An important framework for computing with large data sets is MapReduce. MapReduce involves splitting your data into chunks, using parallel processing to compute on each chunk individually, then combining the results for each chunk to something revealing about the dataset as a whole. See the diagram below.
In this notebook, we'll create our own implementation of MapReduce, and use this framework to search wikipedia documents.
Overall we were able to:
The dataset used in this notebook is a folder containing raw .html for 1,000 wikipedia pages. This data can be obtained directly from wikipedia, or using a basic scraper to download the pages.
Using the builtin os package, we can list the files the the wiki directory, which is where the raw .html files are stored.
import os
file_names = os.listdir('wiki')
Let's check how many files there are.
print(f"The number of files in the wiki folder is {len(file_names)}")
The number of files in the wiki folder is 999
To get an idea of each document, we can look at the raw html.
with open(os.path.join('wiki/',file_names[0])) as file:
lines = [line for line in file.readlines()]
['<html class="client-nojs" lang="en" dir="ltr">\n', '<head>\n', '<meta charset="UTF-8"/>\n', '<title>Pictogram - Wikipedia</title>\n', '<script>document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace( /(^|\\s)client-nojs(\\s|$)/, "$1client-js$2" );</script>\n', '<script>(window.RLQ=window.RLQ||[]).push(function(){mw.config.set({"wgCanonicalNamespace":"","wgCanonicalSpecialPageName":false,"wgNamespaceNumber":0,"wgPageName":"Pictogram","wgTitle":"Pictogram","wgCurRevisionId":764173178,"wgRevisionId":764173178,"wgArticleId":168313,"wgIsArticle":true,"wgIsRedirect":false,"wgAction":"view","wgUserName":null,"wgUserGroups":["*"],"wgCategories":["Pages using ISBN magic links","Articles needing additional references from November 2006","All articles needing additional references","Infographics","Prehistoric inscriptions","Pictograms","Rock art","Petroglyphs","Pre-Columbian art","Indigenous art","History of communication","Proto-writing","Statistical charts and diagrams"],"wgBreakFrames":false,"wgPageContentLanguage":"en","wgPageContentModel":"wikitext","wgSeparatorTransformTable":["",""],"wgDigitTransformTable":["",""],"wgDefaultDateFormat":"dmy","wgMonthNames":["","January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"wgMonthNamesShort":["","Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],"wgRelevantPageName":"Pictogram","wgRelevantArticleId":168313,"wgRequestId":"WLhgOwpAMFoAALgdvMQAAABC","wgIsProbablyEditable":true,"wgRestrictionEdit":[],"wgRestrictionMove":[],"wgFlaggedRevsParams":{"tags":{}},"wgStableRevisionId":null,"wgWikiEditorEnabledModules":{"toolbar":true,"dialogs":true,"preview":false,"publish":false},"wgBetaFeaturesFeatures":[],"wgMediaViewerOnClick":true,"wgMediaViewerEnabledByDefault":true,"wgPopupsShouldSendModuleToUser":false,"wgPopupsConflictsWithNavPopupGadget":false,"wgVisualEditor":{"pageLanguageCode":"en","pageLanguageDir":"ltr","usePageImages":true,"usePageDescriptions":true},"wgPreferredVariant":"en","wgMFDisplayWikibaseDescriptions":{"search":true,"nearby":true,"watchlist":true,"tagline":true},"wgRelatedArticles":null,"wgRelatedArticlesBetaFeatureEnabled":false,"wgRelatedArticlesUseCirrusSearch":true,"wgRelatedArticlesOnlyUseCirrusSearch":false,"wgULSCurrentAutonym":"English","wgNoticeProject":"wikipedia","wgCentralNoticeCookiesToDelete":[],"wgCentralNoticeCategoriesUsingLegacy":["Fundraising","fundraising"],"wgCategoryTreePageCategoryOptions":"{\\"mode\\":0,\\"hideprefix\\":20,\\"showcount\\":true,\\"namespaces\\":false}","wgWikibaseItemId":"Q52827","wgCentralAuthMobileDomain":false,"wgVisualEditorToolbarScrollOffset":0,"wgEditSubmitButtonLabelPublish":false});mw.loader.state({"ext.globalCssJs.user.styles":"ready","":"ready","site.styles":"ready","noscript":"ready","user.styles":"ready","user":"ready","user.options":"loading","user.tokens":"loading","ext.cite.styles":"ready","":"ready","wikibase.client.init":"ready","ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget.noscript":"ready","ext.uls.interlanguage":"ready","ext.wikimediaBadges":"ready","mediawiki.legacy.shared":"ready","mediawiki.legacy.commonPrint":"ready","mediawiki.sectionAnchor":"ready","mediawiki.skinning.interface":"ready","skins.vector.styles":"ready","ext.globalCssJs.user":"ready","":"ready"});mw.loader.implement("user.options@0j3lz3q",function($,jQuery,require,module){mw.user.options.set({"variant":"en"});});mw.loader.implement("user.tokens@1dqfd7l",function ( $, jQuery, require, module ) {\n', 'mw.user.tokens.set({"editToken":"+\\\\","patrolToken":"+\\\\","watchToken":"+\\\\","csrfToken":"+\\\\"});/*@nomin*/;\n', '\n', '});mw.loader.load(["ext.cite.a11y","mediawiki.toc","mediawiki.action.view.postEdit","site","","mediawiki.user","mediawiki.hidpi","","mediawiki.legacy.wikibits","mediawiki.searchSuggest","ext.gadget.teahouse","ext.gadget.ReferenceTooltips","ext.gadget.watchlist-notice","ext.gadget.DRN-wizard","ext.gadget.charinsert","ext.gadget.refToolbar","ext.gadget.extra-toolbar-buttons","ext.gadget.switcher","ext.gadget.featured-articles-links","ext.centralauth.centralautologin","mmv.head","mmv.bootstrap.autostart","ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget.init","ext.visualEditor.targetLoader","ext.eventLogging.subscriber","ext.wikimediaEvents","ext.navigationTiming","ext.uls.eventlogger","ext.uls.init","ext.uls.interface","ext.quicksurveys.init","ext.centralNotice.geoIP","ext.centralNotice.startUp","skins.vector.js"]);});</script>\n']
Before looking any more at the dataset, let's implement MapReduce.
First, let's make a function that splits our dataset into a list of batches.
import math
def make_batches(data, num_batches):
batch_size = math.ceil(len(data) / num_batches)
return [data[i:i+batch_size] for i in range(0, len(data), batch_size)]
Now, we're ready to implement map_reduce. Here are some notes about the implementation:
import functools
from multiprocessing import Pool
def map_reduce(data, num_processes, mapper, reducer):
batches = make_batches(data, num_processes) # make batches
pool = Pool(num_processes) # use parallel processing
batch_results =, batches) # map
return functools.reduce(reducer, batch_results) # reduce
Before implementing a document search, let's use MapReduce to count the total number of lines across all documents.
# map function: counts the number of lines in a chunk of filenames
def line_count_mapper(file_name_chunk):
total = 0
for file_name in file_name_chunk:
with open(os.path.join('wiki/',file_name)) as file:
lines = [line for line in file.readlines()]
total += len(lines)
return total
# reduce function: adds the results for two batches together
def line_count_reducer(total1,total2):
return total1 + total2
line_number = map_reduce(file_names,8,line_count_mapper,line_count_reducer)
print(f"total number of lines: {line_number}")
total number of lines: 499797
Let's implement an exact match search using MapReduce. First, we define the mapper function, which receives a string and a batch of file names, and returns a dictionary mapping the filename to a list of lines where a match occurs.
def exact_match_mapper(string,file_name_chunk):
matches = {}
for file_name in file_name_chunk:
# open each file
with open(os.path.join('wiki/',file_name)) as file:
lines = [line for line in file.readlines()]
for i,line in enumerate(lines):
# whenever the given search string is in the line, add matching line to list
if string in line:
if file_name not in matches:
matches[file_name] = []
matches[file_name] += [i]
return matches
Now we can define the reduce function. This should take in two dictionaries with disjoint sets of keys, and return a single dictionary containing keys from both. This is accompished by the builtin Dictionary.update() method.
def exact_match_reducer(matches1,matches2):
return matches1
Now, let's build an exact match function. This should take a string, and search the document list for matches. We note that to use MapReduce with exact_match_mapper, we need to make this a function only of the dataset (i.e., uses a fixed string). We'll use functools.partial to take care of this.
def exact_match(string,num_cores = 8):
mapper = functools.partial(exact_match_mapper,string)
results = map_reduce(file_names,num_cores,mapper,exact_match_reducer)
return results
Let's search the document folder for matches of "data."
results_old = exact_match("data")
A more relevant matcher should be case insensitive - I.e., a search for "data" should also match "Data." This can be fixed easily by using the lower() string method.
def exact_match_mapper(string,file_name_chunk):
matches = {}
for file_name in file_name_chunk:
# open each file
with open(os.path.join('wiki/',file_name)) as file:
lines = [line.lower() for line in file.readlines()] # add in lower for case insensitive matching
for i,line in enumerate(lines):
# whenever the given search string is in the line, add matching line to list
if string in line:
if file_name not in matches:
matches[file_name] = []
matches[file_name] += [i]
return matches
def exact_match(string,num_cores = 8):
mapper = functools.partial(exact_match_mapper,string)
results = map_reduce(file_names,num_cores,mapper,exact_match_reducer)
return results
results_new = exact_match("data")
Let's count how many matches we added for each filename by using case insensitive matches.
for file in results_old:
if len(results_new[file]) > len(results_old[file]):
print("Filename: " + file + f". Number of new matches: {len(results_new[file]) - len(results_old[file])}")
Filename: Pictogram.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Functoid.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Filip_Pyrochta.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Tomohiko_ItC58D_(director).html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Jules_Verne_ATV.html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Wilhelm_Wagenfeld_House.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Failing_Office_Building.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Ingrid_GuimarC3A3es.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Bibiana_Beglau.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Oldfield_Baby_Great_Lakes.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Acceptance_(Heroes).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Qalat_Kat.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Julien_Boisselier.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Syngenor.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: L._Fry.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: SalemAuburn_Streets_Historic_District.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: West_Park_Bridge.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Camp_Nelson_Confederate_Cemetery.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Jonathan_A._Goldstein.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Table_Point_Formation.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Ek_Dil_Sau_Afsane.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Foulonia.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Morning_Glory_(2010_film).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Agaritine_gammaglutamyltransferase.html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Craig_Chester.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Shabbir_Kumar.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Boardman_Township_Mahoning_County_Ohio.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: C11orf30.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Manhattan_Murder_Mystery.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: 83_(number).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Gulliver_Mickey.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Kokan_Colony.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Sol_Eclipse.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Wilson_Global_Explorer.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Rally_for_Democracy_and_Progress_(Benin).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Copamyntis_infusella.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Vojin_C486etkoviC487.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: The_Gentleman_Without_a_Residence_(1915_film).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Kul_Gul.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Sahanpur.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Daniel_Cerone.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Mirisah.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Meleh_Kabude_Sofla.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Benny_Lee.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Morgana_King.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: KMTZ.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Antibiotic_use_in_livestock.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Holly_Golightly_(comics).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Battle_of_Wattignies.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: List_of_Uzbek_films_of_2014.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Dewoitine_D.21.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: HD_90156.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Taipa_HousesE28093Museum.html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Jack_Goes_Home.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Devil_on_Horseback.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Companys_procC3A9s_a_Catalunya.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Roxbury_Presbyterian_Church.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Maniitsoq_structure.html. Number of new matches: 3 Filename: Taylor_Williamson.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Tropical_sprue.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Code_page_1023.html. Number of new matches: 3 Filename: Amborella.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Frost_Township_Michigan.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Danish_Maritime_Safety_Administration.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: The_Future_(film).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: List_of_molecular_graphics_systems.html. Number of new matches: 4 Filename: Viva_Villa.html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Teiji_Ito.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: List_of_people_from_Bangor_Maine.html. Number of new matches: 7 Filename: Lis_LC3B8wert.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: C389cole_des_Mines_de_Douai.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Cobble_Hill_Brooklyn.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Alex_Kurtzman.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Swathi_Chinukulu.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Shpolskii_matrix.html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Precorrin6A_reductase.html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Dragnet_(franchise).html. Number of new matches: 6 Filename: Cryptographic_primitive.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: WLSR.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Peter_Collingwood.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Dean_Kukan.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Hayateumi_Hidehito.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: List_of_Spaghetti_Western_films.html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Lake_County_Examiner.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: The_Audacity_to_Podcast.html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Gordon_Bau.html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Pushkar.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Jon_Mullich.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Tim_Spencer_(singer).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Old_Mill_Creek_Illinois.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Medicago_murex.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Westchester_Los_Angeles.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Jazz_in_Turkey.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Exploratorium_(film).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Nuno_Leal_Maia.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Typhoon_Hester_(1952).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Claudia_Neidig.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Shoreyjehye_Do.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Brownfield_(software_development).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Rudy_The_Rudy_Giuliani_Story.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Colchester_Village_Historic_District.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: CurtissWright_Hangar_(Columbia_South_Carolina).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Mudramothiram.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Appa_(film).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Panchamrutham.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: King_Parker_House.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Doumanaba.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Weiser_River.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Blue_SWAT.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Bias.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: 1953E2809354_FA_Cup_qualifying_rounds.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: PTPRS.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Bahmanabade_Olya.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Don_Parsons_(ice_hockey).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: A_Beautiful_Valley.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Claire_Danes.html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Furto_di_sera_bel_colpo_si_spera.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Saravan_Gilan.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Demographics_of_American_Samoa.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Ordinary_Virginia.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Smilax_laurifolia.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Kattukukke.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Urs_Burkart.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Golabkhvaran.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Don_Raye.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Avengers_Academy.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: WintersWimberley_House.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Derek_Acorah.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Embraer_Unidade_GaviC3A3o_Peixoto_Airport.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Harry_Hill_Bandholtz.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Lower_Blackburn_Grade_Bridge.html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Imperial_Venus_(film).html. Number of new matches: 1 Filename: Kate_Harwood.html. Number of new matches: 2 Filename: Kim_Yonghwa.html. Number of new matches: 2
Let's see an example of a new match to make sure everything is working properly.
(index,) = set(results_new['Pictogram.html']).difference(set(results_old['Pictogram.html'])) # subtract old matche indices from new matche indices
with open(os.path.join('wiki/','Pictogram.html')) as file:
lines = [line for line in file.readlines()]
'<li><a href="/wiki/Data_visualization" title="Data visualization">Data visualization</a></li>\n'
Now that this is working, let's add the index of the match in each line, to make our matches more specific. First, we need a helper function which returns the indices of all matches of a string in a line.
def find_matches(line,string):
indices = []
index = line.find(string) # find index of first match in line
while index != -1:
index = line.find(string,index + 1) # find index of match after last match
return indices
def exact_match_mapper(string,file_name_chunk):
matches = {}
for file_name in file_name_chunk:
# open each file
with open(os.path.join('wiki/',file_name)) as file:
lines = [line.lower() for line in file.readlines()] # case insensitive matching
for i,line in enumerate(lines):
# if a match is found,
if string in line:
if file_name not in matches:
matches[file_name] = []
# search line for all matches
indices = find_matches(line,string)
matches[file_name] += [(i,j) for j in indices]
return matches
def exact_match(string,num_cores = 8):
mapper = functools.partial(exact_match_mapper,string)
results = map_reduce(file_names,num_cores,mapper,exact_match_reducer)
return results
Let's test it out.
results = exact_match("data")
{'Pictogram.html': [(44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (57, 406), (57, 428), (133, 535), (133, 558), (141, 537), (141, 560), (156, 507), (156, 529), (198, 400), (198, 421), (202, 400), (202, 421), (202, 1201), (202, 1221), (206, 400), (206, 421), (206, 851), (206, 872), (206, 1302), (206, 1323), (210, 400), (210, 421), (210, 851), (210, 872), (210, 1302), (210, 1323), (210, 1753), (210, 1774), (214, 400), (214, 421), (214, 851), (214, 872), (217, 404), (217, 425), (228, 447), (228, 470), (238, 418), (238, 440), (248, 628), (248, 650), (258, 407), (258, 429), (268, 744), (268, 767), (278, 445), (278, 467), (288, 441), (288, 463), (298, 479), (298, 501), (351, 421), (351, 444), (357, 478), (357, 500), (394, 30), (394, 68), (394, 99), (397, 19), (397, 46), (397, 66), (2435, 40), (2518, 987), (2518, 1034), (2518, 1078), (2543, 125)], 'GoodnightE28093Loving_Trail.html': [(45, 460), (45, 482), (72, 425), (72, 447), (145, 40), (228, 1071), (228, 1120), (228, 1164), (245, 125)], 'JaromC3ADr_C5A0imr.html': [(156, 219), (156, 688), (162, 18), (164, 581), (164, 603), (164, 1078), (164, 1100), (213, 40), (296, 1039), (296, 1087), (296, 1131), (313, 125)], 'IwakiIshikawa_Station.html': [(6, 583), (6, 658), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (62, 551), (62, 574), (170, 421), (170, 444), (263, 449), (263, 698), (264, 18), (266, 416), (266, 438), (315, 40), (315, 1798), (315, 1868), (315, 1922), (315, 2177), (315, 2218), (315, 2243), (398, 1039), (398, 1089), (398, 1133), (423, 125)], 'James_Wilkes_Maurice.html': [(60, 615), (60, 638), (64, 523), (64, 545), (140, 502), (140, 524), (160, 523), (160, 545), (171, 490), (171, 512), (234, 507), (234, 529), (234, 1200), (234, 1222), (292, 40), (375, 1031), (375, 1080), (375, 1124), (392, 124)], 'Nabil_Baha.html': [(6, 578), (47, 439), (47, 461), (221, 159), (221, 213), (221, 246), (221, 611), (221, 633), (222, 186), (222, 240), (222, 273), (222, 638), (222, 660), (275, 458), (275, 480), (317, 40), (317, 6106), (317, 6155), (317, 6188), (400, 991), (400, 1040), (400, 1084), (425, 125)], 'James_L._Hull.html': [(113, 421), (113, 444), (114, 694), (114, 716), (132, 18), (134, 258), (134, 279), (183, 40), (266, 1003), (266, 1052), (266, 1096), (283, 124)], 'SSR180711.html': [(47, 474), (47, 496), (73, 80), (1865, 18), (1867, 409), (1867, 431), (1916, 40), (1999, 995), (1999, 1044), (1999, 1088), (2016, 125)], 'BernardAugustin_Conroy.html': [(93, 18), (95, 423), (95, 445), (144, 40), (227, 1043), (227, 1092), (227, 1136), (244, 124)], 'Functoid.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (51, 55), (52, 33), (52, 202), (62, 4), (65, 211), (102, 40), (185, 983), (185, 1032), (185, 1076), (202, 124)], 'Olivaceous_flatbill.html': [(50, 536), (50, 559), (59, 410), (59, 432), (72, 44), (72, 81), (72, 91), (113, 421), (113, 444), (118, 18), (120, 481), (120, 504), (169, 40), (252, 1027), (252, 1076), (252, 1120), (277, 125)], 'Filip_Pyrochta.html': [(87, 281), (87, 336), (87, 369), (87, 734), (87, 756), (88, 244), (91, 18), (93, 431), (93, 453), (142, 40), (225, 1007), (225, 1057), (225, 1101), (242, 125)], 'Tomohiko_ItC58D_(director).html': [(43, 102), (46, 512), (46, 533), (107, 160), (108, 708), (138, 37), (147, 40), (230, 1063), (230, 1113), (230, 1157), (247, 125), (274, 852)], 'DWTETV.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (106, 18), (108, 467), (108, 489), (108, 1022), (108, 1044), (131, 649), (131, 671), (270, 40), (353, 979), (353, 1028), (353, 1072), (370, 124)], 'Oleg_Novitskiy.html': [(44, 102), (47, 386), (47, 407), (57, 463), (57, 486), (97, 524), (97, 547), (97, 1066), (97, 1089), (97, 1608), (97, 1631), (97, 2166), (97, 2189), (97, 2708), (97, 2731), (101, 596), (101, 618), (146, 302), (146, 324), (259, 40), (342, 1007), (342, 1055), (342, 1099), (367, 125)], 'The_LoveGirl_and_the_Innocent.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (190, 40), (273, 1071), (273, 1120), (273, 1164), (290, 125)], 'List_of_gold_medalists_at_2006_South_Asian_Games.html': [(265, 40), (348, 1143), (348, 1192), (348, 1236), (365, 124)], '2017_Orange_County_Breakers_season.html': [(106, 527), (106, 549), (107, 526), (107, 548), (108, 658), (108, 681), (405, 40), (488, 1087), (488, 1137), (488, 1181), (505, 124)], 'Kentucky_Theater.html': [(6, 521), (6, 556), (44, 29), (47, 441), (47, 463), (52, 432), (52, 680), (72, 18), (74, 512), (74, 535), (86, 18), (88, 418), (88, 440), (137, 40), (137, 1577), (137, 1618), (137, 1643), (137, 1712), (137, 1762), (137, 1796), (220, 1015), (220, 1064), (220, 1108), (237, 124)], 'Jules_Verne_ATV.html': [(6, 482), (47, 495), (47, 518), (241, 1231), (247, 308), (247, 330), (255, 460), (255, 483), (264, 328), (264, 350), (278, 442), (278, 464), (286, 642), (286, 665), (293, 433), (293, 455), (309, 820), (309, 843), (320, 498), (320, 544), (320, 575), (320, 641), (320, 933), (320, 971), (320, 1009), (320, 1049), (320, 1076), (320, 1104), (320, 1138), (320, 1368), (320, 1432), (320, 1471), (320, 1498), (320, 1526), (320, 1561), (320, 1852), (320, 1895), (320, 1932), (320, 1971), (320, 1998), (320, 2026), (320, 2061), (320, 2340), (320, 2394), (320, 2431), (320, 2470), (320, 2497), (320, 2525), (320, 2559), (320, 2837), (320, 2886), (320, 2924), (320, 2964), (320, 2991), (320, 3019), (320, 3053), (320, 3343), (320, 3384), (320, 3422), (320, 3462), (320, 3489), (320, 3517), (320, 3551), (320, 3842), (320, 3888), (320, 3925), (320, 3964), (320, 3991), (320, 4019), (320, 4053), (320, 4332), (320, 4372), (320, 4409), (320, 4448), (320, 4475), (320, 4503), (320, 4537), (320, 4815), (320, 4850), (320, 4888), (320, 4928), (320, 4955), (320, 4983), (320, 5017), (394, 443), (394, 465), (450, 421), (450, 444), (572, 544), (572, 567), (918, 28), (918, 63), (918, 91), (1169, 28), (1169, 63), (1169, 91), (1253, 412), (1253, 433), (1254, 366), (1254, 389), (1255, 388), (1255, 410), (1256, 373), (1256, 395), (1332, 40), (1332, 1054), (1332, 1124), (1332, 1178), (1415, 1011), (1415, 1059), (1415, 1103), (1440, 125)], 'Hagen_Hauptbahnhof.html': [(6, 458), (6, 556), (49, 560), (49, 582), (49, 1027), (49, 1049), (57, 415), (57, 438), (68, 297), (68, 547), (68, 1147), (68, 1397), (157, 495), (157, 518), (164, 1020), (164, 1043), (433, 303), (433, 958), (444, 421), (444, 444), (485, 40), (485, 1517), (485, 1558), (485, 1583), (485, 1849), (485, 1919), (485, 1973), (568, 1023), (568, 1071), (568, 1115), (593, 125)], 'Arkansas_Highway_178.html': [(6, 437), (46, 444), (46, 466), (64, 368), (64, 390), (68, 432), (68, 454), (69, 364), (69, 386), (106, 416), (106, 438), (108, 545), (108, 567), (119, 15), (119, 21), (120, 26), (120, 70), (128, 18), (130, 369), (130, 391), (179, 40), (179, 965), (179, 1015), (179, 1049), (262, 1031), (262, 1080), (262, 1124), (279, 125)], 'Turowo_Pomeranian_Voivodeship.html': [(6, 616), (57, 584), (57, 606), (59, 380), (59, 401), (69, 386), (69, 637), (73, 432), (73, 455), (127, 486), (127, 508), (222, 450), (222, 701), (223, 18), (225, 486), (225, 508), (274, 40), (274, 1323), (274, 1364), (274, 1389), (357, 1071), (357, 1120), (357, 1164), (374, 125)], 'Wilhelm_Wagenfeld_House.html': [(6, 559), (45, 537), (45, 559), (67, 572), (67, 594), (85, 294), (85, 465), (92, 446), (92, 695), (303, 40), (303, 1727), (303, 1768), (303, 1793), (386, 1043), (386, 1092), (386, 1136), (403, 125)], 'Mick_Crotty.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (845, 40), (928, 995), (928, 1044), (928, 1088), (945, 124)], 'Eressa_aperiens.html': [(49, 434), (49, 455), (115, 18), (165, 40), (248, 1011), (248, 1061), (248, 1105), (265, 125)], 'Mark_Maunder.html': [(89, 40), (172, 999), (172, 1048), (172, 1092), (189, 124)], 'How_Can_We_Hang_On_to_a_Dream3F.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (228, 40), (311, 1079), (311, 1128), (311, 1172), (328, 124)], 'Dominique_Voynet.html': [(49, 967), (49, 990), (115, 558), (115, 581), (162, 421), (162, 444), (308, 323), (308, 360), (352, 40), (435, 1015), (435, 1063), (435, 1107), (460, 125)], 'Simon27s_Town_railway_station.html': [(6, 444), (56, 503), (56, 526), (64, 307), (64, 555), (64, 1160), (64, 1408), (135, 676), (135, 698), (137, 425), (137, 446), (164, 18), (166, 417), (166, 439), (215, 40), (215, 1259), (215, 1300), (215, 1325), (298, 1071), (298, 1120), (298, 1164), (315, 124)], 'Kenny_Cordray.html': [(49, 511), (49, 534), (136, 40), (219, 1003), (219, 1052), (219, 1096), (236, 124)], 'Arthur_Lelyveld.html': [(145, 40), (228, 1011), (228, 1060), (228, 1104), (245, 124)], 'The_Master_Plan_(album).html': [(50, 327), (50, 349), (128, 456), (128, 478), (128, 829), (128, 851), (128, 1208), (128, 1230), (128, 1587), (128, 1609), (128, 1966), (128, 1988), (287, 40), (370, 1043), (370, 1092), (370, 1136), (387, 124)], 'Heo_Mok.html': [(46, 418), (46, 441), (209, 377), (209, 399), (219, 558), (219, 580), (229, 579), (229, 601), (239, 680), (239, 702), (249, 685), (249, 707), (259, 559), (259, 581), (269, 455), (269, 477), (279, 719), (279, 741), (289, 593), (289, 615), (297, 461), (297, 483), (336, 457), (336, 479), (503, 323), (503, 360), (548, 40), (631, 979), (631, 1027), (631, 1071), (656, 125)], 'Uralochka_Zlatoust.html': [(47, 367), (47, 389), (152, 40), (235, 1023), (235, 1072), (235, 1116), (252, 125)], 'Failing_Office_Building.html': [(6, 434), (60, 679), (60, 702), (68, 584), (68, 606), (70, 415), (70, 436), (79, 618), (79, 641), (81, 415), (81, 436), (90, 604), (90, 627), (92, 415), (92, 436), (108, 318), (108, 570), (108, 1177), (108, 1429), (160, 358), (160, 783), (235, 610), (235, 632), (237, 424), (237, 446), (328, 40), (328, 1358), (328, 1399), (328, 1424), (411, 1043), (411, 1092), (411, 1136), (436, 124)], '1896_Indiana_Hoosiers_football_team.html': [(153, 163), (153, 183), (159, 218), (159, 236), (159, 350), (159, 712), (159, 732), (159, 823), (420, 40), (503, 1091), (503, 1141), (503, 1185), (520, 124)], 'Havnar_RC3B3C3B0rarfelag.html': [(6, 453), (45, 425), (45, 447), (157, 462), (157, 485), (167, 580), (167, 603), (177, 510), (177, 533), (187, 750), (187, 773), (197, 580), (197, 603), (207, 693), (207, 716), (218, 421), (218, 444), (267, 40), (267, 798), (267, 868), (267, 922), (350, 1063), (350, 1112), (350, 1156), (375, 125)], 'Virajpet_(Vidhan_Sabha_constituency).html': [(936, 40), (1019, 1095), (1019, 1145), (1019, 1189), (1036, 124)], 'Neurotica.html': [(51, 297), (51, 319), (109, 394), (109, 416), (127, 462), (127, 484), (127, 835), (127, 857), (127, 1208), (127, 1230), (127, 1581), (127, 1603), (127, 1954), (127, 1976), (317, 40), (400, 987), (400, 1036), (400, 1080), (417, 124)], 'Baddiewinkle.html': [(49, 455), (49, 477), (171, 40), (254, 999), (254, 1049), (254, 1093), (271, 124)], 'H._T._Hackney_Company.html': [(47, 437), (47, 459), (89, 383), (89, 405), (202, 40), (285, 1035), (285, 1084), (285, 1128), (302, 124)], 'City_of_Mandaluyong_Science_High_School.html': [(6, 710), (44, 102), (47, 386), (47, 407), (52, 29), (55, 441), (55, 463), (60, 29), (63, 419), (63, 441), (78, 676), (78, 698), (88, 676), (88, 698), (90, 446), (90, 467), (106, 306), (106, 558), (106, 1171), (106, 1423), (184, 29), (187, 441), (187, 463), (220, 593), (220, 615), (220, 1197), (220, 1219), (414, 40), (414, 1781), (414, 1822), (414, 1847), (497, 1107), (497, 1156), (497, 1200), (514, 124)], 'Piracy_on_Falcon_Lake.html': [(52, 440), (52, 462), (77, 451), (77, 473), (78, 450), (78, 473), (153, 548), (153, 571), (154, 502), (154, 524), (168, 207), (168, 303), (168, 536), (168, 577), (1596, 40), (1679, 1035), (1679, 1084), (1679, 1128), (1696, 124)], 'Ingrid_GuimarC3A3es.html': [(6, 472), (49, 476), (49, 498), (167, 421), (167, 444), (173, 164), (176, 18), (178, 408), (178, 430), (190, 18), (192, 416), (192, 438), (231, 37), (241, 40), (241, 1449), (241, 1519), (241, 1573), (324, 1035), (324, 1084), (324, 1128), (349, 125), (376, 805)], 'Aleksandra_JagieC582o.html': [(49, 592), (49, 615), (105, 432), (105, 455), (118, 432), (118, 455), (128, 432), (128, 455), (137, 421), (137, 444), (201, 434), (201, 457), (253, 434), (253, 457), (296, 434), (296, 457), (307, 18), (309, 447), (309, 469), (358, 40), (441, 1043), (441, 1092), (441, 1136), (466, 125)], 'Timothy_Wanyonyi_Wetangula.html': [(288, 40), (371, 1055), (371, 1105), (371, 1149), (388, 124)], 'Victor_S._Mamatey.html': [(82, 40), (165, 1019), (165, 1068), (165, 1112), (182, 124)], 'Antigonadotropin.html': [(66, 107), (66, 171), (1833, 40), (1916, 1015), (1916, 1064), (1916, 1108), (1933, 124)], 'Noise_(song).html': [(49, 337), (49, 359), (572, 40), (655, 999), (655, 1049), (655, 1093), (672, 124)], 'Zgornji_Otok.html': [(6, 496), (53, 586), (53, 609), (55, 392), (55, 413), (65, 370), (65, 626), (65, 1221), (65, 1477), (69, 448), (69, 471), (211, 508), (211, 530), (260, 18), (262, 465), (262, 487), (311, 40), (311, 1091), (311, 1132), (311, 1157), (394, 999), (394, 1048), (394, 1092), (411, 125)], '1958_Wightman_Cup.html': [(46, 465), (46, 488), (52, 459), (52, 482), (70, 528), (70, 551), (71, 515), (71, 538), (83, 528), (83, 551), (84, 515), (84, 538), (96, 528), (96, 551), (97, 515), (97, 538), (109, 528), (109, 551), (110, 515), (110, 538), (123, 528), (123, 551), (124, 515), (124, 538), (137, 528), (137, 551), (138, 515), (138, 538), (150, 528), (150, 551), (151, 515), (151, 538), (196, 460), (196, 483), (197, 454), (197, 477), (366, 40), (449, 1019), (449, 1068), (449, 1112), (466, 124)], 'Maneswar_Brahma.html': [(79, 40), (162, 1011), (162, 1061), (162, 1105), (179, 124)], 'Devitt_Insurance.html': [(44, 102), (47, 462), (47, 484), (55, 233), (55, 255), (205, 40), (288, 1015), (288, 1065), (288, 1109), (305, 124)], 'Gemma_Doyle_(politician).html': [(49, 439), (49, 461), (220, 40), (303, 1047), (303, 1095), (303, 1139), (320, 125)], 'Garrett_Lucash.html': [(6, 444), (6, 484), (49, 432), (49, 454), (129, 584), (129, 605), (403, 421), (403, 444), (525, 40), (525, 1081), (525, 1151), (525, 1205), (525, 1279), (525, 1334), (525, 1373), (608, 1007), (608, 1056), (608, 1100), (633, 125)], 'Kendal_Williams.html': [(50, 471), (50, 494), (99, 596), (99, 619), (105, 568), (105, 589), (113, 568), (113, 589), (118, 568), (118, 589), (270, 40), (353, 1011), (353, 1061), (353, 1105), (370, 125)], 'List_of_Bellator_MMA_events.html': [(1333, 518), (1333, 541), (1511, 431), (1511, 454), (1520, 422), (1520, 445), (1525, 440), (1525, 462), (1529, 491), (1529, 514), (1979, 41), (1980, 41), (1981, 41), (1988, 40), (2071, 1059), (2071, 1108), (2071, 1152), (2088, 125), (2115, 846), (2115, 898), (2115, 950)], 'AB_v_CD.