True 149 Name: dissatisfied, dtype: int64
Since we're going to combine two dataframes, it will be helpful to create another column that keeps track of the original dataframe corresponding to each respondent. We'll call this column 'institute' and give each respondent in this survey the value of 'DETE.'
dete_resignations['institute'] = 'DETE'
Let's begin by reading in the TAFE Survey and taking a look at the column names.
tafe_df = pd.read_csv('data/tafe_survey.csv')
Index(['Record ID', 'Institute', 'WorkArea', 'CESSATION YEAR', 'Reason for ceasing employment', 'Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector ', 'Contributing Factors. Career Move - Private Sector ', 'Contributing Factors. Career Move - Self-employment', 'Contributing Factors. Ill Health', 'Contributing Factors. Maternity/Family', 'Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction', 'Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction', 'Contributing Factors. Interpersonal Conflict', 'Contributing Factors. Study', 'Contributing Factors. Travel', 'Contributing Factors. Other', 'Contributing Factors. NONE', 'Main Factor. Which of these was the main factor for leaving?', 'InstituteViews. Topic:1. I feel the senior leadership had a clear vision and direction', 'InstituteViews. Topic:2. I was given access to skills training to help me do my job better', 'InstituteViews. Topic:3. I was given adequate opportunities for personal development', 'InstituteViews. Topic:4. I was given adequate opportunities for promotion within %Institute]Q25LBL%', 'InstituteViews. Topic:5. I felt the salary for the job was right for the responsibilities I had', 'InstituteViews. Topic:6. The organisation recognised when staff did good work', 'InstituteViews. Topic:7. Management was generally supportive of me', 'InstituteViews. Topic:8. Management was generally supportive of my team', 'InstituteViews. Topic:9. I was kept informed of the changes in the organisation which would affect me', 'InstituteViews. Topic:10. Staff morale was positive within the Institute', 'InstituteViews. Topic:11. If I had a workplace issue it was dealt with quickly', 'InstituteViews. Topic:12. If I had a workplace issue it was dealt with efficiently', 'InstituteViews. Topic:13. If I had a workplace issue it was dealt with discreetly', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:14. I was satisfied with the quality of the management and supervision within my work unit', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:15. I worked well with my colleagues', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:16. My job was challenging and interesting', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:17. I was encouraged to use my initiative in the course of my work', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:18. I had sufficient contact with other people in my job', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:19. I was given adequate support and co-operation by my peers to enable me to do my job', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:20. I was able to use the full range of my skills in my job', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:21. I was able to use the full range of my abilities in my job. ; Category:Level of Agreement; Question:YOUR VIEWS ABOUT YOUR WORK UNIT]', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:22. I was able to use the full range of my knowledge in my job', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:23. My job provided sufficient variety', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:24. I was able to cope with the level of stress and pressure in my job', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:25. My job allowed me to balance the demands of work and family to my satisfaction', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:26. My supervisor gave me adequate personal recognition and feedback on my performance', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:27. My working environment was satisfactory e.g. sufficient space, good lighting, suitable seating and working area', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:28. I was given the opportunity to mentor and coach others in order for me to pass on my skills and knowledge prior to my cessation date', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:29. There was adequate communication between staff in my unit', 'WorkUnitViews. Topic:30. Staff morale was positive within my work unit', 'Induction. Did you undertake Workplace Induction?', 'InductionInfo. Topic:Did you undertake a Corporate Induction?', 'InductionInfo. Topic:Did you undertake a Institute Induction?', 'InductionInfo. Topic: Did you undertake Team Induction?', 'InductionInfo. Face to Face Topic:Did you undertake a Corporate Induction; Category:How it was conducted?', 'InductionInfo. On-line Topic:Did you undertake a Corporate Induction; Category:How it was conducted?', 'InductionInfo. Induction Manual Topic:Did you undertake a Corporate Induction?', 'InductionInfo. Face to Face Topic:Did you undertake a Institute Induction?', 'InductionInfo. On-line Topic:Did you undertake a Institute Induction?', 'InductionInfo. Induction Manual Topic:Did you undertake a Institute Induction?', 'InductionInfo. Face to Face Topic: Did you undertake Team Induction; Category?', 'InductionInfo. On-line Topic: Did you undertake Team Induction?process you undertook and how it was conducted.]', 'InductionInfo. Induction Manual Topic: Did you undertake Team Induction?', 'Workplace. Topic:Did you and your Manager develop a Performance and Professional Development Plan (PPDP)?', 'Workplace. Topic:Does your workplace promote a work culture free from all forms of unlawful discrimination?', 'Workplace. Topic:Does your workplace promote and practice the principles of employment equity?', 'Workplace. Topic:Does your workplace value the diversity of its employees?', 'Workplace. Topic:Would you recommend the Institute as an employer to others?', 'Gender. What is your Gender?', 'CurrentAge. Current Age', 'Employment Type. Employment Type', 'Classification. Classification', 'LengthofServiceOverall. Overall Length of Service at Institute (in years)', 'LengthofServiceCurrent. Length of Service at current workplace (in years)'], dtype='object')
Looking more closely at the column names, it seems that for our analysis, we can safely drop columns 17-66.
tafe_df_updated = tafe_df.drop(tafe_df.columns[17:66], axis = 1)
Now, we're going to rename some of the columns to be consistent with column names in the dete dataframe.