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (293, 40), (376, 979), (376, 1029), (376, 1073), (393, 124)], 'Antae_temple.html': [(45, 324), (45, 346), (93, 40), (176, 999), (176, 1047), (176, 1091), (193, 125)], 'Kamakshyanagar.html': [(6, 444), (57, 614), (57, 636), (59, 435), (59, 456), (69, 626), (69, 649), (71, 396), (71, 417), (82, 363), (82, 605), (82, 1173), (82, 1415), (86, 382), (86, 405), (477, 40), (477, 653), (477, 694), (477, 719), (560, 1007), (560, 1056), (560, 1100), (577, 125)], 'Isaac_GrC3BCnewald.html': [(6, 558), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (97, 225), (97, 247), (134, 323), (134, 360), (174, 37), (181, 40), (181, 2190), (181, 2244), (181, 2282), (264, 1031), (264, 1079), (264, 1123), (289, 125), (316, 952)], 'Carte_Imagine27R.html': [(48, 18), (50, 472), (50, 494), (62, 18), (64, 432), (64, 454), (107, 40), (190, 1019), (190, 1068), (190, 1112), (207, 125)], 'Johann_Christoph_Hoffbauer.html': [(96, 40), (179, 1055), (179, 1104), (179, 1148), (196, 125)], 'Triptolemus_Evrychou.html': [(57, 18), (59, 423), (59, 446), (108, 40), (191, 1031), (191, 1081), (191, 1125), (208, 125)], 'Bibiana_Beglau.html': [(6, 536), (45, 392), (45, 414), (194, 421), (194, 444), (199, 162), (298, 323), (298, 360), (343, 40), (343, 2203), (343, 2273), (343, 2327), (426, 1007), (426, 1054), (426, 1098), (451, 125)], 'New_York_Women_Composers_Inc..html': [(114, 40), (197, 1071), (197, 1121), (197, 1165), (214, 124)], 'Oldfield_Baby_Great_Lakes.html': [(6, 505), (49, 513), (49, 536), (95, 540), (95, 563), (111, 509), (111, 532), (117, 40), (142, 421), (142, 444), (184, 37), (193, 40), (193, 649), (193, 719), (193, 773), (276, 1051), (276, 1100), (276, 1144), (301, 124), (328, 869)], 'SolydXK.html': [(47, 229), (47, 251), (188, 40), (271, 979), (271, 1029), (271, 1073), (288, 125)], 'MOUSE_DHI.html': [(43, 102), (46, 462), (46, 484), (51, 29), (54, 462), (54, 484), (96, 18), (98, 409), (98, 431), (144, 40), (227, 987), (227, 1036), (227, 1080), (244, 124)], 'John_Reid_(British_Army_officer).html': [(47, 454), (47, 476), (84, 1106), (84, 1128), (91, 420), (91, 442), (103, 323), (103, 360), (147, 40), (230, 1079), (230, 1128), (230, 1172), (247, 125)], 'FC_Khikhani_Khulo.html': [(74, 18), (76, 508), (76, 530), (76, 1006), (76, 1028), (117, 41), (125, 40), (208, 1019), (208, 1069), (208, 1113), (225, 125), (252, 902)], 'Paser_Crossword_Stela.html': [(45, 694), (45, 716), (401, 40), (484, 1035), (484, 1084), (484, 1128), (501, 125)], 'Vancouver_Furious_George.html': [(47, 337), (47, 359), (166, 40), (249, 1047), (249, 1096), (249, 1140), (266, 124)], 'Joint_Committee_for_Traceability_in_Laboratory_Medicine.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (52, 29), (55, 441), (55, 463), (74, 18), (76, 442), (76, 464), (122, 40), (205, 1171), (205, 1220), (205, 1264), (222, 124)], 'ARA_Garibaldi.html': [(46, 514), (46, 537), (54, 529), (54, 551), (174, 495), (174, 518), (221, 625), (221, 648), (243, 505), (243, 527), (262, 613), (262, 635), (277, 607), (277, 630), (366, 40), (449, 1003), (449, 1051), (449, 1095), (466, 125)], 'SumbaE28093Flores_languages.html': [(276, 22), (276, 47), (276, 65), (525, 581), (525, 603), (1164, 22), (1164, 47), (1164, 65), (1617, 18), (1667, 40), (1750, 1071), (1750, 1120), (1750, 1164), (1767, 125)], 'Acceptance_(Heroes).html': [(52, 337), (52, 359), (132, 29), (135, 341), (135, 362), (157, 166), (496, 40), (579, 1027), (579, 1076), (579, 1120), (596, 125)], 'Vivian_Prokop.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 368), (54, 390), (59, 29), (62, 429), (62, 450), (81, 18), (83, 397), (83, 419), (132, 40), (215, 1003), (215, 1053), (215, 1097), (232, 124)], 'Yuga_(film).html': [(180, 18), (182, 388), (182, 410), (231, 40), (314, 995), (314, 1044), (314, 1088), (331, 124)], 'Millennium_Art_Academy.html': [(6, 431), (56, 279), (56, 530), (56, 1115), (56, 1366), (139, 40), (139, 629), (139, 670), (139, 695), (222, 1039), (222, 1088), (222, 1132), (239, 124)], 'MobiasBanca.html': [(47, 444), (47, 466), (88, 383), (88, 405), (94, 383), (94, 405), (100, 383), (100, 405), (104, 383), (104, 405), (108, 383), (108, 405), (176, 18), (178, 392), (178, 413), (178, 928), (178, 950), (228, 40), (311, 995), (311, 1044), (311, 1088), (328, 125)], 'Qalat_Kat.html': [(6, 406), (57, 544), (57, 567), (59, 386), (59, 407), (69, 358), (69, 609), (69, 1184), (69, 1435), (73, 391), (73, 413), (104, 450), (119, 517), (119, 539), (438, 490), (438, 512), (441, 18), (443, 481), (443, 503), (492, 40), (492, 647), (492, 688), (492, 713), (575, 987), (575, 1036), (575, 1080), (592, 125)], 'Pedro_Checa.html': [(49, 208), (49, 230), (102, 691), (102, 713), (115, 684), (115, 706), (226, 37), (235, 40), (318, 995), (318, 1044), (318, 1088), (335, 125), (362, 835)], 'Ragnar_Gustavsson.html': [(148, 434), (148, 457), (179, 37), (190, 40), (273, 1019), (273, 1068), (273, 1112), (290, 125), (317, 766)], 'Medical_Unit_Selfcontained_Transportable.html': [(46, 1164), (46, 1187), (67, 18), (69, 258), (69, 279), (112, 40), (195, 1123), (195, 1173), (195, 1217), (212, 124)], 'Newton_Stone.html': [(45, 271), (45, 293), (145, 316), (147, 389), (148, 341), (149, 332), (150, 364), (152, 349), (166, 88), (196, 40), (279, 999), (279, 1048), (279, 1092), (296, 124)], 'C58CnogC58D_Station.html': [(6, 658), (53, 29), (55, 488), (55, 509), (167, 450), (167, 699), (169, 18), (171, 416), (171, 438), (220, 40), (220, 1875), (220, 1916), (220, 1941), (303, 1043), (303, 1092), (303, 1136), (328, 125)], 'Alex_McEachern.html': [(49, 463), (49, 486), (107, 18), (109, 418), (109, 440), (158, 40), (241, 1007), (241, 1056), (241, 1100), (258, 124)], 'Ameenapuram.html': [(6, 471), (44, 102), (47, 429), (47, 450), (66, 701), (66, 723), (68, 390), (68, 411), (78, 620), (78, 643), (80, 390), (80, 411), (91, 374), (91, 622), (91, 1217), (91, 1465), (149, 18), (199, 40), (199, 920), (199, 961), (199, 986), (282, 995), (282, 1044), (282, 1088), (299, 125)], 'Dennis_Chapman.html': [(54, 18), (56, 460), (56, 482), (68, 29), (71, 429), (71, 450), (111, 40), (194, 1007), (194, 1057), (194, 1101), (211, 124)], 'Circus_Avenue.html': [(50, 362), (50, 384), (369, 40), (452, 1003), (452, 1053), (452, 1097), (469, 124)], 'North_Coast_(RTA_Rapid_Transit_station).html': [(6, 465), (6, 691), (55, 528), (55, 549), (58, 615), (58, 638), (67, 321), (67, 572), (67, 1195), (67, 1446), (93, 448), (93, 470), (94, 445), (94, 467), (95, 445), (95, 467), (124, 566), (124, 587), (185, 579), (185, 602), (193, 582), (193, 605), (203, 580), (203, 603), (213, 582), (213, 605), (223, 580), (223, 603), (233, 582), (233, 605), (243, 619), (243, 642), (259, 421), (259, 444), (414, 40), (414, 632), (414, 673), (414, 698), (414, 1444), (414, 1514), (414, 1568), (497, 1107), (497, 1156), (497, 1200), (522, 124)], 'Julien_Boisselier.html': [(6, 621), (44, 102), (47, 512), (47, 533), (57, 488), (57, 510), (153, 421), (153, 444), (158, 165), (218, 323), (218, 360), (251, 37), (262, 40), (262, 2163), (262, 2233), (262, 2287), (345, 1019), (345, 1067), (345, 1111), (370, 125), (397, 751)], 'Vijay_Govindarajan.html': [(44, 101), (45, 29), (48, 386), (48, 407), (58, 551), (58, 574), (186, 450), (186, 472), (224, 37), (232, 40), (315, 1023), (315, 1073), (315, 1117), (340, 125), (367, 877)], 'Elgin_National_Watch_Company.html': [(47, 627), (47, 649), (108, 710), (108, 732), (126, 505), (126, 528), (136, 510), (136, 533), (146, 496), (146, 519), (230, 40), (313, 1063), (313, 1112), (313, 1156), (330, 125)], 'Love_Sax_and_Flashbacks.html': [(44, 102), (47, 341), (47, 362), (57, 590), (57, 612), (187, 462), (187, 484), (187, 835), (187, 857), (187, 1208), (187, 1230), (187, 1581), (187, 1603), (187, 1960), (187, 1982), (191, 456), (191, 478), (191, 829), (191, 851), (191, 1202), (191, 1224), (191, 1575), (191, 1597), (191, 1954), (191, 1976), (195, 456), (195, 478), (195, 829), (195, 851), (195, 1202), (195, 1224), (195, 1575), (195, 1597), (195, 1954), (195, 1976), (199, 456), (199, 478), (199, 829), (199, 851), (199, 1208), (199, 1230), (199, 1587), (199, 1609), (199, 1966), (199, 1988), (203, 456), (203, 478), (203, 829), (203, 851), (203, 1208), (203, 1230), (203, 1587), (203, 1609), (203, 1966), (203, 1988), (207, 456), (207, 478), (207, 829), (207, 851), (207, 1202), (207, 1224), (207, 1575), (207, 1597), (207, 1954), (207, 1976), (211, 456), (211, 478), (211, 829), (211, 851), (211, 1202), (211, 1224), (211, 1575), (211, 1597), (211, 1954), (211, 1976), (657, 16), (758, 40), (841, 1047), (841, 1097), (841, 1141), (858, 125)], 'Stephen_Unwin_(director).html': [(72, 323), (72, 360), (108, 40), (191, 1047), (191, 1096), (191, 1140), (208, 124)], 'Mammoth_Unified_School_District.html': [(60, 18), (62, 395), (62, 417), (105, 40), (188, 1075), (188, 1124), (188, 1168), (205, 124)], 'Gardenbased_learning.html': [(46, 495), (46, 518), (104, 642), (104, 665), (233, 40), (316, 1035), (316, 1084), (316, 1128), (333, 124)], 'Curridge.html': [(6, 432), (6, 458), (69, 401), (69, 424), (70, 425), (70, 672), (102, 40), (102, 595), (102, 665), (102, 719), (102, 779), (102, 820), (102, 845), (185, 983), (185, 1032), (185, 1076), (210, 125)], 'Ownership_of_Rangers_F.C..html': [(729, 40), (812, 1051), (812, 1100), (812, 1144), (829, 124)], 'Eugamandus_brunneus.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (112, 18), (162, 40), (245, 1027), (245, 1076), (245, 1120), (262, 124)], 'Baadj.html': [(6, 486), (56, 563), (56, 586), (58, 378), (58, 399), (68, 353), (68, 603), (68, 1171), (68, 1421), (72, 409), (72, 431), (109, 398), (109, 420), (116, 426), (116, 448), (120, 338), (120, 359), (128, 333), (128, 354), (132, 404), (132, 425), (139, 338), (139, 359), (160, 491), (160, 513), (188, 366), (188, 388), (414, 18), (416, 486), (416, 508), (465, 40), (465, 998), (465, 1039), (465, 1064), (548, 971), (548, 1021), (548, 1065), (565, 125)], 'Oculorespiratory_syndrome.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (57, 18), (106, 40), (189, 1055), (189, 1104), (189, 1148), (206, 124)], 'Justus_Ferdinand_Poggenburg_II.html': [(55, 18), (57, 383), (57, 404), (103, 40), (186, 1071), (186, 1121), (186, 1165), (203, 124)], 'Syngenor.html': [(49, 395), (49, 417), (151, 164), (157, 18), (159, 388), (159, 409), (208, 40), (291, 983), (291, 1032), (291, 1076), (308, 125)], 'Dalian_Road_Station.html': [(6, 696), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (58, 537), (58, 559), (63, 774), (63, 797), (170, 1047), (170, 1069), (170, 1637), (170, 1659), (229, 441), (229, 690), (231, 18), (233, 472), (233, 494), (245, 18), (247, 417), (247, 439), (296, 40), (296, 2102), (296, 2143), (296, 2168), (379, 1027), (379, 1075), (379, 1119), (404, 125)], 'United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_731.html': [(50, 727), (50, 750), (92, 559), (92, 581), (93, 388), (93, 410), (94, 499), (94, 521), (95, 460), (95, 483), (96, 553), (96, 576), (108, 409), (108, 431), (109, 481), (109, 503), (110, 427), (110, 449), (111, 409), (111, 432), (112, 409), (112, 432), (113, 382), (113, 405), (114, 493), (114, 516), (115, 409), (115, 431), (116, 517), (116, 539), (117, 415), (117, 438), (146, 457), (146, 479), (370, 40), (453, 1135), (453, 1184), (453, 1228), (470, 125)], 'L._Fry.html': [(43, 102), (46, 341), (46, 362), (56, 647), (56, 670), (172, 29), (175, 341), (175, 362), (317, 227), (317, 714), (399, 40), (482, 975), (482, 1024), (482, 1068), (499, 125)], 'List_of_birds_of_Malta.html': [(45, 570), (45, 592), (86, 607), (86, 630), (101, 467), (101, 490), (118, 516), (118, 538), (132, 495), (132, 518), (158, 579), (158, 601), (180, 575), (180, 598), (194, 516), (194, 539), (214, 582), (214, 605), (221, 474), (221, 496), (228, 460), (228, 483), (275, 439), (275, 461), (305, 593), (305, 616), (329, 652), (329, 675), (349, 939), (349, 961), (379, 607), (379, 630), (392, 579), (392, 601), (419, 509), (419, 532), (444, 460), (444, 482), (451, 453), (451, 475), (458, 652), (458, 674), (502, 537), (502, 560), (526, 565), (526, 588), (547, 649), (547, 671), (579, 516), (579, 539), (597, 481), (597, 503), (611, 481), (611, 504), (633, 439), (633, 461), (648, 516), (648, 538), (672, 586), (672, 609), (692, 516), (692, 539), (712, 904), (712, 926), (737, 432), (737, 455), (754, 617), (754, 640), (777, 474), (777, 497), (809, 460), (809, 483), (823, 446), (823, 469), (843, 673), (843, 695), (856, 691), (856, 714), (906, 530), (906, 552), (925, 96), (933, 496), (933, 518), (940, 561), (940, 583), (996, 523), (996, 546), (1009, 481), (1009, 504), (1038, 460), (1038, 483), (1053, 579), (1053, 602), (1076, 603), (1076, 625), (1107, 488), (1107, 510), (1185, 40), (1268, 1039), (1268, 1088), (1268, 1132), (1285, 125)], 'Gottfried_Keller.html': [(49, 631), (49, 653), (69, 474), (69, 496), (98, 691), (98, 714), (112, 1602), (112, 1625), (144, 29), (147, 512), (147, 533), (159, 385), (159, 407), (168, 421), (168, 444), (174, 457), (174, 479), (181, 541), (181, 563), (548, 323), (548, 360), (602, 40), (685, 1015), (685, 1063), (685, 1107), (710, 125)], 'John_Shaw_Rennie.html': [(163, 40), (246, 1015), (246, 1064), (246, 1108), (263, 125)], 'Saladino27s_Inc.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 28), (52, 29), (55, 386), (55, 407), (60, 29), (63, 462), (63, 484), (68, 29), (71, 386), (71, 407), (76, 29), (79, 419), (79, 441), (216, 40), (299, 1015), (299, 1065), (299, 1109), (316, 124)], 'Venezuelan_referendum_1957.html': [(50, 525), (50, 547), (222, 236), (237, 597), (237, 619), (430, 41), (438, 40), (521, 1059), (521, 1108), (521, 1152), (538, 125), (565, 937)], 'Thanks_Again.html': [(280, 18), (282, 416), (282, 438), (331, 40), (414, 999), (414, 1049), (414, 1093), (431, 124)], 'Egg_coffee.html': [(45, 631), (45, 653), (57, 534), (57, 555), (100, 495), (100, 518), (102, 520), (102, 543), (347, 433), (347, 454), (348, 412), (348, 433), (392, 40), (475, 991), (475, 1041), (475, 1085), (492, 125)], 'Therese_Maron.html': [(49, 703), (49, 725), (118, 37), (129, 40), (212, 1003), (212, 1052), (212, 1096), (237, 125), (264, 762)], 'Ugo_Okoye.html': [(97, 18), (99, 498), (99, 520), (99, 996), (99, 1018), (135, 37), (148, 40), (231, 987), (231, 1036), (231, 1080), (248, 124), (275, 679)], 'The_Hackensaw_Boys.html': [(6, 475), (131, 598), (131, 621), (159, 1047), (159, 1070), (179, 745), (179, 767), (241, 658), (241, 681), (253, 503), (253, 526), (265, 523), (265, 546), (277, 540), (277, 562), (288, 637), (288, 659), (300, 685), (300, 708), (312, 764), (312, 787), (324, 761), (324, 784), (336, 838), (336, 861), (348, 747), (348, 770), (360, 526), (360, 549), (405, 421), (405, 444), (581, 40), (581, 1762), (581, 1832), (581, 1886), (664, 1023), (664, 1072), (664, 1116), (689, 124)], 'USS_Parris_Island_(AG72).html': [(51, 554), (51, 577), (182, 40), (265, 1051), (265, 1100), (265, 1144), (282, 124)], 'SalemAuburn_Streets_Historic_District.html': [(6, 464), (64, 655), (64, 678), (72, 711), (72, 734), (74, 445), (74, 466), (83, 634), (83, 657), (85, 445), (85, 466), (100, 325), (100, 575), (100, 1183), (100, 1433), (140, 438), (140, 878), (176, 414), (176, 436), (399, 412), (399, 433), (400, 360), (400, 381), (401, 360), (401, 381), (445, 40), (445, 1106), (445, 1147), (445, 1172), (528, 1103), (528, 1152), (528, 1196), (545, 124)], 'Meneng_Constituency.html': [(6, 426), (6, 532), (52, 609), (52, 632), (56, 373), (56, 623), (56, 1214), (56, 1464), (60, 397), (60, 419), (163, 401), (163, 424), (204, 444), (204, 466), (229, 18), (231, 507), (231, 529), (243, 18), (245, 374), (245, 395), (294, 40), (294, 788), (294, 829), (294, 854), (294, 1130), (294, 1207), (294, 1268), (377, 1027), (377, 1075), (377, 1119), (402, 125)], 'Charles_Sears.html': [(114, 40), (197, 1003), (197, 1052), (197, 1096), (214, 124)], 'Jens_Pauli_Skaalum.html': [(89, 40), (172, 1023), (172, 1073), (172, 1117), (189, 125)], 'Central_District_(Rezvanshahr_County).html': [(6, 523), (50, 37), (62, 522), (62, 544), (303, 18), (305, 376), (305, 398), (354, 40), (354, 952), (354, 1010), (354, 1052), (437, 1099), (437, 1148), (437, 1192), (454, 125)], 'Lord_Howe27s_action_or_the_Glorious_First_of_June.html': [(44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (57, 647), (57, 670), (100, 432), (100, 455), (107, 451), (107, 473), (114, 591), (114, 614), (128, 229), (129, 272), (129, 454), (129, 636), (129, 818), (129, 1004), (173, 40), (256, 1155), (256, 1204), (256, 1248), (273, 125)], 'Urban_chicken.html': [(199, 40), (282, 1003), (282, 1052), (282, 1096), (299, 124)], 'USS_Rose_Mary_(SP1216).html': [(51, 554), (51, 577), (170, 40), (253, 1043), (253, 1093), (253, 1137), (270, 124)], 'Tonga_national_basketball_team.html': [(49, 346), (49, 368), (79, 488), (79, 510), (91, 268), (91, 289), (92, 529), (92, 550), (93, 251), (93, 273), (94, 480), (94, 502), (102, 271), (102, 292), (103, 527), (103, 548), (104, 254), (104, 276), (105, 480), (105, 502), (139, 491), (139, 512), (200, 18), (202, 451), (202, 472), (214, 18), (216, 436), (216, 458), (265, 40), (348, 1071), (348, 1120), (348, 1164), (365, 125)], 'JeecyVea.html': [(46, 18), (48, 404), (48, 426), (90, 40), (173, 987), (173, 1036), (173, 1080), (190, 125)], 'West_Park_Bridge.html': [(6, 420), (64, 658), (64, 681), (66, 401), (66, 422), (75, 590), (75, 613), (77, 401), (77, 422), (92, 303), (92, 553), (92, 1139), (92, 1389), (124, 438), (124, 856), (278, 360), (278, 381), (279, 373), (279, 395), (287, 18), (300, 18), (302, 438), (302, 461), (351, 40), (351, 2105), (351, 2146), (351, 2171), (434, 1015), (434, 1064), (434, 1108), (451, 124)], 'Burmese_shrike.html': [(50, 464), (50, 487), (59, 410), (59, 432), (72, 44), (72, 81), (72, 91), (111, 18), (161, 40), (244, 1007), (244, 1055), (244, 1099), (269, 125)], '2007E2809308_Huddersfield_Town_A.F.C._season.html': [(100, 474), (100, 495), (101, 250), (101, 271), (102, 430), (102, 451), (104, 460), (104, 481), (105, 253), (105, 275), (106, 447), (106, 469), (107, 251), (107, 273), (108, 471), (108, 493), (117, 474), (117, 495), (118, 252), (118, 273), (119, 430), (119, 451), (121, 460), (121, 481), (123, 447), (123, 469), (125, 471), (125, 493), (134, 474), (134, 495), (135, 252), (135, 273), (136, 430), (136, 451), (138, 460), (138, 481), (140, 447), (140, 469), (142, 471), (142, 493), (212, 468), (212, 490), (218, 468), (218, 490), (224, 519), (224, 542), (230, 468), (230, 490), (236, 468), (236, 490), (242, 468), (242, 490), (248, 468), (248, 490), (254, 468), (254, 490), (260, 468), (260, 490), (266, 468), (266, 490), (272, 483), (272, 505), (278, 528), (278, 550), (295, 468), (295, 490), (301, 468), (301, 490), (307, 468), (307, 490), (313, 468), (313, 490), (319, 468), (319, 490), (325, 519), (325, 542), (331, 468), (331, 490), 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(645, 463), (651, 441), (651, 463), (657, 450), (657, 472), (663, 441), (663, 463), (669, 441), (669, 463), (684, 465), (684, 487), (690, 441), (690, 463), (696, 492), (696, 515), (702, 441), (702, 463), (708, 465), (708, 488), (714, 441), (714, 463), (720, 441), (720, 463), (726, 492), (726, 515), (732, 441), (732, 463), (738, 492), (738, 515), (744, 441), (744, 463), (750, 441), (750, 463), (756, 441), (756, 463), (762, 441), (762, 463), (1409, 427), (1409, 449), (1425, 427), (1425, 449), (1441, 442), (1441, 465), (1457, 427), (1457, 449), (1473, 427), (1473, 449), (1489, 427), (1489, 449), (1505, 427), (1505, 449), (1521, 427), (1521, 449), (1537, 427), (1537, 449), (1553, 427), (1553, 449), (1569, 427), (1569, 449), (1585, 442), (1585, 464), (1601, 427), (1601, 449), (1617, 442), (1617, 465), (1633, 472), (1633, 494), (1649, 427), (1649, 449), (1665, 427), (1665, 449), (1681, 427), (1681, 449), (1697, 427), (1697, 449), (1713, 427), (1713, 449), (1729, 427), (1729, 449), (1745, 442), (1745, 465), (1761, 427), (1761, 449), (1777, 427), (1777, 449), (1793, 427), (1793, 449), (1809, 442), (1809, 464), (1825, 427), (1825, 449), (1841, 427), (1841, 449), (2351, 40), (2434, 1139), (2434, 1188), (2434, 1232), (2451, 124)], 'The_Wedding_(Sparks_novel).html': [(135, 18), (137, 437), (137, 459), (185, 40), (268, 1055), (268, 1103), (268, 1147), (285, 125)], 'Endre_Church.html': [(6, 448), (6, 547), (52, 551), (52, 574), (61, 689), (61, 711), (63, 393), (63, 414), (74, 319), (74, 570), (74, 1152), (74, 1403), (117, 399), (117, 422), (127, 547), (127, 570), (137, 547), (137, 570), (156, 402), (156, 425), (278, 478), (278, 500), (286, 374), (286, 397), (328, 40), (328, 1088), (328, 1129), (328, 1154), (328, 1423), (328, 1493), (328, 1547), (411, 999), (411, 1048), (411, 1092), (436, 125)], 'Abdelwahid_Aboud_Mackaye.html': [(59, 228), (59, 663), (116, 40), (199, 1047), (199, 1096), (199, 1140), (216, 124)], 'Queensland_Music_Festival.html': [(45, 675), (45, 697), (70, 514), (70, 537), (90, 18), (92, 472), (92, 494), (141, 40), (224, 1051), (224, 1100), (224, 1144), (241, 124)], 'I_Marine_Expeditionary_Force.html': [(6, 540), (49, 456), (49, 478), (59, 454), (59, 477), (63, 547), (63, 570), (163, 581), (163, 604), (227, 421), (227, 444), (233, 634), (233, 656), (250, 640), (250, 663), (277, 545), (277, 567), (460, 363), (460, 384), (461, 415), (461, 436), (502, 416), (502, 438), (507, 477), (507, 499), (512, 525), (512, 548), (533, 380), (533, 402), (534, 412), (534, 434), (544, 408), (544, 431), (549, 753), (549, 775), (554, 469), (554, 491), (573, 485), (573, 507), (590, 437), (590, 460), (602, 509), (602, 532), (712, 40), (712, 850), (712, 920), (712, 974), (795, 1063), (795, 1112), (795, 1156), (820, 125)], 'Minister_of_Foreign_Affairs_(Egypt).html': [(147, 542), (147, 564), (242, 41), (250, 40), (333, 1091), (333, 1140), (333, 1184), (358, 125), (385, 754)], '2011E2809312_Western_Collegiate_Hockey_Association_women27s_ice_hockey_season.html': [(630, 29), (632, 488), (632, 509), (828, 40), (911, 1275), (911, 1324), (911, 1368), (928, 124)], 'Fahy_County_Mayo.html': [(6, 584), (43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (52, 37), (54, 18), (56, 570), (56, 593), (105, 40), (105, 1238), (105, 1303), (105, 1352), (188, 1019), (188, 1068), (188, 1112), (205, 125)], 'Glinka_(crater).html': [(6, 456), (47, 639), (47, 662), (57, 288), (57, 531), (57, 1107), (57, 1350), (113, 616), (113, 639), (671, 424), (671, 446), (672, 415), (672, 436), (673, 363), (673, 384), (681, 18), (683, 579), (683, 602), (717, 48), (718, 48), (732, 40), (732, 881), (732, 922), (732, 947), (815, 1011), (815, 1060), (815, 1104), (832, 125), (859, 582), (859, 637)], 'Siege_of_Valenciennes_(1793).html': [(6, 486), (52, 1274), (52, 1296), (77, 480), (77, 502), (78, 566), (78, 589), (79, 686), (79, 708), (80, 626), (80, 648), (86, 480), (86, 502), (87, 566), (87, 589), (88, 686), (88, 708), (404, 351), (404, 446), (404, 693), (442, 40), (442, 2188), (442, 2229), (442, 2254), (525, 1063), (525, 1112), (525, 1156), (542, 125)], 'Markus_Blutsch.html': [(6, 445), (47, 919), (47, 942), (117, 421), (117, 444), (209, 37), (219, 40), (219, 1532), (219, 1602), (219, 1656), (302, 1007), (302, 1057), (302, 1101), (327, 125), (354, 825)], 'Jordan_Steel.html': [(49, 354), (49, 376), (82, 18), (84, 479), (84, 501), (133, 40), (216, 999), (216, 1048), (216, 1092), (233, 124)], 'Feel_No_Fret.html': [(44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (57, 354), (57, 376), (328, 40), (411, 999), (411, 1049), (411, 1093), (428, 124)], 'Diphilus_(physician).html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (61, 350), (61, 372), (100, 40), (183, 1031), (183, 1079), (183, 1123), (200, 125)], 'Upper_Beaches.html': [(6, 520), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (60, 586), (60, 609), (65, 515), (65, 537), (73, 504), (73, 527), (75, 394), (75, 415), (84, 368), (84, 619), (84, 1209), (84, 1460), (88, 388), (88, 411), (92, 409), (92, 432), (96, 438), (96, 461), (171, 228), (171, 921), (183, 398), (183, 420), (189, 426), (189, 448), (193, 338), (193, 359), (201, 333), (201, 354), (205, 404), (205, 425), (212, 338), (212, 359), (549, 40), (549, 893), (549, 934), (549, 959), (632, 1003), (632, 1052), (632, 1096), (649, 124)], 'Nathaniel_Merriman.html': [(97, 514), (97, 537), (129, 366), (129, 388), (213, 323), (213, 360), (257, 40), (340, 1023), (340, 1072), (340, 1116), (357, 124)], 'Philaeus.html': [(51, 488), (51, 511), (168, 104), (168, 122), (168, 174), (168, 183), (185, 18), (187, 488), (187, 511), (236, 40), (319, 983), (319, 1031), (319, 1075), (344, 125)], 'Church_of_the_SubGenius.html': [(6, 514), (36, 586), (36, 608), (46, 508), (46, 530), (110, 209), (110, 231), (117, 684), (117, 706), (130, 488), (130, 511), (151, 411), (151, 433), (323, 421), (323, 444), (369, 40), (369, 961), (369, 1031), (369, 1085), (452, 1043), (452, 1091), (452, 1135), (477, 125)], 'Camp_Nelson_Confederate_Cemetery.html': [(6, 578), (60, 679), (60, 702), (68, 654), (68, 677), (70, 433), (70, 454), (79, 622), (79, 645), (81, 433), (81, 454), (96, 320), (96, 571), (96, 1174), (96, 1425), (134, 628), (134, 650), (135, 514), (135, 536), (136, 610), (136, 633), (145, 358), (145, 792), (186, 40), (186, 2165), (186, 2206), (186, 2231), (269, 1079), (269, 1128), (269, 1172), (286, 124)], 'Enrique_Morales.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (195, 40), (278, 1011), (278, 1060), (278, 1104), (295, 125)], 'Jonathan_A._Goldstein.html': [(108, 148), (130, 323), (130, 360), (164, 37), (174, 40), (257, 1035), (257, 1084), (257, 1128), (274, 124), (301, 800)], 'Le_Premier_Sexe.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (66, 18), (68, 402), (68, 424), (114, 40), (197, 1011), (197, 1060), (197, 1104), (214, 125)], 'Instrumental.html': [(6, 622), (46, 656), (46, 678), (52, 29), (55, 386), (55, 407), (621, 478), (621, 500), (627, 421), (627, 444), (686, 40), (686, 1534), (686, 1604), (686, 1658), (769, 999), (769, 1047), (769, 1091), (794, 125)], 'Bazemore_Alabama.html': [(6, 422), (57, 597), (57, 619), (59, 384), (59, 405), (69, 389), (69, 640), (69, 1247), (69, 1498), (152, 600), (152, 623), (204, 18), (206, 458), (206, 480), (255, 40), (255, 638), (255, 679), (255, 704), (338, 1019), (338, 1068), (338, 1112), (355, 124)], 'Asparuh_Peak.html': [(6, 411), (45, 544), (45, 567), (52, 418), (52, 441), (59, 551), (59, 574), (80, 280), (80, 531), (80, 1092), (80, 1343), (93, 57), (97, 18), (99, 475), (99, 498), (143, 40), (143, 785), (143, 826), (143, 851), (226, 999), (226, 1047), (226, 1091), (243, 125)], 'Revolutionary_Vol._1.html': [(49, 452), (49, 474), (111, 462), (111, 484), (111, 835), (111, 857), (111, 1208), (111, 1230), (111, 1581), (111, 1603), (111, 1960), (111, 1982), (115, 456), (115, 478), (115, 829), (115, 851), (115, 1202), (115, 1224), (115, 1575), (115, 1597), (115, 1954), (115, 1976), (345, 18), (347, 472), (347, 493), (396, 40), (479, 1031), (479, 1080), (479, 1124), (496, 125)], 'Young_Finnish_Party.html': [(77, 509), (77, 531), (358, 40), (441, 1027), (441, 1076), (441, 1120), (458, 125)], 'Table_Point_Formation.html': [(68, 736), (68, 759), (69, 616), (69, 639), (70, 538), (70, 561), (71, 469), (71, 490), (72, 469), (72, 490), (80, 72), (80, 199), (80, 463), (80, 530), (83, 18), (85, 390), (85, 412), (97, 18), (110, 18), (112, 576), (112, 599), (160, 40), (243, 1035), (243, 1085), (243, 1129), (260, 124)], 'Benidorm_Bastards.html': [(229, 40), (312, 1019), (312, 1068), (312, 1112), (329, 125)], 'Charlton_baronets.html': [(105, 40), (188, 1019), (188, 1068), (188, 1112), (205, 124)], 'Wilbraham_26_Monson_Academy.html': [(6, 505), (49, 410), (49, 432), (135, 995), (135, 1018), (196, 433), (196, 690), (234, 40), (234, 1742), (234, 1783), (234, 1808), (317, 1063), (317, 1112), (317, 1156), (334, 125)], 'Poor_Richard27s_Almanack_(TV_series).html': [(173, 18), (175, 479), (175, 501), (224, 40), (307, 1099), (307, 1149), (307, 1193), (324, 124)], 'Tubular_Bells_II.html': [(49, 457), (49, 479), (190, 456), (190, 478), (190, 829), (190, 851), (190, 1202), (190, 1224), (190, 1581), (190, 1603), (190, 1960), (190, 1982), (634, 421), (634, 443), (635, 412), (635, 433), (679, 40), (762, 1015), (762, 1063), (762, 1107), (779, 125)], 'Harry_Lynde_Bradley.html': [(124, 37), (136, 40), (219, 1027), (219, 1076), (219, 1120), (236, 124), (263, 717)], 'Merwin_Hodel.html': [(47, 403), (47, 425), (200, 40), (283, 999), (283, 1049), (283, 1093), (300, 124)], 'Teskey_Kyrgyzstan.html': [(6, 460), (54, 620), (54, 643), (56, 380), (56, 401), (66, 372), (66, 621), (66, 1210), (66, 1459), (258, 18), (260, 349), (260, 371), (309, 40), (309, 782), (309, 823), (309, 848), (392, 1023), (392, 1072), (392, 1116), (409, 125)], 'Meir_Zlotowitz.html': [(108, 323), (108, 360), (148, 40), (231, 1007), (231, 1056), (231, 1100), (248, 124)], 'Vrila.html': [(6, 539), (57, 698), (57, 721), (59, 378), (59, 399), (69, 348), (69, 593), (73, 499), (73, 521), (99, 435), (99, 680), (100, 18), (102, 649), (102, 672), (151, 40), (151, 1181), (151, 1222), (151, 1247), (234, 971), (234, 1020), (234, 1064), (251, 125)], 'Enamul_Haque_(cricketer_born_1966).html': [(47, 779), (47, 801), (226, 783), (226, 806), (247, 433), (247, 456), (247, 1016), (247, 1039), (253, 427), (253, 449), (253, 1006), (253, 1029), (254, 427), (254, 449), (254, 1006), (254, 1029), (259, 427), (259, 449), (259, 1006), (259, 1029), (260, 427), (260, 449), (260, 1006), (260, 1029), (328, 485), (328, 507), (355, 459), (355, 482), (356, 483), (356, 505), (357, 441), (357, 463), (358, 423), (358, 446), (359, 492), (359, 515), (360, 465), (360, 487), (361, 501), (361, 523), (362, 474), (362, 497), (363, 588), (363, 610), (364, 465), (364, 488), (416, 40), (499, 1091), (499, 1140), (499, 1184), (516, 125)], 'Parkgate_railway_station.html': [(6, 571), (6, 597), (112, 587), (112, 610), (150, 401), (150, 424), (166, 453), (166, 700), (472, 40), (472, 1609), (472, 1679), (472, 1733), (472, 1793), (472, 1834), (472, 1859), (555, 1047), (555, 1096), (555, 1140), (580, 124)], 'Programa_Mejorando_tu_Autoestima.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 429), (54, 450), (59, 29), (62, 386), (62, 407), (149, 40), (232, 1079), (232, 1128), (232, 1172), (249, 124)], 'Robert_Boehringer.html': [(107, 40), (190, 1019), (190, 1067), (190, 1111), (207, 125)], 'Brograve_Mill.html': [(6, 519), (6, 723), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (61, 410), (61, 433), (94, 335), (94, 582), (94, 1182), (94, 1429), (118, 637), (118, 660), (120, 395), (120, 416), (149, 502), (149, 525), (167, 421), (167, 444), (173, 397), (173, 641), (680, 40), (680, 1763), (680, 1804), (680, 1829), (680, 2557), (680, 2627), (680, 2681), (763, 1003), (763, 1053), (763, 1097), (788, 124)], 'Ek_Dil_Sau_Afsane.html': [(49, 282), (49, 304), (197, 173), (245, 40), (328, 1019), (328, 1068), (328, 1112), (345, 125)], 'Meanings_of_minor_planet_names_440001E28093450000.html': [(907, 40), (990, 1171), (990, 1221), (990, 1265), (1007, 124)], 'List_of_Bratz_episodes.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (627, 40), (710, 1039), (710, 1089), (710, 1133), (727, 124)], 'Foulonia.html': [(83, 203), (83, 233), (83, 256), (85, 18), (87, 446), (87, 468), (136, 40), (219, 983), (219, 1032), (219, 1076), (236, 124)], 'Suri_Kerman.html': [(6, 473), (53, 391), (53, 413), (98, 518), (98, 540), (382, 22), (382, 50), (382, 71), (518, 22), (518, 49), (518, 69), (635, 37), (638, 490), (638, 512), (641, 18), (643, 423), (643, 446), (692, 40), (692, 850), (692, 908), (692, 950), (775, 999), (775, 1048), (775, 1092), (792, 125)], 'Emily_(1964_song).html': [(392, 40), (475, 1019), (475, 1068), (475, 1112), (492, 124)], 'Henry_Horace_Williams.