tafe_col_name_map = {'Record ID': 'id',
'CESSATION YEAR': 'cease_date',
'Reason for ceasing employment': 'separationtype',
'Gender. What is your Gender?': 'gender',
'CurrentAge. Current Age': 'age',
'Employment Type. Employment Type': 'employment_status',
'Classification. Classification': 'position',
'LengthofServiceOverall. Overall Length of Service at Institute (in years)': 'institute_service',
'LengthofServiceCurrent. Length of Service at current workplace (in years)': 'role_service'}
axis = 1, inplace = True)
id | Institute | WorkArea | cease_date | separationtype | Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector | Contributing Factors. Career Move - Private Sector | Contributing Factors. Career Move - Self-employment | Contributing Factors. Ill Health | Contributing Factors. Maternity/Family | ... | Contributing Factors. Study | Contributing Factors. Travel | Contributing Factors. Other | Contributing Factors. NONE | gender | age | employment_status | position | institute_service | role_service | |
0 | 6.341330e+17 | Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE | Non-Delivery (corporate) | 2010.0 | Contract Expired | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | Female | 26 30 | Temporary Full-time | Administration (AO) | 1-2 | 1-2 |
1 | 6.341337e+17 | Mount Isa Institute of TAFE | Non-Delivery (corporate) | 2010.0 | Retirement | - | - | - | - | - | ... | - | Travel | - | - | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2 | 6.341388e+17 | Mount Isa Institute of TAFE | Delivery (teaching) | 2010.0 | Retirement | - | - | - | - | - | ... | - | - | - | NONE | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
3 | 6.341399e+17 | Mount Isa Institute of TAFE | Non-Delivery (corporate) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | - | - | - | - | ... | - | Travel | - | - | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
4 | 6.341466e+17 | Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE | Delivery (teaching) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | Career Move - Private Sector | - | - | - | ... | - | - | - | - | Male | 41 45 | Permanent Full-time | Teacher (including LVT) | 3-4 | 3-4 |
5 rows × 23 columns
We again only want to keep rows corresponding to employees who have resigned, so we're going to check the unique values in 'separationtype' and keep only those employees who resigned.
Resignation 340 Contract Expired 127 Retrenchment/ Redundancy 104 Retirement 82 Transfer 25 Termination 23 Name: separationtype, dtype: int64
We see "Resignation" is the only answer corresponding to a resignation. We'll restrict the dataframe to only these respondents.
tafe_resignations = tafe_df_updated.loc[tafe_df_updated.loc[:,'separationtype'] == 'Resignation',:].copy()
id | Institute | WorkArea | cease_date | separationtype | Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector | Contributing Factors. Career Move - Private Sector | Contributing Factors. Career Move - Self-employment | Contributing Factors. Ill Health | Contributing Factors. Maternity/Family | ... | Contributing Factors. Study | Contributing Factors. Travel | Contributing Factors. Other | Contributing Factors. NONE | gender | age | employment_status | position | institute_service | role_service | |
3 | 6.341399e+17 | Mount Isa Institute of TAFE | Non-Delivery (corporate) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | - | - | - | - | ... | - | Travel | - | - | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
4 | 6.341466e+17 | Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE | Delivery (teaching) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | Career Move - Private Sector | - | - | - | ... | - | - | - | - | Male | 41 45 | Permanent Full-time | Teacher (including LVT) | 3-4 | 3-4 |
5 | 6.341475e+17 | Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE | Delivery (teaching) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | - | - | - | - | ... | - | - | Other | - | Female | 56 or older | Contract/casual | Teacher (including LVT) | 7-10 | 7-10 |
6 | 6.341520e+17 | Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE | Non-Delivery (corporate) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | Career Move - Private Sector | - | - | Maternity/Family | ... | - | - | Other | - | Male | 20 or younger | Temporary Full-time | Administration (AO) | 3-4 | 3-4 |
7 | 6.341537e+17 | Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE | Delivery (teaching) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | - | - | - | - | ... | - | - | Other | - | Male | 46 50 | Permanent Full-time | Teacher (including LVT) | 3-4 | 3-4 |
5 rows × 23 columns
Now, we'll take a closer look at the 'cease_date' column in this survey.
2011.0 116 2012.0 94 2010.0 68 2013.0 55 2009.0 2 Name: cease_date, dtype: int64
These values are already in the proper form, so we don't have to worry about them.
Now, we'll create a 'disatisfied' column for this dataframe. Looking closer at the columns, we see that disatisfaction is indicated in the 'Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction' and 'Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction' columns. Let's take a closer look at these columns.
print(tafe_resignations['Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction'].value_counts())
print(tafe_resignations['Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction'].value_counts())
- 277 Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction 55 Name: Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction, dtype: int64 - 270 Job Dissatisfaction 62 Name: Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction, dtype: int64
We'll create a function which maps '-' to False, np.nan to np.nan, and anything else to True. Then, we'll use pandas.DataFrame.any(), as before, to create a disatisfied column.
import numpy as np
def updated_vals(val):
if val == '-':
return False
elif pd.isnull(val) == True:
return np.nan
return True
tafe_disat_cols = ['Contributing Factors. Dissatisfaction','Contributing Factors. Job Dissatisfaction']
tafe_resignations.loc[:, 'dissatisfied'] = tafe_resignations.loc[
:, tafe_disat_cols].applymap(
axis = 1)
id | Institute | WorkArea | cease_date | separationtype | Contributing Factors. Career Move - Public Sector | Contributing Factors. Career Move - Private Sector | Contributing Factors. Career Move - Self-employment | Contributing Factors. Ill Health | Contributing Factors. Maternity/Family | ... | Contributing Factors. Travel | Contributing Factors. Other | Contributing Factors. NONE | gender | age | employment_status | position | institute_service | role_service | dissatisfied | |
3 | 6.341399e+17 | Mount Isa Institute of TAFE | Non-Delivery (corporate) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | - | - | - | - | ... | Travel | - | - | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False |
4 | 6.341466e+17 | Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE | Delivery (teaching) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | Career Move - Private Sector | - | - | - | ... | - | - | - | Male | 41 45 | Permanent Full-time | Teacher (including LVT) | 3-4 | 3-4 | False |
5 | 6.341475e+17 | Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE | Delivery (teaching) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | - | - | - | - | ... | - | Other | - | Female | 56 or older | Contract/casual | Teacher (including LVT) | 7-10 | 7-10 | False |
6 | 6.341520e+17 | Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE | Non-Delivery (corporate) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | Career Move - Private Sector | - | - | Maternity/Family | ... | - | Other | - | Male | 20 or younger | Temporary Full-time | Administration (AO) | 3-4 | 3-4 | False |
7 | 6.341537e+17 | Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE | Delivery (teaching) | 2010.0 | Resignation | - | - | - | - | - | ... | - | Other | - | Male | 46 50 | Permanent Full-time | Teacher (including LVT) | 3-4 | 3-4 | False |
5 rows × 24 columns
The last step before we can combine the data is to create an institute column for this dataframe, just as before.
tafe_resignations['institute'] = 'TAFE'
Now, we'll use pd.concat to combine the dataframes. We'll also keep only columns with less than 500 non-null values.
combined = pd.concat([dete_resignations, tafe_resignations])
combined.dropna(axis = 1, thresh = 500, inplace = True)
id | separationtype | cease_date | position | employment_status | gender | age | institute_service | dissatisfied | institute | |
3 | 4.0 | Resignation-Other reasons | 2012.0 | Teacher | Permanent Full-time | Female | 36-40 | 7.0 | False | DETE |
5 | 6.0 | Resignation-Other reasons | 2012.0 | Guidance Officer | Permanent Full-time | Female | 41-45 | 18.0 | True | DETE |
8 | 9.0 | Resignation-Other reasons | 2012.0 | Teacher | Permanent Full-time | Female | 31-35 | 3.0 | False | DETE |
9 | 10.0 | Resignation-Other employer | 2012.0 | Teacher Aide | Permanent Part-time | Female | 46-50 | 15.0 | True | DETE |
11 | 12.0 | Resignation-Move overseas/interstate | 2012.0 | Teacher | Permanent Full-time | Male | 31-35 | 3.0 | False | DETE |
combined = combined.drop('id', axis = 1)
Now, let's take another look at the 'separationtype' column.
combined.loc[:,'separationtype'].value_counts(dropna = False)
Resignation 340 Resignation-Other reasons 150 Resignation-Other employer 91 Resignation-Move overseas/interstate 70 Name: separationtype, dtype: int64
We see that there are no missing values here. It could be useful to take a closer look later on at people who resigned due to moving or getting a new job, so we'll leave those entries as is. In the next code cell, we're going to remove the 'Resignation-' string, since its redundant. We'll also combine answers of 'Resignation' and 'Resignation-Other reasons' into one answer of 'Unknown.'
combined.loc[:,'separationtype'] = combined.loc[:,'separationtype'].str.replace(
'Other reasons','Unknown').copy()
Now, let's take a look at 'cease_date.'
combined.loc[:,'cease_date'].value_counts(dropna = False)
2012.0 223 2013.0 201 2011.0 116 2010.0 70 2014.0 22 NaN 16 2009.0 2 2006.0 1 Name: cease_date, dtype: int64
All non-null values are in the correct format. Let's take a closer look at the respondents who have NaN for this column.
separationtype | cease_date | position | employment_status | gender | age | institute_service | dissatisfied | institute | |
683 | Other employer | NaN | Teacher | Permanent Full-time | Male | 21-25 | NaN | True | DETE |
694 | Unknown | NaN | Teacher Aide | Casual | Female | 46-50 | NaN | False | DETE |
704 | Unknown | NaN | Teacher Aide | Permanent Full-time | Female | 41-45 | NaN | False | DETE |
709 | Other employer | NaN | Teacher | Permanent Full-time | Female | 51-55 | NaN | True | DETE |
724 | Unknown | NaN | Teacher | Permanent Full-time | Female | 46-50 | NaN | False | DETE |
770 | Unknown | NaN | Cleaner | Permanent Part-time | Female | 61 or older | NaN | False | DETE |
774 | Other employer | NaN | Teacher Aide | Permanent Part-time | Female | 41-45 | NaN | False | DETE |
788 | Other employer | NaN | Teacher | Permanent Full-time | Female | 41-45 | NaN | False | DETE |
791 | Unknown | NaN | Public Servant | Permanent Part-time | Female | 46-50 | NaN | True | DETE |
797 | Move overseas/interstate | NaN | Public Servant | Permanent Part-time | Female | 36-40 | NaN | False | DETE |
798 | Move overseas/interstate | NaN | Teacher Aide | Permanent Part-time | Female | 36-40 | NaN | False | DETE |
93 | Unknown | NaN | Teacher (including LVT) | Permanent Full-time | Male | 56 or older | 11-20 | False | TAFE |
104 | Unknown | NaN | Administration (AO) | Permanent Full-time | Female | 36 40 | 11-20 | False | TAFE |
113 | Unknown | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
135 | Unknown | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
513 | Unknown | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
The last three of the above have missing values for almost all the columns. These respondents won't be of use for analysis, so we'll drop them. The remaining repondent information could still be useful, so we'll leave them in.