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (152, 40), (235, 1035), (235, 1084), (235, 1128), (252, 124)], 'Italian_submarine_Comandante_FaC3A0_di_Bruno.html': [(6, 529), (51, 649), (51, 672), (293, 571), (293, 593), (293, 1196), (293, 1218), (294, 606), (294, 628), (294, 1166), (294, 1188), (299, 37), (337, 40), (337, 1485), (337, 1551), (337, 1601), (420, 1135), (420, 1184), (420, 1228), (437, 125)], 'Morning_Glory_(2010_film).html': [(49, 831), (49, 853), (325, 462), (325, 484), (328, 292), (328, 314), (399, 169), (605, 40), (688, 1051), (688, 1099), (688, 1143), (705, 125)], 'Jotedar.html': [(88, 40), (171, 979), (171, 1029), (171, 1073), (188, 124)], 'Jack_Graham_(pastor).html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (299, 40), (382, 1031), (382, 1081), (382, 1125), (399, 124)], 'Harry_Sacksioni.html': [(461, 40), (544, 1011), (544, 1059), (544, 1103), (561, 125)], 'Discretionary_trust.html': [(70, 511), (70, 533), (368, 40), (451, 1027), (451, 1076), (451, 1120), (468, 124)], 'Leuke_Kome.html': [(54, 618), (54, 641), (56, 566), (56, 587), (79, 274), (79, 522), (130, 40), (213, 991), (213, 1041), (213, 1085), (230, 125)], 'Awali.html': [(6, 398), (49, 423), (49, 674), (50, 18), (52, 458), (52, 480), (97, 40), (97, 611), (97, 652), (97, 677), (180, 971), (180, 1020), (180, 1064), (197, 125)], 'Percy_William_Bunting.html': [(47, 29), (50, 512), (50, 533), (58, 385), (58, 407), (59, 421), (59, 443), (98, 40), (181, 1035), (181, 1084), (181, 1128), (198, 124)], 'Agaritine_gammaglutamyltransferase.html': [(59, 65), (86, 73), (86, 99), (87, 423), (350, 24), (352, 526), (352, 549), (356, 18), (406, 40), (489, 1091), (489, 1140), (489, 1184), (506, 125)], 'Desmiphora_bijuba.html': [(100, 18), (102, 481), (102, 503), (151, 40), (234, 1019), (234, 1069), (234, 1113), (251, 125)], 'List_of_mountains_of_the_Falkland_Islands.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (104, 40), (187, 1115), (187, 1165), (187, 1209), (204, 124)], 'Ramana_Pakistan.html': [(44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (65, 574), (65, 597), (67, 380), (67, 401), (77, 364), (77, 606), (81, 415), (81, 437), (134, 375), (134, 397), (220, 18), (222, 437), (222, 459), (271, 40), (354, 1015), (354, 1064), (354, 1108), (371, 125)], 'Fortuna_Glacier.html': [(6, 417), (45, 509), (45, 532), (69, 474), (69, 497), (86, 431), (86, 675), (86, 1133), (86, 1155), (98, 747), (98, 769), (394, 498), (394, 520), (460, 412), (460, 433), (461, 366), (461, 389), (505, 40), (505, 788), (505, 829), (505, 854), (588, 1011), (588, 1059), (588, 1103), (605, 125)], 'Shellie_Morris.html': [(160, 40), (243, 1007), (243, 1056), (243, 1100), (260, 124)], 'AlNurayn_Mosque.html': [(6, 485), (51, 801), (51, 823), (151, 501), (151, 524), (209, 37), (247, 40), (247, 1026), (247, 1089), (247, 1136), (330, 1015), (330, 1064), (330, 1108), (347, 125)], 'Nobuhiko_Ushiba.html': [(261, 40), (344, 1011), (344, 1060), (344, 1104), (361, 125)], 'Kiev_Missal.html': [(46, 482), (46, 504), (53, 484), (53, 506), (162, 40), (245, 995), (245, 1044), (245, 1088), (270, 125)], 'Kings_XI_Punjab_in_2014.html': [(221, 487), (221, 510), (229, 487), (229, 510), (237, 485), (237, 508), (245, 449), (245, 472), (253, 451), (253, 474), (269, 485), (269, 508), (277, 449), (277, 472), (293, 451), (293, 474), (301, 451), (301, 474), (317, 485), (317, 508), (325, 451), (325, 474), (341, 449), (341, 472), (374, 459), (374, 482), (376, 498), (376, 521), (381, 465), (381, 488), (383, 525), (383, 547), (388, 492), (388, 515), (390, 446), (390, 469), (395, 501), (395, 523), (397, 447), (397, 470), (402, 423), (402, 446), (564, 40), (647, 1043), (647, 1093), (647, 1137), (664, 124)], 'Pedro_Machuca.html': [(6, 442), (52, 421), (52, 444), (82, 18), (84, 421), (84, 443), (131, 40), (131, 1336), (131, 1406), (131, 1460), (214, 1003), (214, 1052), (214, 1096), (239, 125)], 'Somarasampettai.html': [(6, 418), (52, 382), (52, 405), (88, 335), (88, 430), (88, 678), (119, 41), (126, 40), (126, 512), (126, 553), (126, 578), (209, 1011), (209, 1060), (209, 1104), (226, 125), (253, 948)], 'National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Allen_Parish_Louisiana.html': [(6, 634), (45, 675), (45, 698), (80, 203), (100, 673), (100, 696), (108, 360), (108, 631), (117, 606), (117, 629), (125, 364), (125, 635), (138, 361), (138, 632), (151, 376), (151, 647), (159, 421), (159, 444), (173, 366), (325, 360), (325, 381), (326, 373), (326, 395), (370, 552), (370, 575), (474, 40), (474, 1246), (474, 1316), (474, 1370), (557, 1239), (557, 1289), (557, 1333), (582, 125)], 'Morten_RutkjC3A6r.html': [(170, 88), (252, 18), (254, 451), (254, 473), (294, 37), (303, 40), (386, 1027), (386, 1077), (386, 1121), (403, 124), (430, 851)], 'Corporation_(university).html': [(45, 29), (48, 441), (48, 463), (346, 40), (429, 1047), (429, 1096), (429, 1140), (446, 125)], 'KUMT.html': [(95, 277), (95, 529), (151, 408), (151, 431), (151, 658), (151, 680), (177, 127), (179, 173), (462, 18), (464, 425), (464, 446), (464, 882), (464, 905), (506, 44), (513, 40), (596, 967), (596, 1016), (596, 1060), (613, 124), (640, 956)], 'Athletics_at_the_1994_Commonwealth_Games_E28093_Men27s_pole_vault.html': [(47, 469), (47, 491), (282, 465), (282, 486), (284, 422), (284, 444), (297, 479), (297, 500), (299, 401), (299, 424), (312, 479), (312, 500), (314, 419), (314, 442), (329, 416), (329, 438), (344, 407), (344, 429), (359, 407), (359, 429), (374, 419), (374, 442), (389, 407), (389, 429), (404, 401), (404, 424), (419, 401), (419, 424), (434, 416), (434, 439), (449, 452), (449, 474), (464, 452), (464, 474), (479, 419), (479, 442), (616, 40), (699, 1227), (699, 1277), (699, 1321), (716, 124)], 'Mrs._Wilkes27_Dining_Room.html': [(6, 470), (45, 372), (45, 394), (71, 388), (71, 410), (109, 453), (109, 702), (147, 40), (147, 1649), (147, 1690), (147, 1715), (230, 1055), (230, 1104), (230, 1148), (247, 124)], 'Anthony_Marten.html': [(90, 40), (173, 1007), (173, 1057), (173, 1101), (190, 124)], 'Gorgopis_subrimosa.html': [(100, 18), (102, 446), (102, 469), (151, 40), (234, 1023), (234, 1072), (234, 1116), (259, 125)], 'Seeking_Gaddafi.html': [(44, 102), (47, 429), (47, 450), (55, 220), (55, 242), (108, 18), (110, 416), (110, 438), (122, 18), (124, 500), (124, 522), (173, 40), (256, 1011), (256, 1060), (256, 1104), (273, 124)], 'Heald_Green.html': [(6, 453), (53, 709), (53, 732), (55, 390), (55, 411), (156, 558), (156, 805), (246, 18), (248, 591), (248, 614), (297, 40), (297, 833), (297, 874), (297, 899), (380, 995), (380, 1044), (380, 1088), (397, 125)], 'Webb_Dock_railway_line.html': [(541, 40), (624, 1039), (624, 1089), (624, 1133), (641, 124)], 'Craig_Chester.html': [(278, 161), (336, 40), (419, 1003), (419, 1051), (419, 1095), (436, 125)], 'Macroglossum_pseudoluteata.html': [(106, 18), (108, 544), (108, 567), (157, 40), (240, 1055), (240, 1104), (240, 1148), (257, 125)], 'Eggerberg_railway_station.html': [(6, 438), (6, 588), (53, 431), (53, 454), (64, 301), (64, 551), (64, 1155), (64, 1405), (125, 667), (125, 690), (127, 419), (127, 440), (171, 402), (171, 425), (282, 40), (282, 641), (282, 682), (282, 707), (282, 1177), (282, 1247), (282, 1301), (365, 1051), (365, 1101), (365, 1145), (390, 124)], 'Axel_Revold.html': [(50, 502), (50, 524), (122, 40), (205, 995), (205, 1044), (205, 1088), (230, 125)], 'LlwynCus.html': [(6, 517), (43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (56, 18), (58, 474), (58, 496), (70, 18), (72, 486), (72, 509), (84, 37), (120, 40), (120, 1337), (120, 1396), (120, 1439), (203, 987), (203, 1037), (203, 1081), (220, 124)], 'Udi_Enugu.html': [(6, 408), (56, 559), (56, 581), (58, 374), (58, 395), (68, 355), (68, 598), (68, 1158), (68, 1401), (72, 409), (72, 431), (132, 524), (132, 546), (172, 558), (172, 580), (178, 18), (180, 458), (180, 481), (229, 40), (229, 761), (229, 802), (229, 827), (312, 991), (312, 1040), (312, 1084), (329, 125)], 'Sanford_Wallace.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 419), (54, 441), (59, 29), (62, 341), (62, 362), (199, 40), (282, 1011), (282, 1060), (282, 1104), (299, 125)], 'DresdenPlauen_railway_station.html': [(6, 561), (6, 659), (49, 560), (49, 582), (49, 1054), (49, 1076), (57, 591), (57, 614), (68, 312), (68, 563), (68, 1184), (68, 1435), (140, 481), (140, 504), (196, 402), (196, 425), (201, 389), (201, 1056), (247, 40), (247, 1391), (247, 1432), (247, 1457), (247, 1723), (247, 1793), (247, 1847), (330, 1071), (330, 1121), (330, 1165), (355, 125)], 'Hypocysta_angustata.html': [(50, 408), (50, 430), (102, 18), (104, 551), (104, 574), (153, 40), (236, 1027), (236, 1076), (236, 1120), (261, 125)], 'Myrtle_(sternwheeler).html': [(46, 523), (46, 545), (166, 433), (166, 455), (362, 40), (445, 1035), (445, 1085), (445, 1129), (462, 124)], 'British_Academy_Television_Award_for_Best_Comedy_(Programme_or_Series).html': [(511, 40), (594, 1231), (594, 1280), (594, 1324), (611, 125)], 'Bijou_California.html': [(6, 422), (44, 492), (44, 744), (57, 618), (57, 641), (59, 378), (59, 399), (69, 372), (69, 624), (97, 18), (99, 586), (99, 608), (148, 40), (148, 893), (148, 934), (148, 959), (231, 1019), (231, 1068), (231, 1112), (248, 124)], 'Nickel(II)_hydroxide.html': [(6, 622), (47, 570), (47, 592), (50, 613), (50, 636), (72, 498), (72, 520), (73, 502), (73, 524), (81, 478), (81, 500), (106, 445), (106, 467), (107, 448), (107, 470), (230, 78), (235, 351), (235, 373), (235, 1114), (235, 1136), (235, 1501), (235, 1523), (246, 617), (246, 640), (431, 40), (431, 1350), (431, 1398), (431, 1430), (514, 1031), (514, 1079), (514, 1123), (531, 125)], 'Johnny_Morris_(American_football).html': [(434, 18), (436, 472), (436, 493), (448, 18), (450, 472), (450, 493), (499, 40), (582, 1083), (582, 1132), (582, 1176), (599, 124)], 'Flat_roof.html': [(44, 102), (47, 386), (47, 407), (52, 29), (55, 441), (55, 463), (60, 29), (63, 386), (63, 407), (75, 577), (75, 600), (82, 495), (82, 518), (150, 29), (153, 441), (153, 463), (173, 29), (176, 441), (176, 463), (219, 614), (219, 637), (232, 659), (232, 682), (341, 405), (341, 427), (417, 40), (500, 987), (500, 1035), (500, 1079), (525, 125)], 'Equestrian_at_the_1936_Summer_Olympics.html': [(45, 705), (45, 727), (97, 584), (97, 607), (98, 584), (98, 607), (99, 386), (99, 408), (104, 613), (104, 636), (108, 393), (108, 415), (112, 393), (112, 416), (120, 584), (120, 607), (121, 422), (121, 445), (122, 386), (122, 408), (127, 613), (127, 636), (131, 504), (131, 527), (135, 472), (135, 495), (143, 584), (143, 607), (144, 386), (144, 408), (145, 680), (145, 702), (150, 613), (150, 636), (154, 467), (154, 489), (158, 422), (158, 444), (167, 386), (167, 408), (168, 458), (168, 480), (169, 488), (169, 510), (170, 452), (170, 474), (171, 386), (171, 408), (172, 386), (172, 409), (173, 365), (173, 387), (174, 584), (174, 607), (175, 437), (175, 460), (176, 680), (176, 702), (177, 470), (177, 493), (178, 470), (178, 493), (179, 434), (179, 456), (180, 380), (180, 403), (181, 476), (181, 499), (182, 392), (182, 414), (183, 386), (183, 408), (184, 365), (184, 388), (185, 410), (185, 433), (186, 452), (186, 475), (187, 422), (187, 445), (201, 613), (201, 636), (209, 393), (209, 415), (216, 467), (216, 489), (223, 504), (223, 527), (230, 415), (230, 437), (237, 457), (237, 480), (245, 415), (245, 437), (252, 415), (252, 437), (259, 472), (259, 495), (266, 709), (266, 731), (273, 422), (273, 444), (280, 393), (280, 416), (294, 148), (367, 481), (367, 503), (404, 337), (404, 357), (459, 40), (542, 1103), (542, 1151), (542, 1195), (567, 125)], 'Roll27s_partridge.html': [(55, 410), (55, 432), (68, 44), (68, 81), (68, 91), (118, 18), (120, 456), (120, 479), (169, 40), (252, 1023), (252, 1072), (252, 1116), (277, 125)], 'Emmanuel_Muhammad.html': [(57, 18), (59, 485), (59, 508), (103, 40), (186, 1019), (186, 1068), (186, 1112), (203, 124)], 'Avenira.html': [(56, 35), (58, 431), (58, 452), (99, 40), (182, 979), (182, 1029), (182, 1073), (199, 124)], 'Shabbir_Kumar.html': [(128, 161), (168, 40), (251, 1003), (251, 1052), (251, 1096), (268, 124)], 'Boardman_Township_Mahoning_County_Ohio.html': [(6, 497), (52, 747), (52, 770), (60, 858), (60, 880), (64, 368), (64, 617), (64, 1236), (64, 1485), (194, 443), (194, 833), (249, 586), (249, 609), (405, 40), (405, 911), (405, 952), (405, 977), (488, 1111), (488, 1160), (488, 1204), (505, 125)], 'S27portable_Scoreboards.html': [(96, 40), (179, 1047), (179, 1096), (179, 1140), (196, 124)], 'Power_transfer_unit.html': [(54, 18), (56, 416), (56, 437), (99, 40), (182, 1027), (182, 1076), (182, 1120), (199, 125)], 'Reb_Russell.html': [(50, 222), (50, 244), (284, 18), (286, 429), (286, 452), (286, 1057), (286, 1080), (286, 1672), (286, 1694), (335, 40), (418, 995), (418, 1044), (418, 1088), (435, 124)], 'Paul_Maddrell.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (147, 40), (230, 1003), (230, 1052), (230, 1096), (247, 124)], 'Achaea_faber.html': [(50, 419), (50, 441), (53, 220), (53, 242), (56, 434), (56, 455), (102, 29), (104, 488), (104, 509), (114, 18), (116, 453), (116, 475), (165, 40), (248, 999), (248, 1048), (248, 1092), (265, 125)], 'Liga_de_FC3BAtbol_Profesional_Boliviano.html': [(47, 322), (47, 344), (104, 458), (104, 479), (143, 680), (143, 703), (145, 391), (145, 412), (149, 443), (149, 464), (153, 433), (153, 454), (157, 389), (157, 410), (161, 387), (161, 408), (165, 445), (165, 466), (169, 395), (169, 416), (173, 395), (173, 416), (177, 413), (177, 434), (972, 456), (972, 479), (979, 474), (979, 496), (979, 985), (979, 1008), (986, 456), (986, 479), (993, 456), (993, 479), (1000, 456), (1000, 479), (1007, 456), (1007, 479), (1014, 456), (1014, 479), (1021, 474), (1021, 496), (1021, 985), (1021, 1008), (1028, 465), (1028, 487), (1035, 456), (1035, 479), (1042, 456), (1042, 479), (1049, 456), (1049, 479), (1056, 456), (1056, 479), (1063, 456), (1063, 479), (1070, 456), (1070, 479), (1077, 429), (1077, 451), (1261, 556), (1261, 579), (1511, 40), (1594, 1115), (1594, 1164), (1594, 1208), (1611, 125)], 'Liebig_Peak.html': [(6, 473), (44, 102), (47, 429), (47, 450), (53, 495), (53, 517), (59, 280), (59, 524), (59, 1080), (59, 1324), (67, 57), (69, 302), (69, 324), (71, 18), (73, 432), (73, 454), (122, 40), (122, 995), (122, 1036), (122, 1061), (205, 995), (205, 1044), (205, 1088), (222, 125)], 'Cyclone_Gamede.html': [(6, 480), (36, 586), (36, 608), (54, 647), (54, 670), (126, 488), (126, 511), (136, 579), (136, 602), (217, 425), (217, 447), (228, 670), (228, 693), (279, 421), (279, 444), (412, 424), (412, 446), (413, 415), (413, 436), (414, 363), (414, 384), (415, 376), (415, 398), (416, 369), (416, 392), (460, 40), (460, 1047), (460, 1117), (460, 1171), (543, 1007), (543, 1055), (543, 1099), (568, 125)], 'GalC3A1pagos_Guadalajara.html': [(6, 730), (6, 756), (43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (62, 600), (62, 622), (113, 29), (115, 488), (115, 509), (122, 421), (122, 444), (442, 510), (442, 532), (447, 465), (447, 716), (485, 40), (485, 1909), (485, 1979), (485, 2033), (485, 2093), (485, 2134), (485, 2159), (568, 1059), (568, 1107), (568, 1151), (593, 125)], 'Fusinus_carvalhoriosi.html': [(113, 29), (115, 488), (115, 509), (120, 29), (122, 488), (122, 509), (137, 18), (139, 453), (139, 476), (188, 40), (271, 1035), (271, 1084), (271, 1128), (288, 125)], 'Friendship_Wake_County_North_Carolina.html': [(6, 466), (44, 515), (44, 766), (88, 545), (88, 567), (165, 18), (213, 40), (213, 950), (213, 991), (213, 1016), (296, 1107), (296, 1156), (296, 1200), (313, 124)], 'Arrondissements_of_the_Yvelines_department.html': [(61, 547), (61, 569), (208, 41), (216, 40), (299, 1119), (299, 1166), (299, 1210), (316, 125), (343, 716)], 'Kellie_Jones.html': [(94, 29), (97, 429), (97, 450), (103, 18), (105, 578), (105, 601), (105, 1193), (105, 1215), (154, 40), (237, 999), (237, 1049), (237, 1093), (254, 124)], 'ItalyE28093United_States_relations.html': [(47, 569), (47, 591), (57, 409), (57, 432), (59, 516), (59, 539), (78, 1226), (78, 1249), (85, 880), (85, 903), (92, 481), (92, 504), (125, 401), (125, 424), (126, 473), (126, 496), (229, 876), (229, 898), (239, 635), (239, 658), (249, 509), (249, 531), (261, 392), (261, 414), (283, 194), (286, 181), (286, 229), (301, 302), (301, 324), (325, 650), (325, 673), (830, 675), (830, 697), (968, 526), (968, 549), (990, 476), (990, 498), (1166, 40), (1249, 1099), (1249, 1148), (1249, 1192), (1274, 125)], 'YC3AAn_BC3A1i.html': [(6, 668), (44, 102), (47, 470), (47, 491), (65, 567), (65, 590), (67, 382), (67, 403), (77, 368), (77, 614), (81, 409), (81, 431), (106, 510), (106, 531), (115, 29), (117, 488), (117, 509), (132, 576), (132, 598), (157, 335), (157, 357), (388, 448), (388, 694), (390, 18), (392, 460), (392, 482), (441, 40), (441, 2345), (441, 2386), (441, 2411), (524, 1019), (524, 1066), (524, 1110), (541, 125)], 'Gandigwad.html': [(6, 445), (57, 631), (57, 654), (59, 425), (59, 446), (69, 616), (69, 639), (71, 386), (71, 407), (82, 364), (82, 606), (82, 1175), (82, 1417), (86, 382), (86, 405), (143, 409), (143, 448), (143, 654), (143, 693), (143, 1099), (143, 1142), (162, 488), (162, 511), (478, 21), (478, 42), (478, 56), (725, 21), (725, 45), (725, 62), (1378, 18), (1380, 418), (1380, 440), (1429, 40), (1429, 800), (1429, 841), (1429, 866), (1512, 987), (1512, 1036), (1512, 1080), (1529, 125)], 'The_K_of_D.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (101, 40), (184, 991), (184, 1040), (184, 1084), (201, 124)], 'Arnold_Freiherr_von_Biegeleben.html': [(62, 469), (62, 492), (63, 543), (63, 565), (64, 603), (64, 626), (188, 53), (194, 496), (194, 519), (195, 647), (195, 669), (196, 675), (196, 698), (197, 803), (197, 825), (239, 40), (322, 1071), (322, 1120), (322, 1164), (339, 125)], 'Platinum_fulminate.html': [(62, 75), (89, 78), (94, 351), (94, 373), (94, 1108), (94, 1130), (94, 1495), (94, 1517), (155, 40), (238, 1023), (238, 1073), (238, 1117), (255, 124)], 'Land_26_Water_Australia.html': [(6, 442), (134, 446), (134, 469), (165, 551), (165, 573), (170, 467), (170, 725), (180, 18), (182, 589), (182, 612), (231, 40), (231, 1259), (231, 1300), (231, 1325), (314, 1047), (314, 1096), (314, 1140), (331, 125)], 'C11orf30.html': [(49, 551), (49, 573), (58, 83), (58, 109), (123, 434), (123, 456), (126, 192), (289, 101), (289, 118), (289, 128), (292, 107), (293, 107), (333, 1178), (333, 1200), (334, 1169), (334, 1191), (335, 1174), (335, 1196), (337, 1201), (337, 1223), (370, 495), (370, 517), (384, 486), (384, 508), (398, 484), (398, 506), (417, 18), (419, 369), (419, 391), (468, 40), (551, 983), (551, 1033), (551, 1077), (568, 124)], 'Manhattan_Murder_Mystery.html': [(49, 377), (49, 399), (218, 180), (430, 40), (513, 1047), (513, 1096), (513, 1140), (530, 125)], 'Phenacobius_catostomus.html': [(57, 44), (57, 81), (57, 91), (96, 18), (98, 544), (98, 567), (147, 40), (230, 1039), (230, 1088), (230, 1132), (247, 125)], 'Bartrum_Glacier.html': [(6, 418), (43, 363), (43, 609), (43, 1172), (43, 1418), (46, 303), (46, 325), (49, 18), (51, 410), (51, 432), (97, 40), (97, 605), (97, 646), (97, 671), (180, 1011), (180, 1060), (180, 1104), (197, 125)], 'Russian_Cultural_Centre_(Lviv).html': [(6, 569), (67, 1125), (67, 1148), (83, 1216), (83, 1238), (187, 526), (187, 548), (283, 456), (283, 707), (321, 40), (321, 1370), (321, 1411), (321, 1436), (404, 1071), (404, 1120), (404, 1164), (421, 125)], 'List_of_lakes_in_Independence_County_Arkansas.html': [(63, 177), (82, 477), (82, 749), (83, 459), (83, 731), (84, 447), (84, 719), (85, 447), (85, 719), (86, 455), (86, 727), (87, 471), (87, 743), (88, 477), (88, 749), (89, 515), (89, 787), (90, 519), (90, 791), (91, 523), (91, 795), (92, 471), (92, 743), (93, 447), (93, 719), (94, 535), (94, 807), (95, 535), (95, 807), (96, 471), (96, 743), (97, 475), (97, 747), (98, 515), (98, 787), (99, 479), (99, 751), (100, 523), (100, 795), (101, 519), (101, 791), (102, 471), (102, 743), (103, 467), (103, 739), (104, 519), (104, 791), (105, 519), (105, 791), (106, 463), (106, 735), (107, 515), (107, 787), (108, 455), (108, 727), (109, 467), (109, 739), (113, 459), (113, 731), (114, 483), (114, 755), (115, 467), (115, 739), (116, 455), (116, 727), (117, 479), (117, 751), (118, 487), (118, 759), (119, 527), (119, 799), (120, 503), (120, 775), (121, 471), (121, 743), (122, 523), (122, 795), (123, 487), (123, 759), (129, 514), (129, 536), (220, 645), (220, 668), (379, 40), (462, 1135), (462, 1185), (462, 1229), (479, 124)], 'Chef_Wan.html': [(139, 40), (222, 983), (222, 1032), (222, 1076), (239, 125)], 'Maple_Jam_Music_Group.html': [(78, 40), (161, 1035), (161, 1085), (161, 1129), (178, 124)], 'Elisa_von_der_Recke.html': [(49, 762), (49, 785), (123, 551), (123, 573), (133, 614), (133, 637), (143, 392), (143, 414), (153, 607), (153, 629), (163, 663), (163, 686), (191, 323), (191, 360), (233, 40), (316, 1027), (316, 1074), (316, 1118), (341, 125)], 'Ioana_Badea.html': [(6, 442), (47, 213), (47, 235), (83, 547), (83, 569), (89, 568), (89, 589), (133, 604), (133, 627), (134, 584), (134, 607), (135, 670), (135, 692), (136, 604), (136, 627), (137, 559), (137, 582), (138, 559), (138, 582), (139, 539), (139, 562), (140, 539), (140, 562), (141, 704), (141, 726), (142, 554), (142, 577), (143, 539), (143, 562), (152, 18), (154, 437), (154, 459), (166, 18), (168, 432), (168, 454), (168, 891), (168, 913), (217, 40), (217, 1857), (217, 1899), (217, 1925), (300, 995), (300, 1044), (300, 1088), (317, 125)], 'Rubber_Biscuit.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (89, 18), (91, 416), (91, 438), (140, 40), (223, 1007), (223, 1056), (223, 1100), (240, 125)], 'Fischli.html': [(48, 35), (50, 431), (50, 452), (86, 40), (169, 979), (169, 1028), (169, 1072), (186, 125)], 'Doug_Sahm_and_Band.html': [(49, 480), (49, 502), (129, 827), (129, 849), (264, 1464), (264, 1486), (310, 40), (393, 1023), (393, 1073), (393, 1117), (410, 124)], 'Henri_BraqueniC3A9.html': [(43, 102), (46, 512), (46, 533), (92, 40), (175, 1031), (175, 1080), (175, 1124), (192, 125)], 'John_Whewell.html': [(50, 18), (52, 437), (52, 459), (52, 838), (52, 860), (101, 40), (184, 999), (184, 1049), (184, 1093), (201, 124)], '83_(number).html': [(203, 404), (203, 426), (230, 346), (2537, 40), (2620, 995), (2620, 1043), (2620, 1087), (2645, 125)], 'Abdulla_Majid_Al_Naimi.html': [(45, 1416), (45, 1439), (163, 457), (163, 479), (200, 29), (203, 444), (203, 465), (286, 40), (369, 1039), (369, 1088), (369, 1132), (386, 125)], 'Irihirose_Station.html': [(6, 593), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (62, 479), (62, 501), (73, 456), (73, 478), (109, 821), (109, 843), (111, 403), (111, 424), (244, 444), (244, 693), (245, 18), (247, 417), (247, 439), (296, 40), (296, 1952), (296, 1993), (296, 2018), (379, 1019), (379, 1068), (379, 1112), (404, 125)], 'Castle_of_Cardona.html': [(6, 465), (45, 509), (45, 532), (85, 446), (85, 701), (123, 40), (123, 947), (123, 988), (123, 1013), (206, 1019), (206, 1067), (206, 1111), (231, 125)], 'Gulliver_Mickey.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (107, 171), (307, 18), (309, 383), (309, 404), (358, 40), (441, 1011), (441, 1060), (441, 1104), (458, 125)], 'Kokan_Colony.html': [(6, 433), (393, 19), (393, 38), (393, 50), (515, 37), (516, 18), (518, 369), (518, 391), (565, 40), (565, 848), (565, 910), (565, 956), (648, 999), (648, 1049), (648, 1093), (665, 124)], 'Giants27_grave_of_S27Ena27e_Thomes.html': [(6, 527), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (53, 432), (53, 455), (66, 454), (66, 477), (76, 398), (76, 421), (86, 454), (86, 477), (96, 597), (96, 620), (106, 597), (106, 620), (118, 356), (118, 451), (118, 698), (119, 18), (121, 421), (121, 444), (166, 40), (166, 1454), (166, 1495), (166, 1520), (249, 1099), (249, 1148), (249, 1192), (266, 125)], 'Sol_Eclipse.html': [(100, 40), (182, 37), (190, 40), (273, 995), (273, 1045), (273, 1089), (290, 124), (317, 921)], 'Palio_zosterae.html': [(153, 40), (236, 1007), (236, 1056), (236, 1100), (253, 125)], 'John_Nelson_(merchant).html': [(49, 439), (49, 461), (164, 323), (164, 360), (197, 37), (208, 40), (291, 1039), (291, 1088), (291, 1132), (308, 124), (335, 748)], 'Wilson_Global_Explorer.html': [(6, 461), (49, 889), (49, 912), (113, 841), (113, 864), (120, 40), (155, 421), (155, 444), (160, 127), (189, 37), (199, 40), (199, 804), (199, 874), (199, 928), (282, 1039), (282, 1088), (282, 1132), (307, 125), (334, 821)], '2015E2809316_Washington_Huskies_men27s_basketball_team.html': [(49, 547), (49, 569), (493, 394), (493, 416), (493, 842), (493, 864), (493, 1293), (493, 1315), (493, 1740), (493, 1762), (505, 394), (505, 416), (505, 842), (505, 864), (505, 1293), (505, 1315), (505, 1740), (505, 1762), (517, 394), (517, 416), (517, 842), (517, 864), (517, 1293), (517, 1315), (517, 1740), (517, 1762), (529, 394), (529, 416), (529, 842), (529, 864), (529, 1293), (529, 1315), (529, 1740), (529, 1762), (541, 394), (541, 416), (541, 842), (541, 864), (541, 1293), (541, 1315), (541, 1740), (541, 1762), (553, 394), (553, 416), (553, 842), (553, 864), (553, 1293), (553, 1315), (553, 1740), (553, 1762), (565, 394), (565, 416), (565, 842), (565, 864), (565, 1293), (565, 1315), (565, 1740), (565, 1762), (614, 394), (614, 416), (614, 842), (614, 864), (614, 1293), (614, 1315), (626, 394), (626, 416), (626, 842), (626, 864), (626, 1293), (626, 1315), (626, 1740), (626, 1762), (807, 564), (807, 585), (851, 399), (851, 420), (852, 394), (852, 415), (1693, 40), (1776, 1183), (1776, 1233), (1776, 1277), (1793, 124)], 'Varsity_College.html': [(6, 418), (56, 283), (56, 532), (56, 1111), (56, 1360), (104, 18), (106, 395), (106, 417), (155, 40), (155, 1238), (155, 1279), (155, 1304), (238, 1011), (238, 1060), (238, 1104), (255, 124)], 'Sudanese_pound.html': [(44, 102), (47, 419), (47, 441), (60, 391), (60, 414), (99, 397), (99, 419), (174, 29), (176, 488), (176, 509), (201, 580), (201, 603), (201, 1148), (201, 1171), (443, 475), (443, 497), (1119, 40), (1202, 1007), (1202, 1055), (1202, 1099), (1227, 125)], 'Antonio_de_Zayas_(bishop).html': [(106, 18), (108, 535), (108, 557), (157, 40), (240, 1051), (240, 1101), (240, 1145), (257, 124)], 'Tarsila_do_Amaral.html': [(49, 579), (49, 601), (205, 323), (205, 360), (390, 37), (398, 40), (481, 1019), (481, 1067), (481, 1111), (506, 125), (533, 910)], 'Rally_for_Democracy_and_Progress_(Benin).html': [(51, 493), (51, 515), (187, 254), (201, 666), (201, 688), (319, 40), (402, 1111), (402, 1160), (402, 1204), (419, 124)], 'Hope_7_(album).html': [(49, 376), (49, 398), (155, 483), (155, 505), (155, 856), (155, 878), (155, 1229), (155, 1251), (155, 1602), (155, 1624), (155, 1981), (155, 2003), (198, 40), (281, 1007), (281, 1056), (281, 1100), (298, 124)], 'Gratitud.html': [(49, 362), (49, 384), (456, 412), (456, 433), (457, 366), (457, 389), (458, 360), (458, 381), (466, 18), (468, 472), (468, 493), (517, 40), (600, 983), (600, 1032), (600, 1076), (617, 124)], 'Lungujja.html': [(6, 448), (53, 557), (53, 579), (55, 384), (55, 405), (65, 357), (65, 608), (69, 432), (69, 454), (136, 305), (136, 876), (147, 407), (147, 658), (194, 517), (194, 539), (642, 40), (642, 1214), (642, 1255), (642, 1280), (725, 983), (725, 1032), (725, 1076), (742, 124)], 'Giardini_Margherita.html': [(6, 430), (45, 600), (45, 623), (56, 419), (56, 667), (58, 18), (60, 475), (60, 497), (103, 40), (103, 1104), (103, 1149), (103, 1178), (186, 1027), (186, 1076), (186, 1120), (211, 125)], 'Antipater_of_Thessalonica.html': [(43, 102), (46, 341), (46, 362), (114, 323), (114, 360), (158, 40), (241, 1051), (241, 1099), (241, 1143), (258, 125)], 'Carthage_Cincinnati.html': [(6, 428), (45, 530), (45, 553), (67, 420), (67, 670), (79, 509), (79, 531), (168, 513), (168, 535), (491, 18), (493, 596), (493, 618), (505, 18), (507, 409), (507, 431), (556, 40), (556, 1067), (556, 1108), (556, 1133), (639, 1031), (639, 1080), (639, 1124), (656, 124)], 'Chapel_of_Mercy_MonacoVille.html': [(6, 489), (56, 468), (56, 724), (57, 18), (59, 380), (59, 402), (108, 40), (108, 1190), (108, 1231), (108, 1256), (191, 1067), (191, 1117), (191, 1161), (208, 124)], 'Copamyntis_infusella.html': [(106, 437), (106, 855), (110, 238), (110, 352), (114, 18), (116, 432), (116, 454), (165, 40), (248, 1031), (248, 1080), (248, 1124), (265, 125)], 'Aubrey_Fair.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (99, 345), (99, 907), (108, 18), (110, 483), (110, 505), (110, 981), (110, 1003), (159, 40), (242, 995), (242, 1044), (242, 1088), (259, 124)], 'Marv_Felderman.html': [(118, 18), (120, 429), (120, 452), (120, 1057), (120, 1080), (120, 1672), (120, 1694), (169, 40), (252, 1007), (252, 1056), (252, 1100), (269, 124)], 'Copenhagen_Skatepark.html': [(6, 483), (45, 549), (45, 572), (293, 37), (295, 18), (297, 517), (297, 539), (297, 1008), (297, 1030), (339, 41), (346, 40), (346, 877), (346, 938), (346, 983), (429, 1031), (429, 1081), (429, 1125), (446, 124), (473, 959)], 'Macy_conferences.html': [(331, 40), (414, 1015), (414, 1063), (414, 1107), (431, 125)], 'Sky_Regional_Airlines.html': [(47, 252), (47, 274), (132, 589), (132, 612), (196, 628), (196, 651), (318, 490), (318, 513), (319, 460), (319, 482), (320, 472), (320, 495), (608, 40), (691, 1035), (691, 1084), (691, 1128), (716, 125)], 'List_of_Polish_consorts.html': [(6, 693), (45, 756), (45, 779), (89, 382), (89, 404), (99, 414), (99, 436), (110, 414), (110, 436), (121, 414), (121, 436), (146, 414), (146, 436), (158, 458), (158, 480), (184, 453), (184, 475), (197, 415), (197, 437), (211, 357), (211, 379), (222, 414), (222, 436), (234, 414), (234, 436), (245, 414), (245, 436), (257, 470), (257, 492), (285, 414), (285, 436), (295, 414), (295, 436), (311, 418), (311, 440), (335, 414), (335, 436), (351, 512), (351, 534), (365, 414), (365, 436), (378, 512), (378, 534), (394, 414), (394, 436), (410, 526), (410, 548), (424, 454), (424, 476), (439, 406), (439, 428), (453, 526), (453, 548), (467, 350), (467, 372), (482, 357), (482, 379), (496, 494), (496, 516), (511, 708), (511, 730), (524, 510), (524, 532), (552, 437), (552, 459), (565, 409), (565, 431), (578, 564), (578, 586), (606, 485), (606, 507), (622, 413), (622, 435), (636, 505), (636, 527), (648, 414), (648, 436), (659, 414), (659, 436), (686, 981), (686, 1003), (716, 397), (716, 419), (728, 600), (728, 622), (738, 451), (738, 473), (751, 513), (751, 535), (764, 461), (764, 483), (779, 481), (779, 503), (790, 573), (790, 596), (802, 494), (802, 516), (814, 691), (814, 714), (825, 645), (825, 667), (851, 478), (851, 500), (866, 542), (866, 564), (877, 510), (877, 533), (887, 533), (887, 555), (898, 633), (898, 656), (917, 593), (917, 616), (931, 470), (931, 493), (945, 701), (945, 723), (960, 520), (960, 542), (974, 701), (974, 723), (986, 520), (986, 542), (1001, 786), (1001, 809), (1020, 421), (1020, 444), (1080, 40), (1080, 1930), (1080, 1991), (1080, 2036), (1163, 1043), (1163, 1092), (1163, 1136), (1180, 125)], 'Sabari.html': [(45, 29), (48, 441), (48, 463), (58, 381), (58, 403), (148, 18), (150, 388), (150, 410), (199, 40), (282, 975), (282, 1024), (282, 1068), (299, 125)], 'Ministry_of_Development_Planning_and_Statistics.html': [(48, 316), (48, 338), (152, 40), (235, 1139), (235, 1189), (235, 1233), (252, 124)], 'William_Harvey_Lillard.html': [(45, 226), (45, 248), (65, 176), (81, 178), (129, 40), (212, 1039), (212, 1088), (212, 1132), (229, 124)], '2014E2809315_Albanian_Third_Division.html': [(561, 40), (644, 1107), (644, 1157), (644, 1201), (661, 125)], 'Kristiene_Gong.html': [(6, 445), (6, 485), (49, 586), (49, 608), (62, 454), (62, 477), (397, 421), (397, 444), (441, 40), (441, 880), (441, 950), (441, 1004), (441, 1078), (441, 1133), (441, 1172), (524, 1007), (524, 1056), (524, 1100), (549, 125)], 'Lopez_v._Davis.html': [(48, 675), (48, 697), (458, 40), (541, 1007), (541, 1056), (541, 1100), (558, 124)], 'Clinton_Engineer_Works.html': [(6, 452), (36, 566), (36, 588), (46, 488), (46, 511), (82, 502), (82, 524), (100, 554), (100, 577), (110, 509), (110, 531), (122, 625), (122, 648), (132, 725), (132, 748), (148, 622), (148, 645), (156, 677), (162, 894), (162, 917), (171, 561), (171, 584), (183, 635), (183, 658), (197, 561), (197, 584), (207, 621), (207, 644), (216, 488), (216, 511), (229, 554), (229, 577), (241, 724), (241, 747), (257, 820), (257, 843), (481, 571), (481, 594), (636, 413), (636, 434), (641, 24), (643, 582), (643, 604), (644, 514), (644, 536), (645, 562), (645, 584), (646, 826), (646, 848), (647, 758), (647, 780), (650, 449), (650, 719), (688, 40), (688, 1277), (688, 1318), (688, 1343), (771, 1039), (771, 1088), (771, 1132), (788, 125)], 'Beyond_Magnetic.html': [(49, 417), (49, 439), (157, 456), (157, 478), (157, 829), (157, 851), (157, 1202), (157, 1224), (157, 1575), (157, 1597), (157, 1954), (157, 1976), (169, 462), (169, 484), (169, 835), (169, 857), (169, 1208), (169, 1230), (169, 1581), (169, 1603), (169, 1960), (169, 1982), (724, 424), (724, 446), (725, 415), (725, 436), (727, 363), (727, 384), (771, 40), (854, 1011), (854, 1059), (854, 1103), (871, 125)], 'Vojin_C486etkoviC487.html': [(6, 585), (44, 102), (47, 512), (47, 533), (53, 425), (53, 448), (98, 162), (117, 421), (117, 444), (122, 18), (124, 509), (124, 532), (124, 1124), (124, 1146), (124, 1610), (124, 1632), (173, 40), (173, 1476), (173, 1546), (173, 1600), (256, 1047), (256, 1096), (256, 1140), (281, 125)], 'Coenaculum_secundum.html': [(108, 104), (108, 122), (108, 174), (108, 183), (159, 40), (242, 1027), (242, 1076), (242, 1120), (259, 