combined.drop([113,135,513], axis = 0, inplace = True)
combined.loc[:,'position'].value_counts(dropna = False)
Administration (AO) 148 Teacher 129 Teacher (including LVT) 95 Teacher Aide 62 NaN 50 Cleaner 39 Public Servant 30 Professional Officer (PO) 16 Operational (OO) 13 Head of Curriculum/Head of Special Education 10 School Administrative Staff 8 Technical Officer 8 Schools Officer 7 Workplace Training Officer 6 Technical Officer (TO) 5 School Based Professional Staff (Therapist, nurse, etc) 5 Executive (SES/SO) 4 Other 3 Tutor 3 Guidance Officer 3 Professional Officer 2 Business Service Manager 1 Name: position, dtype: int64
Notice that '(TO)' occurs at the end of Technical Officer for some respondents, but not for all. We'll write a function which removes the parentheticals with two capital letters within them.
combined.loc[:,'position'] = combined.loc[:,'position'].str.replace('\([A-Z][A-Z]\)','').str.strip().str.lower()
/tmp/ipykernel_801/ FutureWarning: The default value of regex will change from True to False in a future version. combined.loc[:,'position'] = combined.loc[:,'position'].str.replace('\([A-Z][A-Z]\)','').str.strip().str.lower()
Notice that there are many different positions. We suspect that classifying positions into a smaller number of groups will significantly help our analysis. In the following code cell, we replace each position with one of four groups:
teaching = ['teacher','teacher (including lvt)','teacher aide','tutor']
officers = ['professional officer','guidance officer','technical officer',
'workplace training officer','schools officer','technical officer',
'professional officer']
administration = ['administration','school administrative staff', 'head of curriculum/head of special education']
combined.loc[:,'position'] = combined.loc[:,'position'].apply(
lambda x: 'teaching staff' if x in teaching else (
'administration' if x in administration else (
'officer' if x in officers else 'other')))
Now, let's move on to employment status.
combined.loc[:,'employment_status'].value_counts(dropna = False)
Permanent Full-time 256 Permanent Part-time 149 Temporary Full-time 120 NaN 51 Temporary Part-time 37 Contract/casual 29 Casual 5 Name: employment_status, dtype: int64
The non-null values look fine. Let's take a closer look at the rows with missing values in this column.
separationtype | cease_date | position | employment_status | gender | age | institute_service | dissatisfied | institute | |
399 | Other employer | 2013.0 | other | NaN | Male | 56-60 | NaN | True | DETE |
405 | Unknown | 2012.0 | teaching staff | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | DETE |
489 | Unknown | 2012.0 | other | NaN | Female | 46-50 | NaN | False | DETE |
821 | Move overseas/interstate | 2013.0 | teaching staff | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | DETE |
3 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
16 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
18 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
19 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
20 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
21 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
26 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
36 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
37 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
39 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
51 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
53 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
54 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
87 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
91 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
94 | Unknown | 2011.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
97 | Unknown | 2011.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
101 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
102 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
130 | Unknown | 2011.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
138 | Unknown | 2011.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
169 | Unknown | 2011.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
204 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
234 | Unknown | 2010.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
243 | Unknown | 2011.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
258 | Unknown | 2011.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
276 | Unknown | 2011.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
279 | Unknown | 2011.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
287 | Unknown | 2011.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
373 | Unknown | 2011.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
412 | Unknown | 2012.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
423 | Unknown | 2012.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
437 | Unknown | 2012.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
530 | Unknown | 2012.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
533 | Unknown | 2012.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
535 | Unknown | 2012.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
539 | Unknown | 2012.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
579 | Unknown | 2012.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
621 | Unknown | 2013.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
625 | Unknown | 2013.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | True | TAFE |
628 | Unknown | 2013.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
665 | Unknown | 2013.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
666 | Unknown | 2013.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
670 | Unknown | 2013.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
690 | Unknown | 2013.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
694 | Unknown | 2013.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
698 | Unknown | 2013.0 | other | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | False | TAFE |
From this we see that many repondents have missing values for 5 columns. Let's restrict ourselves to those with fewer than 5 missing values.
combined = combined.loc[
(combined.isna().sum( axis = 1)) < 5,
combined.loc[:,'employment_status'].value_counts(dropna = False)
Permanent Full-time 256 Permanent Part-time 149 Temporary Full-time 120 NaN 51 Temporary Part-time 37 Contract/casual 29 Casual 5 Name: employment_status, dtype: int64
We also note that we can combine the 'Casual' and 'Contract/casual' into a single answer.
combined.loc[:,'employment_status'] = combined.loc[:,'employment_status'].apply(lambda x: 'Contract/casual' if x == 'Casual' else x)
combined.loc[:,'employment_status'].value_counts(dropna = False)
Permanent Full-time 256 Permanent Part-time 149 Temporary Full-time 120 NaN 51 Temporary Part-time 37 Contract/casual 34 Name: employment_status, dtype: int64
Now, let's check the gender column.
combined.loc[:,'gender'].value_counts(dropna = False)
Female 423 Male 168 NaN 56 Name: gender, dtype: int64
We only have answers of Male and Female, along with a few missing values. This column seems fine, and we can move on to the final two columns.
Let's start by checking the unique values in the 'age' column.
combined.loc[:,'age'].value_counts(dropna = False)
51-55 71 NaN 52 41-45 48 41 45 45 46-50 42 36-40 41 46 50 39 26-30 35 21 25 33 36 40 32 31 35 32 26 30 32 21-25 29 31-35 29 56 or older 29 56-60 25 61 or older 23 20 or younger 10 Name: age, dtype: int64
There are a few problems here. First, there is whitespace between numbers instead of '-', for some entries. We also see that one category is 56 or older, while another is 61 or older.
In the following code, we first replace all spaces by '-', and then we change any categories containing ages greater than 56 to '56+'. We finish by changing '20-or-younger' to '<=20.'
combined.loc[:,'age'] = combined.loc[:,'age'].str.replace(
'[1-9][1-9]-or-older', '56+').str.replace(
/tmp/ipykernel_801/ FutureWarning: The default value of regex will change from True to False in a future version. combined.loc[:,'age'] = combined.loc[:,'age'].str.replace(
Now that the ages are stated in a uniform manner, we're going to generalize age into the following career stage categories, informed by indeed:
exploration = ['<=20','21-25']
establishment = ['26-30','31-35']
mid_career = ['36-40','41-45']
late_career = ['46-50','51-55']
combined.loc[:,'age'] = combined.loc[:,'age'].apply(
lambda x: 'less than 26' if x in exploration else(
'26-35' if x in establishment else(
'36-45' if x in mid_career else (
'46-55' if x in late_career else '56+'))))
The last column to clean is the institute_service column. Let's take a closer look at the unique values in this column.
Less than 1 year 73 1-2 64 3-4 63 5-6 33 11-20 26 5.0 23 1.0 22 7-10 21 3.0 20 0.0 20 6.0 17 4.0 16 9.0 14 2.0 14 7.0 13 More than 20 years 10 13.0 8 8.0 8 15.0 7 20.0 7 10.0 6 14.0 6 12.0 6 17.0 6 22.0 6 16.0 5 11.0 4 23.0 4 18.0 4 24.0 4 32.0 3 39.0 3 19.0 3 21.0 3 36.0 2 25.0 2 30.0 2 26.0 2 28.0 2 49.0 1 41.0 1 27.0 1 42.0 1 29.0 1 34.0 1 31.0 1 33.0 1 35.0 1 38.0 1 Name: institute_service, dtype: int64
To clean this column, we'll take the following steps:
The above labels have the following meaning:
As such, when extracting the year from values like '11-20' we can simply change this to '11'. In the following code cell, we'll extract the year from each response and convert the column to a float.
combined.loc[:,'institute_service'] = combined.loc[:,'institute_service'].astype(str).replace(
'Less than 1 year','1').replace(
'More than 20 years','20').replace(
Now, we'll write a function that replaces each year with the appropriate label, and use pandas.Series.apply() to convert the column to the form we desire.
def year_bin(year):
if pd.isnull(year):
return np.nan
elif year < 3:
return 'New'
elif year < 7:
return 'Experienced'
elif year < 11:
return 'Established'
return 'Veteran'
combined.loc[:,'service_cat'] = combined.loc[:,'institute_service'].apply(year_bin)
combined.loc[:,'service_cat'].value_counts(dropna = False)
New 193 Experienced 172 Veteran 135 NaN 85 Established 62 Name: service_cat, dtype: int64
We'll be using the 'service_cat' column instead of 'institute_service,' so we can go ahead and drop this column.
combined.drop('institute_service', axis = 1, inplace = True)
Now we'll check all missing values and decide how to fill each of them.
combined.isnull().sum(axis = 0)
separationtype 0 cease_date 13 position 0 employment_status 51 gender 56 age 0 dissatisfied 0 institute 0 service_cat 85 dtype: int64
Let's start by filling the column with the most missing values. Notice that in the 'service_cat' column, the answers 'New' and 'Experienced' occur at a similar rate. This leads us to fill these values in proportional to the answers. We do this in the following code cell.
fill_vals = combined.loc[:,'service_cat'].value_counts(normalize = True).keys().to_list()
probs = combined.loc[:,'service_cat'].value_counts(normalize = True).to_list()
combined.loc[:,'service_cat'] = combined.loc[:,'service_cat'].fillna(pd.Series(np.random.choice(fill_vals,
p=probs, size=len(combined))))
#fill any remaining values to be filled with 'New'
combined.loc[:,'service_cat'] = combined.loc[:,'service_cat'].fillna('New')
combined.isnull().sum(axis = 0)
separationtype 0 cease_date 13 position 0 employment_status 51 gender 56 age 0 dissatisfied 0 institute 0 service_cat 0 dtype: int64
The remaining columns have very few missing values. It is safe to fill the remaining missing values with the most frequent entry from each column. We do this in the following cell.
combined = combined.apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.value_counts().index[0]))
combined.isnull().sum(axis = 0)
separationtype 0 cease_date 0 position 0 employment_status 0 gender 0 age 0 dissatisfied 0 institute 0 service_cat 0 dtype: int64
This concludes the cleaning of the dataset. We're now ready to begin analyzing the data.
We'll begin our analysis by looking at dissatisfaction among both the DETE and TAFE employees together. In particular, we'll investigate the relationship between dissatisfaction and time. We'll focus on how three different measurements of time are related to employee satisfaction: age of the employee, career stage, and year of cessation.
Then, we'll look at some key differences between the DETE and TAFE organizations themselves. Specifically, we'll study if similar positional trends (i.e., teaching staff, administration, and officer roles) in dissatisfaction occur in both the DETE and TAFE institutions.