125)], 'The_Gentleman_Without_a_Residence_(1915_film).html': [(120, 189), (122, 18), (124, 402), (124, 423), (173, 40), (256, 1131), (256, 1181), (256, 1225), (273, 125)], 'Barren_vegetation.html': [(45, 554), (45, 577), (93, 705), (93, 728), (156, 40), (239, 1019), (239, 1068), (239, 1112), (256, 125)], 'Kul_Gul.html': [(6, 402), (57, 540), (57, 563), (59, 382), (59, 403), (69, 356), (69, 607), (69, 1180), (69, 1431), (73, 391), (73, 413), (104, 448), (119, 522), (119, 544), (1093, 490), (1093, 512), (1096, 18), (1098, 397), (1098, 419), (1147, 40), (1147, 677), (1147, 718), (1147, 743), (1230, 979), (1230, 1028), (1230, 1072), (1247, 125)], 'Ramo_Stott.html': [(123, 571), (123, 594), (167, 18), (169, 418), (169, 441), (181, 18), (183, 457), (183, 480), (232, 40), (315, 991), (315, 1040), (315, 1084), (332, 124)], 'Sahanpur.html': [(6, 531), (57, 665), (57, 687), (59, 384), (59, 405), (69, 614), (69, 637), (71, 384), (71, 405), (82, 366), (82, 614), (82, 1189), (82, 1437), (86, 382), (86, 405), (147, 329), (147, 822), (285, 18), (287, 446), (287, 468), (336, 40), (336, 1181), (336, 1222), (336, 1247), (419, 983), (419, 1032), (419, 1076), (436, 125)], 'Daniel_Cerone.html': [(64, 284), (64, 336), (64, 361), (64, 700), (300, 415), (300, 436), (301, 424), (301, 446), (309, 18), (311, 479), (311, 501), (360, 40), (443, 1003), (443, 1052), (443, 1096), (460, 124)], 'Abanycha_bicolor.html': [(111, 18), (113, 481), (113, 503), (162, 40), (245, 1015), (245, 1065), (245, 1109), (262, 125)], 'Bulbophyllum_biflorum.html': [(50, 512), (50, 535), (115, 402), (115, 425), (116, 445), (116, 467), (116, 498), (119, 18), (121, 453), (121, 476), (170, 40), (253, 1035), (253, 1084), (253, 1128), (278, 125)], 'Chemin_d27Aylmer.html': [(6, 612), (43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 386), (54, 407), (60, 29), (63, 441), (63, 463), (105, 18), (116, 15), (116, 21), (117, 26), (117, 70), (295, 40), (295, 1220), (295, 1270), (295, 1304), (378, 1019), (378, 1068), (378, 1112), (395, 124)], 'Wangeroogeclass_tug.html': [(44, 102), (47, 512), (47, 533), (54, 521), (54, 544), (67, 437), (67, 460), (123, 531), (123, 554), (133, 517), (133, 540), (386, 40), (469, 1031), (469, 1080), (469, 1124), (494, 125)], 'Mark_Baker_(basketball).html': [(6, 460), (205, 40), (205, 2777), (205, 2849), (205, 2905), (288, 1043), (288, 1092), (288, 1136), (305, 125)], 'Steinkjersannan.html': [(6, 456), (50, 436), (50, 687), (51, 18), (53, 535), (53, 557), (98, 40), (98, 745), (98, 786), (98, 811), (181, 1011), (181, 1060), (181, 1104), (198, 125)], 'Acrolophus_simulatus.html': [(97, 18), (147, 40), (230, 1031), (230, 1080), (230, 1124), (247, 125)], 'Estadio_Municipal_Pozoblanco.html': [(6, 520), (43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (52, 466), (52, 722), (54, 18), (56, 486), (56, 508), (56, 977), (56, 999), (96, 41), (104, 40), (104, 1189), (104, 1230), (104, 1255), (187, 1063), (187, 1112), (187, 1156), (204, 124), (231, 849)], 'Nejat_Alp.html': [(96, 18), (98, 424), (98, 445), (147, 40), (230, 987), (230, 1036), (230, 1080), (247, 125)], 'List_of_largest_chemical_producers.html': [(45, 719), (45, 742), (69, 441), (69, 464), (76, 519), (76, 542), (83, 600), (83, 622), (90, 501), (90, 523), (97, 519), (97, 542), (104, 537), (104, 559), (111, 519), (111, 542), (118, 519), (118, 542), (125, 492), (125, 515), (132, 441), (132, 464), (139, 423), (139, 445), (146, 516), (146, 538), (153, 492), (153, 514), (160, 432), (160, 454), (167, 432), (167, 454), (174, 516), (174, 538), (181, 441), (181, 464), (188, 423), (188, 445), (195, 423), (195, 445), (202, 441), (202, 464), (209, 423), (209, 445), (216, 423), (216, 446), (223, 447), (223, 470), (230, 519), (230, 542), (237, 528), (237, 550), (244, 492), (244, 514), (251, 519), (251, 542), (258, 516), (258, 538), (265, 519), (265, 542), (272, 492), (272, 514), (279, 423), (279, 445), (286, 519), (286, 542), (293, 492), (293, 515), (300, 456), (300, 478), (307, 441), (307, 464), (314, 423), (314, 445), (321, 501), (321, 523), (328, 519), (328, 542), (335, 519), (335, 542), (342, 465), (342, 487), (349, 519), (349, 542), (356, 423), (356, 445), (363, 432), (363, 454), (370, 423), (370, 445), (377, 492), (377, 514), (384, 465), (384, 487), (391, 465), (391, 487), (398, 528), (398, 551), (405, 519), (405, 542), (412, 528), (412, 551), (650, 41), (651, 41), (652, 41), (660, 40), (743, 1087), (743, 1137), (743, 1181), (760, 125), (787, 797), (787, 849), (787, 901)], 'La_Franja.html': [(6, 749), (6, 793), (49, 495), (49, 517), (280, 368), (280, 390), (919, 600), (919, 622), (1306, 544), (1306, 567), (1346, 421), (1346, 444), (1379, 37), (1417, 40), (1417, 2559), (1417, 2629), (1417, 2683), (1417, 2761), (1417, 2820), (1417, 2863), (1500, 987), (1500, 1034), (1500, 1078), (1525, 125)], 'Scarlet_wrasse.html': [(50, 576), (50, 599), (59, 410), (59, 432), (72, 44), (72, 81), (72, 91), (164, 40), (247, 1007), (247, 1056), (247, 1100), (272, 125)], 'Mirisah.html': [(6, 402), (57, 540), (57, 563), (59, 382), (59, 403), (69, 361), (69, 612), (69, 1190), (69, 1441), (73, 391), (73, 413), (111, 448), (126, 516), (126, 538), (277, 490), (277, 512), (280, 18), (282, 409), (282, 432), (331, 40), (331, 641), (331, 682), (331, 707), (414, 979), (414, 1028), (414, 1072), (431, 125)], 'Eyes_Galaxies.html': [(49, 543), (49, 566), (54, 72), (134, 145), (140, 506), (140, 529), (150, 532), (150, 555), (160, 386), (160, 408), (170, 386), (170, 409), (180, 964), (180, 987), (197, 952), (197, 974), (199, 1156), (199, 1178), (200, 950), (200, 972), (201, 932), (201, 954), (203, 1010), (203, 1032), (204, 984), (204, 1006), (750, 488), (750, 510), (788, 40), (871, 1003), (871, 1053), (871, 1097), (888, 125)], 'CabriniE28093Green_Chicago.html': [(6, 432), (51, 376), (51, 627), (51, 1229), (51, 1480), (124, 637), (124, 659), (646, 40), (646, 641), (646, 682), (646, 707), (729, 1071), (729, 1120), (729, 1164), (746, 125)], 'Kenneth_van_Kempen.html': [(6, 450), (297, 40), (297, 1607), (297, 1679), (297, 1735), (380, 1023), (380, 1072), (380, 1116), (397, 125)], 'Fureai_kippu.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (105, 40), (188, 999), (188, 1047), (188, 1091), (205, 125)], 'Tobi_trousers.html': [(45, 516), (45, 539), (61, 18), (63, 393), (63, 415), (112, 40), (195, 1003), (195, 1052), (195, 1096), (212, 125)], 'Diplacus_aurantiacus.html': [(6, 538), (50, 504), (50, 526), (141, 483), (141, 506), (149, 643), (149, 666), (157, 506), (157, 529), (165, 506), (165, 529), (173, 483), (173, 506), (196, 421), (196, 444), (209, 104), (209, 122), (209, 174), (209, 183), (264, 40), (264, 4095), (264, 4172), (264, 4233), (347, 1031), (347, 1080), (347, 1124), (372, 125)], 'Treaty_of_Ryswick.html': [(44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (53, 754), (53, 777), (60, 467), (60, 490), (67, 592), (67, 614), (74, 495), (74, 518), (125, 363), (125, 385), (181, 40), (264, 1019), (264, 1067), (264, 1111), (289, 125)], 'Pirama.html': [(6, 438), (51, 18), (53, 537), (53, 560), (65, 37), (98, 561), (98, 584), (99, 516), (99, 539), (100, 444), (100, 467), (101, 412), (101, 435), (304, 40), (304, 1115), (304, 1174), (304, 1217), (387, 975), (387, 1024), (387, 1068), (404, 125)], 'Ordinary_singularity.html': [(49, 18), (51, 409), (51, 431), (95, 40), (178, 1031), (178, 1080), (178, 1124), (195, 125)], '2011_Wainwright_Roaming_Buffalo_Classic.html': [(61, 537), (61, 559), (85, 456), (85, 479), (122, 456), (122, 479), (129, 456), (129, 479), (136, 456), (136, 479), (143, 456), (143, 479), (150, 456), (150, 479), (157, 456), (157, 479), (164, 456), (164, 479), (171, 456), (171, 479), (178, 456), (178, 479), (185, 501), (185, 523), (192, 456), (192, 479), (199, 456), (199, 479), (206, 456), (206, 479), (213, 501), (213, 523), (220, 456), (220, 479), (227, 456), (227, 479), (234, 501), (234, 523), (241, 537), (241, 559), (248, 456), (248, 479), (255, 456), (255, 479), (262, 456), (262, 479), (269, 456), (269, 479), (276, 456), (276, 479), (283, 456), (283, 479), (290, 456), (290, 479), (297, 501), (297, 523), (346, 591), (346, 614), (352, 591), (352, 614), (356, 591), (356, 614), (362, 591), (362, 614), (367, 591), (367, 614), (373, 636), (373, 658), (378, 636), (378, 658), (384, 591), (384, 614), (388, 636), (388, 658), (394, 591), (394, 614), (398, 672), (398, 694), (404, 672), (404, 694), (409, 591), (409, 614), (419, 591), (419, 614), (428, 591), (428, 614), (434, 636), (434, 658), (438, 636), (438, 658), (444, 591), (444, 614), (449, 591), (449, 614), (461, 591), (461, 614), (471, 591), (471, 614), (479, 591), (479, 614), (483, 591), (483, 614), (491, 591), (491, 614), (540, 591), (540, 614), (546, 591), (546, 614), (550, 591), (550, 614), (556, 591), (556, 614), (561, 591), (561, 614), (567, 591), (567, 614), (572, 636), (572, 658), (578, 591), (578, 614), (582, 591), (582, 614), (588, 591), (588, 614), (592, 636), (592, 658), (598, 636), (598, 658), (603, 591), (603, 614), (613, 591), (613, 614), (622, 591), (622, 614), (628, 591), (628, 614), (632, 591), (632, 614), (638, 591), (638, 614), (643, 591), (643, 614), (655, 591), (655, 614), (665, 591), (665, 614), (673, 591), (673, 614), (677, 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(1223, 614), (1229, 591), (1229, 614), (1233, 591), (1233, 614), (1239, 591), (1239, 614), (1244, 591), (1244, 614), (1254, 591), (1254, 614), (1321, 591), (1321, 614), (1327, 591), (1327, 614), (1331, 591), (1331, 614), (1337, 636), (1337, 658), (1341, 636), (1341, 658), (1347, 591), (1347, 614), (1352, 591), (1352, 614), (1362, 591), (1362, 614), (1428, 591), (1428, 614), (1434, 591), (1434, 614), (1438, 591), (1438, 614), (1448, 591), (1448, 614), (1459, 591), (1459, 614), (1464, 591), (1464, 614), (1469, 672), (1469, 694), (1474, 591), (1474, 614), (1478, 591), (1478, 614), (1487, 672), (1487, 694), (1535, 591), (1535, 614), (1541, 591), (1541, 614), (1545, 591), (1545, 614), (1555, 636), (1555, 658), (1566, 636), (1566, 658), (1571, 591), (1571, 614), (1576, 591), (1576, 614), (1581, 591), (1581, 614), (1585, 591), (1585, 614), (1594, 591), (1594, 614), (1642, 591), (1642, 614), (1648, 591), (1648, 614), (1652, 591), (1652, 614), (1658, 591), (1658, 614), (1662, 591), (1662, 614), (1668, 591), (1668, 614), (1673, 591), (1673, 614), (1683, 591), (1683, 614), (1759, 654), (1759, 677), (1768, 654), (1768, 677), (1775, 654), (1775, 677), (1786, 699), (1786, 721), (1792, 699), (1792, 721), (1802, 654), (1802, 677), (1809, 654), (1809, 677), (1820, 735), (1820, 757), (1826, 654), (1826, 677), (1837, 735), (1837, 757), (1844, 735), (1844, 757), (1855, 654), (1855, 677), (1861, 654), (1861, 677), (1871, 654), (1871, 677), (2199, 41), (2210, 40), (2293, 1107), (2293, 1157), (2293, 1201), (2310, 124), (2337, 810)], 'Meleh_Kabude_Sofla.html': [(6, 426), (57, 564), (57, 587), (59, 406), (59, 427), (69, 372), (69, 623), (69, 1212), (69, 1463), (73, 391), (73, 413), (111, 460), (126, 517), (126, 539), (765, 490), (765, 512), (768, 18), (770, 397), (770, 419), (819, 40), (819, 647), (819, 688), (819, 713), (902, 1027), (902, 1076), (902, 1120), (919, 125)], 'FC3A9lix_CC3A1rdenas.html': [(48, 533), (48, 555), (284, 18), (286, 437), (286, 459), (335, 40), (418, 1047), (418, 1095), (418, 1139), (443, 125)], 'Ego_Dominus_Tuus.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (54, 457), (54, 479), (232, 18), (234, 416), (234, 438), (246, 18), (248, 486), (248, 508), (297, 40), (380, 1015), (380, 1064), (380, 1108), (397, 124)], 'Patrick_F._Philbin.html': [(79, 18), (81, 578), (81, 601), (81, 1055), (81, 1077), (123, 41), (130, 40), (213, 1023), (213, 1072), (213, 1116), (230, 124), (257, 936)], 'Aniavan.html': [(6, 402), (57, 595), (57, 618), (59, 382), (59, 403), (69, 361), (69, 612), (69, 1190), (69, 1441), (73, 409), (73, 432), (142, 490), (142, 513), (168, 374), (168, 396), (340, 18), (342, 367), (342, 389), (380, 40), (391, 40), (391, 779), (391, 820), (391, 845), (474, 979), (474, 1027), (474, 1071), (491, 125), (518, 755)], 'Chhaparband_(Muslim).html': [(61, 448), (61, 470), (632, 40), (715, 1031), (715, 1080), (715, 1124), (732, 124)], 'Benny_Lee.html': [(91, 157), (102, 323), (102, 360), (146, 40), (229, 987), (229, 1036), (229, 1080), (246, 125)], 'De_La_Salle_University_E28093_DasmariC3B1as.html': [(6, 804), (44, 102), (47, 462), (47, 484), (55, 245), (55, 267), (120, 447), (120, 469), (227, 419), (227, 441), (579, 522), (579, 544), (758, 453), (758, 475), (853, 471), (853, 723), (891, 40), (891, 2782), (891, 2823), (891, 2848), (974, 1143), (974, 1192), (974, 1236), (991, 124)], 'Ron_Harvey_(rugby_union).html': [(105, 18), (107, 429), (107, 452), (119, 18), (121, 451), (121, 474), (121, 853), (121, 875), (170, 40), (253, 1047), (253, 1096), (253, 1140), (270, 124)], 'Stade_Municipal_de_Djougou.html': [(6, 460), (45, 565), (45, 587), (86, 18), (88, 501), (88, 523), (88, 992), (88, 1014), (100, 344), (100, 469), (100, 715), (138, 40), (138, 851), (138, 892), (138, 917), (221, 1055), (221, 1104), (221, 1148), (238, 125)], 'Ferdinand_Mainzer.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (80, 18), (82, 437), (82, 460), (82, 885), (82, 907), (94, 18), (96, 502), (96, 525), (96, 994), (96, 1016), (96, 1438), (96, 1459), (137, 41), (145, 40), (228, 1019), (228, 1068), (228, 1112), (245, 124), (272, 900)], 'Tischofer_Cave.html': [(6, 416), (6, 570), (49, 506), (49, 529), (59, 285), (59, 536), (59, 1122), (59, 1373), (78, 421), (78, 444), (1924, 40), (1924, 938), (1924, 979), (1924, 1004), (1924, 1486), (1924, 1556), (1924, 1610), (2007, 1007), (2007, 1055), (2007, 1099), (2032, 125)], 'Luciano_Mercante.html': [(51, 586), (51, 607), (60, 61), (63, 18), (65, 446), (65, 469), (114, 40), (197, 1015), (197, 1064), (197, 1108), (214, 124)], 'TamC3A1s_Buday.html': [(6, 464), (48, 453), (48, 475), (90, 547), (90, 570), (96, 584), (96, 605), (101, 584), (101, 605), (109, 568), (109, 589), (114, 568), (114, 589), (119, 568), (119, 589), (124, 568), (124, 589), (129, 586), (129, 607), (134, 586), (134, 607), (139, 586), (139, 607), (144, 586), (144, 607), (149, 586), (149, 607), (154, 584), (154, 605), (159, 584), (159, 605), (164, 584), (164, 605), (169, 584), (169, 605), (193, 421), (193, 444), (324, 584), (324, 606), (415, 18), (417, 430), (417, 453), (417, 899), (417, 921), (429, 18), (431, 452), (431, 475), (431, 921), (431, 943), (443, 18), (445, 452), (445, 475), (445, 860), (445, 882), (494, 40), (494, 2809), (494, 2870), (494, 2915), (577, 1015), (577, 1064), (577, 1108), (594, 125)], 'Morgana_King.html': [(6, 623), (49, 583), (49, 605), (137, 195), (541, 196), (581, 421), (581, 444), (587, 160), (589, 220), (589, 258), (589, 311), (589, 344), (589, 709), (589, 731), (604, 323), (604, 360), (649, 40), (649, 3826), (649, 3896), (649, 3950), (732, 999), (732, 1047), (732, 1091), (757, 125)], 'Prisons_in_Bolivia.html': [(52, 18), (54, 450), (54, 473), (103, 40), (186, 1023), (186, 1072), (186, 1116), (211, 124)], 'EDP_Sarichioi_Wind_Farm.html': [(6, 454), (181, 37), (183, 18), (185, 430), (185, 452), (197, 18), (199, 404), (199, 427), (248, 40), (248, 784), (248, 845), (248, 890), (331, 1043), (331, 1092), (331, 1136), (348, 124)], 'KMTZ.html': [(75, 251), (75, 503), (96, 385), (96, 739), (103, 127), (105, 173), (108, 18), (110, 425), (110, 446), (110, 903), (110, 925), (151, 44), (159, 40), (242, 967), (242, 1016), (242, 1060), (259, 124), (286, 904)], 'Mariana_Mazzucato.html': [(49, 487), (49, 509), (262, 37), (271, 40), (354, 1019), (354, 1069), (354, 1113), (371, 125), (398, 858)], 'Hall_of_Mental_Cultivation.html': [(6, 792), (6, 818), (44, 102), (47, 386), (47, 407), (52, 29), (55, 386), (55, 407), (60, 29), (63, 441), (63, 463), (74, 446), (74, 469), (85, 421), (85, 444), (120, 517), (120, 540), (247, 347), (247, 442), (247, 691), (285, 40), (285, 1780), (285, 1850), (285, 1904), (285, 1964), (285, 2005), (285, 2030), (368, 1055), (368, 1104), (368, 1148), (393, 125)], 'Phong_ThE1BAA1nh_C490C3B4ng_A.html': [(6, 424), (52, 409), (52, 431), (85, 567), (85, 589), (116, 468), (116, 490), (222, 479), (222, 730), (224, 18), (226, 467), (226, 489), (268, 41), (275, 40), (275, 828), (275, 869), (275, 894), (358, 1095), (358, 1144), (358, 1188), (375, 125), (402, 942)], 'Antibiotic_use_in_livestock.html': [(107, 29), (110, 441), (110, 463), (199, 29), (201, 488), (201, 509), (207, 29), (209, 488), (209, 509), (214, 894), (214, 917), (221, 375), (229, 29), (232, 405), (232, 427), (265, 860), (272, 443), (278, 443), (279, 102), (298, 372), (378, 1326), (378, 1348), (390, 384), (390, 1075), (429, 270), (429, 278), (429, 1009), (429, 1019), (551, 40), (634, 1059), (634, 1109), (634, 1153), (651, 125)], 'Burnin27_Sneakers.html': [(49, 253), (49, 275), (267, 40), (350, 1023), (350, 1072), (350, 1116), (367, 125)], 'GaC5A1parci.html': [(56, 569), (56, 592), (58, 384), (58, 405), (68, 360), (68, 605), (72, 409), (72, 432), (105, 18), (107, 458), (107, 480), (156, 40), (239, 1003), (239, 1052), (239, 1096), (256, 125)], 'BalC3A1zs_VillC3A1m.html': [(308, 18), (310, 497), (310, 520), (310, 995), (310, 1017), (359, 40), (442, 1043), (442, 1093), (442, 1137), (459, 125)], 'Swan_neck_deformity.html': [(45, 950), (45, 973), (248, 18), (261, 18), (263, 446), (263, 468), (310, 40), (393, 1027), (393, 1076), (393, 1120), (410, 125)], 'David_Sands_(psychologist).html': [(154, 37), (165, 40), (248, 1055), (248, 1105), (248, 1149), (265, 124), (292, 658)], '2013_FIA_WTCC_Race_of_Russia.html': [(45, 437), (45, 459), (50, 507), (50, 530), (83, 432), (83, 454), (98, 432), (98, 454), (104, 516), (104, 538), (110, 456), (110, 479), (119, 516), (119, 538), (147, 456), (147, 478), (153, 432), (153, 454), (159, 528), (159, 551), (168, 456), (168, 478), (248, 432), (248, 454), (259, 516), (259, 538), (270, 528), (270, 551), (281, 456), (281, 479), (292, 423), (292, 446), (303, 528), (303, 551), (314, 423), (314, 445), (325, 456), (325, 478), (336, 474), (336, 496), (347, 456), (347, 478), (358, 528), (358, 551), (369, 528), (369, 551), (380, 492), (380, 515), (391, 474), (391, 496), (402, 441), (402, 464), (413, 528), (413, 551), (424, 423), (424, 446), (435, 432), (435, 454), (446, 441), (446, 464), (457, 465), (457, 487), (468, 441), (468, 464), (482, 423), (482, 445), (493, 432), (493, 454), (526, 432), (526, 454), (538, 516), (538, 538), (550, 456), (550, 479), (562, 528), (562, 551), (574, 528), (574, 551), (586, 423), (586, 446), (598, 456), (598, 478), (610, 528), (610, 551), (622, 528), (622, 551), (634, 423), (634, 446), (646, 456), (646, 478), (658, 465), (658, 487), (670, 528), (670, 551), (682, 432), (682, 454), (694, 423), (694, 445), (706, 441), (706, 464), (718, 423), (718, 445), (730, 441), (730, 464), (742, 441), (742, 464), (754, 474), (754, 496), (766, 432), (766, 454), (778, 492), (778, 515), (790, 474), (790, 496), (820, 456), (820, 478), (832, 432), (832, 454), (844, 528), (844, 551), (856, 423), (856, 445), (868, 456), (868, 479), (880, 528), (880, 551), (892, 423), (892, 446), (904, 423), (904, 446), (916, 474), (916, 496), (928, 528), (928, 551), (940, 528), (940, 551), (952, 465), (952, 487), (964, 441), (964, 464), (976, 516), (976, 538), (988, 441), (988, 464), (1000, 456), (1000, 478), (1012, 432), (1012, 454), (1024, 423), (1024, 445), (1036, 441), (1036, 464), (1048, 432), (1048, 454), (1060, 528), (1060, 551), (1072, 474), (1072, 496), (1084, 492), (1084, 515), (1113, 461), (1113, 483), (1115, 432), (1115, 454), (1119, 461), (1119, 483), (1121, 423), (1121, 446), (1125, 445), (1125, 467), (1127, 456), (1127, 478), (1131, 445), (1131, 467), (1133, 528), (1133, 551), (1137, 461), (1137, 483), (1139, 528), (1139, 551), (1156, 445), (1156, 467), (1158, 456), (1158, 478), (1162, 445), (1162, 467), (1164, 528), (1164, 551), (1168, 461), (1168, 483), (1170, 528), (1170, 551), (1174, 461), (1174, 483), (1176, 456), (1176, 478), (1180, 445), (1180, 467), (1182, 423), (1182, 446), (1199, 461), (1199, 483), (1201, 423), (1201, 445), (1205, 461), (1205, 483), (1207, 432), (1207, 454), (1295, 40), (1378, 1063), (1378, 1113), (1378, 1157), (1395, 125)], 'Gennady_Lesun.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (165, 18), (167, 498), (167, 520), (167, 996), (167, 1018), (206, 37), (216, 40), (299, 1003), (299, 1052), (299, 1096), (316, 125), (343, 804)], 'Juan_Carlos_PinzC3B3n.html': [(6, 575), (50, 631), (50, 653), (139, 588), (139, 610), (159, 822), (159, 845), (185, 421), (185, 444), (232, 582), (232, 604), (577, 40), (577, 2442), (577, 2512), (577, 2566), (660, 1043), (660, 1092), (660, 1136), (685, 125)], 'Henry_Louis_Larsen.html': [(49, 555), (49, 578), (130, 454), (130, 477), (134, 674), (134, 696), (142, 432), (142, 455), (212, 503), (212, 525), (213, 435), (213, 458), (217, 503), (217, 525), (218, 547), (218, 569), (222, 503), (222, 525), (223, 503), (223, 525), (224, 442), (224, 465), (227, 475), (227, 497), (233, 503), (233, 525), (234, 470), (234, 493), (237, 446), (237, 469), (238, 649), (238, 672), (242, 560), (242, 582), (243, 560), (243, 582), (244, 560), (244, 582), (245, 547), (245, 569), (250, 516), (250, 538), (251, 537), (251, 559), (255, 559), (255, 581), (256, 560), (256, 582), (257, 560), (257, 582), (258, 560), (258, 582), (259, 540), (259, 562), (262, 572), (262, 594), (265, 537), (265, 559), (266, 537), (266, 559), (267, 530), (267, 552), (271, 560), (271, 582), (272, 533), (272, 555), (277, 551), (277, 573), (278, 537), (278, 559), (279, 553), (279, 575), (280, 586), (280, 608), (390, 524), (390, 547), (520, 434), (520, 456), (668, 40), (751, 1023), (751, 1072), (751, 1116), (768, 125)], 'Metis_Institute_of_Polytechnic.html': [(6, 566), (6, 612), (44, 102), (47, 429), (47, 450), (58, 218), (58, 240), (88, 458), (88, 481), (148, 421), (148, 444), (156, 398), (156, 420), (163, 426), (163, 448), (167, 338), (167, 359), (175, 333), (175, 354), (179, 404), (179, 425), (186, 338), (186, 359), (195, 37), (233, 40), (233, 1489), (233, 1550), (233, 1595), (233, 1675), (233, 1736), (233, 1781), (316, 1071), (316, 1120), (316, 1164), (333, 124)], 'Scrobipalpa_halophila.html': [(98, 18), (148, 40), (231, 1035), (231, 1085), (231, 1129), (248, 125)], 'Holly_Golightly_(comics).html': [(49, 516), (49, 538), (80, 481), (80, 503), (96, 315), (96, 345), (96, 368), (161, 40), (244, 1047), (244, 1096), (244, 1140), (261, 125)], '2008_Fed_Cup_World_Group_II.html': [(63, 414), (63, 437), (69, 486), (69, 508), (87, 456), (87, 479), (88, 524), (88, 546), (100, 456), (100, 479), (101, 524), (101, 546), (113, 456), (113, 479), (114, 524), (114, 546), (126, 456), (126, 479), (127, 524), (127, 546), (140, 456), (140, 479), (141, 524), (141, 546), (159, 387), (159, 409), (165, 414), (165, 437), (183, 423), (183, 445), (184, 452), (184, 475), (197, 423), (197, 445), (198, 452), (198, 475), (211, 423), (211, 445), (212, 452), (212, 475), (224, 423), (224, 445), (225, 452), (225, 475), (238, 423), (238, 445), (239, 452), (239, 475), (257, 480), (257, 502), (263, 420), (263, 442), (281, 543), (281, 565), (282, 461), (282, 483), (294, 543), (294, 565), (295, 461), (295, 483), (307, 543), (307, 565), (308, 461), (308, 483), (321, 543), (321, 565), (322, 461), (322, 483), (334, 543), (334, 565), (335, 461), (335, 483), (354, 426), (354, 448), (360, 414), (360, 436), (378, 474), (378, 496), (379, 452), (379, 474), (391, 474), (391, 496), (392, 452), (392, 474), (405, 474), (405, 496), (406, 452), (406, 474), (419, 474), (419, 496), (420, 452), (420, 474), (432, 474), (432, 496), (433, 452), (433, 474), (499, 40), (582, 1059), (582, 1107), (582, 1151), (599, 125)], 'Battle_of_Wattignies.html': [(6, 695), (52, 591), (52, 613), (77, 480), (77, 502), (78, 728), (78, 750), (79, 443), (79, 465), (85, 480), (85, 502), (86, 428), (86, 450), (87, 428), (87, 450), (88, 728), (88, 750), (89, 686), (89, 708), (90, 443), (90, 465), (403, 897), (403, 920), (411, 561), (411, 583), (429, 630), (429, 652), (441, 902), (441, 925), (454, 462), (454, 484), (467, 475), (467, 497), (558, 385), (558, 407), (563, 150), (563, 584), (1039, 499), (1039, 521), (1105, 499), (1105, 521), (1123, 631), (1123, 654), (1152, 688), (1152, 711), (1168, 514), (1168, 536), (1181, 572), (1181, 595), (1195, 523), (1195, 545), (1209, 685), (1209, 707), (1543, 419), (1543, 670), (1581, 40), (1581, 2197), (1581, 2238), (1581, 2263), (1664, 1031), (1664, 1080), (1664, 1124), (1689, 125)], 'Touch_FM_(Coventry).html': [(6, 482), (115, 37), (153, 40), (153, 943), (153, 1010), (153, 1061), (236, 1027), (236, 1076), (236, 1120), (253, 124)], 'Dowell_Philip_O27Reilly.html': [(155, 40), (238, 1047), (238, 1096), (238, 1140), (255, 124)], 'DuC5A1anovo.html': [(6, 532), (57, 651), (57, 673), (59, 384), (59, 405), (69, 367), (69, 618), (73, 403), (73, 426), (290, 444), (290, 695), (291, 18), (293, 423), (293, 446), (342, 40), (342, 1205), (342, 1246), (342, 1271), (425, 1003), (425, 1052), (425, 1096), (442, 125)], 'Monarch_Mountain.html': [(6, 419), (55, 752), (55, 775), (57, 578), (57, 600), (97, 353), (97, 605), (97, 1209), (97, 1461), (149, 576), (149, 598), (410, 18), (412, 376), (412, 398), (461, 40), (461, 917), (461, 958), (461, 983), (544, 1015), (544, 1064), (544, 1108), (561, 125)], 'Smeaton_East_Lothian.html': [(6, 510), (6, 628), (49, 743), (49, 765), (57, 633), (57, 656), (59, 382), (59, 403), (170, 441), (170, 688), (199, 527), (199, 549), (226, 453), (226, 475), (236, 433), (236, 456), (246, 426), (246, 449), (256, 426), (256, 449), (266, 426), (266, 449), (276, 426), (276, 449), (286, 426), (286, 449), (296, 447), (296, 470), (311, 421), (311, 444), (320, 18), (322, 493), (322, 516), (371, 40), (371, 941), (371, 982), (371, 1007), (371, 1333), (371, 1403), (371, 1457), (454, 1035), (454, 1084), (454, 1128), (479, 124)], 'Martha_Herbert.html': [(169, 40), (252, 1007), (252, 1057), (252, 1101), (269, 124)], 'Octomeria_lithophila.html': [(50, 512), (50, 535), (118, 421), (118, 444), (122, 238), (122, 291), (122, 324), (122, 689), (122, 711), (123, 18), (125, 453), (125, 475), (174, 40), (257, 1031), (257, 1080), (257, 1124), (282, 125)], 'Canyamars.html': [(6, 435), (6, 461), (45, 516), (45, 539), (64, 586), (64, 609), (74, 601), (74, 624), (84, 712), (84, 735), (94, 524), (94, 547), (104, 481), (104, 503), (115, 421), (115, 444), (119, 434), (119, 689), (153, 40), (153, 475), (153, 545), (153, 599), (153, 659), (153, 700), (153, 725), (236, 987), (236, 1036), (236, 1080), (261, 125)], 'Volume_One_(The_West_Coast_Pop_Art_Experimental_Band_album).html': [(49, 199), (49, 221), (109, 456), (109, 478), (109, 829), (109, 851), (109, 1202), (109, 1224), (109, 1581), (109, 1603), (109, 1960), (109, 1982), (223, 40), (306, 1187), (306, 1236), (306, 1280), (323, 124)], 'List_of_Uzbek_films_of_2014.html': [(45, 529), (45, 551), (121, 209), (778, 40), (861, 1059), (861, 1109), (861, 1153), (878, 124)], 'Miltochrista_fuscozonata.html': [(50, 552), (50, 575), (53, 440), (53, 461), (104, 18), (154, 40), (237, 1047), (237, 1096), (237, 1140), (262, 125)], 'Svinjare.html': [(6, 509), (43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (62, 360), (62, 611), (62, 1188), (62, 1439), (92, 18), (94, 402), (94, 424), (143, 40), (143, 1016), (143, 1057), (143, 1082), (226, 983), (226, 1031), (226, 1075), (243, 125)], 'KDDQ.html': [(6, 396), (83, 276), (83, 527), (83, 1105), (83, 1356), (113, 127), (115, 173), (238, 18), (240, 425), (240, 446), (240, 910), (240, 932), (289, 40), (289, 983), (289, 1024), (289, 1049), (372, 967), (372, 1016), (372, 1060), (389, 124)], 'Tramery.html': [(6, 402), (6, 457), (53, 768), (53, 791), (55, 382), (55, 403), (73, 802), (73, 825), (75, 382), (75, 403), (88, 328), (88, 578), (88, 1148), (88, 1398), (147, 44), (158, 421), (158, 444), (173, 657), (173, 679), (805, 18), (807, 549), (807, 571), (856, 40), (856, 575), (856, 616), (856, 641), (856, 730), (856, 800), (856, 854), (939, 979), (939, 1028), (939, 1072), (964, 125)], 'Kyokutou_I_Love_You.html': [(49, 268), (49, 290), (476, 40), (559, 1027), (559, 1076), (559, 1120), (576, 125)], 'Adish_Aggarwala.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 341), (54, 362), (59, 29), (62, 512), (62, 533), (67, 29), (70, 386), (70, 407), (162, 40), (245, 1011), (245, 1060), (245, 1104), (262, 125)], 'Wilhelm_August_Graah.html': [(70, 323), (70, 360), (108, 40), (191, 1031), (191, 1080), (191, 1124), (216, 125)], 'Schwobsheim.html': [(6, 410), (6, 465), (52, 679), (52, 701), (63, 776), (63, 799), (65, 390), (65, 411), (83, 810), (83, 833), (85, 390), (85, 411), (98, 333), (98, 583), (98, 1160), (98, 1410), (161, 44), (177, 421), (177, 444), (192, 541), (192, 563), (729, 18), (731, 570), (731, 592), (780, 40), (780, 593), (780, 634), (780, 659), (780, 748), (780, 818), (780, 872), (863, 995), (863, 1042), (863, 1086), (888, 125)], 'Dewoitine_D.21.html': [(6, 546), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (58, 537), (58, 559), (101, 488), (101, 510), (118, 421), (118, 443), (125, 475), (125, 497), (126, 415), (126, 437), (132, 433), (132, 456), (133, 403), (133, 426), (139, 40), (179, 421), (179, 444), (331, 37), (343, 40), (343, 1320), (343, 1390), (343, 1444), (426, 1007), (426, 1056), (426, 1100), (451, 125), (478, 713)], 'George_Joseph_Trapp.html': [(53, 18), (55, 465), (55, 487), (99, 40), (182, 1027), (182, 1076), (182, 1120), (199, 124)], 'USS_Impeccable_(AM320).html': [(47, 563), (47, 585), (55, 554), (55, 577), (215, 521), (215, 544), (301, 590), (301, 612), (358, 560), (358, 582), (374, 500), (374, 522), (389, 470), (389, 492), (425, 504), (425, 527), (442, 530), (442, 552), (456, 524), (456, 546), (471, 470), (471, 493), (491, 476), (491, 498), (555, 40), (638, 1043), (638, 1092), (638, 1136), (655, 125)], 'Indhiya_Jananayaga_Katchi.html': [(51, 382), (51, 404), (305, 40), (388, 1051), (388, 1101), (388, 1145), (405, 125)], 'DiGiorgio_Corporation.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (129, 40), (212, 1035), (212, 1084), (212, 1128), (229, 124)], 'George_Weldrick.html': [(194, 40), (277, 1011), (277, 1060), (277, 1104), (294, 124)], 'Archiepiscopal_Palace_Rouen.html': [(6, 444), (49, 501), (49, 524), (59, 314), (59, 565), (59, 1178), (59, 1429), (93, 810), (93, 833), (95, 425), (95, 446), (131, 792), (131, 814), (169, 24), (171, 610), (171, 632), (211, 40), (211, 656), (211, 697), (211, 722), (294, 1063), (294, 1113), (294, 1157), (311, 125)], 'William_Henry_Porter.html': [(48, 315), (48, 337), (88, 40), (171, 1031), (171, 1081), (171, 1125), (188, 124)], 'Robert_E._Lee_(FCC).html': [(80, 18), (82, 525), (82, 548), (82, 1034), (82, 1055), (122, 41), (131, 40), (214, 1027), (214, 1076), (214, 1120), (231, 124), (258, 865)], 'Laredo_Colombia_Solidarity_Port_of_Entry.html': [(49, 671), (49, 694), (64, 314), (64, 562), (116, 18), (118, 438), (118, 461), (130, 18), (132, 445), (132, 467), (132, 864), (132, 885), (181, 40), (264, 1111), (264, 1160), (264, 1204), (281, 124)], 'ThalkirchenObersendlingForstenriedFC3BCrstenriedSolln.html': [(6, 496), (45, 720), (45, 742), (139, 467), (139, 715), (171, 40), (171, 458), (171, 499), (171, 524), (254, 1187), (254, 1235), (254, 1279), (279, 125)], 'Carley_State_Park.html': [(6, 421), (53, 562), (53, 585), (59, 488), (59, 511), (63, 455), (63, 477), (82, 322), (82, 572), (82, 1162), (82, 1412), (109, 544), (109, 566), (111, 402), (111, 423), (704, 40), (704, 1079), (704, 1120), (704, 1145), (787, 1019), (787, 1068), (787, 1112), (804, 124)], 'HD_90156.html': [(46, 83), (161, 71), (165, 107), (169, 153), (174, 92), (210, 1376), (210, 1398), (212, 1116), (212, 1138), (215, 488), (215, 510), (645, 18), (647, 502), (647, 525), (659, 18), (661, 418), (661, 440), (710, 40), (793, 983), (793, 1031), (793, 1075), (810, 125)], 'Taipa_HousesE28093Museum.html': [(6, 426), (6, 572), (16, 107), (16, 140), (44, 514), (44, 763), (46, 79), (46, 189), (46, 221), (46, 352), (46, 384), (46, 468), (46, 500), (46, 516), (46, 539), (48, 55), (53, 523), (53, 546), (78, 421), (78, 444), (86, 18), (88, 266), (88, 287), (100, 18), (102, 383), (102, 406), (151, 40), (151, 1133), (151, 1174), (151, 1199), (151, 1657), (151, 1727), (151, 1781), (234, 1059), (234, 1109), (234, 1153), (259, 125)], 'Naoise_C393_MuirC3AD.html': [(50, 573), (50, 595), (183, 40), (266, 1047), (266, 1095), (266, 1139), (283, 125)], 'Alexios_Aspietes.html': [(98, 40), (181, 1015), (181, 1065), (181, 1109), (198, 125)], 'Hermann_Nuding.