Notice that three key features in our dataset are related to time:
Let's investigate which of these factors has the strongest impact on employee dissatisfaction. We'll begin by looking at the affect of age on dissatisfaction.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'fivethirtyeight')
dissatisfied = {}
for age in combined['age'].value_counts().index.to_list():
dissatisfied[age] = combined.loc[combined.loc[:,'age'] == age,'dissatisfied'].mean()
ages = ['less than 26', '26-35','36-45','46-55','56+']
dissat_ordered = [dissatisfied[age] for age in ages]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12,8))
ax.barh(ages, dissat_ordered, alpha = .85)
ax.grid(visible = False)
ax.tick_params(colors = 'grey', which = 'both') #remove grid and yticklabels
ax.set_xticklabels([]) #create legend
#ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(rotation = 30)
#Generate title and subtext
ax.text(0,5, 'Dissatisfaction Similar Among All Ages', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax.text(0,4.7, 'Percentage (by age) of employees who are dissatisfied', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax.axhline(4.6, color='grey', linewidth=1, alpha=0.9,
xmin=-.5, xmax=1)
#Place proportion values above bars
ax.text(x = -.05, y = -1,
s = ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:',
fontsize = 19, color = '#f0f0f0', backgroundcolor = 'grey')
for i, v in enumerate(dissat_ordered):
ax.text(v+.01,i, str(round(100*v,2)) + '%', color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14, ha='left', va='center', alpha = .75)
We see a slight dip in dissatisfaction for workers less than 26. Overall, however, it seems that age plays less of a role in determining satisfaction. Next, we'll take a look at dissatisfaction as a function of how long the employee has worked at his/her institution.
combined_pv = combined.groupby(['separationtype', 'service_cat'])['dissatisfied'].mean()
service_order = ['New', 'Experienced', 'Established', 'Veteran']
sep_types = combined.loc[:,'separationtype'].value_counts().keys().to_list()
plot = {}
for septype in sep_types:
plot[septype] = [combined_pv[septype][service] for service in service_order]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12,8))
for septype in sep_types:
ax.plot(service_order,plot[septype], 'o-', linewidth = 2, label = septype)
ax.tick_params(colors = 'grey', which = 'both')
#remove grid and yticklabels
ax.set_yticklabels([]) #create legend
#ax.legend(fontsize = 10, loc = 'upper left')
#ax.legend(fontsize = 8, bbox_to_anchor=(0, .15), loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0)
#ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(rotation = 30)
#Generate title and subtext
ax.text(-0.1,.715, 'Other Employers: Hiring Experienced', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax.text(-0.1,.685, 'Dissatisfied Workers', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax.text(-0.1,.66, 'Percentage (by years of service) of employees who are', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax.text(-0.1,.64, 'dissatisfied: grouped by separation type', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax.text(.31,.30, 'Unknown', size = 19, rotation = 17, c ='#30a2da', alpha = .85)
ax.text(.1,.41, 'Other Employer', size = 19, rotation = 41, c ='#fc4f30', alpha = .85)
ax.text(.40,.24, 'Moving', size = 19, rotation = -10, c ='#e5ae38', alpha = .85)
ax.axhline(.63, color='grey', linewidth=1, alpha=0.9,
xmin=-.7, xmax=2)
#Place proportion values above bars
ax.text(x = -.15, y = .12,
s = ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:',
fontsize = 15, color = '#f0f0f0', backgroundcolor = 'grey')
for i, v in enumerate(plot['Unknown']):
if i == 0:
ax.text(i,v+.015, str(round(100*v,2)) + '%', color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14, ha='left', va='center', alpha = .75)
for i, v in enumerate(plot['Other employer']):
if i == 0:
ax.text(i,v+.015, str(round(100*v,2)) + '%', color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14, ha='left', va='center', alpha = .75)
for i, v in enumerate(plot['Move overseas/interstate']):
if i == 0:
ax.text(i,v+.015, str(round(100*v,2)) + '%', color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14, ha='left', va='center', alpha = .75)
Overall, newer employees who resign do not seem more likely to be dissatisfied than an employee who resigns at any other stage in his/her career. In fact, new employees are the least likely to be dissatisfied. We do see, however, that new and experienced employees who are disatisfied often leave for another employer.
To get a better picture of the overall trend, we'll look at the same plot without separating based on separationtype.
combined_pv = combined.groupby(['service_cat'])['dissatisfied'].mean()
service_order = ['New','Experienced', 'Established', 'Veteran']
sep_types = combined.loc[:,'separationtype'].value_counts().keys().to_list()
plot = [combined_pv[service] for service in service_order]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12,8))
ax.tick_params(color = 'grey', which = 'both');
ax.grid(visible = True);
ax.set_yticklabels(['','30%','35%','40%','45%','50%','55%']); #remove grid and yticklabels #create legend
ax.axhline(.60, color='grey', linewidth=1, alpha=0.9,
xmin=-.7, xmax=2);
#Generate title and subtext
ax.text(0,.67, 'Dissatisfaction Grows with Time of Service', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax.text(0,.635, 'Percentage (by years of service) of employees who are dissatisfied', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax.fill_between(service_order,plot, alpha = .6)
ax.text(x = -.29, y = -.13,
s = ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:',
fontsize = 15, color = '#f0f0f0', backgroundcolor = 'grey')
/tmp/ipykernel_801/ UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator ax.set_yticklabels(['','30%','35%','40%','45%','50%','55%']); #remove grid and yticklabels #create legend
Text(-0.29, -0.13, ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:')
We notice that new employees are actually the least likely to be dissatisfied. The previous two plots together paint a picture of new hires who resign due to other employment opportunities, and not neccesarily dissatisfaction. When employees resign after a few years, however, dissatisfaction seems to occur more often. Even more so this is the case when employees resign after 7-11 years (the Established category). Resignations for Veterans, however, could be retirement related. This would explain a slight dropoff in dissatisfaction for employees of more than 11 years.