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (180, 37), (187, 40), (270, 1007), (270, 1056), (270, 1100), (287, 125), (314, 939)], 'John_Jephson.html': [(116, 40), (199, 999), (199, 1048), (199, 1092), (216, 124)], 'James_Alexander_Ulio.html': [(49, 363), (49, 385), (68, 454), (68, 477), (72, 720), (72, 742), (80, 432), (80, 455), (111, 421), (111, 443), (153, 18), (155, 578), (155, 601), (155, 1094), (155, 1116), (167, 18), (169, 359), (169, 381), (218, 40), (301, 1031), (301, 1080), (301, 1124), (318, 124)], 'Double_Wing_Attack.html': [(269, 552), (269, 573), (281, 552), (281, 573), (311, 552), (311, 573), (323, 552), (323, 573), (399, 560), (399, 581), (493, 560), (493, 581), (611, 552), (611, 573), (3845, 29), (3847, 488), (3847, 509), (6186, 552), (6186, 573), (6198, 552), (6198, 573), (6210, 552), (6210, 573), (6222, 552), (6222, 573), (6338, 552), (6338, 573), (6350, 552), (6350, 573), (6801, 40), (6884, 1023), (6884, 1073), (6884, 1117), (6901, 125)], 'Heinz_Inniger.html': [(6, 425), (52, 571), (52, 594), (58, 584), (58, 605), (67, 57), (70, 18), (72, 458), (72, 481), (84, 18), (134, 40), (134, 1313), (134, 1366), (134, 1403), (217, 1003), (217, 1051), (217, 1095), (234, 125)], 'MarC3ADa_CalderC3B3n.html': [(50, 213), (50, 235), (121, 37), (129, 40), (212, 1047), (212, 1096), (212, 1140), (229, 125), (256, 887)], 'Goran_ObradoviC487_(footballer_born_1976).html': [(6, 474), (47, 719), (47, 742), (163, 69), (163, 168), (194, 37), (202, 40), (202, 3498), (202, 3547), (202, 3580), (285, 1127), (285, 1176), (285, 1220), (302, 125), (329, 949)], 'Jack_Goes_Home.html': [(49, 283), (49, 305), (166, 170), (168, 18), (170, 383), (170, 405), (219, 40), (302, 1007), (302, 1057), (302, 1101), (319, 124)], 'Puerto_Rico_at_the_2013_World_Aquatics_Championships.html': [(50, 515), (50, 537), (161, 16), (211, 16), (558, 40), (641, 1159), (641, 1209), (641, 1253), (658, 124)], 'Devil_on_Horseback.html': [(50, 450), (50, 472), (166, 174), (169, 18), (171, 367), (171, 389), (220, 40), (303, 1023), (303, 1072), (303, 1116), (320, 124)], 'Furubira_District_Hokkaido.html': [(6, 563), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (53, 621), (53, 643), (76, 734), (76, 756), (162, 548), (162, 571), (1678, 450), (1678, 696), (1679, 18), (1681, 542), (1681, 564), (1730, 40), (1730, 1111), (1730, 1152), (1730, 1177), (1813, 1059), (1813, 1108), (1813, 1152), (1830, 125)], 'Epichorista.html': [(146, 464), (146, 486), (152, 421), (152, 444), (165, 18), (215, 40), (298, 995), (298, 1044), (298, 1088), (323, 125)], 'Companys_procC3A9s_a_Catalunya.html': [(118, 184), (120, 18), (122, 388), (122, 410), (171, 40), (254, 1083), (254, 1132), (254, 1176), (271, 125)], 'Sylvia_Moss.html': [(129, 40), (212, 995), (212, 1044), (212, 1088), (229, 124)], 'Pochyta.html': [(125, 18), (127, 488), (127, 511), (176, 40), (259, 979), (259, 1027), (259, 1071), (276, 125)], '55th_parallel_south.html': [(46, 580), (46, 603), (76, 150), (92, 322), (92, 584), (97, 322), (97, 585), (102, 324), (102, 588), (104, 536), (104, 559), (105, 525), (105, 548), (108, 286), (108, 550), (109, 409), (109, 432), (113, 324), (113, 587), (118, 290), (118, 554), (119, 433), (119, 455), (123, 325), (123, 589), (125, 560), (125, 582), (126, 754), (126, 776), (126, 1406), (126, 1428), (158, 347), (158, 369), (338, 40), (421, 1027), (421, 1076), (421, 1120), (438, 125)], 'Manitoba_general_election_1896.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (63, 569), (63, 592), (154, 18), (156, 457), (156, 480), (197, 41), (205, 40), (288, 1075), (288, 1124), (288, 1168), (305, 124), (332, 889)], 'Norderbrarup.html': [(6, 447), (52, 558), (52, 581), (63, 609), (63, 632), (65, 396), (65, 417), (78, 382), (78, 404), (83, 329), (83, 573), (83, 1142), (83, 1386), (308, 562), (308, 584), (330, 18), (332, 537), (332, 559), (370, 37), (381, 40), (381, 941), (381, 982), (381, 1007), (464, 999), (464, 1047), (464, 1091), (489, 125), (516, 781)], 'A_Sport_and_a_Pastime.html': [(47, 193), (47, 215), (84, 59), (120, 18), (122, 453), (122, 475), (135, 18), (137, 568), (137, 590), (187, 40), (270, 1035), (270, 1084), (270, 1128), (287, 125)], 'Clocking_Out_Is_for_Suckers.html': [(49, 578), (49, 600), (151, 402), (151, 425), (192, 40), (275, 1059), (275, 1108), (275, 1152), (292, 124)], 'Roxbury_Presbyterian_Church.html': [(6, 442), (59, 675), (59, 698), (69, 689), (69, 712), (71, 423), (71, 444), (80, 612), (80, 635), (82, 423), (82, 444), (97, 314), (97, 564), (97, 1161), (97, 1411), (129, 438), (129, 867), (165, 414), (165, 436), (388, 412), (388, 433), (389, 360), (389, 381), (390, 360), (390, 381), (398, 18), (411, 18), (413, 474), (413, 497), (413, 892), (413, 914), (425, 18), (475, 40), (475, 1868), (475, 1909), (475, 1934), (558, 1059), (558, 1108), (558, 1152), (575, 124)], 'Tongyi_Mingin.html': [(6, 467), (56, 565), (56, 588), (58, 380), (58, 401), (68, 359), (68, 604), (68, 1172), (68, 1417), (72, 409), (72, 432), (114, 634), (114, 656), (228, 626), (228, 648), (233, 18), (235, 495), (235, 517), (235, 956), (235, 978), (284, 40), (284, 950), (284, 991), (284, 1016), (367, 1007), (367, 1057), (367, 1101), (384, 124)], 'Joint_Social_Welfare_Institute.html': [(104, 18), (106, 451), (106, 474), (150, 40), (233, 1071), (233, 1120), (233, 1164), (250, 125)], 'Christine_Gardner.html': [(115, 323), (115, 360), (159, 40), (242, 1019), (242, 1069), (242, 1113), (259, 124)], 'Horace_Pinker.html': [(44, 29), (47, 386), (47, 407), (52, 29), (55, 341), (55, 362), (60, 29), (63, 512), (63, 533), (282, 40), (365, 1003), (365, 1053), (365, 1097), (382, 124)], 'West_Valley_Washington.html': [(6, 432), (52, 1040), (52, 1063), (56, 342), (56, 594), (56, 1189), (56, 1441), (120, 306), (120, 558), (173, 40), (173, 896), (173, 937), (173, 962), (256, 1043), (256, 1092), (256, 1136), (273, 125)], 'Kirsten_Klein.html': [(101, 323), (101, 360), (143, 40), (226, 1003), (226, 1053), (226, 1097), (243, 125)], 'I27ve_Heard_That_Song_Before.html': [(257, 424), (257, 446), (337, 424), (337, 446), (345, 18), (347, 416), (347, 438), (396, 40), (479, 1067), (479, 1116), (479, 1160), (496, 125)], 'Matthew_Liptak.html': [(267, 40), (350, 1007), (350, 1056), (350, 1100), (367, 124)], 'Maniitsoq_structure.html': [(44, 726), (44, 991), (65, 32), (65, 62), (65, 85), (86, 297), (86, 320), (124, 489), (124, 512), (125, 429), (125, 451), (239, 32), (239, 62), (239, 85), (284, 40), (367, 1027), (367, 1077), (367, 1121), (384, 124)], 'La_Roca_de_la_Sierra.html': [(6, 529), (55, 592), (55, 614), (66, 575), (66, 598), (68, 408), (68, 429), (78, 357), (78, 606), (82, 382), (82, 404), (86, 577), (86, 599), (344, 587), (344, 609), (349, 436), (349, 685), (351, 18), (353, 493), (353, 515), (402, 40), (402, 1250), (402, 1291), (402, 1316), (485, 1031), (485, 1080), (485, 1124), (510, 125)], 'Robert_Frederick_Blum.html': [(6, 725), (49, 607), (49, 629), (92, 622), (92, 644), (114, 516), (114, 539), (130, 764), (130, 787), (140, 576), (140, 599), (150, 695), (150, 717), (160, 637), (160, 659), (170, 869), (170, 892), (180, 743), (180, 765), (192, 611), (192, 633), (197, 385), (197, 407), (202, 421), (202, 444), (208, 457), (208, 479), (228, 323), (228, 360), (266, 37), (275, 40), (275, 2611), (275, 2681), (275, 2735), (358, 1035), (358, 1084), (358, 1128), (383, 125), (410, 856)], 'SC3A3o_SebastiC3A3o_do_Alto.html': [(6, 429), (44, 514), (44, 765), (62, 675), (62, 698), (120, 526), (120, 548), (479, 18), (481, 496), (481, 519), (528, 40), (528, 695), (528, 736), (528, 761), (611, 1075), (611, 1124), (611, 1168), (636, 125)], 'Taylor_Williamson.html': [(87, 165), (457, 40), (540, 1019), (540, 1069), (540, 1113), (557, 124)], 'Valentin_Yanin.html': [(101, 323), (101, 360), (144, 40), (227, 1007), (227, 1056), (227, 1100), (244, 125)], 'RF_microwave_CAE_CAD.html': [(116, 40), (199, 1031), (199, 1080), (199, 1124), (216, 124)], 'Third_Saturday_in_October.html': [(52, 631), (52, 652), (56, 575), (56, 597), (126, 551), (126, 573), (134, 481), (134, 503), (903, 586), (903, 609), (919, 344), (919, 1203), (934, 229), (934, 247), (934, 351), (934, 708), (934, 728), (934, 827), (1582, 40), (1665, 1051), (1665, 1100), (1665, 1144), (1682, 124)], 'Ivo_Siromahov.html': [(122, 40), (205, 1003), (205, 1053), (205, 1097), (230, 125)], '16th_Virginia_Infantry.html': [(49, 624), (49, 646), (63, 744), (63, 766), (94, 303), (94, 325), (98, 628), (98, 650), (102, 18), (104, 383), (104, 404), (104, 812), (104, 833), (146, 41), (153, 40), (236, 1039), (236, 1088), (236, 1132), (253, 125), (280, 968)], 'Kelvin_Mbilinyi.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (136, 37), (144, 40), (227, 1011), (227, 1061), (227, 1105), (244, 124), (271, 887)], 'Tropical_sprue.html': [(50, 456), (50, 494), (50, 525), (50, 570), (50, 821), (50, 864), (50, 901), (50, 940), (50, 968), (50, 996), (50, 1030), (50, 1267), (50, 1310), (50, 1347), (50, 1386), (50, 1413), (50, 1441), (50, 1475), (50, 1713), (50, 1762), (50, 1800), (50, 1840), (50, 1868), (50, 1897), (50, 1931), (50, 2167), (50, 2205), (50, 2243), (50, 2283), (50, 2310), (50, 2338), (50, 2372), (50, 2567), (50, 2635), (50, 2675), (50, 2703), (50, 2732), (50, 2766), (50, 3002), (50, 3040), (50, 3078), (50, 3118), (50, 3146), (50, 3174), (50, 3209), (50, 3446), (50, 3490), (50, 3529), (50, 3570), (50, 3598), (50, 3627), (50, 3662), (50, 3899), (50, 3953), (50, 3990), (50, 4029), (50, 4056), (50, 4084), (50, 4117), (50, 4353), (50, 4402), (50, 4440), (50, 4480), (50, 4507), (50, 4535), (50, 4569), (50, 4806), (50, 4852), (50, 4889), (50, 4928), (50, 4955), (50, 4983), (50, 5017), (50, 5253), (50, 5294), (50, 5332), (50, 5372), (50, 5399), (50, 5427), (50, 5461), (50, 5698), (50, 5738), (50, 5775), (50, 5814), (50, 5841), (50, 5869), (50, 5903), (50, 6139), (50, 6174), (50, 6212), (50, 6252), (50, 6279), (50, 6307), (50, 6341), (69, 65), (72, 40), (72, 66), (73, 69), (93, 58), (93, 125), (162, 2050), (162, 2072), (164, 1337), (164, 1359), (166, 1279), (166, 1301), (168, 1211), (168, 1233), (171, 1294), (171, 1316), (709, 40), (792, 1007), (792, 1055), (792, 1099), (809, 125)], 'Cannabis_in_Spain.html': [(44, 102), (47, 465), (47, 486), (66, 530), (66, 553), (93, 460), (93, 483), (392, 40), (475, 1019), (475, 1068), (475, 1112), (492, 125)], 'Kate_Quarrie.html': [(79, 18), (81, 430), (81, 453), (130, 40), (213, 999), (213, 1048), (213, 1092), (230, 124)], 'Peltigera_membranacea.html': [(50, 568), (50, 591), (114, 18), (164, 40), (247, 1035), (247, 1084), (247, 1128), (272, 125)], 'Ricard_CardC3BAs.html': [(49, 482), (49, 504), (55, 423), (55, 445), (771, 41), (782, 40), (865, 1023), (865, 1071), (865, 1115), (890, 125), (917, 775)], 'Phil_Spence.html': [(146, 18), (148, 451), (148, 472), (197, 40), (280, 995), (280, 1044), (280, 1088), (297, 124)], '2001_NCAA_Division_I_Field_Hockey_Championship.html': [(47, 454), (47, 477), (498, 40), (581, 1135), (581, 1185), (581, 1229), (598, 124)], 'Yoshinkan.html': [(47, 411), (47, 433), (61, 423), (61, 445), (112, 453), (112, 475), (360, 40), (443, 987), (443, 1036), (443, 1080), (460, 125)], 'Andrei_Gamalyan.html': [(105, 18), (107, 475), (107, 497), (107, 973), (107, 995), (156, 40), (239, 1011), (239, 1061), (239, 1105), (256, 124)], 'Jeff_Weise.html': [(50, 389), (50, 411), (188, 194), (465, 37), (472, 40), (555, 991), (555, 1039), (555, 1083), (572, 125), (599, 955)], 'Ksar_Nalut.html': [(6, 451), (45, 411), (45, 434), (59, 410), (59, 658), (61, 18), (63, 517), (63, 539), (112, 40), (112, 1286), (112, 1327), (112, 1352), (195, 991), (195, 1040), (195, 1084), (212, 125)], 'Lectionary_69.html': [(159, 40), (242, 1003), (242, 1052), (242, 1096), (259, 125)], 'Luvvie_Darling.html': [(153, 18), (155, 423), (155, 445), (202, 40), (285, 1007), (285, 1057), (285, 1101), (302, 124)], 'The_Summer_King.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (105, 18), (107, 507), (107, 529), (120, 18), (122, 507), (122, 529), (172, 40), (255, 1011), (255, 1061), (255, 1105), (272, 124)], 'Code_page_1023.html': [(142, 54), (142, 99), (533, 548), (533, 673), (533, 1349), (533, 2010), (557, 413), (557, 434), (1315, 23), (1315, 60), (1315, 70), (1446, 40), (1546, 124)], 'Amborella.html': [(6, 543), (50, 512), (50, 535), (53, 437), (53, 458), (119, 687), (119, 709), (315, 489), (315, 512), (325, 488), (325, 511), (351, 210), (370, 1397), (370, 1419), (371, 1673), (371, 1695), (376, 421), (376, 444), (391, 104), (391, 122), (391, 174), (391, 183), (449, 40), (449, 1268), (449, 1338), (449, 1392), (532, 987), (532, 1035), (532, 1079), (557, 125)], 'Alexander_Rizzoni.html': [(6, 609), (45, 488), (45, 510), (57, 448), (57, 470), (67, 446), (67, 468), (89, 421), (89, 444), (105, 323), (105, 360), (151, 40), (151, 2236), (151, 2306), (151, 2360), (234, 1019), (234, 1068), (234, 1112), (259, 125)], 'Frost_Township_Michigan.html': [(6, 434), (56, 618), (56, 641), (58, 396), (58, 417), (68, 357), (68, 606), (68, 1214), (68, 1463), (154, 565), (154, 836), (170, 443), (170, 817), (218, 598), (218, 621), (330, 40), (330, 629), (330, 670), (330, 695), (413, 1047), (413, 1096), (413, 1140), (430, 125)], 'Roque_PC3A9rez_Partido.html': [(53, 521), (53, 543), (57, 336), (57, 581), (293, 500), (293, 522), (293, 1225), (293, 1247), (299, 18), (301, 598), (301, 620), (350, 40), (433, 1047), (433, 1096), (433, 1140), (450, 125)], 'Blue_Heelers_(season_8).html': [(49, 406), (49, 429), (79, 29), (82, 429), (82, 450), (105, 29), (107, 488), (107, 509), (125, 29), (127, 488), (127, 509), (133, 29), (135, 488), (135, 509), (141, 29), (143, 488), (143, 509), (660, 421), (660, 444), (695, 421), (695, 444), (730, 421), (730, 444), (739, 450), (739, 472), (886, 40), (969, 1043), (969, 1092), (969, 1136), (986, 124)], 'Nyck_de_Vries.html': [(49, 455), (49, 478), (55, 516), (55, 538), (424, 353), (424, 968), (468, 641), (468, 664), (524, 531), (524, 553), (525, 427), (525, 449), (529, 528), (529, 551), (530, 423), (530, 445), (531, 528), (531, 551), (535, 423), (535, 445), (536, 528), (536, 551), (537, 516), (537, 538), (541, 453), (541, 475), (542, 549), (542, 572), (543, 549), (543, 572), (544, 477), (544, 500), (545, 477), (545, 499), (546, 453), (546, 475), (547, 453), (547, 475), (749, 18), (751, 407), (751, 429), (800, 40), (883, 1003), (883, 1051), (883, 1095), (908, 125)], 'Dick_Johnson_(clarinetist).html': [(77, 323), (77, 360), (116, 40), (199, 1055), (199, 1103), (199, 1147), (216, 125)], 'Martinus_Hamconius.html': [(49, 495), (49, 517), (100, 18), (102, 516), (102, 538), (102, 987), (102, 1009), (151, 40), (234, 1023), (234, 1073), (234, 1117), (251, 125)], 'Strawberry_foliar_nematode.html': [(44, 102), (47, 429), (47, 450), (131, 442), (131, 464), (140, 496), (140, 518), (164, 375), (164, 434), (206, 40), (289, 1055), (289, 1104), (289, 1148), (306, 124)], 'Lydia_VillaKomaroff.html': [(101, 464), (101, 486), (108, 134), (108, 170), (108, 191), (108, 258), (109, 160), (109, 202), (109, 231), (109, 246), (109, 262), (181, 1262), (181, 1284), (235, 40), (318, 1031), (318, 1081), (318, 1125), (335, 124)], 'Danish_Maritime_Safety_Administration.html': [(50, 351), (50, 373), (110, 851), (128, 588), (128, 611), (141, 669), (141, 692), (149, 47), (149, 66), (149, 78), (158, 206), (158, 337), (158, 624), (158, 724), (203, 40), (286, 1099), (286, 1148), (286, 1192), (303, 125)], 'Coup_d27C3A9tat.html': [(6, 936), (55, 796), (55, 819), (195, 600), (195, 622), (209, 1107), (209, 1128), (209, 1330), (263, 39), (274, 57), (287, 29), (290, 441), (290, 463), (295, 29), (298, 524), (298, 546), (363, 391), (363, 413), (371, 469), (371, 492), (379, 403), (379, 425), (387, 397), (387, 419), (395, 391), (395, 413), (404, 409), (404, 432), (412, 415), (412, 437), (420, 517), (420, 539), (428, 391), (428, 414), (436, 427), (436, 449), (444, 397), (444, 419), (452, 415), (452, 437), (460, 397), (460, 419), (496, 721), (496, 1368), (548, 194), (565, 459), (565, 481), (566, 402), (566, 425), (1165, 40), (1165, 2767), (1165, 2837), (1165, 2891), (1248, 1023), (1248, 1070), (1248, 1114), (1273, 125)], 'Archibald_Gordon_(British_Army_officer).html': [(50, 420), (50, 442), (51, 18), (53, 525), (53, 548), (53, 1140), (53, 1162), (53, 1585), (53, 1606), (102, 40), (185, 1107), (185, 1156), (185, 1200), (202, 124)], 'Van_Buren_Ohio.html': [(6, 416), (52, 405), (52, 427), (56, 523), (56, 545), (60, 332), (60, 582), (60, 1165), (60, 1415), (157, 294), (157, 544), (302, 263), (302, 746), (307, 259), (307, 793), (349, 579), (349, 602), (477, 40), (477, 500), (477, 541), (477, 566), (560, 1011), (560, 1060), (560, 1104), (585, 125)], 'Sobolewo_Wysokie_Mazowieckie_County.html': [(6, 539), (57, 588), (57, 610), (59, 384), (59, 405), (69, 381), (69, 626), (73, 388), (73, 411), (173, 488), (173, 736), (174, 18), (176, 542), (176, 564), (225, 40), (225, 1034), (225, 1075), (225, 1100), (308, 1095), (308, 1143), (308, 1187), (325, 125)], 'Work_domain_analysis.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 441), (54, 463), (59, 29), (62, 512), (62, 533), (72, 1137), (72, 1178), (72, 1267), (150, 40), (233, 1031), (233, 1080), (233, 1124), (250, 124)], 'Lee_Henderson_Watkins.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (176, 40), (259, 1035), (259, 1084), (259, 1128), (276, 124)], 'Switzerland_at_the_1992_Winter_Olympics.html': [(50, 515), (50, 538), (169, 444), (169, 465), (176, 456), (176, 477), (182, 456), (182, 477), (191, 459), (191, 481), (348, 494), (348, 515), (533, 424), (533, 446), (578, 431), (578, 453), (617, 480), (617, 501), (675, 494), (675, 515), (696, 508), (696, 530), (907, 480), (907, 502), (986, 438), (986, 460), (1013, 401), (1013, 424), (1024, 381), (1024, 403), (1035, 488), (1035, 510), (1046, 401), (1046, 423), (1057, 446), (1057, 469), (1068, 416), (1068, 439), (1081, 371), (1081, 393), (1083, 433), (1083, 456), (1086, 391), (1086, 414), (1088, 433), (1088, 456), (1091, 391), (1091, 413), (1093, 433), (1093, 456), (1096, 436), (1096, 459), (1098, 403), (1098, 426), (1101, 478), (1101, 500), (1103, 433), (1103, 456), (1109, 436), (1109, 459), (1111, 388), (1111, 411), (1117, 406), (1117, 429), (1119, 433), (1119, 456), (1154, 567), (1154, 589), (1243, 531), (1243, 553), (1365, 150), (1557, 40), (1640, 1107), (1640, 1156), (1640, 1200), (1657, 125)], 'The_Future_(film).html': [(49, 367), (49, 389), (189, 166), (232, 40), (315, 1019), (315, 1067), (315, 1111), (332, 125)], 'Hideki_Kase.html': [(68, 382), (68, 404), (181, 18), (183, 421), (183, 443), (232, 40), (315, 995), (315, 1044), (315, 1088), (332, 125)], 'List_of_molecular_graphics_systems.html': [(6, 859), (44, 44), (57, 104), (78, 4), (171, 109), (179, 80), (219, 15), (514, 4), (526, 65), (534, 55), (627, 30), (627, 68), (627, 99), (641, 301), (641, 622), (670, 1233), (670, 1255), (678, 177), (678, 820), (684, 421), (684, 444), (731, 40), (731, 2488), (731, 2558), (731, 2612), (814, 1087), (814, 1136), (814, 1180), (839, 124)], 'Crepidula_atrasolea.html': [(95, 186), (112, 750), (112, 862), (126, 1479), (126, 1501), (140, 104), (140, 122), (140, 174), (140, 183), (193, 40), (276, 1027), (276, 1076), (276, 1120), (293, 125)], 'Constance_D27Arcy_Mackay.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (120, 40), (203, 1051), (203, 1101), (203, 1145), (220, 124)], 'Viva_Villa.html': [(49, 507), (49, 530), (220, 167), (221, 202), (592, 40), (675, 995), (675, 1044), (675, 1088), (692, 125)], 'Schlettau.html': [(6, 566), (44, 102), (47, 465), (47, 486), (73, 531), (73, 553), (84, 603), (84, 626), (86, 390), (86, 411), (99, 372), (99, 394), (104, 333), (104, 583), (104, 1166), (104, 1416), (170, 509), (170, 532), (177, 537), (177, 560), (184, 607), (184, 629), (281, 504), (281, 526), (303, 18), (305, 479), (305, 501), (347, 37), (354, 40), (354, 1349), (354, 1390), (354, 1415), (437, 987), (437, 1034), (437, 1078), (462, 125), (489, 979)], 'Usher_Gahagan.html': [(47, 420), (47, 442), (80, 40), (163, 1003), (163, 1052), (163, 1096), (180, 124)], 'Bifidocarpus.html': [(97, 18), (99, 369), (99, 392), (148, 40), (231, 999), (231, 1048), (231, 1092), (248, 125)], 'Belvedere_London.html': [(6, 607), (49, 863), (49, 885), (53, 1019), (53, 1041), (61, 669), (61, 692), (63, 386), (63, 407), (173, 529), (173, 776), (179, 467), (179, 489), (269, 398), (269, 420), (275, 426), (275, 448), (279, 338), (279, 359), (287, 333), (287, 354), (291, 404), (291, 425), (298, 338), (298, 359), (339, 440), (339, 846), (346, 242), (346, 295), (346, 504), (346, 572), (422, 530), (422, 552), (490, 448), (490, 470), (491, 448), (491, 470), (492, 448), (492, 470), (493, 448), (493, 470), (494, 448), (494, 470), (495, 448), (495, 470), (496, 448), (496, 470), (497, 448), (497, 470), (498, 448), (498, 470), (499, 448), (499, 470), (500, 448), (500, 470), (562, 40), (562, 1637), (562, 1678), (562, 1703), (645, 1019), (645, 1067), (645, 1111), (662, 125)], 'Hannover_Indians.html': [(6, 449), (49, 516), (49, 538), (303, 421), (303, 444), (420, 18), (422, 376), (422, 398), (471, 40), (471, 919), (471, 989), (471, 1043), (554, 1015), (554, 1063), (554, 1107), (579, 125)], 'Eugenio_Morelli.html': [(49, 599), (49, 622), (124, 382), (124, 405), (124, 975), (124, 997), (125, 382), (125, 405), (125, 975), (125, 997), (126, 382), (126, 405), (126, 1199), (126, 1221), (186, 37), (196, 40), (279, 1011), (279, 1061), (279, 1105), (296, 125), (323, 805)], 'Teiji_Ito.html': [(49, 408), (49, 430), (144, 157), (160, 323), (160, 360), (198, 37), (205, 40), (288, 987), (288, 1036), (288, 1080), (305, 125), (332, 947)], 'Pustiu_River.html': [(6, 471), (98, 37), (100, 18), (136, 41), (150, 40), (150, 1063), (150, 1124), (150, 1169), (233, 999), (233, 1048), (233, 1092), (250, 125), (277, 614)], 'East_Down_(Northern_Ireland_Parliament_constituency).html': [(6, 492), (44, 549), (44, 796), (97, 51), (103, 51), (116, 551), (116, 573), (1048, 40), (1048, 1307), (1048, 1348), (1048, 1373), (1131, 1159), (1131, 1208), (1131, 1252), (1148, 124)], 'Belgium_women27s_national_field_hockey_team.html': [(49, 570), (49, 592), (90, 239), (90, 260), (91, 219), (91, 240), (92, 241), (92, 262), (95, 234), (95, 256), (98, 234), (98, 256), (110, 239), (110, 260), (111, 219), (111, 240), (112, 241), (112, 262), (115, 234), (115, 256), (118, 234), (118, 256), (316, 771), (316, 794), (562, 641), (562, 663), (737, 40), (820, 1127), (820, 1175), (820, 1219), (845, 125)], 'Cortile_del_Belvedere.html': [(6, 525), (45, 362), (45, 384), (71, 927), (71, 950), (83, 771), (83, 794), (90, 771), (90, 794), (99, 501), (99, 523), (127, 421), (127, 444), (138, 443), (138, 694), (158, 567), (158, 589), (186, 625), (186, 648), (420, 40), (420, 1547), (420, 1588), (420, 1613), (503, 1035), (503, 1084), (503, 1128), (528, 125)], 'Robert_K._Zukowski.html': [(56, 18), (58, 444), (58, 466), (101, 40), (184, 1023), (184, 1072), (184, 1116), (201, 124)], 'List_of_people_from_Bangor_Maine.html': [(44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (91, 630), (91, 652), (122, 488), (122, 511), (154, 460), (154, 482), (176, 551), (176, 573), (190, 460), (190, 482), (200, 501), (200, 523), (268, 488), (268, 510), (286, 312), (286, 334), (302, 656), (302, 679), (361, 302), (362, 302), (363, 302), (364, 302), (366, 302), (371, 302), (372, 302), (418, 40), (501, 1083), (501, 1132), (501, 1176), (518, 124)], 'John_V._G._Posey_House.html': [(117, 610), (117, 632), (119, 424), (119, 446), (173, 18), (175, 423), (175, 445), (222, 40), (305, 1039), (305, 1088), (305, 1132), (322, 124)], 'Mitrella_guerreiroi.html': [(109, 29), (111, 488), (111, 509), (116, 29), (118, 488), (118, 509), (135, 104), (135, 122), (135, 174), (135, 183), (151, 18), (153, 510), (153, 532), (202, 40), (285, 1027), (285, 1076), (285, 1120), (302, 125)], 'Lis_LC3B8wert.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (106, 158), (114, 18), (116, 395), (116, 416), (165, 40), (248, 1011), (248, 1059), (248, 1103), (265, 125)], 'David_Jesson.html': [(82, 450), (151, 40), (234, 999), (234, 1048), (234, 1092), (251, 124)], 'Pontefract_byelection_1941.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (475, 40), (558, 1063), (558, 1112), (558, 1156), (575, 124)], '1898_Colgate_football_team.html': [(49, 511), (49, 533), (133, 163), (133, 183), (403, 40), (486, 1055), (486, 1105), (486, 1149), (503, 124)], 'William_McDonald_(Australian_politician).html': [(48, 438), (48, 981), (117, 40), (200, 1111), (200, 1161), (200, 1205), (217, 124)], 'C389cole_des_Mines_de_Douai.html': [(6, 435), (68, 449), (68, 696), (131, 131), (335, 456), (335, 478), (336, 465), (336, 488), (337, 432), (337, 455), (338, 438), (338, 461), (339, 600), (339, 622), (340, 543), (340, 565), (341, 441), (341, 464), (342, 423), (342, 446), (343, 423), (343, 445), (344, 456), (344, 478), (345, 432), (345, 455), (346, 465), (346, 487), (347, 456), (347, 478), (348, 465), (348, 487), (349, 423), (349, 445), (350, 492), (350, 515), (351, 528), (351, 551), (355, 432), (355, 454), (356, 432), (356, 455), (357, 600), (357, 622), (358, 441), (358, 464), (359, 492), (359, 515), (360, 432), (360, 454), (361, 465), (361, 488), (362, 423), (362, 445), (363, 456), (363, 479), (364, 528), (364, 551), (365, 519), (365, 542), (377, 29), (380, 512), (380, 533), (1055, 519), (1055, 541), (1409, 40), (1409, 867), (1409, 908), (1409, 933), (1492, 1067), (1492, 1116), (1492, 1160), (1509, 125)], 'One_Night_of_Sin.html': [(50, 337), (50, 359), (110, 456), (110, 478), (110, 829), (110, 851), (110, 1208), (110, 1230), (110, 1587), (110, 1609), (110, 1966), (110, 1988), (220, 16), (418, 40), (501, 1015), (501, 1064), (501, 1108), (518, 125)], 'John_Maitland_(Royal_Navy_officer).html': [(180, 40), (263, 1087), (263, 1136), (263, 1180), (280, 124)], 'Sol_Orwell.html': [(49, 431), (49, 453), (93, 595), (168, 37), (179, 40), (262, 991), (262, 1041), (262, 1085), (279, 124), (306, 747)], 'Abbeville_Sluggers.html': [(77, 18), (79, 427), (79, 450), (126, 40), (209, 1023), (209, 1073), (209, 1117), (226, 124)], 'Cobble_Hill_Brooklyn.html': [(6, 428), (6, 536), (44, 521), (44, 776), (46, 572), (46, 595), (53, 579), (53, 602), (94, 516), (94, 539), (109, 530), (109, 553), (120, 656), (120, 679), (152, 770), (152, 793), (162, 667), (162, 690), (172, 637), (172, 660), (182, 546), (182, 568), (192, 756), (192, 779), (204, 368), (204, 390), (208, 462), (208, 485), (263, 360), (263, 785), (295, 402), (295, 425), (402, 515), (402, 538), (479, 40), (479, 599), (479, 640), (479, 665), (479, 961), (479, 1031), (479, 1085), (562, 1035), (562, 1085), (562, 1129), (587, 124)], 'Oliver_Twist_(1912_American_film).html': [(284, 18), (286, 383), (286, 405), (335, 40), (418, 1083), (418, 1133), (418, 1177), (435, 124)], 'Mara_Keisling.html': [(43, 102), (46, 462), (46, 484), (371, 482), (371, 504), (418, 40), (501, 1003), (501, 1052), (501, 1096), (518, 124)], 'PC582azC3B3wka.html': [(6, 483), (56, 588), (56, 610), (58, 384), (58, 405), (68, 361), (68, 606), (72, 388), (72, 411), (122, 458), (122, 480), (146, 455), (146, 703), (148, 18), (150, 514), (150, 536), (199, 40), (199, 980), (199, 1021), (199, 1046), (282, 1023), (282, 1072), (282, 1116), (299, 125)], 'Yarkant_County.html': [(6, 680), (53, 540), (53, 563), (58, 817), (58, 839), (66, 618), (66, 641), (68, 382), (68, 403), (78, 362), (78, 607), (78, 1178), (78, 1423), (127, 639), (127, 662), (202, 460), (202, 483), (262, 481), (262, 503), (331, 551), (331, 574), (363, 556), (363, 579), (370, 488), (370, 510), (381, 537), (381, 560), (400, 467), (400, 489), (407, 495), (407, 517), (421, 29), (424, 452), (424, 473), (770, 25), (982, 421), (982, 444), (1416, 40), (1416, 2690), (1416, 2731), (1416, 2756), (1499, 1007), (1499, 1055), (1499, 1099), (1524, 125)], 'I_Q_(book_series).html': [(207, 40), (290, 1023), (290, 1072), (290, 1116), (307, 124)], 'C27est_la_vie_(Khaled_song).html': [(49, 412), (49, 434), (183, 337), (183, 359), (251, 464), (251, 486), (258, 134), (258, 170), (258, 191), (258, 249), (259, 146), (259, 187), (259, 216), (259, 231), (259, 247), (342, 16), (347, 141), (347, 161), (362, 142), (362, 162), (663, 40), (746, 1063), (746, 1112), (746, 1156), (763, 125)], '1988_State_of_Origin_series.html': [(49, 464), (49, 486), (65, 464), (65, 486), (69, 464), (69, 486), (117, 500), (117, 522), (119, 539), (119, 561), (158, 500), (158, 522), (160, 539), (160, 561), (195, 500), (195, 522), (197, 539), (197, 561), (241, 460), (241, 482), (242, 452), (242, 474), (246, 476), (246, 498), (247, 460), (247, 482), (251, 460), (251, 482), (255, 524), (255, 546), (259, 460), (259, 482), (263, 524), (263, 546), (264, 476), (264, 498), (265, 524), (265, 546), (269, 476), (269, 498), (270, 524), (270, 546), (274, 492), (274, 514), (275, 524), (275, 546), (276, 492), (276, 514), (280, 452), (280, 474), (281, 452), (281, 474), (285, 452), (285, 474), (289, 524), (289, 546), (290, 452), (290, 474), (294, 476), (294, 498), (298, 452), (298, 474), (299, 476), (299, 498), (303, 476), (303, 498), (304, 524), (304, 546), (305, 492), (305, 514), (309, 516), (309, 538), (310, 476), (310, 498), (311, 524), (311, 546), (315, 516), (315, 538), (331, 460), (331, 482), (335, 452), (335, 474), (339, 460), (339, 482), (340, 460), (340, 482), (344, 476), (344, 498), (345, 460), (345, 482), (346, 476), (346, 498), (350, 460), (350, 482), (351, 476), (351, 498), (352, 460), (352, 482), (356, 460), (356, 482), (357, 460), (357, 482), (361, 460), (361, 482), (365, 460), (365, 482), (369, 460), (369, 482), (373, 492), (373, 514), (377, 476), (377, 498), (381, 476), (381, 498), (385, 524), (385, 546), (386, 524), (386, 546), (390, 492), (390, 514), (394, 516), (394, 538), (395, 516), (395, 538), (399, 460), (399, 482), (589, 40), (672, 1059), (672, 1108), (672, 1152), (689, 125)], 'Svendborg_SkibsvC3A6rft.html': [(86, 40), (169, 1051), (169, 1100), (169, 1144), (186, 124)], 'Oligocentris_deciusalis.html': [(102, 276), (102, 545), (106, 18), (108, 516), (108, 538), (157, 40), (240, 1043), (240, 1093), (240, 1137), (257, 125)], 'Gorfion.html': [(6, 402), (54, 638), (54, 660), (56, 560), (56, 582), (75, 332), (75, 582), (75, 1160), (75, 1410), (95, 18), (97, 500), (97, 522), (109, 18), (111, 458), (111, 481), (160, 40), (160, 1303), (160, 1344), (160, 1369), (243, 979), (243, 1028), (243, 1072), (260, 125)], 'Alex_Kurtzman.html': [(49, 535), (49, 558), (338, 161), (353, 323), (353, 360), (387, 37), (398, 40), (481, 1003), (481, 1051), (481, 1095), (498, 125), (525, 748)], 'Lake_Lagunitas.html': [(6, 416), (49, 535), (49, 558), (59, 288), (59, 540), (59, 1207), (59, 1459), (117, 18), (119, 558), (119, 580), (168, 40), (168, 1082), (168, 1123), (168, 1148), (251, 1007), (251, 1056), (251, 1100), (268, 124)], 'ZNF644.html': [(246, 101), (246, 118), (246, 128), (249, 107), (250, 107), (262, 1614), (262, 1636), (268, 1095), (268, 1117), (268, 2657), (268, 2679), (270, 1122), (270, 1144), (272, 1161), (272, 1183), (1995, 40), (2078, 975), (2078, 1025), (2078, 1069), (2095, 124)], 'Swathi_Chinukulu.html': [(44, 102), (47, 386), (47, 407), (52, 29), (55, 512), (55, 533), (60, 29), (63, 386), (63, 407), (79, 367), (79, 389), (214, 171), (216, 18), (218, 388), (218, 410), (267, 40), (350, 1015), (350, 1065), (350, 1109), (367, 124)], 'Shpolskii_matrix.html': [(45, 523), (45, 546), (48, 192), (66, 150), (112, 40), (195, 1015), (195, 1064), (195, 1108), (212, 124)], 'Bruce_Conte.html': [(144, 40), (227, 995), (227, 1045), (227, 1089), (244, 124)], 'Hoghiz.html': [(6, 533), (53, 648), (53, 671), (56, 487), (56, 509), (63, 565), (63, 588), (65, 380), (65, 401), (75, 355), (75, 600), (79, 409), (79, 431), (159, 559), (159, 581), (203, 22), (203, 38), (203, 47), (242, 436), (242, 681), (246, 243), (249, 18), (251, 355), (251, 377), (300, 40), (300, 1176), (300, 1217), (300, 1242), (383, 975), (383, 1024), (383, 1068), (400, 125)], 'Mr_Freedom_(fashion).html': [(67, 490), (67, 512), (68, 863), (68, 885), (166, 399), (166, 422), (330, 40), (413, 1031), (413, 1080), (413, 1124), (430, 124)], 'Flashmob_(album).html': [(50, 452), (50, 474), (119, 456), (119, 478), (119, 829), (119, 851), (119, 1202), (119, 1224), (119, 1575), (119, 1597), (119, 1954), (119, 1976), (131, 462), (131, 484), (131, 835), (131, 857), (131, 1208), (131, 1230), (131, 1581), (131, 1603), (131, 1960), (131, 1982), (135, 456), (135, 478), (135, 829), (135, 851), (135, 1202), (135, 1224), (135, 1581), (135, 1603), (135, 1960), (135, 1982), (143, 456), (143, 478), (143, 829), (143, 851), (143, 1202), (143, 1224), (143, 1575), (143, 1597), (143, 1954), (143, 1976), (279, 40), (362, 1015), (362, 1064), (362, 1108), (379, 125)], 'Vaccinium_padifolium.html': [(6, 496), (50, 512), (50, 535), (119, 1031), (119, 1054), (129, 1029), (129, 1052), (139, 796), (139, 819), (149, 871), (149, 894), (159, 595), (159, 618), (169, 913), (169, 936), (179, 955), (179, 978), (199, 421), (199, 444), (206, 104), (206, 122), (206, 174), (206, 183), (259, 40), (259, 875), (259, 945), (259, 999), (342, 1031), (342, 1081), (342, 1125), (367, 125)], 'A_Month_of_Sundays_(miniseries).html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (171, 40), (254, 1075), (254, 1124), (254, 1168), (271, 124)], 'Precorrin6A_reductase.html': [(59, 65), (86, 73), (86, 99), (87, 425), (133, 1002), (133, 1024), (345, 24), (347, 526), (347, 549), (350, 18), (400, 40), (483, 1039), (483, 1088), (483, 1132), (500, 125)], 'Jyoti_Raju.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (64, 18), (66, 401), (66, 424), (114, 40), (197, 991), (197, 1040), (197, 1084), (214, 125)], 'James_Magee.html': [(285, 40), (368, 995), (368, 1044), (368, 1088), (385, 124)], '1st_Strategic_Aerospace_Division.html': [(44, 102), (47, 512), (47, 533), (57, 729), (57, 751), (257, 550), (257, 572), (258, 553), (258, 576), (273, 302), (273, 324), (477, 574), (477, 596), (1092, 366), (1092, 389), (1110, 714), (1110, 736), (1566, 40), (1649, 1079), (1649, 1128), (1649, 1172), (1666, 124)], 'USS_Goldcrest.html': [(49, 35), (51, 410), (51, 432), (51, 825), (51, 847), (92, 40), (175, 1003), (175, 1052), (175, 1096), (192, 125)], 'Blick_nach_Rechts.