It's plausible that worker disatisfaction is related to external, worldly sitatuions. For instance, perhaps worker distatisfaction is growing with some overall public sentiment. If this is the case, we should be able to detect a trend between percentage of worker dissatisfaction and year of resignation. If we detect no trend, however, then it suggests that worker disatisfaction We'll investigate this with the following plot.
combined_pv = combined.groupby(['cease_date'])['dissatisfied'].sum()
combined_pv = combined.groupby(['cease_date'])['dissatisfied'].sum()
cease_years = combined_pv.index.to_list()
plot = [combined_pv[year] for year in cease_years]
combined_count = combined.groupby(['cease_date'])['dissatisfied'].count()
plot2 = [combined_count[year] for year in cease_years]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12,8))
x_axis = cease_years #create numeric axis for purpose of shifting
#create bar plots
ax.tick_params(color = 'grey', which = 'both')
ax.plot([year for year in cease_years], plot2, .4, label = 'Total worker resignations')
ax.plot([year for year in cease_years], plot, .2, label = 'Dissatisfied worker resignations')
ax.grid(visible = False) #remove grid and yticklabels #create legend
ax.axhline(.60, color='grey', linewidth=1, alpha=0.9,
xmin=-.7, xmax=2)
#Generate title and subtext
ax.fill_between(cease_years,plot,plot2, alpha = .6)
ax.fill_between(cease_years,plot, alpha = .6)
ax.text(2008.4,307, 'Proportional Dissatisfaction: Steady Over Time', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax.text(2008.4,292, 'number of resignations (blue) and number of dissatisfied', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax.text(2008.4,280, 'resignations (red) vs. year of separation', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax.text(2008.4, 270, "_______________________________________________________________________________________", size = 19, color = 'grey')
#generate text on graph
ax.text(2010.5,100, 'Total', size = 19, fontweight = 'bold', rotation = 30, c ='#30a2da')
ax.text(2011,135, 'Resignations', size = 19, fontweight = 'bold', rotation = 55.5, c ='#30a2da')
ax.text(2010,26, 'Disatisfied', size = 19, fontweight = 'bold', rotation = 6, c ='#fc4f30')
ax.text(2011,41, 'Resignations', size = 19, fontweight = 'bold', rotation = 39, c ='#fc4f30')
ax.tick_params(color = 'grey', which = 'both')
ax.text(x = 2008.4, y = -53,
s = ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:',
fontsize = 13, color = '#f0f0f0', backgroundcolor = 'grey')
Text(2008.4, -53, ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:')
We see that the proportion of workers who resign due to dissatisfaction does not vary too much with the year. I.e., as the blue increases/decreases, so too does the red. This suggests that worker satisfaction is relatively insulated from worldly/national events. We remark that this is a trend seen only through years 2009-2014. We suspect that more recent data (collected during the COVID-19 pandemic) would suggest otherwise.
Now, we'll investigate the differences between DETE employees and TAFE employees. Let's begin by comparing overall dissatisfaction.
dissat_props = combined.groupby(['institute'])['dissatisfied'].sum()/combined.groupby(['institute'])['dissatisfied'].count()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12,8))
x_axis = dissat_props.index.to_list()
y_axis = [100*dissat_props[institute] for institute in x_axis], y_axis)
ax.grid(visible = False)
ax.text(-.5, .5, '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________', color = 'grey')
ax.text(-0.5,65, 'DETE Employees: Twice as Dissatisfied', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax.text(-0.5,61.5, 'as their TAFE Counterparts', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax.text(-0.5,58, 'percentage of dissatisfied employees vs. institution', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax.text(-.5, 55, '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________', color = 'grey')
ax.tick_params(color = 'grey', which = 'both')
for i, v in enumerate(y_axis):
ax.text(i-.1,v+1.5, str(round(v,2)) + '%', color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=19, ha='left', va='center', alpha = .75)
ax.text(x = -.5, y = -7,
s = ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:',
fontsize = 13, color = '#f0f0f0', backgroundcolor = 'grey')
Text(-0.5, -7, ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:')
We see that DETE employees are nearly two times as dissatisfied as their TAFE counterparts. This is a big difference between institutions.
In line with the previous discussion, it would be interesting to see how stage of career and dissatisfaction level differs between these institutions. Let's investigate this with the following plot.
data = combined.groupby(['service_cat','institute'])['dissatisfied'].sum()/combined.groupby(['service_cat','institute'])['dissatisfied'].count()
Dete_data = [100*data[service, 'DETE'] for service in service_order]
Tafe_data = [100*data[service,'TAFE'] for service in service_order]
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12,8))
x_axis = np.arange(len(service_order)) + .2, Dete_data,.4, label = 'DETE', alpha = .85) - .2,Tafe_data,.4,label = 'TAFE', alpha = .85)
ax.text(-0.5,82, 'TAFE Employees Remain Satisfied', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax.text(-0.5,77, 'Throughout Career', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax.text(-0.5,72, 'percentage of dissatisfied and employees vs. years of service', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax.axhline(70, color='grey', linewidth=1, alpha=1,
xmin=0, xmax=1)
for i, v in enumerate(Dete_data):
ax.text(i+.04,v+1, str(round(v,2)) + '%', color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14, ha='left', va='center', alpha = .75)
for i, v in enumerate(Tafe_data):
ax.text(i-.38,v+1, str(round(v,2)) + '%', color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14, ha='left', va='center', alpha = .75)
ax.text(x= .89, y = 72, s = "DETE", color = 'dodgerblue', size = 19)
ax.text(x= 1.44, y = 72, s = "TAFE", color = 'orangered', size = 19)
ax.text(-.6, .5, '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________', color = 'grey')
ax.text(x = -.6, y = -7,
s = ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:',
fontsize = 13, color = '#f0f0f0', backgroundcolor = 'grey')
Text(-0.6, -7, ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:')
We see that while DETE employees become increasingly dissatisfied throughout their career, TAFE employees retain the same level of dissatisfaction. We also remark that newer DETE employees are only slightly more likely to be dissatisfied than DETE employees.