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (134, 20), (170, 40), (253, 1019), (253, 1067), (253, 1111), (270, 125)], 'Saratoga_Automobile_Museum.html': [(6, 460), (55, 37), (88, 40), (88, 1103), (88, 1165), (88, 1211), (171, 1055), (171, 1104), (171, 1148), (188, 124)], 'GbiriNiragu_language.html': [(560, 18), (610, 40), (693, 1035), (693, 1084), (693, 1128), (710, 125)], 'George_Ellicott.html': [(94, 18), (96, 425), (96, 448), (108, 18), (110, 682), (110, 704), (159, 40), (242, 1011), (242, 1061), (242, 1105), (259, 124)], 'Javier_Bruses.html': [(119, 384), (119, 406), (180, 384), (180, 406), (241, 384), (241, 406), (252, 18), (254, 418), (254, 440), (254, 952), (254, 974), (254, 1566), (254, 1588), (303, 40), (386, 1003), (386, 1053), (386, 1097), (403, 124)], 'Solanum_chilliasense.html': [(43, 102), (46, 462), (46, 484), (63, 410), (63, 432), (118, 18), (120, 474), (120, 497), (169, 40), (252, 1031), (252, 1080), (252, 1124), (277, 125)], 'Dragnet_(franchise).html': [(6, 829), (50, 352), (50, 374), (229, 29), (231, 488), (231, 509), (238, 614), (238, 636), (362, 421), (362, 444), (368, 173), (369, 175), (370, 170), (371, 175), (372, 171), (373, 170), (620, 40), (620, 6319), (620, 6389), (620, 6443), (703, 1027), (703, 1077), (703, 1121), (728, 125)], 'Curtis_Whitley.html': [(141, 61), (146, 421), (146, 444), (301, 18), (303, 444), (303, 465), (352, 40), (435, 1007), (435, 1056), (435, 1100), (452, 124)], 'Pergamus.html': [(44, 29), (47, 441), (47, 463), (57, 18), (59, 432), (59, 454), (106, 40), (189, 983), (189, 1032), (189, 1076), (214, 125)], 'Peringiella_denticulata.html': [(115, 505), (121, 18), (171, 40), (254, 1043), (254, 1092), (254, 1136), (271, 125)], 'Yemeni_rial.html': [(52, 424), (52, 446), (91, 397), (91, 419), (145, 427), (145, 449), (146, 465), (146, 487), (147, 538), (147, 560), (150, 535), (150, 557), (205, 559), (205, 581), (206, 610), (206, 632), (215, 559), (215, 581), (216, 610), (216, 632), (225, 567), (225, 589), (226, 618), (226, 640), (511, 40), (594, 995), (594, 1043), (594, 1087), (619, 125)], 'Lecithocera_sextacta.html': [(96, 18), (98, 439), (98, 462), (147, 40), (230, 1031), (230, 1081), (230, 1125), (255, 125)], 'Cryptographic_primitive.html': [(76, 126), (81, 829), (81, 862), (151, 412), (151, 433), (152, 360), (152, 381), (153, 373), (153, 395), (194, 40), (277, 1043), (277, 1091), (277, 1135), (294, 125)], 'Zane_Radcliffe.html': [(93, 18), (95, 364), (95, 386), (95, 835), (95, 856), (107, 18), (109, 384), (109, 406), (109, 848), (109, 870), (158, 40), (241, 1007), (241, 1056), (241, 1100), (258, 124)], 'Redeyed_dove.html': [(50, 488), (50, 511), (56, 736), (56, 758), (68, 410), (68, 432), (73, 440), (73, 461), (81, 50), (136, 104), (136, 122), (136, 174), (136, 183), (191, 40), (274, 1003), (274, 1052), (274, 1096), (299, 125)], 'Geomancer_(comics).html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (117, 18), (119, 533), (119, 556), (168, 40), (251, 1023), (251, 1072), (251, 1116), (268, 125)], 'Santa_Maria_Imbaro.html': [(55, 609), (55, 632), (64, 683), (64, 706), (66, 404), (66, 425), (76, 323), (76, 568), (159, 18), (161, 430), (161, 452), (341, 40), (424, 1023), (424, 1070), (424, 1114), (449, 125)], 'Watsonville_Junction_California.html': [(6, 452), (57, 657), (57, 679), (59, 408), (59, 429), (69, 598), (69, 621), (71, 408), (71, 429), (82, 387), (82, 639), (82, 1246), (82, 1498), (161, 602), (161, 625), (322, 18), (324, 579), (324, 601), (373, 40), (373, 938), (373, 979), (373, 1004), (456, 1079), (456, 1128), (456, 1172), (473, 124)], 'Aylon_Darwin_Tavella.html': [(274, 40), (357, 1031), (357, 1081), (357, 1125), (374, 125)], 'Roselawn_Indiana.html': [(6, 420), (52, 1003), (52, 1025), (55, 334), (55, 584), (55, 1169), (55, 1419), (211, 591), (211, 614), (323, 591), (323, 614), (467, 40), (467, 1031), (467, 1072), (467, 1097), (550, 1019), (550, 1068), (550, 1112), (575, 125)], 'Brendan_Foster.html': [(6, 501), (48, 467), (48, 489), (103, 602), (103, 625), (109, 584), (109, 605), (117, 568), (117, 589), (122, 584), (122, 605), (130, 568), (130, 589), (135, 586), (135, 607), (140, 584), (140, 605), (199, 421), (199, 444), (212, 556), (212, 578), (216, 466), (216, 488), (223, 493), (223, 516), (227, 469), (227, 491), (234, 556), (234, 578), (238, 520), (238, 543), (491, 40), (491, 5572), (491, 5642), (491, 5696), (574, 1007), (574, 1055), (574, 1099), (599, 125)], 'Berzeliustinden.html': [(6, 456), (56, 415), (56, 663), (57, 18), (59, 425), (59, 447), (105, 40), (105, 758), (105, 799), (105, 824), (188, 1011), (188, 1061), (188, 1105), (205, 125)], 'Abraham_Stanyan.html': [(45, 675), (45, 698), (125, 18), (127, 425), (127, 447), (139, 18), (141, 502), (141, 524), (141, 1010), (141, 1031), (141, 1600), (141, 1622), (190, 40), (273, 1011), (273, 1060), (273, 1104), (290, 125)], '100_Greatest_Romanians.html': [(45, 451), (45, 473), (52, 547), (52, 569), (261, 40), (344, 1039), (344, 1087), (344, 1131), (361, 125)], 'WLSR.html': [(87, 250), (87, 501), (116, 464), (116, 912), (126, 127), (128, 173), (203, 18), (205, 360), (205, 381), (254, 40), (337, 967), (337, 1016), (337, 1060), (354, 124)], 'John_C._Freeman_Weather_Museum.html': [(6, 448), (47, 438), (47, 460), (72, 654), (72, 676), (74, 398), (74, 419), (120, 454), (120, 705), (122, 18), (124, 491), (124, 513), (136, 18), (138, 266), (138, 287), (187, 40), (187, 956), (187, 997), (187, 1022), (270, 1071), (270, 1120), (270, 1164), (287, 124)], 'Terry_Cox.html': [(44, 29), (47, 386), (47, 407), (233, 40), (316, 987), (316, 1035), (316, 1079), (333, 125)], 'Faces_(RunE28093D.M.C._song).html': [(49, 297), (49, 319), (259, 18), (261, 416), (261, 438), (310, 40), (393, 1075), (393, 1124), (393, 1168), (410, 124)], 'Ma_Sen.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (74, 323), (74, 360), (120, 40), (203, 975), (203, 1024), (203, 1068), (220, 125)], 'Two_House_theology.html': [(43, 102), (46, 419), (46, 441), (51, 29), (54, 386), (54, 407), (192, 40), (275, 1023), (275, 1072), (275, 1116), (292, 124)], 'Alan_Sheehan.html': [(47, 201), (47, 223), (735, 255), (735, 309), (735, 342), (735, 707), (735, 729), (834, 40), (917, 999), (917, 1048), (917, 1092), (934, 125)], 'GewC3A4chshaus_fC3BCr_tropische_Nutzpflanzen.html': [(6, 464), (60, 470), (60, 717), (62, 18), (64, 458), (64, 480), (76, 18), (78, 628), (78, 651), (123, 40), (123, 833), (123, 874), (123, 899), (206, 1143), (206, 1192), (206, 1236), (223, 125)], 'Koevtsi_Gabrovo_Province.html': [(6, 438), (53, 415), (53, 438), (90, 568), (90, 591), (114, 837), (114, 859), (274, 347), (274, 442), (274, 690), (276, 18), (278, 411), (278, 433), (327, 40), (327, 641), (327, 682), (327, 707), (410, 1051), (410, 1100), (410, 1144), (427, 125)], 'Troso_da_Monza.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (63, 18), (65, 460), (65, 483), (113, 40), (196, 1007), (196, 1057), (196, 1101), (213, 125)], 'Keeled_sideband.html': [(55, 410), (55, 432), (117, 104), (117, 122), (117, 174), (117, 183), (133, 18), (183, 40), (266, 1011), (266, 1060), (266, 1104), (283, 125)], 'Vitaly_Bianki.html': [(49, 353), (49, 375), (197, 40), (280, 1003), (280, 1051), (280, 1095), (297, 125)], 'C389taule.html': [(6, 400), (6, 455), (53, 766), (53, 789), (55, 380), (55, 401), (73, 793), (73, 816), (75, 380), (75, 401), (88, 329), (88, 579), (88, 1152), (88, 1402), (140, 44), (156, 421), (156, 444), (171, 651), (171, 673), (620, 18), (622, 612), (622, 634), (671, 40), (671, 575), (671, 616), (671, 641), (671, 730), (671, 800), (671, 854), (754, 995), (754, 1044), (754, 1088), (779, 125)], 'Erigeron_canaani.html': [(120, 18), (122, 453), (122, 475), (171, 40), (254, 1015), (254, 1065), (254, 1109), (271, 125)], '2010_Karshi_Challenger_E28093_Singles.html': [(52, 465), (52, 488), (56, 492), (56, 515), (112, 465), (112, 488), (113, 432), (113, 454), (114, 465), (114, 487), (115, 465), (115, 487), (116, 432), (116, 454), (117, 447), (117, 470), (118, 543), (118, 565), (119, 423), (119, 445), (163, 530), (163, 553), (172, 497), (172, 520), (182, 542), (182, 565), (195, 566), (195, 589), (203, 701), (203, 723), (214, 557), (214, 580), (262, 546), (262, 569), (270, 539), (270, 562), (277, 543), (277, 566), (285, 681), (285, 703), (292, 680), (292, 702), (300, 512), (300, 534), (308, 546), (308, 569), (316, 513), (316, 535), (324, 503), (324, 525), (332, 563), (332, 585), (339, 510), (339, 532), (346, 561), (346, 583), (353, 503), (353, 525), (361, 506), (361, 528), (369, 546), (369, 569), (376, 546), (376, 568), (384, 503), (384, 526), (391, 563), (391, 585), (398, 543), (398, 565), (406, 528), (406, 550), (413, 527), (413, 549), (421, 512), (421, 534), (429, 543), (429, 565), (436, 504), (436, 527), (444, 506), (444, 529), (452, 503), (452, 525), (459, 501), (459, 524), (466, 519), (466, 542), (473, 512), (473, 534), (481, 515), (481, 537), (529, 528), (529, 551), (537, 584), (537, 606), (544, 525), (544, 548), (552, 534), (552, 557), (559, 545), (559, 567), (567, 548), (567, 570), (575, 543), (575, 565), (583, 708), (583, 730), (591, 710), (591, 732), (599, 554), (599, 576), (606, 705), (606, 727), (613, 510), (613, 532), (620, 545), (620, 567), (628, 548), (628, 570), (636, 705), (636, 727), (643, 624), (643, 646), (651, 575), (651, 598), (658, 572), (658, 594), (665, 621), (665, 643), (673, 552), (673, 574), (680, 572), (680, 595), (688, 575), (688, 598), (696, 621), (696, 643), (703, 525), (703, 548), (711, 575), (711, 598), (719, 575), (719, 598), (726, 570), (726, 593), (733, 534), (733, 556), (740, 512), (740, 534), (748, 515), (748, 537), (790, 41), (797, 40), (880, 1111), (880, 1160), (880, 1204), (897, 125), (924, 1009)], 'Peter_Collingwood.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (110, 165), (112, 18), (114, 416), (114, 438), (126, 18), (128, 416), (128, 437), (177, 40), (260, 1019), (260, 1068), (260, 1112), (277, 124)], 'Sagrai.html': [(6, 404), (57, 643), (57, 666), (59, 419), (59, 440), (69, 547), (69, 570), (71, 380), (71, 401), (82, 368), (82, 623), (82, 1212), (82, 1467), (86, 382), (86, 405), (155, 257), (155, 331), (155, 677), (155, 765), (463, 412), (463, 434), (464, 412), (464, 433), (465, 412), (465, 433), (478, 496), (478, 517), (486, 18), (488, 486), (488, 509), (537, 40), (537, 636), (537, 681), (537, 710), (637, 124)], 'Dean_Kukan.html': [(77, 504), (77, 527), (484, 274), (484, 328), (484, 361), (484, 726), (484, 748), (485, 240), (487, 18), (489, 376), (489, 398), (538, 40), (621, 991), (621, 1040), (621, 1084), (638, 125)], 'Nepal_at_the_2008_Summer_Paralympics.html': [(50, 467), (50, 489), (122, 617), (122, 639), (394, 18), (396, 402), (396, 424), (408, 18), (410, 454), (410, 476), (459, 40), (542, 1095), (542, 1144), (542, 1188), (559, 125)], 'Zoom_Systems.html': [(63, 551), (63, 574), (124, 40), (207, 999), (207, 1049), (207, 1093), (224, 124)], 'Lincoln_Clarkes.html': [(143, 40), (226, 1011), (226, 1060), (226, 1104), (243, 124)], 'Shanghai_Shuffle.html': [(81, 18), (83, 430), (83, 452), (132, 40), (215, 1015), (215, 1065), (215, 1109), (232, 124)], 'Sybra_preapicemaculata.html': [(50, 828), (50, 851), (104, 18), (154, 40), (237, 1039), (237, 1089), (237, 1133), (254, 125)], 'Town_Yetholm.html': [(6, 565), (6, 620), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (57, 447), (57, 469), (65, 679), (65, 702), (67, 392), (67, 413), (182, 435), (182, 682), (192, 421), (192, 444), (196, 18), (198, 521), (198, 544), (247, 40), (247, 1304), (247, 1345), (247, 1370), (247, 1459), (247, 1529), (247, 1583), (330, 999), (330, 1048), (330, 1092), (355, 125)], 'Mount_Jim_Crow_National_Park.html': [(6, 578), (55, 539), (55, 562), (65, 298), (65, 550), (65, 1152), (65, 1404), (91, 514), (91, 537), (651, 18), (653, 467), (653, 489), (702, 40), (702, 1571), (702, 1612), (702, 1637), (785, 1063), (785, 1111), (785, 1155), (802, 125)], 'Kailas_Pal.html': [(88, 40), (171, 991), (171, 1040), (171, 1084), (188, 124)], 'Mountune_Racing.html': [(153, 18), (155, 409), (155, 431), (199, 40), (282, 1011), (282, 1061), (282, 1105), (299, 124)], 'Hayateumi_Hidehito.html': [(346, 78), (385, 40), (468, 1023), (468, 1072), (468, 1116), (485, 125)], 'Sa_Re_Ga_Ma_Pa_Challenge_USA_2008.html': [(45, 29), (48, 462), (48, 484), (58, 317), (58, 339), (353, 40), (436, 1083), (436, 1132), (436, 1176), (453, 124)], 'List_of_Spaghetti_Western_films.html': [(50, 555), (50, 576), (4392, 250), (4392, 302), (4392, 327), (4393, 91), (4531, 40), (4614, 1075), (4614, 1124), (4614, 1168), (4631, 125)], 'Turkish_Men27s_Volleyball_Championship.html': [(47, 412), (47, 434), (590, 546), (590, 569), (653, 18), (655, 514), (655, 536), (704, 40), (787, 1107), (787, 1156), (787, 1200), (804, 125)], 'Lake_County_Examiner.html': [(6, 584), (47, 667), (47, 690), (129, 272), (443, 40), (443, 1625), (443, 1675), (443, 1709), (526, 1031), (526, 1080), (526, 1124), (543, 124)], 'SBOA_School_26_Junior_College.html': [(6, 705), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (58, 223), (58, 245), (61, 607), (61, 630), (226, 431), (226, 679), (400, 40), (400, 1799), (400, 1840), (400, 1865), (483, 1071), (483, 1120), (483, 1164), (500, 124)], 'WFGIFM.html': [(6, 439), (47, 347), (47, 369), (124, 127), (126, 173), (526, 439), (526, 687), (527, 18), (529, 425), (529, 446), (529, 938), (529, 960), (578, 40), (578, 968), (578, 1009), (578, 1034), (661, 979), (661, 1028), (661, 1072), (678, 124)], 'Guaricana_National_Park.html': [(6, 434), (57, 447), (57, 470), (66, 599), (66, 622), (68, 443), (68, 464), (82, 327), (82, 575), (82, 1181), (82, 1429), (169, 40), (169, 886), (169, 927), (169, 952), (252, 1043), (252, 1093), (252, 1137), (269, 125)], 'Louis_Vivet.html': [(49, 377), (49, 399), (59, 58), (59, 129), (160, 40), (243, 995), (243, 1045), (243, 1089), (260, 124)], 'Moosavi_Peace_Formula.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 512), (54, 533), (59, 29), (62, 441), (62, 463), (67, 29), (70, 320), (70, 341), (75, 29), (78, 429), (78, 450), (209, 40), (292, 1035), (292, 1085), (292, 1129), (309, 124)], 'Bob_Bass.html': [(793, 40), (876, 983), (876, 1032), (876, 1076), (893, 125)], 'Bibliography_of_Niue.html': [(100, 40), (183, 1031), (183, 1080), (183, 1124), (200, 124)], 'Wu_Jin.html': [(49, 190), (49, 212), (194, 40), (277, 975), (277, 1024), (277, 1068), (294, 125)], 'The_Wire_(JTFGTMO).html': [(45, 1096), (45, 1118), (53, 421), (53, 444), (119, 40), (202, 1027), (202, 1076), (202, 1120), (219, 124)], 'Short_Message_service_center.html': [(44, 29), (47, 341), (47, 362), (144, 40), (227, 1063), (227, 1112), (227, 1156), (244, 125)], 'Mike_Purdy.html': [(120, 78), (120, 140), (253, 40), (336, 991), (336, 1041), (336, 1085), (353, 124)], 'List_of_Nymphaeales_of_Montana.html': [(45, 621), (45, 644), (73, 502), (73, 525), (100, 587), (114, 497), (114, 519), (321, 41), (329, 40), (412, 1071), (412, 1120), (412, 1164), (429, 124), (456, 847)], 'Union_United_Church.html': [(6, 522), (45, 549), (45, 572), (84, 514), (84, 537), (92, 515), (92, 538), (100, 515), (100, 538), (108, 515), (108, 538), (116, 515), (116, 538), (124, 515), (124, 538), (132, 514), (132, 537), (140, 514), (140, 537), (148, 515), (148, 538), (156, 515), (156, 538), (164, 515), (164, 538), (172, 514), (172, 537), (180, 515), (180, 538), (188, 515), (188, 538), (196, 515), (196, 538), (204, 515), (204, 538), (212, 515), (212, 538), (228, 419), (228, 667), (365, 18), (367, 488), (367, 511), (416, 40), (416, 1370), (416, 1411), (416, 1436), (499, 1027), (499, 1077), (499, 1121), (516, 124)], 'Siuniu.html': [(6, 476), (43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (52, 419), (52, 665), (54, 18), (56, 444), (56, 467), (102, 40), (102, 926), (102, 967), (102, 992), (185, 975), (185, 1024), (185, 1068), (202, 124)], 'UtielRequena.html': [(6, 418), (45, 556), (45, 579), (92, 456), (92, 711), (123, 40), (123, 471), (123, 516), (123, 545), (206, 1003), (206, 1051), (206, 1095), (223, 125)], 'Mick_Kelly_(Australian_footballer).html': [(138, 40), (221, 1087), (221, 1137), (221, 1181), (238, 124)], 'Ctenodes_zonata.html': [(116, 18), (166, 40), (249, 1011), (249, 1060), (249, 1104), (266, 125)], 'Bagrat_VI_of_Georgia.html': [(73, 296), (135, 40), (218, 1031), (218, 1080), (218, 1124), (235, 125)], 'The_Audacity_to_Podcast.html': [(168, 29), (168, 64), (199, 19), (199, 37), (199, 48), (332, 19), (332, 47), (332, 68), (404, 18), (406, 453), (406, 475), (453, 40), (536, 1043), (536, 1093), (536, 1137), (553, 124)], 'Frithjof_Schmidt.html': [(44, 102), (47, 386), (47, 407), (57, 539), (57, 562), (89, 394), (89, 417), (124, 481), (124, 504), (202, 40), (285, 1015), (285, 1062), (285, 1106), (310, 125)], 'Kendalia_Texas.html': [(6, 418), (52, 662), (52, 685), (62, 593), (62, 616), (64, 398), (64, 419), (74, 588), (74, 611), (76, 398), (76, 419), (87, 365), (87, 615), (87, 1198), (87, 1448), (236, 566), (236, 590), (301, 18), (303, 610), (303, 634), (352, 40), (352, 1007), (352, 1048), (352, 1073), (435, 1011), (435, 1060), (435, 1104), (452, 125)], 'Gordon_Bau.html': [(131, 471), (131, 523), (131, 548), (131, 932), (139, 520), (139, 542), (140, 658), (140, 681), (141, 526), (141, 548), (142, 481), (142, 502), (143, 590), (143, 612), (148, 158), (179, 37), (187, 40), (270, 991), (270, 1041), (270, 1085), (287, 124), (314, 892)], 'FC_Bobruisk.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (202, 456), (202, 478), (295, 18), (297, 498), (297, 520), (297, 996), (297, 1018), (346, 40), (429, 995), (429, 1044), (429, 1088), (446, 125)], 'Cheddar_Ales.html': [(6, 450), (47, 220), (47, 242), (159, 435), (159, 685), (161, 18), (163, 488), (163, 510), (175, 18), (177, 402), (177, 424), (226, 40), (226, 1157), (226, 1198), (226, 1223), (309, 999), (309, 1048), (309, 1092), (326, 124)], 'Arabic_Toilers27_Movement.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (51, 29), (54, 429), (54, 450), (67, 18), (69, 431), (69, 453), (69, 820), (69, 842), (118, 40), (201, 1055), (201, 1104), (201, 1148), (218, 124)], 'Pushkar.html': [(6, 432), (6, 892), (54, 531), (54, 554), (66, 627), (66, 649), (68, 382), (68, 403), (78, 362), (78, 604), (78, 1169), (78, 1411), (147, 378), (147, 401), (151, 698), (151, 721), (165, 561), (165, 583), (179, 453), (179, 476), (186, 572), (186, 595), (219, 516), (219, 538), (231, 605), (231, 628), (245, 656), (245, 679), (265, 329), (265, 821), (274, 421), (274, 444), (279, 385), (279, 407), (280, 494), (280, 516), (412, 438), (412, 460), (636, 40), (636, 1073), (636, 1114), (636, 1139), (636, 2827), (636, 2897), (636, 2951), (719, 979), (719, 1027), (719, 1071), (744, 125)], 'Sweeper.html': [(6, 468), (51, 472), (51, 494), (65, 71), (112, 432), (112, 455), (151, 421), (151, 444), (192, 40), (192, 635), (192, 705), (192, 759), (275, 979), (275, 1028), (275, 1072), (300, 125)], '1910_in_literature.html': [(353, 40), (436, 1023), (436, 1071), (436, 1115), (461, 125)], 'Madhuri_Desai.html': [(44, 102), (47, 341), (47, 362), (53, 445), (53, 468), (89, 18), (91, 388), (91, 410), (140, 40), (223, 1003), (223, 1053), (223, 1097), (240, 124)], 'Oktyabrsky_District_Russia.html': [(64, 738), (64, 761), (118, 700), (118, 723), (120, 390), (120, 411), (124, 382), (124, 403), (128, 380), (128, 401), (132, 382), (132, 403), (136, 382), (136, 403), (140, 382), (140, 403), (144, 372), (144, 393), (148, 378), (148, 399), (152, 390), (152, 411), (156, 372), (156, 393), (160, 384), (160, 405), (164, 390), (164, 411), (168, 376), (168, 397), (172, 376), (172, 397), (176, 372), (176, 393), (180, 394), (180, 415), (184, 372), (184, 393), (188, 372), (188, 393), (192, 382), (192, 403), (196, 382), (196, 403), (200, 386), (200, 407), (204, 372), (204, 393), (208, 378), (208, 399), (212, 374), (212, 395), (216, 384), (216, 405), (220, 372), (220, 393), (224, 394), (224, 415), (311, 35), (313, 479), (313, 501), (355, 40), (438, 1059), (438, 1108), (438, 1152), (455, 125)], 'Igor_and_Grichka_Bogdanoff.html': [(34, 609), (34, 631), (43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 465), (54, 486), (95, 466), (95, 488), (110, 551), (110, 574), (204, 40), (287, 1055), (287, 1102), (287, 1146), (312, 125)], 'Section_20_of_the_Canadian_Charter_of_Rights_and_Freedoms.html': [(230, 40), (313, 1179), (313, 1227), (313, 1271), (330, 125)], 'Potheri_village_Kanchipuram.html': [(6, 444), (45, 474), (45, 497), (61, 434), (61, 682), (66, 398), (66, 420), (72, 426), (72, 448), (76, 338), (76, 359), (84, 333), (84, 354), (88, 404), (88, 425), (95, 338), (95, 359), (103, 18), (148, 40), (148, 584), (148, 625), (148, 650), (231, 1063), (231, 1112), (231, 1156), (248, 125)], 'Banovina_of_Croatia.html': [(6, 791), (6, 887), (6, 983), (56, 729), (56, 751), (58, 653), (58, 675), (60, 701), (60, 724), (62, 524), (62, 547), (71, 699), (71, 722), (72, 738), (72, 760), (94, 751), (94, 774), (166, 409), (166, 432), (167, 495), (167, 517), (168, 399), (168, 422), (205, 592), (205, 614), (312, 566), (312, 589), (337, 391), (337, 413), (347, 468), (347, 490), (357, 475), (357, 497), (367, 630), (367, 653), (370, 550), (370, 572), (370, 1011), (370, 1033), (377, 605), (377, 627), (387, 644), (387, 666), (421, 421), (421, 444), (515, 643), (515, 665), (522, 34), (522, 96), (560, 40), (560, 3421), (560, 3491), (560, 3545), (560, 3823), (560, 3884), (560, 3929), (560, 4177), (560, 4253), (560, 4313), (643, 1027), (643, 1075), (643, 1119), (668, 125)], 'High_Efficiency_Image_File_Format.html': [(135, 129), (135, 191), (141, 102), (146, 54), (146, 162), (147, 17), (147, 184), (147, 221), (147, 260), (214, 8), (225, 28), (371, 54), (371, 115), (727, 520), (727, 543), (734, 56), (812, 622), (812, 683), (905, 267), (905, 329), (1131, 40), (1214, 1083), (1214, 1133), (1214, 1177), (1231, 124)], 'Gaston_Lane.html': [(249, 40), (332, 995), (332, 1044), (332, 1088), (349, 125)], 'Pixley_Township_Clay_County_Illinois.html': [(6, 464), (52, 823), (52, 845), (56, 716), (56, 739), (60, 393), (60, 638), (60, 1241), (60, 1486), (157, 31), (183, 66), (183, 110), (190, 398), (190, 420), (196, 426), (196, 448), (200, 338), (200, 359), (208, 333), (208, 354), (212, 404), (212, 425), (219, 338), (219, 359), (264, 584), (264, 607), (395, 40), (395, 626), (395, 667), (395, 692), (478, 1103), (478, 1152), (478, 1196), (495, 125)], 'Qatar_at_the_2013_World_Championships_in_Athletics.html': [(50, 466), (50, 489), (117, 456), (117, 477), (143, 479), (143, 500), (450, 18), (452, 402), (452, 424), (501, 40), (584, 1151), (584, 1201), (584, 1245), (601, 125)], 'Wren_Alabama.html': [(6, 414), (56, 607), (56, 629), (58, 394), (58, 415), (68, 385), (68, 636), (68, 1239), (68, 1490), (152, 607), (152, 630), (214, 18), (216, 458), (216, 480), (265, 40), (265, 860), (265, 901), (265, 926), (348, 1003), (348, 1053), (348, 1097), (365, 124)], 'Camp_Liberty_killings.html': [(6, 447), (56, 578), (56, 601), (58, 393), (58, 414), (152, 37), (187, 40), (187, 1357), (187, 1415), (187, 1457), (270, 1035), (270, 1084), (270, 1128), (287, 124)], 'Jon_Mullich.html': [(49, 583), (49, 605), (102, 159), (128, 37), (141, 40), (224, 995), (224, 1044), (224, 1088), (241, 124), (268, 660)], 'Kolound.html': [(6, 570), (43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 429), (54, 450), (59, 29), (62, 441), (62, 463), (78, 37), (116, 40), (116, 1135), (116, 1202), (116, 1253), (199, 979), (199, 1029), (199, 1073), (216, 124)], 'Hemet_Public_Library.html': [(6, 597), (43, 102), (46, 512), (46, 533), (51, 29), (54, 419), (54, 441), (73, 446), (73, 698), (108, 40), (108, 1907), (108, 1948), (108, 1973), (191, 1031), (191, 1081), (191, 1125), (208, 124)], 'Eternamente_Romanticos.html': [(49, 392), (49, 414), (204, 40), (287, 1039), (287, 1089), (287, 1133), (304, 124)], '2014E2809315_Kansas_State_Wildcats_men27s_basketball_team.html': [(48, 610), (48, 632), (398, 394), (398, 416), (398, 842), (398, 864), (398, 1293), (398, 1315), (398, 1740), (398, 1762), (410, 435), (410, 457), (629, 399), (629, 420), (630, 394), (630, 415), (1378, 40), (1461, 1195), (1461, 1245), (1461, 1289), (1478, 124)], '2004_Tuvalu_ADivision.html': [(179, 40), (262, 1039), (262, 1088), (262, 1132), (279, 124)], 'Zehut.html': [(44, 101), (45, 29), (48, 386), (48, 407), (61, 258), (61, 280), (174, 40), (257, 971), (257, 1021), (257, 1065), (274, 125)], 'North_Otago_Astronomical_Society_Observatory.html': [(6, 475), (53, 477), (53, 726), (65, 619), (65, 642), (129, 41), (137, 40), (137, 527), (137, 568), (137, 593), (220, 1127), (220, 1176), (220, 1220), (237, 124), (264, 817)], 'Tim_Spencer_(singer).html': [(143, 159), (197, 40), (280, 1031), (280, 1080), (280, 1124), (297, 124)], 'Shinpei_Matsushita.html': [(57, 18), (59, 228), (59, 249), (107, 40), (190, 1023), (190, 1072), (190, 1116), (207, 125)], 'Hebden_Bridge_Picture_House.html': [(6, 442), (43, 520), (43, 767), (94, 40), (94, 731), (94, 772), (94, 797), (177, 1059), (177, 1108), (177, 1152), (194, 124)], 'Hepatitis_B_virus.html': [(51, 358), (51, 380), (128, 390), (128, 412), (150, 34), (154, 451), (154, 473), (185, 474), (185, 496), (219, 1377), (219, 1399), (220, 1328), (220, 1350), (227, 1845), (227, 1867), (233, 1363), (233, 1385), (234, 1249), (234, 1271), (235, 1429), (235, 1451), (237, 1243), (237, 1265), (243, 1238), (243, 1260), (244, 1050), (244, 1072), (246, 1279), (246, 1301), (247, 1235), (247, 1257), (248, 1299), (248, 1321), (249, 1320), (249, 1342), (250, 1311), (250, 1333), (251, 1255), (251, 1277), (252, 1277), (252, 1299), (256, 1321), (256, 1343), (257, 988), (257, 1010), (1001, 40), (1084, 1019), (1084, 1065), (1084, 1109), (1109, 125)], 'Majeepura.html': [(6, 669), (43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (53, 29), (55, 488), (55, 509), (59, 429), (59, 677), (61, 29), (63, 488), (63, 509), (69, 18), (71, 514), (71, 537), (117, 40), (117, 1742), (117, 1783), (117, 1808), (200, 987), (200, 1037), (200, 1081), (217, 124)], 'Ronald_McCaffer.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 386), (54, 407), (59, 29), (62, 386), (62, 407), (112, 18), (114, 492), (114, 515), (162, 40), (245, 1011), (245, 1060), (245, 1104), (262, 124)], 'Challenger_Banque_Nationale_de_Drummondville.html': [(49, 540), (49, 562), (118, 528), (118, 551), (119, 528), (119, 551), (124, 459), (124, 482), (125, 432), (125, 455), (133, 459), (133, 482), (134, 456), (134, 479), (139, 501), (139, 523), (140, 432), (140, 455), (145, 432), (145, 455), (146, 528), (146, 550), (151, 501), (151, 523), (152, 519), (152, 542), (157, 501), (157, 523), (158, 519), (158, 542), (167, 519), (167, 542), (168, 456), (168, 478), (173, 519), (173, 542), (174, 447), (174, 470), (179, 456), (179, 478), (180, 627), (180, 649), (196, 519), (196, 542), (197, 515), (197, 538), (198, 528), (198, 551), (199, 524), (199, 547), (204, 432), (204, 455), (205, 455), (205, 478), (206, 432), (206, 455), (207, 437), (207, 460), (215, 528), (215, 551), (216, 524), (216, 547), (217, 528), (217, 550), (218, 524), (218, 546), (223, 459), (223, 482), (224, 455), (224, 478), (225, 441), (225, 464), (226, 452), (226, 474), (231, 432), (231, 455), (232, 428), (232, 450), (233, 441), (233, 464), (234, 437), (234, 460), (239, 516), (239, 538), (240, 428), (240, 451), (241, 528), (241, 551), (242, 524), (242, 547), (247, 459), (247, 482), (248, 455), (248, 478), (249, 519), (249, 542), (250, 515), (250, 538), (259, 432), (259, 455), (260, 428), (260, 451), (261, 456), (261, 478), (262, 428), (262, 451), (267, 492), (267, 515), (268, 455), (268, 478), (269, 519), (269, 542), (270, 515), (270, 538), (275, 456), (275, 478), (276, 452), (276, 474), (277, 516), (277, 538), (278, 512), (278, 534), (1651, 40), (1734, 1127), (1734, 1175), (1734, 1219), (1751, 125)], 'Ballard_Memorial_High_School.html': [(6, 501), (107, 442), (107, 690), (121, 18), (123, 367), (123, 389), (172, 40), (172, 1217), (172, 1258), (172, 1283), (255, 1063), (255, 1113), (255, 1157), (272, 124)], 'Biorock.html': [(6, 552), (67, 488), (67, 511), (77, 579), (77, 602), (80, 579), (80, 602), (94, 523), (94, 545), (170, 327), (170, 422), (170, 670), (208, 40), (208, 1232), (208, 1273), (208, 1298), (291, 979), (291, 1027), (291, 1071), (308, 125)], 'Sverre_Solberg.html': [(65, 18), (67, 493), (67, 514), (112, 40), (195, 1007), (195, 1057), (195, 1101), (212, 125)], 'Josh_West.html': [(53, 598), (53, 621), (59, 586), (59, 607), (137, 40), (220, 987), (220, 1036), (220, 1080), (237, 125)], 'Ayish_Bayou.html': [(6, 414), (57, 270), (57, 515), (61, 274), (61, 519), (61, 1087), (61, 1332), (87, 18), (89, 602), (89, 626), (101, 18), (151, 40), (151, 1029), (151, 1074), (151, 1103), (234, 995), (234, 1044), (234, 1088), (251, 124)], 'Elzear_Torreggiani.html': [(53, 770), (53, 792), (57, 53), (63, 496), (63, 519), (64, 587), (64, 609), (65, 592), (65, 615), (71, 18), (73, 535), (73, 557), (85, 18), (87, 472), (87, 495), (136, 40), (219, 1023), (219, 1073), (219, 1117), (236, 125)], 'Early_medieval_states_in_Kazakhstan.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (210, 40), (293, 1091), (293, 1140), (293, 1184), (310, 125)], 'Aldona_Orman.html': [(49, 418), (49, 440), (120, 37), (130, 40), (213, 999), (213, 1048), (213, 1092), (238, 125), (265, 791)], 'Sparganothis_saracana.html': [(110, 464), (110, 486), (116, 421), (116, 444), (121, 18), (171, 40), (254, 1035), (254, 1085), (254, 1129), (271, 125)], 'Wreck_Island_Natural_Area_Preserve.html': [(6, 456), (53, 668), (53, 691), (55, 465), (55, 486), (69, 341), (69, 591), (69, 1206), (69, 1456), (626, 18), (639, 18), (641, 437), (641, 460), (690, 40), (690, 1337), (690, 1378), (690, 1403), (773, 1087), (773, 1137), (773, 1181), (790, 124)], 'Adolf_Schulte.html': [(342, 18), (344, 460), (344, 482), (393, 40), (476, 1003), (476, 1052), (476, 1096), (493, 125)], 'List_of_women27s_football_clubs_in_Japan.html': [(43, 102), (46, 419), (46, 441), (51, 29), (54, 441), (54, 463), (364, 40), (447, 1115), (447, 1164), (447, 1208), (464, 124)], 'Mykines_Greece.html': [(6, 497), (56, 558), (56, 581), (58, 382), (58, 403), (73, 432), (73, 454), (80, 327), (80, 572), (80, 1141), (80, 1386), (372, 40), (372, 821), (372, 862), (372, 887), (455, 1011), (455, 1059), (455, 1103), (472, 125)], 'Oued_TlC3A9lat.html': [(6, 410), (52, 499), (52, 522), (56, 409), (56, 431), (96, 488), (96, 510), (112, 598), (112, 620), (238, 445), (238, 689), (240, 18), (242, 486), (242, 508), (291, 40), (291, 743), (291, 784), (291, 809), (374, 1015), (374, 1064), (374, 1108), (391, 125)], 'Eudonia_notozeucta.html': [(102, 319), (102, 736), (106, 18), (156, 40), (239, 1023), (239, 1073), (239, 1117), (264, 125)], 'Old_Mill_Creek_Illinois.html': [(6, 434), (68, 333), (68, 584), (68, 1185), (68, 1436), (122, 539), (122, 561), (123, 553), (123, 575), (125, 402), (125, 423), (162, 309), (162, 560), (166, 352), (166, 374), (167, 360), (167, 382), (168, 416), (168, 438), (245, 353), (245, 720), (248, 259), (248, 802), (301, 584), (301, 607), (512, 40), (512, 620), (512, 661), (512, 686), (595, 1047), (595, 1096), (595, 1140), (612, 125)], 'Medicago_murex.html': [(107, 124), (110, 18), (112, 383), (112, 405), (161, 40), (244, 1007), (244, 1056), (244, 1100), (269, 125)], 'Tom_Buffington.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 386), (54, 407), (60, 29), (63, 429), (63, 450), (68, 29), (71, 512), (71, 533), (76, 29), (79, 419), (79, 441), (159, 40), (242, 1007), (242, 1056), (242, 1100), (259, 124)], 'Taggen_Nunatak.html': [(6, 506), (44, 302), (44, 324), (44, 1395), (44, 1640), (46, 18), (48, 481), (48, 503), (93, 40), (93, 1079), (93, 1120), (93, 1145), (176, 1007), (176, 1056), (176, 1100), (193, 125)], 'Arvind_Gokhale.html': [(66, 18), (68, 407), (68, 430), (68, 872), (68, 894), (115, 40), (198, 1007), (198, 1056), (198, 1100), (215, 124)], 'Mecklenburg_Switzerland_and_Lake_Kummerow_Nature_Park.html': [(6, 537), (45, 782), (45, 804), (55, 460), (55, 483), (115, 485), (115, 508), (120, 474), (120, 719), (158, 40), (158, 866), (158, 907), (158, 932), (241, 1163), (241, 1212), (241, 1256), (266, 125)], 'Westchester_Los_Angeles.html': [(6, 521), (6, 576), (52, 863), (52, 886), (57, 868), (57, 890), (65, 671), (65, 693), (67, 390), (67, 411), (77, 350), (77, 599), (77, 1202), (77, 1451), (129, 398), (129, 420), (135, 426), (135, 448), (139, 338), (139, 359), (147, 333), (147, 354), (151, 404), (151, 425), (158, 338), (158, 359), (192, 705), (192, 727), (199, 403), (199, 425), (236, 445), (236, 468), (244, 411), (244, 434), (260, 658), (260, 681), (308, 293), (308, 904), (317, 421), (317, 444), (322, 494), (322, 516), (479, 484), (479, 507), (562, 603), (562, 626), (594, 619), (594, 642), (745, 482), (745, 504), (787, 40), (787, 1385), (787, 1426), (787, 1451), (787, 1540), (787, 1610), (787, 1664), (870, 1047), (870, 1096), (870, 1140), (895, 125)], 'Caprinia_versicolor.html': [(6, 494), (50, 922), (50, 944), (122, 421), (122, 444), (127, 18), (129, 453), (129, 476), (178, 40), (178, 875), (178, 945), (178, 999), (261, 1027), (261, 1077), (261, 1121), (286, 125)], 'USS_General_Putnam_(1857).html': [(47, 499), (47, 521), (55, 637), (55, 660), (55, 1083), (55, 1106), (185, 177), (210, 628), (210, 650), (211, 694), (211, 716), (212, 553), (212, 576), (265, 40), (348, 1051), (348, 1100), (348, 1144), (365, 124)], 'Jazz_in_Turkey.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 441), (54, 463), (59, 29), (62, 429), (62, 450), (119, 170), (122, 18), (124, 395), (124, 417), (136, 18), (138, 486), (138, 507), (187, 40), (270, 1007), (270, 1057), (270, 1101), (287, 124)], 'Russell_Road_(Ontario).html': [(6, 516), (43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (56, 18), (67, 15), (67, 21), (68, 26), (68, 70), (263, 40), (263, 998), (263, 1048), (263, 1082), (346, 1039), (346, 1088), (346, 1132), (363, 124)], 'Danny_Gray.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (123, 18), (125, 502), (125, 524), (125, 1116), (125, 1138), (125, 1554), (125, 1576), (174, 40), (257, 991), (257, 1040), (257, 1084), (274, 124)], 'AVM_GmbH.html': [(6, 533), (44, 102), (47, 462), (47, 484), (55, 425), (55, 447), (118, 565), (118, 588), (141, 460), (141, 482), (152, 421), (152, 444), (159, 18), (161, 402), (161, 424), (210, 40), (210, 2023), (210, 2093), (210, 2147), (293, 983), (293, 1031), (293, 1075), (318, 125)], 'ISMACryp.html': [(43, 102), (46, 462), (46, 484), (109, 40), (192, 983), (192, 1032), (192, 1076), (209, 124)], 'Ben_H._Williams.html': [(49, 643), (49, 665), (67, 527), (67, 549), (72, 457), (72, 479), (111, 37), (121, 40), (204, 1011), (204, 1061), (204, 1105), (229, 124), (256, 805)], 'CecylC3B3wkaBrzC3B3zka.html': [(6, 457), (52, 990), (52, 1013), (58, 432), (58, 455), (108, 581), (108, 603), (163, 447), (163, 695), (165, 18), (167, 500), (167, 522), (216, 40), (216, 794), (216, 835), (216, 860), (299, 1059), (299, 1108), (299, 1152), (324, 125)], 'David_Solomona.html': [(47, 463), (47, 485), (565, 40), (648, 1007), (648, 1056), (648, 1100), (665, 124)], 'Cyclohexane_conformation.html': [(44, 102), (47, 386), (47, 407), (52, 29), (55, 441), (55, 463), (60, 29), (63, 341), (63, 362), (74, 642), (74, 665), (106, 29), (109, 441), (109, 463), (118, 29), (121, 441), (121, 463), (128, 436), (128, 459), (133, 29), (136, 441), (136, 463), (143, 29), (146, 462), (146, 484), (151, 29), (154, 462), (154, 484), (162, 588), (162, 610), (167, 29), (170, 386), (170, 407), (175, 29), (178, 441), (178, 463), (183, 29), (186, 441), (186, 463), (196, 29), (199, 341), (199, 362), (204, 29), (207, 524), (207, 546), (226, 29), (229, 441), (229, 463), (639, 40), (722, 1047), (722, 1096), (722, 1140), (747, 125)], 'Elio_Calderini.html': [(192, 119), (220, 37), (231, 40), (314, 1007), (314, 1057), (314, 1101), (331, 124), (358, 767)], 'Chhatrasal.html': [(6, 533), (52, 326), (52, 348), (110, 436), (110, 458), (144, 402), (144, 425), (183, 40), (183, 1501), (183, 1571), (183, 1625), (266, 991), (266, 1039), (266, 1083), (291, 125)], 'Aiva.html': [(85, 35), (87, 431), (87, 452), (91, 18), (93, 424), (93, 446), (105, 18), (107, 465), (107, 486), (156, 40), (239, 967), (239, 1017), (239, 1061), (256, 124)], 'Guyana_at_the_2010_Central_American_and_Caribbean_Games.html': [(50, 475), (50, 497), (110, 29), (112, 488), (112, 509), (117, 29), (119, 488), (119, 509), (124, 29), (126, 488), (126, 509), (131, 29), (133, 488), (133, 509), (138, 29), (140, 488), (140, 509), (145, 29), (147, 488), (147, 509), (152, 29), (154, 488), (154, 509), (159, 29), (161, 488), (161, 509), (166, 29), (168, 488), (168, 509), (173, 29), (175, 488), (175, 509), (278, 40), (361, 1171), (361, 1220), (361, 1264), (378, 124)], 'Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Cervia.html': [(6, 666), (43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (125, 349), (125, 371), (130, 37), (132, 18), (134, 387), (134, 409), (146, 18), (148, 421), (148, 444), (197, 40), (197, 1766), (197, 1825), (197, 1868), (280, 1079), (280, 1128), (280, 1172), (297, 124)], 'Exploratorium_(film).html': [(89, 169), (92, 18), (94, 376), (94, 398), (106, 18), (108, 395), (108, 416), (157, 40), (240, 1031), (240, 1080), (240, 1124), (257, 124)], 'David_Beasley.html': [(49, 471), (49, 494), (202, 542), (202, 564), (309, 615), (309, 637), (351, 40), (434, 1003), (434, 1050), (434, 1094), (451, 125)], 'I27m_Walking_Behind_You.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (76, 18), (78, 416), (78, 438), (127, 40), (210, 1047), (210, 1096), (210, 1140), (227, 124)], 'Olive_Dennis.html': [(49, 469), (49, 492), (165, 40), (248, 999), (248, 1046), (248, 1090), (265, 125)], 'SC_Goldau.html': [(55, 488), (55, 510), (55, 1035), (55, 1058), (81, 519), (81, 542), (87, 519), (87, 542), (93, 519), (93, 542), (99, 519), (99, 542), (105, 519), (105, 542), (111, 519), (111, 542), (117, 519), (117, 542), (123, 519), (123, 542), (129, 519), (129, 542), (135, 519), (135, 542), (141, 519), (141, 542), (158, 519), (158, 542), (164, 519), (164, 542), (170, 519), (170, 542), (176, 519), (176, 542), (182, 519), (182, 542), (188, 519), (188, 542), (194, 519), (194, 542), (200, 519), (200, 542), (206, 519), (206, 542), (212, 519), (212, 542), (218, 519), (218, 542), (228, 500), (228, 523), (229, 510), (229, 533), (230, 500), (230, 523), (231, 503), (231, 526), (232, 508), (232, 531), (233, 509), (233, 532), (234, 509), (234, 532), (251, 604), (251, 627), (590, 18), (592, 458), (592, 481), (641, 40), (724, 987), (724, 1036), (724, 1080), (741, 125)], 'George_Jones_(bishop).html': [(45, 514), (45, 537), (252, 18), (254, 383), (254, 405), (254, 855), (254, 877), (266, 18), (268, 395), (268, 417), (317, 40), (400, 1035), (400, 1084), (400, 1128), (417, 124)], 'The_Right_Kinda_Lover.html': [(44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (57, 473), (57, 495), (315, 40), (398, 1035), (398, 1084), (398, 1128), (415, 124)], 'Sibling_Revelry.html': [(298, 40), (381, 1011), (381, 1060), (381, 1104), (398, 124)], 'Fraser_Lake_Airport.html': [(6, 425), (49, 791), (49, 814), (91, 291), (91, 543), (91, 1138), (91, 1390), (101, 705), (101, 728), (103, 467), (103, 489), (325, 415), (325, 436), (326, 363), (326, 384), (327, 376), (327, 398), (335, 18), (337, 423), (337, 445), (377, 49), (386, 40), (386, 839), (386, 880), (386, 905), (469, 1027), (469, 1076), (469, 1120), (486, 125), (513, 863)], 'Anton_von_Troeltsch.html': [(46, 816), (46, 838), (154, 40), (237, 1027), (237, 1074), (237, 1118), (262, 125)], 'Australian_Musician_(magazine).html': [(43, 102), (46, 462), (46, 484), (51, 29), (54, 524), (54, 546), (67, 574), (67, 597), (117, 40), (200, 1071), (200, 1120), (200, 1164), (217, 124)], 'List_of_numberone_singles_of_1993_(Finland).html': [(276, 40), (359, 1127), (359, 1176), (359, 1220), (376, 125)], 'Children_of_the_Grave.html': [(49, 624), (49, 646), (109, 557), (109, 579), (636, 424), (636, 446), (637, 415), (637, 436), (638, 363), (638, 384), (811, 40), (894, 1035), (894, 1084), (894, 1128), (911, 125)], 'AlMidan.html': [(6, 599), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (55, 584), (55, 606), (62, 404), (62, 426), (68, 401), (68, 646), (88, 525), (88, 547), (97, 453), (97, 475), (513, 40), (513, 1256), (513, 1297), (513, 1322), (596, 983), (596, 1032), (596, 1076), (621, 125)], 'Crabeating_frog.html': [(50, 568), (50, 590), (62, 410), (62, 432), (67, 438), (67, 459), (75, 50), (127, 1420), (127, 1442), (147, 18), (149, 439), (149, 461), (198, 40), (281, 1015), (281, 1064), (281, 1108), (306, 125)], 'Santa_MarC3ADa_YavesC3ADa.html': [(6, 470), (51, 376), (51, 621), (55, 403), (55, 425), (149, 459), (149, 704), (151, 18), (153, 473), (153, 495), (202, 40), (202, 914), (202, 955), (202, 980), (285, 1067), (285, 1115), (285, 1159), (302, 125)], 'Kadamaha.html': [(6, 422), (54, 377), (54, 399), (170, 506), (170, 528), (175, 37), (177, 18), (179, 416), (179, 438), (228, 40), (228, 659), (228, 718), (228, 761), (311, 983), (311, 1032), (311, 1076), (328, 125)], 'The_Purpose_Driven_Church.html': [(45, 209), (45, 231), (124, 40), (207, 1051), (207, 1100), (207, 1144), (224, 125)], 'Carlos_Martins_(musician).html': [(135, 40), (218, 1051), (218, 1101), (218, 1145), (235, 125)], 'St._Peter27s_Church_Tiberias.html': [(6, 702), (44, 102), (47, 429), (47, 450), (60, 540), (60, 563), (68, 420), (68, 442), (84, 509), (84, 532), (99, 37), (137, 40), (137, 1680), (137, 1746), (137, 1796), (220, 1071), (220, 1120), (220, 1164), (237, 125)], 'Radial_Road_3.html': [(52, 1061), (52, 1084), (103, 453), (103, 476), (301, 441), (301, 463), (505, 40), (588, 1003), (588, 1053), (588, 1097), (605, 125)], 'Charles_Smith_Wilcox.html': [(75, 40), (158, 1031), (158, 1080), (158, 1124), (175, 124)], 'Football_Foundation.html': [(44, 102), (47, 462), (47, 484), (55, 463), (55, 486), (151, 40), (234, 1027), (234, 1076), (234, 1120), (251, 124)], 'List_of_Argentine_Primera_DivisiC3B3n_transfers_January_2011.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (112, 501), (112, 523), (114, 535), (114, 558), (118, 501), (118, 523), (124, 501), (124, 523), (130, 501), (130, 523), (132, 597), (132, 619), (152, 501), (152, 523), (154, 601), (154, 624), (158, 501), (158, 523), (160, 527), (160, 549), (199, 474), (199, 496), (205, 501), (205, 523), (227, 501), (227, 523), (233, 501), (233, 523), (235, 545), (235, 568), (239, 501), (239, 523), (245, 501), (245, 523), (247, 592), (247, 615), (251, 501), (251, 523), (257, 501), (257, 523), (298, 501), (298, 523), (304, 501), (304, 523), (306, 535), (306, 557), (310, 501), (310, 523), (312, 535), (312, 557), (332, 501), (332, 523), (338, 501), (338, 523), (344, 501), (344, 523), (346, 535), (346, 557), (385, 501), (385, 523), (407, 501), (407, 523), (413, 501), (413, 523), (419, 501), (419, 523), (425, 501), (425, 523), (431, 492), (431, 514), (433, 634), (433, 656), (472, 501), (472, 523), (474, 526), (474, 549), (478, 501), (478, 523), (484, 483), (484, 505), (490, 501), (490, 523), (496, 501), (496, 523), (518, 501), (518, 523), (524, 492), (524, 514), (526, 551), (526, 573), (530, 501), (530, 523), (536, 501), (536, 523), (542, 501), (542, 523), (548, 501), (548, 523), (554, 501), (554, 523), (556, 535), (556, 558), (560, 501), (560, 523), (601, 492), (601, 514), (603, 572), (603, 595), (607, 501), (607, 523), (609, 532), (609, 555), (609, 1111), (609, 1134), (629, 501), (629, 523), (635, 501), (635, 523), (641, 501), (641, 523), (643, 594), (643, 616), (647, 501), (647, 523), (649, 565), (649, 588), (688, 501), (688, 523), (690, 550), (690, 572), (694, 501), (694, 523), (700, 450), (700, 473), (702, 553), (702, 576), (706, 501), (706, 523), (712, 501), (712, 523), (718, 501), (718, 523), (720, 523), (720, 545), (740, 501), (740, 523), (746, 501), (746, 523), (752, 501), (752, 523), (754, 571), (754, 594), (758, 501), (758, 523), (764, 501), (764, 523), (770, 501), (770, 523), (772, 544), (772, 567), (776, 501), (776, 523), (782, 501), (782, 523), (784, 573), (784, 596), (788, 492), (788, 514), (829, 501), (829, 523), (835, 501), (835, 523), (837, 558), (837, 581), (841, 501), (841, 523), (863, 501), (863, 523), (869, 501), (869, 523), (871, 572), (871, 595), (910, 501), (910, 523), (912, 558), (912, 580), (916, 501), (916, 523), (922, 492), (922, 514), (924, 576), (924, 598), (928, 501), (928, 523), (930, 559), (930, 582), (934, 501), (934, 523), (936, 559), (936, 581), (956, 501), (956, 523), (958, 544), (958, 567), (962, 501), (962, 523), (964, 547), (964, 570), (968, 501), (968, 523), (974, 501), (974, 523), (976, 565), (976, 588), (980, 501), (980, 523), (982, 542), (982, 564), (986, 501), (986, 523), (1027, 501), (1027, 523), (1033, 492), (1033, 514), (1035, 577), (1035, 599), (1039, 501), (1039, 523), (1041, 578), (1041, 600), (1041, 1195), (1041, 1217), (1045, 492), (1045, 514), (1047, 588), (1047, 610), (1067, 501), (1067, 523), (1069, 581), (1069, 603), (1073, 501), (1073, 523), (1114, 501), (1114, 523), (1120, 450), (1120, 472), (1122, 567), (1122, 589), (1126, 483), (1126, 505), (1128, 567), (1128, 589), (1148, 492), (1148, 514), (1150, 716), (1150, 738), (1154, 501), (1154, 523), (1156, 593), (1156, 615), (1160, 501), (1160, 523), (1166, 501), (1166, 523), (1172, 483), (1172, 505), (1213, 501), (1213, 523), (1215, 642), (1215, 664), (1219, 501), (1219, 523), (1225, 501), (1225, 523), (1227, 556), (1227, 579), (1231, 501), (1231, 523), (1237, 501), (1237, 523), (1259, 501), (1259, 523), (1261, 547), (1261, 570), (1265, 501), (1265, 523), (1271, 501), (1271, 523), (1273, 544), (1273, 566), (1277, 501), (1277, 523), (1283, 465), (1283, 488), (1285, 515), (1285, 537), (1289, 501), (1289, 523), (1330, 501), (1330, 523), (1332, 699), (1332, 722), (1336, 492), (1336, 514), (1342, 501), (1342, 523), (1344, 594), (1344, 617), (1364, 501), (1364, 523), (1370, 492), (1370, 514), (1372, 566), (1372, 588), (1376, 492), (1376, 514), (1382, 501), (1382, 523), (1388, 492), (1388, 514), (1390, 569), (1390, 591), (1394, 501), (1394, 523), (1396, 557), (1396, 580), (1435, 456), (1435, 478), (1437, 544), (1437, 566), (1441, 501), (1441, 523), (1447, 501), (1447, 523), (1453, 492), (1453, 514), (1459, 483), (1459, 505), (1461, 583), (1461, 606), (1465, 492), (1465, 514), (1467, 579), (1467, 601), (1487, 483), (1487, 505), (1489, 563), (1489, 585), (1493, 483), (1493, 505), (1495, 571), (1495, 593), (1499, 501), (1499, 523), (1505, 501), (1505, 523), (1511, 501), (1511, 523), (1517, 501), (1517, 523), (1523, 501), (1523, 523), (1525, 542), (1525, 564), (1529, 501), (1529, 523), (1535, 501), (1535, 523), (1541, 501), (1541, 523), (1547, 501), (1547, 523), (1549, 620), (1549, 643), (1553, 501), (1553, 523), (1559, 501), (1559, 523), (1561, 560), (1561, 583), (1565, 501), (1565, 523), (1606, 492), (1606, 514), (1608, 556), (1608, 578), (1612, 483), (1612, 505), (1614, 600), (1614, 622), (1618, 501), (1618, 523), (1640, 501), (1640, 523), (1642, 556), (1642, 579), (1646, 501), (1646, 523), (1652, 501), (1652, 523), (1654, 555), (1654, 578), (1658, 501), (1658, 523), (1699, 483), (1699, 505), (1701, 579), (1701, 601), (1705, 501), (1705, 523), (1711, 501), (1711, 523), (1733, 465), (1733, 488), (1735, 553), (1735, 576), (1739, 483), (1739, 505), (1741, 620), (1741, 643), (1745, 501), (1745, 523), (1747, 524), (1747, 546), (1751, 501), (1751, 523), (1757, 501), (1757, 523), (1759, 594), (1759, 616), (1763, 501), (1763, 523), (1765, 634), (1765, 657), (1769, 483), (1769, 505), (1771, 583), (1771, 605), (1775, 501), (1775, 523), (1816, 501), (1816, 523), (1822, 501), (1822, 523), (1824, 580), (1824, 602), (1844, 501), (1844, 523), (1846, 645), (1846, 668), (1850, 501), (1850, 523), (1856, 501), (1856, 523), (1897, 501), (1897, 523), (1899, 549), (1899, 572), (1903, 501), (1903, 523), (1905, 562), (1905, 585), (1909, 501), (1909, 523), (1911, 544), (1911, 566), (1915, 501), (1915, 523), (1917, 549), (1917, 572), (1937, 501), (1937, 523), (1943, 501), (1943, 523), (1945, 572), (1945, 594), (1949, 501), (1949, 523), (1955, 501), (1955, 523), (1957, 533), (1957, 555), (1961, 492), (1961, 514), (1963, 547), (1963, 569), (1967, 483), (1967, 505), (1969, 602), (1969, 624), (1973, 492), (1973, 514), (1975, 640), (1975, 662), (2014, 501), (2014, 523), (2016, 661), (2016, 684), (2020, 501), (2020, 523), (2022, 579), (2022, 601), (2026, 501), (2026, 523), (2028, 651), (2028, 673), (2032, 465), (2032, 488), (2034, 541), (2034, 564), (2054, 501), (2054, 523), (2056, 548), (2056, 570), (2060, 501), (2060, 523), (2062, 556), (2062, 578), (2066, 501), (2066, 523), (2072, 483), (2072, 505), (2113, 492), (2113, 514), (2115, 553), (2115, 575), (2119, 501), (2119, 523), (2121, 552), (2121, 574), (2125, 501), (2125, 523), (2127, 557), (2127, 580), (2131, 492), (2131, 514), (2133, 569), (2133, 591), (2137, 501), (2137, 523), (2143, 501), (2143, 523), (2145, 568), (2145, 590), (2165, 501), (2165, 523), (2171, 501), (2171, 523), (2173, 668), (2173, 690), (2213, 41), (2215, 41), (2217, 41), (2224, 40), (2307, 1199), (2307, 1248), (2307, 1292), (2324, 124), (2351, 755), (2351, 848), (2351, 944)], 'Sambhaji_Raje_Chhatrapati.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 341), (54, 362), (59, 29), (62, 386), (62, 407), (130, 157), (186, 40), (269, 1051), (269, 1101), (269, 1145), (286, 124)], 'Imperial_amazon.html': [(6, 485), (50, 752), (50, 775), (62, 410), (62, 432), (75, 71), (150, 589), (150, 612), (172, 493), (172, 516), (203, 365), (210, 402), (210, 425), (212, 74), (337, 40), (337, 1274), (337, 1344), (337, 1398), (420, 1011), (420, 1060), (420, 1104), (445, 125)], 'Plasnewydd.html': [(6, 407), (44, 502), (44, 749), (46, 326), (46, 348), (64, 215), (64, 576), (318, 18), (320, 500), (320, 523), (369, 40), (369, 728), (369, 769), (369, 794), (452, 991), (452, 1040), (452, 1084), (469, 125)], 'Australian_hardcore.html': [(216, 574), (216, 597), (374, 361), (374, 382), (638, 40), (721, 1027), (721, 1076), (721, 1120), (738, 124)], 'Christopher_Speer.html': [(48, 560), (48, 582), (70, 454), (70, 477), (170, 421), (170, 444), (171, 706), (171, 728), (176, 457), (176, 479), (184, 457), (184, 479), (328, 40), (411, 1019), (411, 1068), (411, 1112), (428, 124)], 'Campus_of_Texas_A26M_University.html': [(6, 1132), (45, 460), (45, 482), (108, 530), (108, 552), (118, 453), (118, 476), (131, 509), (131, 531), (162, 516), (162, 539), (176, 433), (176, 455), (191, 481), (191, 503), (205, 572), (205, 594), (214, 474), (214, 497), (230, 516), (230, 539), (237, 495), (237, 518), (250, 551), (250, 574), (256, 559), (259, 460), (259, 483), (269, 446), (269, 469), (280, 481), (280, 504), (291, 453), (291, 476), (305, 29), (308, 369), (308, 390), (441, 472), (441, 494), (446, 421), (446, 444), (812, 456), (812, 704), (850, 40), (850, 3669), (850, 3710), (850, 3735), (933, 1079), (933, 1128), (933, 1172), (950, 125)], 'Keegan_Pereira_(footballer).html': [(177, 215), (177, 309), (177, 620), (177, 705), (284, 40), (367, 1059), (367, 1108), (367, 1152), (384, 125)], 'Nuno_Leal_Maia.html': [(6, 491), (89, 162), (92, 18), (94, 408), (94, 430), (135, 37), (143, 40), (143, 1385), (143, 1439), (143, 1477), (226, 1007), (226, 1057), (226, 1101), (251, 125), (278, 904)], 'Kfarhata.html': [(6, 404), (58, 639), (58, 661), (60, 427), (60, 448), (70, 355), (70, 604), (70, 1176), (70, 1425), (74, 409), (74, 431), (108, 594), (108, 617), (118, 594), (118, 617), (152, 548), (152, 570), (227, 517), (227, 539), (257, 568), (257, 590), (485, 40), (485, 1160), (485, 1201), (485, 1226), (568, 983), (568, 1032), (568, 1076), (593, 125)], 'Typhoon_Hester_(1952).html': [(50, 487), (50, 510), (123, 24), (125, 782), (125, 805), (126, 614), (126, 636), (133, 838), (133, 1569), (134, 310), (134, 606), (135, 1641), (135, 1663), (136, 1600), (136, 1622), (137, 1688), (137, 1710), (138, 1647), (138, 1669), (139, 1587), (139, 1609), (144, 1451), (144, 1473), (183, 40), (266, 1035), (266, 1085), (266, 1129), (283, 124)], 'Ovum_Recordings.html': [(43, 274), (43, 296), (92, 18), (94, 348), (94, 370), (138, 40), (221, 1011), (221, 1060), (221, 1104), (238, 124)], 'Post_(structural).html': [(113, 867), (113, 890), (123, 663), (123, 686), (133, 579), (133, 602), (143, 503), (143, 525), (237, 40), (320, 1019), (320, 1068), (320, 1112), (337, 125)], 'Kenneth_Thomas_(cricketer).html': [(83, 18), (85, 451), (85, 474), (85, 853), (85, 875), (134, 40), (217, 1055), (217, 1105), (217, 1149), (234, 124)], 'Epropetes_metallica.html': [(100, 18), (150, 40), (233, 1027), (233, 1077), (233, 1121), (250, 125)], 'Sierra_Leone_Studies.html': [(71, 283), (117, 40), (200, 1031), (200, 1081), (200, 1125), (217, 124)], 'Arcadio_GonzC3A1lez.html': [(46, 465), (46, 487), (47, 438), (47, 461), (48, 465), (48, 487), (49, 465), (49, 487), (50, 465), (50, 487), (51, 465), (51, 487), (55, 438), (55, 461), (62, 18), (64, 506), (64, 528), (64, 1004), (64, 1026), (104, 41), (113, 40), (196, 1035), (196, 1084), (196, 1128), (213, 124), (240, 865)], 'Checkerspot_(magazine).html': [(45, 233), (45, 255), (62, 18), (76, 18), (78, 458), (78, 479), (124, 40), (207, 1039), (207, 1088), (207, 1132), (224, 124)], 'Claudia_Neidig.html': [(44, 102), (47, 512), (47, 533), (57, 519), (57, 541), (72, 162), (92, 18), (94, 388), (94, 410), (106, 18), (108, 402), (108, 424), (146, 37), (157, 40), (240, 1007), (240, 1055), (240, 1099), (265, 125), (292, 750)], 'Bill_Price_(baseball).html': [(111, 18), (113, 429), (113, 452), (113, 1057), (113, 1080), (113, 1672), (113, 1694), (155, 41), (162, 40), (245, 1035), (245, 1084), (245, 1128), (262, 124), (289, 988)], 'It27s_Just_My_Funny_Way_of_Laughin27.html': [(49, 468), (49, 490), (153, 18), (155, 472), (155, 493), (204, 40), (287, 1103), (287, 1152), (287, 1196), (304, 124)], 'Meydane_Jahad_Metro_Station.html': [(6, 709), (43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (56, 497), (56, 519), (67, 434), (67, 456), (67, 975), (67, 997), (90, 530), (90, 552), (100, 554), (100, 576), (149, 465), (149, 487), (153, 465), (153, 487), (155, 465), (155, 487), (206, 462), (206, 484), (217, 465), (217, 487), (220, 465), (220, 487), (225, 465), (225, 487), (228, 465), (228, 487), (260, 465), (260, 487), (264, 465), (264, 487), (289, 465), (289, 487), (291, 465), (291, 487), (295, 465), (295, 487), (298, 465), (298, 487), (300, 465), (300, 487), (301, 465), (301, 487), (322, 465), (322, 487), (349, 465), (349, 487), (350, 465), (350, 487), (357, 37), (359, 18), (361, 363), (361, 385), (410, 40), (410, 1884), (410, 1950), (410, 2000), (493, 1063), (493, 1113), (493, 1157), (510, 125)], 'Priscus_of_Epirus.html': [(58, 385), (58, 407), (94, 40), (177, 1019), (177, 1067), (177, 1111), (194, 125)], 'SC3BCderelbe.html': [(6, 545), (44, 102), (47, 465), (47, 486), (70, 599), (70, 622), (96, 333), (96, 458), (96, 705), (98, 18), (100, 458), (100, 480), (112, 18), (162, 40), (162, 1553), (162, 1594), (162, 1619), (245, 1007), (245, 1055), (245, 1099), (262, 125)], 'Bye_My_Boy.html': [(276, 40), (359, 999), (359, 1048), (359, 1092), (376, 125)], 'Chief_Justice_of_New_Zealand.html': [(49, 634), (49, 656), (96, 541), (96, 563), (392, 537), (392, 559), (1054, 40), (1137, 1063), (1137, 1112), (1137, 1156), (1154, 125)], 'Kanakomyrtus.html': [(144, 40), (227, 999), (227, 1049), (227, 1093), (252, 125)], 'VSX2.html': [(6, 613), (43, 102), (46, 368), (46, 390), (255, 101), (255, 118), (255, 128), (258, 107), (259, 107), (279, 1146), (279, 1168), (291, 421), (291, 444), (296, 18), (298, 369), (298, 391), (347, 40), (347, 1420), (347, 1490), (347, 1544), (430, 967), (430, 1017), (430, 1061), (455, 124)], 'Kistenuten.html': [(6, 446), (49, 1008), (49, 1031), (70, 346), (70, 597), (70, 1189), (70, 1440), (81, 610), (81, 632), (83, 575), (83, 597), (111, 18), (113, 458), (113, 480), (125, 18), (127, 465), (127, 487), (139, 18), (141, 458), (141, 480), (190, 40), (190, 1478), (190, 1519), (190, 1544), (273, 991), (273, 1040), (273, 1084), (290, 125)], 'Hayes_Township_Clay_County_Kansas.html': [(6, 458), (52, 802), (52, 824), (56, 397), (56, 649), (56, 1264), (56, 1516), (130, 66), (130, 109), (176, 612), (176, 635), (240, 18), (290, 40), (290, 779), (290, 820), (290, 845), (373, 1091), (373, 1140), (373, 1184), (390, 125)], 'Oldham_Metropolitan_Borough_Council_election_2000.html': [(1284, 805), (1284, 828), (1806, 835), (1806, 858), (2062, 40), (2145, 1151), (2145, 1200), (2145, 1244), (2162, 124)], 'Omar_Onsi.html': [(97, 18), (99, 456), (99, 478), (148, 40), (231, 987), (231, 1037), (231, 1081), (248, 125)], '2011_ITU_Duathlon_World_Championships.html': [(101, 440), (101, 461), (102, 398), (102, 420), (109, 456), (109, 477), (110, 395), (110, 417), (117, 456), (117, 477), (118, 401), (118, 423), (128, 440), (128, 461), (129, 404), (129, 426), (136, 456), (136, 477), (137, 473), (137, 496), (144, 456), (144, 477), (145, 428), (145, 450), (155, 440), (155, 461), (156, 398), (156, 421), (163, 456), (163, 477), (164, 416), (164, 438), (171, 456), (171, 477), (172, 395), (172, 417), (194, 440), (194, 461), (195, 476), (195, 499), (202, 456), (202, 477), (203, 407), (203, 430), (210, 456), (210, 477), (211, 401), (211, 423), (221, 440), (221, 461), (222, 404), (222, 426), (229, 456), (229, 477), (230, 494), (230, 516), (237, 456), (237, 477), (238, 401), (238, 423), (248, 440), (248, 461), (249, 437), (249, 459), (256, 456), (256, 477), (257, 395), (257, 418), (264, 456), (264, 477), (265, 395), (265, 417), (287, 440), (287, 461), (288, 404), (288, 426), (296, 456), (296, 477), (297, 473), (297, 496), (305, 456), (305, 477), (306, 395), (306, 417), (317, 440), (317, 461), (318, 398), (318, 421), (326, 456), (326, 477), (327, 395), (327, 417), (335, 456), (335, 477), (336, 452), (336, 474), (728, 41), (736, 40), (819, 1099), (819, 1148), (819, 1192), (836, 125), (863, 896)], 'Central_Luzon.html': [(6, 412), (6, 606), (59, 655), (59, 678), (64, 542), (64, 565), (65, 568), (65, 591), (78, 397), (78, 419), (82, 367), (82, 613), (82, 1187), (82, 1433), (254, 481), (254, 503), (623, 421), (623, 444), (629, 513), (629, 535), (650, 635), (650, 657), (666, 430), (666, 452), (964, 573), (964, 595), (980, 607), (980, 629), (982, 741), (982, 764), (1257, 40), (1257, 650), (1257, 691), (1257, 716), (1257, 1366), (1257, 1436), (1257, 1490), (1340, 1003), (1340, 1050), (1340, 1094), (1365, 125)], 'Omiodes_iridias.html': [(108, 421), (108, 444), (114, 464), (114, 486), (119, 18), (169, 40), (252, 1011), (252, 1060), (252, 1104), (269, 125)], 'Clay_Township_Clark_County_Missouri.html': [(6, 529), (92, 593), (92, 616), (182, 37), (183, 18), (185, 465), (185, 487), (234, 40), (234, 965), (234, 1027), (234, 1073), (317, 1099), (317, 1149), (317, 1193), (334, 124)], 'Suwannee_River_Junior_College.html': [(107, 40), (190, 1067), (190, 1117), (190, 1161), (207, 124)], 'Konstantin_22Samokovetsa22_Dimitrov.html': [(44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (57, 307), (57, 329), (137, 37), (147, 40), (230, 1099), (230, 1148), (230, 1192), (247, 124), (274, 804)], 'My_Life_(Billy_Joel_song).html': [(49, 352), (49, 374), (560, 421), (560, 443), (561, 412), (561, 433), (605, 40), (688, 1051), (688, 1100), (688, 1144), (705, 125)], 'Dysgonia_pudica.html': [(6, 553), (50, 787), (50, 809), (111, 421), (111, 444), (116, 18), (118, 453), (118, 475), (167, 40), (167, 1586), (167, 1656), (167, 1710), (250, 1011), (250, 1060), (250, 1104), (275, 125)], 'Shoreyjehye_Do.html': [(6, 418), (57, 556), (57, 579), (59, 398), (59, 419), (69, 364), (69, 615), (69, 1196), (69, 1447), (73, 391), (73, 413), (104, 456), (119, 516), (119, 538), (582, 490), (582, 512), (585, 18), (587, 404), (587, 426), (636, 40), (636, 641), (636, 682), (636, 707), (719, 1011), (719, 1060), (719, 1104), (736, 125)], 'Kettu_Kalyanam.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (263, 40), (346, 1007), (346, 1056), (346, 1100), (363, 125)], 'Second_Valley_South_Australia.html': [(6, 573), (50, 455), (50, 477), (59, 721), (59, 744), (61, 394), (61, 415), (72, 328), (72, 574), (72, 1165), (72, 1411), (155, 9), (183, 440), (183, 462), (193, 440), (193, 462), (219, 380), (219, 867), (485, 18), (487, 514), (487, 536), (536, 40), (536, 1679), (536, 1720), (536, 1745), (619, 1071), (619, 1120), (619, 1164), (636, 125)], 'Tomislav_Erceg.html': [(656, 40), (739, 1007), (739, 1055), (739, 1099), (756, 125)], 'I_Am_Cold.html': [(49, 400), (49, 422), (105, 456), (105, 478), (105, 829), (105, 851), (105, 1202), (105, 1224), (105, 1581), (105, 1603), (105, 1960), (105, 1982), (113, 456), (113, 478), (113, 829), (113, 851), (113, 1202), (113, 1224), (113, 1581), (113, 1603), (113, 1960), (113, 1982), (628, 40), (711, 987), (711, 1036), (711, 1080), (728, 124)], '104th_Logistic_Support_Brigade_(United_Kingdom).html': [(49, 325), (49, 347), (57, 460), (57, 483), (61, 463), (61, 485), (170, 40), (253, 1139), (253, 1188), (253, 1232), (270, 124)], 'Keshav_Ginde.html': [(45, 453), (45, 475), (64, 18), (66, 402), (66, 424), (78, 18), (125, 40), (208, 999), (208, 1048), (208, 1092), (225, 124)], 'Brownfield_(software_development).html': [(45, 617), (58, 215), (58, 237), (65, 291), (65, 344), (109, 40), (192, 1083), (192, 1131), (192, 1175), (209, 125)], 'List_of_Carboniferous_tetrapods.html': [(633, 40), (716, 1075), (716, 1124), (716, 1168), (733, 125)], 'Alpine_skiing_at_the_1994_Winter_Olympics_E28093_Men27s_combined.html': [(50, 544), (50, 566), (77, 477), (77, 498), (80, 380), (80, 403), (83, 491), (83, 512), (86, 380), (86, 403), (89, 491), (89, 512), (92, 380), (92, 403), (110, 501), (110, 523), (164, 465), (164, 486), (166, 393), (166, 416), (174, 479), (174, 500), (176, 393), (176, 416), (184, 479), (184, 500), (186, 393), (186, 416), (196, 399), (196, 421), (206, 444), (206, 467), (216, 423), (216, 446), (226, 405), (226, 428), (236, 378), (236, 401), (246, 417), (246, 440), (256, 405), (256, 428), (266, 405), (266, 428), (276, 423), (276, 446), (286, 378), (286, 401), (296, 384), (296, 407), (306, 372), (306, 395), (316, 372), (316, 395), (326, 423), (326, 446), (336, 393), (336, 416), (346, 405), (346, 428), (356, 423), (356, 446), (366, 399), (366, 422), (376, 399), (376, 422), (386, 405), (386, 428), (396, 435), (396, 458), (406, 372), (406, 394), (416, 405), (416, 428), (426, 378), (426, 401), (436, 372), (436, 394), (446, 417), (446, 439), (456, 399), (456, 422), (466, 444), (466, 467), (476, 387), (476, 410), (486, 435), (486, 458), (496, 372), (496, 395), (506, 483), (506, 506), (516, 399), (516, 422), (526, 387), (526, 410), (536, 378), (536, 401), (546, 378), (546, 401), (556, 378), (556, 401), (566, 378), (566, 400), (576, 450), (576, 473), (586, 384), (586, 407), (596, 378), (596, 400), (606, 399), (606, 421), (616, 444), (616, 467), (626, 405), (626, 427), (636, 444), (636, 467), (646, 483), (646, 506), (656, 378), (656, 400), (666, 495), (666, 518), (676, 411), (676, 433), (686, 387), (686, 410), (696, 372), (696, 394), (706, 399), (706, 421), (716, 450), (716, 473), (728, 223), (728, 794), (729, 229), (729, 677), (756, 746), (756, 769), (757, 527), (757, 549), (758, 548), (758, 570), (759, 521), (759, 544), (760, 420), (760, 443), (761, 548), (761, 570), (762, 542), (762, 565), (763, 593), (763, 616), (764, 593), (764, 616), (765, 572), (765, 595), (810, 40), (893, 1223), (893, 1272), (893, 1316), (910, 125)], 'Yarumal.html': [(6, 445), (52, 483), (52, 506), (58, 534), (58, 556), (60, 547), (60, 569), (67, 754), (67, 777), (75, 576), (75, 599), (77, 382), (77, 403), (87, 358), (87, 607), (91, 415), (91, 437), (95, 487), (95, 510), (150, 1588), (150, 1610), (151, 1464), (151, 1486), (164, 574), (164, 597), (436, 438), (436, 682), (437, 18), (439, 521), (439, 544), (488, 40), (488, 1052), (488, 1093), (488, 1118), (571, 979), (571, 1027), (571, 1071), (596, 125)], 'PanhandleE28093Plains_Historical_Museum.html': [(6, 464), (47, 411), (47, 433), (50, 783), (50, 806), (63, 308), (63, 557), (88, 575), (88, 597), (102, 621), (102, 644), (111, 502), (111, 525), (120, 600), (120, 623), (129, 614), (129, 637), (138, 523), (138, 546), (199, 40), (199, 1461), (199, 1511), (199, 1545), (282, 1119), (282, 1168), (282, 1212), (299, 124)], 'Rudy_The_Rudy_Giuliani_Story.html': [(49, 497), (49, 519), (238, 185), (270, 438), (270, 460), (407, 18), (409, 367), (409, 388), (421, 18), (423, 374), (423, 395), (472, 40), (555, 1067), (555, 1116), (555, 1160), (572, 124)], 'Colchester_Village_Historic_District.html': [(6, 460), (6, 515), (64, 687), (64, 710), (74, 324), (74, 575), (74, 1182), (74, 1433), (106, 438), (106, 876), (112, 402), (112, 425), (264, 360), (264, 381), (265, 373), (265, 395), (273, 18), (275, 585), (275, 608), (324, 40), (324, 1427), (324, 1468), (324, 1493), (324, 1582), (324, 1652), (324, 1706), (407, 1095), (407, 1144), (407, 1188), (432, 124)], 'Zhongxing_Guesthouse.html': [(6, 464), (43, 507), (43, 764), (109, 40), (109, 1076), (109, 1117), (109, 1142), (192, 1031), (192, 1080), (192, 1124), (217, 125)], 'Raymond_II_Count_of_Toulouse.html': [(115, 451), (115, 473), (130, 18), (132, 500), (132, 522), (176, 40), (259, 1067), (259, 1115), (259, 1159), (276, 125)], 'CurtissWright_Hangar_(Columbia_South_Carolina).html': [(6, 484), (64, 740), (64, 763), (66, 465), (66, 486), (75, 654), (75, 677), (77, 465), (77, 486), (92, 340), (92, 589), (92, 1212), (92, 1461), (124, 438), (124, 894), (161, 476), (161, 498), (163, 354), (163, 376), (275, 18), (325, 40), (325, 1784), (325, 1825), (325, 1850), (408, 1143), (408, 1193), (408, 1237), (425, 124)], 'Evene.html': [(52, 18), (54, 502), (54, 524), (101, 40), (184, 971), (184, 1020), (184, 1064), (201, 125)], 'H._Larue_Renfroe.html': [(79, 40), (179, 124)], 'Coalville_Town_railway_station.html': [(6, 595), (49, 847), (49, 870), (66, 304), (66, 551), (66, 1147), (66, 1394), (118, 587), (118, 610), (137, 766), (137, 789), (146, 29), (149, 441), (149, 463), (531, 40), (531, 1871), (531, 1912), (531, 1937), (614, 1071), (614, 1120), (614, 1164), (631, 124)], 'Thomas_Croci.html': [(252, 18), (254, 437), (254, 459), (303, 40), (386, 999), (386, 1049), (386, 1093), (403, 124)], 'Hilyard_Robinson.html': [(88, 40), (171, 1015), (171, 1065), (171, 1109), (188, 124)], 'Lebanon_at_the_1980_Winter_Olympics.html': [(50, 483), (50, 505), (124, 459), (124, 481), (346, 18), (348, 517), (348, 539), (348, 1008), (348, 1030), (360, 18), (362, 409), (362, 431), (411, 40), (494, 1091), (494, 1140), (494, 1184), (511, 125)], 'Charged_Records.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (107, 18), (109, 348), (109, 370), (157, 40), (240, 1011), (240, 1059), (240, 1103), (257, 125)], 'Regina_Pacis_Catholic_Secondary_School.html': [(6, 569), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (58, 671), (58, 694), (70, 310), (70, 558), (70, 1174), (70, 1422), (1029, 40), (1029, 2144), (1029, 2185), (1029, 2210), (1112, 1103), (1112, 1153), (1112, 1197), (1129, 124)], '2001_Australian_Individual_Speedway_Championship.html': [(59, 528), (59, 550), (71, 438), (71, 459), (72, 615), (72, 638), (77, 456), (77, 477), (78, 675), (78, 698), (83, 456), (83, 477), (84, 714), (84, 737), (90, 633), (90, 656), (96, 643), (96, 665), (102, 698), (102, 720), (108, 686), (108, 708), (114, 643), (114, 666), (120, 675), (120, 698), (126, 684), (126, 707), (132, 609), (132, 632), (138, 648), (138, 671), (144, 615), (144, 637), (150, 558), (150, 581), (156, 617), (156, 640), (162, 626), (162, 649), (201, 41), (205, 41), (206, 41), (213, 40), (296, 1143), (296, 1193), (296, 1237), (313, 124), (340, 714), (340, 929), (340, 987)], 'Jonas_ArC48Dikauskas.html': [(87, 18), (89, 544), (89, 566), (132, 40), (215, 1039), (215, 1088), (215, 1132), (232, 125)], 'Mudramothiram.html': [(196, 171), (199, 18), (201, 388), (201, 410), (250, 40), (333, 1003), (333, 1053), (333, 1097), (350, 124)], 'Ashley_Wisconsin.html': [(6, 422), (57, 633), (57, 656), (59, 402), (59, 423), (69, 592), (69, 615), (71, 402), (71, 423), (82, 371), (82, 622), (82, 1211), (82, 1462), (166, 567), (166, 590), (353, 18), (355, 640), (355, 663), (404, 40), (404, 929), (404, 970), (404, 995), (487, 1019), (487, 1068), (487, 1112), (504, 124)], 'Luiz_Henrique_Santos.