Another interesting trend to investigate is how dissatisfaction varies with position. For instance, are administrators much more likely to be satisfied than teaching staff? Let's create a plot that will answer this question, in addition to many others.
data = combined.groupby(['position','institute'])['dissatisfied'].sum()/combined.groupby(['position','institute'])['dissatisfied'].count()
position_order = combined['position'].value_counts().index.to_list()
Dete_data = [100*data[position, 'DETE'] for position in position_order]
Tafe_data = [100*data[position, 'TAFE'] for position in position_order]
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (12,8))
x_axis = np.arange(len(position_order)) + .2, Dete_data,.4, label = 'DETE') - .2,Tafe_data,.4,label = 'TAFE')
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(.5, .5, 0.5, 0.5))
ax.text(-0.5,63.5, 'Teaching Staff: Dissatisfied Across Institutions', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax.text(-0.5,61, 'percentage of dissatisfied employees vs. position', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax.text(-.6, 60, '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________', color = 'grey')
for i, v in enumerate(Dete_data):
ax.text(i+.04,v+1, str(round(v,2)) + '%', color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14, ha='left', va='center', alpha = .75)
for i, v in enumerate(Tafe_data):
ax.text(i-.38,v+1, str(round(v,2)) + '%', color='black', fontweight='bold', fontsize=14, ha='left', va='center', alpha = .75)
ax.text(-.6, .5, '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________', color = 'grey')
ax.text(x = -.6, y = -7,
s = ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:',
fontsize = 13, color = '#f0f0f0', backgroundcolor = 'grey')
Text(-0.6, -7, ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:')
Its clear that teaching staff is among the most dissatisfied positions regardless of institution. Interestingly, while TAFE administration is notiably more satsified than TAFE teaching staff, this difference is not nearly as emphatic among DETE employees. Namely, 44.44% of DETE administrators are dissatisfied, which is comparable to the dissatisfaction level of DETE teaching staff (47.12%). We also see TAFE officers significantly more satisfied than their DETE counterparts.
One final trend to investigate is how gender relates to dissatisfaction for DETE/TAFE employees. Let's take a look.
DETE_data = combined[(combined['dissatisfied'] == True) &(combined['institute'] == 'DETE')]
DETE_data = 100*DETE_data['gender'].value_counts(normalize = True)
gender_list = combined['gender'].value_counts().index.to_list()
TAFE_data = combined[(combined['dissatisfied'] == True) &(combined['institute'] == 'TAFE')]
TAFE_data = 100*TAFE_data['gender'].value_counts(normalize = True)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (12,8))
explode = (0, 0.1)
ax[0].pie(DETE_data, explode = explode, labels = gender_list, autopct='%1.1f%%')
ax[1].pie(TAFE_data, explode = explode, labels = gender_list, autopct='%1.1f%%')
ax[0].text(-1.25,2.3, 'Dissatisfaction Among Genders:', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax[0].text(-1.25,2.10, 'Consistent Across Institutions', weight = 'bold', size = 26, alpha = .75)
ax[0].axhline(1.6, color='grey', linewidth=1, alpha=1,
xmin=0, xmax=20)
ax[1].axhline(1.6, color='grey', linewidth=1, alpha=1,
xmin=-10, xmax=10)
ax[0].text(-1.25,1.85, 'Proportion of dissatisfaction by', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax[0].text(-1.25,1.7, 'gender (DETE employees)', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax[1].text(-1.25,1.85, 'Proportion of dissatisfaction by', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax[1].text(-1.25,1.7, 'gender (TAFE employees)', size = 19, alpha = .85)
ax[0].text(x = -1.3, y = -1.5,
s = ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:',
fontsize = 13, color = '#f0f0f0', backgroundcolor = 'grey')
Text(-1.3, -1.5, ' J. Wilson Peoples Source:')
We see that gender doesn't seem to be too indicative of dissatisfaction, and that both institutions see a similar trend.
In this notebook, we investigated DETE and TAFE employee exit surveys. After carefully cleaning and combining the data, we were able to look at some overall trends among employees, as well as trends that persisted only within a given institution.
We found that overall, very young employees tend to be slightly more satisfied. As employees gain experience, they become increasingly dissatisfied. Interestingly, proportion of dissatisfied workers (who resigned) seems to remain relatively stable, while the total number of resignations varies greatly year to year.
In the insitutional analysis, we noticed that DETE employees are significantly more likely to be dissatisfied than TAFE employees. While similar trends of dissatisfaction and how it relates to years of service and gender occured across both institutions, positional trends were significantly different. Namely, the TAFE institution saw a high level of dissatisfaction among teaching staff, but much lower levels among officers and administration. DETE, however, had comparable levels of dissatisfaction across the board. This suggests that the DETE organization should look into the specific responsibilities for these positions, and how it compares to other institutions.
To address the initial questions to prompt the analysis, in summary we observed that:
That completes the analysis! Thanks for reading my notebook, and have a great day!