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (131, 18), (133, 475), (133, 497), (133, 973), (133, 995), (172, 37), (182, 40), (265, 1031), (265, 1080), (265, 1124), (282, 125), (309, 804)], 'Arthur_L._Aidala.html': [(111, 37), (119, 40), (202, 1015), (202, 1064), (202, 1108), (219, 124), (246, 906)], 'Dakar_2_The_World27s_Ultimate_Rally.html': [(44, 102), (47, 386), (47, 407), (52, 29), (55, 512), (55, 533), (60, 29), (63, 441), (63, 463), (78, 196), (78, 218), (184, 18), (234, 40), (317, 1099), (317, 1148), (317, 1192), (334, 125)], '2005E2809306_in_Welsh_football.html': [(122, 40), (205, 1083), (205, 1132), (205, 1176), (222, 124)], 'MoneyHunt.html': [(49, 217), (49, 239), (121, 480), (121, 503), (130, 467), (130, 489), (139, 383), (139, 405), (148, 522), (148, 544), (204, 40), (287, 987), (287, 1037), (287, 1081), (304, 124)], '2009_English_cricket_season.html': [(1158, 604), (1158, 627), (1158, 1159), (1158, 1181), (2126, 40), (2209, 1059), (2209, 1108), (2209, 1152), (2226, 124)], 'Waldoboro_(CDP)_Maine.html': [(6, 466), (52, 1094), (52, 1116), (56, 376), (56, 626), (56, 1220), (56, 1470), (127, 305), (127, 555), (194, 565), (194, 588), (296, 40), (296, 962), (296, 1003), (296, 1028), (379, 1039), (379, 1088), (379, 1132), (396, 125)], 'Jack_Wong.html': [(119, 40), (202, 987), (202, 1037), (202, 1081), (219, 124)], 'The_Showdown_Effect.html': [(49, 397), (49, 419), (165, 40), (248, 1027), (248, 1077), (248, 1121), (265, 125)], 'Unionidae.html': [(6, 515), (50, 712), (50, 735), (320, 421), (320, 444), (367, 40), (367, 908), (367, 978), (367, 1032), (450, 987), (450, 1036), (450, 1080), (475, 125)], 'Devarampally.html': [(6, 530), (43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (60, 382), (60, 405), (104, 18), (117, 37), (155, 40), (155, 1119), (155, 1182), (155, 1229), (238, 999), (238, 1048), (238, 1092), (255, 124)], 'Cosmopterix_similis.html': [(50, 238), (50, 260), (108, 464), (108, 486), (114, 421), (114, 444), (118, 18), (120, 460), (120, 483), (169, 40), (252, 1027), (252, 1076), (252, 1120), (269, 125)], '33rd_New_Jersey_Volunteer_Infantry.html': [(116, 628), (116, 650), (117, 526), (117, 548), (133, 350), (133, 372), (170, 40), (253, 1087), (253, 1137), (253, 1181), (270, 124)], 'Bill_Widenhouse.html': [(107, 18), (109, 418), (109, 441), (158, 40), (241, 1011), (241, 1060), (241, 1104), (258, 125)], 'Bay_of_ConcepciC3B3n.html': [(6, 422), (45, 628), (45, 650), (58, 447), (58, 692), (60, 18), (62, 568), (62, 590), (105, 40), (105, 748), (105, 789), (105, 814), (188, 1039), (188, 1088), (188, 1132), (205, 125)], 'Scott_McPherson.html': [(861, 323), (861, 360), (905, 40), (988, 1011), (988, 1060), (988, 1104), (1005, 124)], 'Tommy_Hunter_(baseball).html': [(49, 611), (49, 634), (122, 592), (122, 615), (128, 568), (128, 589), (160, 453), (160, 476), (199, 552), (199, 575), (412, 40), (495, 1043), (495, 1091), (495, 1135), (520, 125)], 'Appa_(film).html': [(49, 397), (49, 419), (191, 160), (269, 40), (352, 995), (352, 1045), (352, 1089), (369, 125)], 'Cristian_Berdeja.html': [(70, 403), (70, 425), (90, 541), (90, 563), (96, 584), (96, 605), (101, 584), (101, 605), (143, 432), (143, 455), (149, 600), (149, 622), (155, 438), (155, 461), (164, 447), (164, 469), (170, 423), (170, 445), (185, 428), (185, 450), (416, 18), (418, 423), (418, 445), (467, 40), (550, 1015), (550, 1064), (550, 1108), (567, 125)], 'Punjab_War.html': [(44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (57, 654), (57, 676), (82, 484), (82, 507), (84, 459), (84, 482), (86, 613), (86, 636), (119, 41), (128, 40), (211, 991), (211, 1041), (211, 1085), (228, 124), (255, 759)], '2009_World_Junior_Ice_Hockey_Championships_rosters.html': [(80, 432), (80, 455), (82, 451), (82, 474), (96, 519), (96, 542), (103, 519), (103, 542), (110, 432), (110, 455), (117, 432), (117, 455), (124, 519), (124, 542), (131, 519), (131, 542), (138, 432), (138, 455), (145, 432), (145, 455), (152, 432), (152, 455), (159, 432), (159, 455), (166, 432), (166, 455), (173, 432), (173, 455), (180, 432), (180, 455), (187, 432), (187, 455), (194, 432), (194, 455), (201, 432), (201, 455), (208, 432), (208, 455), (215, 432), (215, 455), (222, 432), (222, 455), (229, 432), (229, 455), (236, 432), (236, 455), (243, 432), (243, 455), (247, 527), (247, 549), (249, 562), (249, 584), (263, 543), (263, 565), (270, 543), (270, 565), (277, 432), (277, 455), (284, 543), (284, 565), (291, 519), (291, 542), (298, 432), (298, 455), (305, 432), (305, 455), (312, 432), (312, 455), (319, 432), (319, 455), (326, 432), (326, 455), (333, 432), (333, 455), (340, 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432), (1778, 455), (1785, 432), (1785, 455), (1792, 432), (1792, 455), (1799, 432), (1799, 455), (1963, 483), (1963, 506), (1974, 408), (1974, 430), (1975, 387), (1975, 410), (1976, 475), (1976, 497), (1977, 409), (1977, 431), (1978, 408), (1978, 431), (1979, 388), (1979, 410), (1980, 415), (1980, 437), (1981, 387), (1981, 410), (1982, 433), (1982, 456), (1983, 453), (1983, 476), (2271, 41), (2273, 41), (2280, 40), (2363, 1151), (2363, 1200), (2363, 1244), (2380, 125), (2407, 905), (2407, 995)], '985_Innovative_Platforms_for_Key_Disciplines_Project.html': [(80, 40), (163, 1159), (163, 1209), (163, 1253), (180, 125)], 'Jeff_Boyd.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (303, 18), (305, 493), (305, 514), (354, 40), (437, 987), (437, 1036), (437, 1080), (454, 124)], 'Paul_Kenny_(politician).html': [(107, 18), (109, 565), (109, 588), (109, 1075), (109, 1096), (158, 40), (241, 1043), (241, 1093), (241, 1137), (258, 124)], 'Panchamrutham.html': [(203, 169), (205, 18), (207, 388), (207, 410), (256, 40), (339, 1003), (339, 1053), (339, 1097), (356, 124)], 'Arun_K._Pati.html': [(188, 40), (271, 999), (271, 1048), (271, 1092), (288, 125)], 'Vang_stone.html': [(6, 445), (49, 439), (49, 461), (52, 34), (52, 50), (52, 59), (97, 85), (97, 101), (97, 110), (104, 135), (104, 186), (113, 21), (113, 85), (113, 259), (113, 298), (113, 314), (113, 323), (116, 454), (116, 704), (117, 18), (119, 453), (119, 475), (166, 40), (166, 797), (166, 838), (166, 863), (249, 991), (249, 1040), (249, 1084), (266, 125)], 'Promises_Promises_(Incubus_song).html': [(49, 504), (49, 526), (353, 412), (353, 433), (360, 18), (362, 416), (362, 438), (411, 40), (494, 1083), (494, 1132), (494, 1176), (511, 125)], 'King_Parker_House.html': [(6, 422), (64, 678), (64, 701), (66, 403), (66, 424), (75, 592), (75, 615), (77, 403), (77, 424), (92, 305), (92, 556), (92, 1144), (92, 1395), (120, 438), (120, 857), (156, 476), (156, 498), (158, 354), (158, 376), (291, 18), (341, 40), (341, 1577), (341, 1618), (341, 1643), (424, 1019), (424, 1069), (424, 1113), (441, 124)], 'PrC3A9liminaires.html': [(49, 317), (49, 339), (136, 462), (136, 484), (136, 835), (136, 857), (136, 1208), (136, 1230), (136, 1581), (136, 1603), (136, 1960), (136, 1982), (144, 456), (144, 478), (144, 829), (144, 851), (144, 1202), (144, 1224), (144, 1575), (144, 1597), (144, 1954), (144, 1976), (156, 462), (156, 484), (156, 835), (156, 857), (156, 1208), (156, 1230), (156, 1587), (156, 1609), (156, 1966), (156, 1988), (160, 456), (160, 478), (160, 829), (160, 851), (160, 1202), (160, 1224), (160, 1581), (160, 1603), (160, 1960), (160, 1982), (459, 40), (542, 1023), (542, 1072), (542, 1116), (559, 125)], 'The_Land_of_the_Dead.html': [(49, 343), (49, 365), (396, 40), (479, 1031), (479, 1080), (479, 1124), (496, 124)], 'Bluesin27_Around.html': [(49, 470), (49, 492), (126, 456), (126, 478), (126, 829), (126, 851), (126, 1202), (126, 1224), (126, 1581), (126, 1603), (126, 1960), (126, 1982), (130, 456), (130, 478), (130, 829), (130, 851), (130, 1202), (130, 1224), (130, 1575), (130, 1597), (130, 1954), (130, 1976), (206, 40), (289, 1019), (289, 1068), (289, 1112), (306, 124)], 'Roger_Brooke.html': [(43, 102), (46, 512), (46, 533), (72, 18), (74, 578), (74, 601), (74, 1070), (74, 1092), (74, 1588), (74, 1610), (113, 41), (122, 40), (205, 999), (205, 1048), (205, 1092), (222, 124), (249, 800)], 'Doumanaba.html': [(6, 519), (56, 572), (56, 595), (58, 386), (58, 407), (68, 356), (68, 605), (68, 1177), (68, 1426), (72, 391), (72, 413), (113, 202), (113, 844), (129, 18), (131, 397), (131, 419), (154, 544), (154, 566), (204, 429), (204, 451), (440, 40), (440, 1253), (440, 1294), (440, 1319), (523, 987), (523, 1036), (523, 1080), (540, 125)], 'G.O.Y.A._(Gunz_Or_Yay_Available).html': [(49, 332), (49, 354), (421, 40), (504, 1079), (504, 1129), (504, 1173), (521, 125)], 'Estelle_v._Smith.html': [(48, 675), (48, 697), (220, 40), (303, 1015), (303, 1064), (303, 1108), (320, 124)], 'Woodward_Dream_Cruise.html': [(6, 622), (6, 669), (49, 535), (49, 558), (101, 523), (101, 546), (113, 568), (113, 590), (114, 576), (114, 598), (135, 421), (135, 444), (186, 550), (186, 572), (345, 415), (345, 437), (346, 454), (346, 477), (353, 37), (391, 40), (391, 2545), (391, 2615), (391, 2669), (391, 2750), (391, 2812), (391, 2858), (474, 1035), (474, 1084), (474, 1128), (499, 125)], 'ParaC3B1aque_National_High_School_Don_Galo_Annex.html': [(6, 765), (43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 368), (54, 390), (59, 29), (62, 429), (62, 450), (204, 37), (206, 18), (208, 506), (208, 528), (257, 40), (257, 1831), (257, 1896), (257, 1945), (340, 1155), (340, 1204), (340, 1248), (357, 124)], 'Els_Dottermans.html': [(49, 431), (49, 454), (211, 37), (221, 40), (304, 1007), (304, 1055), (304, 1099), (329, 125), (356, 804)], 'Lin_Chiayu.html': [(56, 493), (56, 515), (93, 697), (93, 719), (99, 586), (99, 607), (104, 584), (104, 605), (112, 568), (112, 589), (160, 623), (160, 645), (161, 640), (161, 662), (162, 478), (162, 501), (163, 461), (163, 484), (165, 209), (165, 230), (181, 523), (181, 546), (182, 640), (182, 662), (183, 640), (183, 662), (184, 623), (184, 645), (186, 205), (186, 226), (204, 640), (204, 662), (205, 487), (205, 509), (206, 470), (206, 492), (208, 521), (208, 542), (229, 640), (229, 662), (230, 454), (230, 477), (231, 437), (231, 460), (233, 507), (233, 528), (238, 640), (238, 662), (239, 640), (239, 662), (240, 623), (240, 645), (242, 507), (242, 528), (247, 640), (247, 662), (248, 478), (248, 501), (249, 461), (249, 484), (251, 507), (251, 528), (267, 640), (267, 662), (268, 487), (268, 509), (269, 470), (269, 492), (271, 522), (271, 543), (291, 18), (293, 453), (293, 475), (342, 40), (425, 995), (425, 1044), (425, 1088), (442, 125)], 'Weiser_River.html': [(6, 454), (50, 573), (50, 595), (86, 316), (86, 568), (102, 316), (102, 568), (102, 1154), (102, 1406), (122, 480), (122, 502), (124, 402), (124, 423), (160, 339), (160, 612), (204, 40), (204, 1223), (204, 1264), (204, 1289), (287, 999), (287, 1048), (287, 1092), (304, 125)], 'Museum_of_John_Paul_II_Collection.html': [(6, 526), (6, 552), (47, 583), (47, 606), (83, 614), (83, 636), (108, 401), (108, 424), (109, 471), (109, 721), (179, 454), (179, 477), (246, 512), (246, 534), (698, 505), (698, 528), (699, 453), (699, 475), (700, 421), (700, 443), (701, 366), (701, 389), (762, 40), (762, 1225), (762, 1295), (762, 1349), (762, 1409), (762, 1450), (762, 1475), (845, 1083), (845, 1132), (845, 1176), (870, 125)], 'BBCHscale_(rice).html': [(305, 40), (388, 1019), (388, 1068), (388, 1112), (405, 124)], 'Legge.html': [(109, 35), (111, 431), (111, 452), (147, 40), (230, 971), (230, 1019), (230, 1063), (247, 125)], 'Government_Polytechnic_Nagriya_Mod_Etah.html': [(6, 551), (43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (96, 37), (134, 40), (134, 1240), (134, 1307), (134, 1358), (217, 1107), (217, 1157), (217, 1201), (234, 124)], 'Blue_SWAT.html': [(49, 375), (49, 397), (131, 221), (131, 243), (152, 29), (154, 488), (154, 509), (278, 165), (491, 40), (574, 987), (574, 1036), (574, 1080), (591, 125)], 'Shibanov.html': [(50, 35), (52, 431), (52, 452), (93, 40), (176, 983), (176, 1032), (176, 1076), (193, 125)], 'Bias.html': [(46, 448), (46, 470), (119, 409), (126, 522), (126, 544), (162, 446), (162, 468), (182, 93), (182, 154), (230, 430), (230, 452), (314, 1295), (314, 1317), (346, 1353), (346, 1375), (399, 450), (399, 472), (405, 478), (405, 500), (971, 19), (971, 47), (971, 68), (1004, 412), (1004, 433), (1005, 360), (1005, 381), (1124, 40), (1207, 967), (1207, 1015), (1207, 1059), (1232, 125)], 'St._Paul_University_Iloilo.html': [(6, 732), (44, 102), (47, 386), (47, 407), (52, 29), (55, 368), (55, 390), (60, 29), (63, 441), (63, 463), (76, 392), (76, 414), (181, 37), (183, 18), (185, 508), (185, 530), (185, 981), (185, 1003), (234, 40), (234, 2150), (234, 2215), (234, 2264), (317, 1055), (317, 1104), (317, 1148), (334, 125)], 'Robin_Brooke.html': [(362, 18), (364, 458), (364, 481), (413, 40), (496, 999), (496, 1048), (496, 1092), (513, 125)], 'Bad_Luck_(Social_Distortion_song).html': [(49, 367), (49, 389), (315, 18), (317, 416), (317, 438), (329, 18), (331, 416), (331, 438), (380, 40), (463, 1083), (463, 1132), (463, 1176), (480, 124)], '1953E2809354_FA_Cup_qualifying_rounds.html': [(47, 394), (47, 416), (48, 405), (48, 427), (2538, 116), (3292, 40), (3375, 1111), (3375, 1160), (3375, 1204), (3392, 124)], 'PTPRS.html': [(49, 527), (49, 549), (58, 83), (58, 109), (148, 419), (148, 441), (151, 191), (322, 101), (322, 118), (322, 128), (325, 107), (326, 107), (362, 1514), (362, 1536), (366, 1117), (366, 1139), (377, 969), (377, 991), (387, 1162), (387, 1184), (389, 1437), (389, 1459), (419, 510), (419, 532), (736, 18), (738, 369), (738, 391), (787, 40), (870, 971), (870, 1021), (870, 1065), (887, 124)], 'Chestnut_pie.html': [(45, 523), (45, 546), (79, 513), (79, 535), (153, 40), (236, 999), (236, 1049), (236, 1093), (253, 124)], 'Maukala.html': [(6, 402), (59, 627), (59, 649), (61, 382), (61, 403), (71, 612), (71, 635), (73, 382), (73, 403), (84, 363), (84, 605), (84, 1173), (84, 1415), (88, 382), (88, 405), (210, 40), (210, 449), (210, 490), (210, 515), (293, 979), (293, 1028), (293, 1072), (310, 124)], 'TC58DrC58D_nagashi.html': [(6, 633), (45, 523), (45, 546), (62, 421), (62, 444), (73, 18), (75, 439), (75, 461), (124, 40), (124, 1465), (124, 1535), (124, 1589), (207, 1039), (207, 1087), (207, 1131), (232, 125)], 'Bahmanabade_Olya.html': [(6, 422), (57, 560), (57, 583), (59, 402), (59, 423), (69, 371), (69, 622), (69, 1210), (69, 1461), (73, 391), (73, 413), (111, 458), (126, 523), (126, 545), (223, 22), (223, 47), (223, 65), (414, 490), (414, 512), (417, 18), (419, 369), (419, 391), (468, 40), (468, 683), (468, 724), (468, 749), (551, 1019), (551, 1068), (551, 1112), (568, 125)], 'Kusaka_Station.html': [(6, 538), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (53, 467), (53, 490), (173, 441), (173, 690), (175, 18), (177, 416), (177, 438), (226, 40), (226, 1365), (226, 1406), (226, 1431), (309, 1007), (309, 1056), (309, 1100), (334, 125)], 'Master_of_Space_and_Time.html': [(58, 18), (60, 355), (60, 377), (109, 40), (192, 1047), (192, 1096), (192, 1140), (209, 125)], 'Columbia_Airport_(Ohio).html': [(6, 434), (81, 311), (81, 563), (81, 1176), (81, 1428), (91, 560), (91, 583), (93, 465), (93, 487), (226, 49), (236, 40), (236, 818), (236, 859), (236, 884), (319, 1043), (319, 1093), (319, 1137), (336, 124), (363, 798)], 'Boogie_Bunnies.html': [(49, 226), (49, 248), (92, 500), (92, 522), (107, 29), (109, 488), (109, 509), (122, 18), (124, 408), (124, 430), (173, 40), (256, 1007), (256, 1056), (256, 1100), (273, 124)], 'William_Samuel_Viner.html': [(57, 18), (59, 362), (59, 384), (59, 841), (59, 864), (107, 40), (190, 1031), (190, 1080), (190, 1124), (207, 124)], 'Papyrus_Oxyrhynchus_56.html': [(1230, 356), (1230, 378), (1268, 40), (1351, 1039), (1351, 1088), (1351, 1132), (1368, 124)], 'Clive_Brown_(footballer).html': [(146, 40), (229, 1047), (229, 1097), (229, 1141), (246, 124)], 'Now_That27s_What_I_Call_Music_55_(U.S._series).html': [(6, 525), (50, 352), (50, 374), (585, 40), (585, 859), (585, 909), (585, 943), (668, 1143), (668, 1193), (668, 1237), (685, 124)], 'Don_Parsons_(ice_hockey).html': [(168, 239), (208, 40), (291, 1047), (291, 1096), (291, 1140), (308, 124)], 'Jazz_at_the_Plaza_Vol._II.html': [(49, 459), (49, 481), (117, 456), (117, 478), (117, 829), (117, 851), (117, 1202), (117, 1224), (117, 1575), (117, 1597), (117, 1954), (117, 1976), (121, 456), (121, 478), (121, 829), (121, 851), (121, 1202), (121, 1224), (121, 1581), (121, 1603), (121, 1960), (121, 1982), (674, 40), (757, 1051), (757, 1100), (757, 1144), (774, 124)], 'Omaha_Racers.html': [(380, 40), (463, 999), (463, 1048), (463, 1092), (480, 125)], 'Ready_or_Not_(Young_JV_album).html': [(385, 40), (468, 1067), (468, 1117), (468, 1161), (485, 124)], 'A_Beautiful_Valley.html': [(49, 397), (49, 419), (177, 174), (216, 40), (299, 1023), (299, 1072), (299, 1116), (316, 125)], 'Rules_of_Engagement_(Alexander_novel).html': [(91, 59), (151, 18), (153, 507), (153, 529), (166, 18), (168, 453), (168, 475), (218, 40), (301, 1099), (301, 1148), (301, 1192), (318, 124)], 'Claire_Danes.html': [(6, 674), (49, 447), (49, 469), (125, 604), (125, 626), (142, 558), (142, 581), (427, 29), (430, 386), (430, 407), (807, 421), (807, 444), (813, 450), (813, 472), (818, 160), (819, 145), (819, 180), (819, 208), (819, 246), (819, 299), (819, 332), (819, 697), (819, 719), (820, 258), (1664, 323), (1664, 360), (1712, 40), (1712, 5081), (1712, 5151), (1712, 5205), (1795, 999), (1795, 1047), (1795, 1091), (1820, 125)], 'Furto_di_sera_bel_colpo_si_spera.html': [(49, 467), (49, 489), (114, 29), (117, 429), (117, 450), (149, 188), (152, 18), (154, 388), (154, 410), (203, 40), (286, 1079), (286, 1128), (286, 1172), (311, 125)], 'Neville_Hewitt_(American_football).html': [(331, 40), (414, 1087), (414, 1137), (414, 1181), (431, 124)], 'ThorntonleBeans.html': [(6, 639), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (61, 680), (61, 703), (63, 402), (63, 423), (168, 537), (168, 784), (175, 612), (175, 634), (192, 215), (192, 603), (197, 18), (199, 423), (199, 445), (248, 40), (248, 1751), (248, 1792), (248, 1817), (331, 1019), (331, 1067), (331, 1111), (348, 125)], 'Heiko_MC3A4rz.html': [(153, 18), (158, 485), (158, 508), (160, 436), (160, 458), (174, 18), (179, 485), (179, 508), (181, 436), (181, 458), (232, 40), (315, 1011), (315, 1059), (315, 1103), (332, 125)], 'Mohammad_Reza_Niknahal.html': [(141, 18), (143, 474), (143, 496), (143, 972), (143, 994), (181, 37), (192, 40), (275, 1039), (275, 1088), (275, 1132), (292, 125), (319, 772)], 'The_Lavender_Cowboy.html': [(45, 457), (45, 479), (109, 40), (192, 1027), (192, 1076), (192, 1120), (209, 124)], 'Hemiargyropsis_frontalis.html': [(96, 18), (98, 367), (98, 389), (147, 40), (230, 1047), (230, 1096), (230, 1140), (247, 124)], 'Johnny_B._Moore.html': [(236, 40), (319, 1011), (319, 1059), (319, 1103), (336, 125)], 'Liberty_Central_School_District.html': [(109, 29), (112, 441), (112, 463), (181, 40), (264, 1075), (264, 1124), (264, 1168), (281, 124)], 'Plains_Kansas.html': [(6, 414), (6, 469), (52, 978), (52, 1000), (56, 614), (56, 636), (60, 333), (60, 585), (60, 1171), (60, 1423), (160, 601), (160, 624), (280, 350), (280, 883), (294, 421), (294, 444), (300, 502), (300, 525), (367, 620), (367, 643), (425, 40), (425, 599), (425, 640), (425, 665), (425, 754), (425, 824), (425, 878), (508, 1007), (508, 1055), (508, 1099), (533, 125)], 'Redwater_Mississippi.html': [(6, 428), (52, 1015), (52, 1037), (60, 600), (60, 623), (62, 410), (62, 431), (72, 339), (72, 590), (72, 1180), (72, 1431), (148, 300), (148, 551), (200, 614), (200, 637), (301, 40), (301, 737), (301, 778), (301, 803), (384, 1035), (384, 1084), (384, 1128), (401, 125)], 'Henrique_da_Silveira.html': [(79, 553), (79, 575), (85, 584), (85, 605), (95, 348), (95, 408), (99, 18), (99, 91), (99, 243), (99, 357), (99, 687), (99, 771), (103, 18), (105, 439), (105, 461), (105, 898), (105, 920), (117, 18), (119, 514), (119, 536), (168, 40), (251, 1031), (251, 1080), (251, 1124), (268, 125)], 'Marson.html': [(6, 400), (6, 455), (55, 766), (55, 789), (57, 380), (57, 401), (75, 800), (75, 823), (77, 380), (77, 401), (90, 328), (90, 578), (90, 1150), (90, 1400), (149, 44), (156, 628), (156, 651), (169, 421), (169, 444), (184, 657), (184, 679), (816, 18), (818, 549), (818, 571), (867, 40), (867, 575), (867, 616), (867, 641), (867, 730), (867, 800), (867, 854), (950, 975), (950, 1023), (950, 1067), (975, 125)], 'Walter_of_Durham.html': [(45, 600), (45, 623), (79, 565), (79, 588), (89, 530), (89, 552), (151, 40), (234, 1015), (234, 1065), (234, 1109), (251, 124)], 'William_Harper_(South_Carolina).html': [(49, 240), (49, 262), (227, 592), (227, 615), (326, 40), (409, 1075), (409, 1124), (409, 1168), (426, 125)], 'Kentucky_Auditor_election_2011.html': [(49, 483), (49, 505), (54, 661), (54, 684), (186, 595), (186, 617), (240, 601), (240, 623), (527, 40), (610, 1075), (610, 1124), (610, 1168), (627, 124)], 'Socket_423.html': [(47, 431), (47, 453), (104, 233), (104, 271), (104, 411), (104, 503), (109, 65), (367, 40), (450, 991), (450, 1039), (450, 1083), (475, 125)], 'Clay_Research_Award.html': [(255, 40), (338, 1027), (338, 1076), (338, 1120), (355, 125)], 'Arthur_Norman.html': [(97, 40), (180, 1003), (180, 1052), (180, 1096), (197, 124)], 'Newfoundland_general_election_1848.html': [(117, 789), (117, 812), (235, 41), (243, 40), (326, 1091), (326, 1140), (326, 1184), (343, 124), (370, 792)], 'Pichoy_Airfield.html': [(6, 462), (71, 411), (71, 434), (79, 328), (79, 603), (79, 1337), (79, 1612), (89, 571), (89, 594), (91, 467), (91, 489), (297, 18), (299, 423), (299, 445), (348, 40), (348, 896), (348, 937), (348, 962), (431, 1011), (431, 1061), (431, 1105), (448, 125)], 'Shigeo_Kurata.html': [(45, 23), (79, 18), (81, 486), (81, 508), (81, 978), (81, 1000), (81, 1444), (81, 1466), (130, 40), (213, 1003), (213, 1052), (213, 1096), (238, 125)], 'PlzeC588_Zoo.html': [(6, 406), (6, 461), (44, 507), (44, 758), (48, 514), (48, 537), (95, 421), (95, 444), (158, 18), (160, 473), (160, 495), (209, 40), (209, 906), (209, 947), (209, 972), (209, 1061), (209, 1131), (209, 1185), (292, 1007), (292, 1056), (292, 1100), (317, 125)], '2016_Minnesota_Vikings_season.html': [(104, 471), (104, 494), (3624, 694), (3624, 716), (3625, 686), (3625, 708), (3626, 712), (3626, 734), (3627, 666), (3627, 688), (3628, 663), (3628, 685), (3629, 669), (3629, 691), (3630, 716), (3630, 738), (3631, 703), (3631, 725), (3632, 659), (3632, 681), (3633, 656), (3633, 678), (3634, 666), (3634, 688), (3635, 672), (3635, 694), (3636, 700), (3636, 722), (4353, 40), (4436, 1067), (4436, 1117), (4436, 1161), (4461, 125)], 'United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_1923.html': [(50, 327), (50, 349), (92, 559), (92, 581), (93, 388), (93, 410), (94, 388), (94, 410), (95, 460), (95, 483), (96, 454), (96, 477), (108, 409), (108, 431), (109, 499), (109, 521), (110, 388), (110, 410), (111, 397), (111, 419), (112, 382), (112, 404), (113, 409), (113, 431), (114, 403), (114, 425), (115, 409), (115, 431), (116, 403), (116, 426), (117, 403), (117, 425), (180, 457), (180, 479), (309, 40), (392, 1139), (392, 1188), (392, 1232), (417, 125)], 'Intel_QuickPath_Interconnect.html': [(44, 102), (47, 419), (47, 441), (76, 507), (76, 530), (83, 49), (83, 395), (83, 685), (83, 771), (84, 381), (88, 23), (88, 77), (88, 339), (88, 401), (92, 24), (93, 14), (102, 439), (104, 491), (104, 519), (104, 722), (104, 742), (108, 189), (108, 295), (108, 391), (469, 408), (469, 429), (511, 40), (594, 1063), (594, 1112), (594, 1156), (611, 125)], 'Saravan_Gilan.html': [(6, 416), (58, 540), (58, 563), (60, 382), (60, 403), (70, 371), (70, 622), (70, 1210), (70, 1461), (74, 391), (74, 413), (112, 448), (127, 516), (127, 538), (847, 490), (847, 512), (850, 18), (852, 376), (852, 398), (901, 40), (901, 641), (901, 682), (901, 707), (984, 1007), (984, 1056), (984, 1100), (1001, 125)], 'Bill_Overstreet.html': [(106, 40), (189, 1011), (189, 1061), (189, 1105), (206, 124)], 'Battle_of_Isonzo_(489).html': [(6, 449), (60, 543), (60, 566), (138, 37), (139, 18), (141, 430), (141, 451), (153, 18), (155, 464), (155, 486), (155, 910), (155, 932), (204, 40), (204, 1433), (204, 1492), (204, 1535), (287, 1039), (287, 1088), (287, 1132), (304, 125)], 'Demographics_of_American_Samoa.html': [(46, 502), (46, 524), (49, 25), (130, 600), (130, 622), (195, 550), (195, 573), (564, 40), (647, 1071), (647, 1120), (647, 1164), (672, 125)], '2016E2809317_New_Zealand_Football_Championship.html': [(47, 615), (47, 637), (172, 423), (172, 445), (181, 492), (181, 515), (190, 465), (190, 488), (201, 492), (201, 515), (210, 441), (210, 463), (221, 492), (221, 515), (230, 456), (230, 479), (239, 441), (239, 463), (250, 492), (250, 515), (259, 441), (259, 463), (656, 555), (656, 577), (677, 577), (677, 599), (682, 526), (682, 548), (683, 469), (683, 491), (706, 613), (706, 635), (731, 530), (731, 552), (732, 453), (732, 475), (740, 531), (740, 553), (741, 445), (741, 467), (767, 450), (767, 472), (768, 504), (768, 526), (769, 454), (769, 476), (797, 534), (797, 556), (798, 536), (798, 558), (803, 560), (803, 582), (827, 450), (827, 472), (828, 454), (828, 476), (829, 552), (829, 574), (830, 504), (830, 526), (855, 594), (855, 616), (857, 548), (857, 570), (877, 569), (877, 591), (904, 571), (904, 593), (905, 474), (905, 496), (928, 570), (928, 592), (930, 481), (930, 503), (951, 565), (951, 587), (953, 559), (953, 581), (973, 493), (973, 515), (978, 549), (978, 571), (979, 574), (979, 596), (980, 537), (980, 559), (981, 460), (981, 482), (1007, 474), (1007, 496), (1008, 530), (1008, 552), (1016, 530), (1016, 552), (1017, 536), (1017, 558), (1043, 529), (1043, 551), (1044, 457), (1044, 479), (1045, 521), (1045, 543), (1046, 525), (1046, 547), (1094, 575), (1094, 597), (1116, 592), (1116, 614), (1121, 448), (1121, 470), (1122, 534), (1122, 556), (1147, 484), (1147, 506), (1170, 526), (1170, 548), (1171, 453), (1171, 475), (1172, 528), (1172, 550), (1177, 578), (1177, 600), (1200, 574), (1200, 596), (1201, 451), (1201, 473), (1202, 452), (1202, 474), (1210, 558), (1210, 580), (1211, 570), (1211, 592), (1235, 493), (1235, 515), (1237, 556), (1237, 578), (1260, 529), (1260, 551), (1261, 548), (1261, 570), (1269, 531), (1269, 553), (1270, 530), (1270, 552), (1271, 531), (1271, 553), (1294, 501), (1294, 523), (1321, 571), (1321, 593), (1322, 537), (1322, 559), (1348, 530), (1348, 552), (1349, 471), (1349, 493), (1350, 535), (1350, 557), (1378, 548), (1378, 570), (1420, 506), (1420, 528), (1442, 576), (1442, 598), (1444, 502), (1444, 524), (1464, 573), (1464, 595), (1469, 457), (1469, 479), (1470, 558), (1470, 580), (1497, 533), (1497, 555), (1498, 534), (1498, 556), (1526, 574), (1526, 596), (1527, 537), (1527, 559), (1532, 585), (1532, 607), (1552, 616), (1552, 638), (1577, 454), (1577, 476), (1578, 471), (1578, 493), (1579, 444), (1579, 466), (1587, 531), (1587, 553), (1588, 552), (1588, 574), (1617, 533), (1617, 555), (1618, 544), (1618, 566), (1644, 550), (1644, 572), (1645, 520), (1645, 542), (1646, 445), (1646, 467), (1674, 530), (1674, 552), (1675, 453), (1675, 475), (1700, 575), (1700, 597), (1705, 526), (1705, 548), (1706, 451), (1706, 473), (1733, 530), (1733, 552), (1734, 557), (1734, 579), (1739, 559), (1739, 581), (1762, 571), (1762, 593), (1763, 529), (1763, 551), (1768, 481), (1768, 503), (1791, 526), (1791, 548), (1792, 574), (1792, 596), (1800, 453), (1800, 475), (1801, 530), (1801, 552), (1826, 478), (1826, 500), (1849, 529), (1849, 551), (1850, 558), (1850, 580), (1851, 548), (1851, 570), (1852, 457), (1852, 479), (1853, 526), (1853, 548), (1854, 525), (1854, 547), (1862, 448), (1862, 470), (1863, 538), (1863, 560), (1864, 449), (1864, 471), (1891, 522), (1891, 544), (1891, 1009), (1891, 1031), (1892, 530), (1892, 552), (1893, 528), (1893, 550), (1917, 594), (1917, 616), (1922, 454), (1922, 476), (1923, 449), (1923, 471), (1945, 499), (1945, 521), (1947, 417), (1947, 439), (1966, 581), (1966, 603), (2981, 505), (2981, 528), (2986, 505), (2986, 528), (2991, 454), (2991, 476), (2997, 505), (2997, 528), (3002, 505), (3002, 528), (3007, 487), (3007, 509), (3012, 454), (3012, 476), (3016, 454), (3016, 476), (3020, 505), (3020, 528), (3452, 40), (3535, 1147), (3535, 1197), (3535, 1241), (3552, 125)], 'HMS_Robust.html': [(51, 726), (51, 748), (138, 18), (140, 475), (140, 497), (189, 40), (272, 991), (272, 1040), (272, 1084), (289, 125)], 'Acacia_dermatophylla.html': [(6, 434), (139, 40), (139, 563), (139, 610), (139, 641), (222, 1031), (222, 1080), (222, 1124), (247, 125)], 'Ordinary_Virginia.html': [(6, 424), (57, 626), (57, 649), (59, 404), (59, 425), (69, 594), (69, 617), (71, 404), (71, 425), (82, 372), (82, 623), (82, 1213), (82, 1464), (129, 358), (129, 780), (170, 630), (170, 653), (288, 18), (290, 437), (290, 460), (339, 40), (339, 932), (339, 973), (339, 998), (422, 1023), (422, 1072), (422, 1116), (439, 124)], 'Zeiraphera.html': [(151, 18), (153, 418), (153, 440), (202, 40), (285, 991), (285, 1040), (285, 1084), (310, 125)], 'Rob_Jones_(footballer_born_1971).html': [(48, 423), (48, 446), (204, 251), (204, 305), (204, 338), (204, 703), (204, 725), (319, 40), (402, 1083), (402, 1132), (402, 1176), (419, 125)], 'Taylour_Paige.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (170, 37), (178, 40), (261, 1003), (261, 1053), (261, 1097), (278, 125), (305, 892)], 'Smilax_laurifolia.html': [(50, 488), (50, 511), (59, 386), (59, 408), (126, 429), (126, 937), (128, 671), (179, 40), (262, 1019), (262, 1068), (262, 1112), (287, 125)], 'HMS_Stratagem_(P234).html': [(6, 526), (46, 474), (46, 496), (54, 726), (54, 748), (126, 461), (126, 483), (169, 590), (169, 612), (287, 578), (287, 600), (304, 518), (304, 540), (318, 524), (318, 546), (331, 482), (331, 504), (346, 578), (346, 601), (447, 571), (447, 593), (447, 1196), (447, 1218), (448, 606), (448, 628), (448, 1166), (448, 1188), (453, 444), (453, 689), (491, 40), (491, 1751), (491, 1792), (491, 1817), (574, 1031), (574, 1080), (574, 1124), (591, 125)], 'Caney_Creek_(Matagorda_Bay).html': [(6, 523), (70, 37), (72, 18), (122, 40), (122, 830), (122, 889), (122, 932), (205, 1059), (205, 1109), (205, 1153), (222, 124)], 'Symeon_Stylites_of_Lesbos.html': [(45, 523), (45, 545), (55, 495), (55, 517), (118, 40), (201, 1051), (201, 1101), (201, 1145), (226, 125)], 'Supermoon.html': [(6, 583), (45, 600), (45, 623), (74, 472), (74, 494), (92, 539), (92, 562), (101, 453), (101, 476), (157, 478), (157, 500), (163, 421), (163, 444), (207, 425), (207, 448), (396, 412), (396, 433), (397, 360), (397, 381), (398, 360), (398, 381), (399, 360), (399, 381), (443, 40), (443, 1327), (443, 1397), (443, 1451), (526, 987), (526, 1035), (526, 1079), (551, 125)], 'Treaty_of_Warsaw_(1970).html': [(173, 457), (173, 479), (219, 40), (302, 1043), (302, 1091), (302, 1135), (327, 125)], 'SC3B8rli.html': [(6, 435), (89, 738), (89, 760), (91, 378), (91, 399), (101, 554), (101, 577), (103, 378), (103, 399), (114, 349), (114, 600), (114, 1166), (114, 1417), (257, 556), (257, 578), (305, 18), (307, 535), (307, 557), (356, 40), (356, 1026), (356, 1067), (356, 1092), (439, 991), (439, 1040), (439, 1084), (456, 125)], 'Burnley_Borough_Council_election_2011.html': [(995, 577), (995, 599), (1576, 835), (1576, 858), (2022, 40), (2105, 1103), (2105, 1152), (2105, 1196), (2122, 124)], 'TapatC3ADo_hot_sauce.html': [(47, 335), (47, 357), (82, 29), (85, 441), (85, 463), (184, 462), (184, 485), (195, 412), (195, 434), (196, 376), (196, 398), (203, 24), (205, 498), (205, 520), (245, 40), (328, 1039), (328, 1088), (328, 1132), (345, 124)], 'Margo_Reuten.html': [(171, 40), (254, 999), (254, 1049), (254, 1093), (271, 125)], 'Greg_HalseyBrandt.html': [(221, 427), (221, 450), (227, 18), (229, 493), (229, 515), (278, 40), (361, 1023), (361, 1072), (361, 1116), (378, 124)], 'Josef_Mik.html': [(58, 23), (123, 40), (206, 987), (206, 1036), (206, 1080), (231, 125)], 'Tillandsia_intermedia.html': [(6, 498), (50, 520), (50, 543), (123, 401), (123, 424), (123, 1104), (123, 1126), (123, 1157), (125, 18), (175, 40), (175, 1109), (175, 1179), (175, 1233), (258, 1035), (258, 1084), (258, 1128), (283, 125)], 'Theonellamide_F.html': [(47, 497), (47, 519), (72, 78), (92, 18), (94, 425), (94, 448), (143, 40), (226, 1011), (226, 1061), (226, 1105), (243, 125)], 'Yasid.html': [(6, 398), (60, 640), (60, 662), (62, 378), (62, 399), (72, 333), (72, 590), (72, 1181), (72, 1438), (162, 484), (162, 507), (163, 498), (163, 521), (261, 18), (263, 416), (263, 438), (312, 40), (312, 722), (312, 763), (312, 788), (395, 971), (395, 1020), (395, 1064), (420, 125)], 'Sentences_(composition).html': [(119, 40), (202, 1043), (202, 1093), (202, 1137), (219, 124)], 'Hexachaeta_colombiana.html': [(104, 203), (104, 249), (104, 288), (104, 526), (104, 629), (104, 693), (107, 18), (157, 40), (240, 1035), (240, 1084), (240, 1128), (257, 125)], 'Bengt_Forsberg.html': [(69, 323), (69, 360), (78, 18), (80, 393), (80, 414), (92, 18), (94, 374), (94, 395), (141, 40), (224, 1007), (224, 1056), (224, 1100), (241, 125)], 'Moses_Hardy.html': [(36, 586), (36, 608), (50, 412), (50, 434), (126, 706), (126, 728), (127, 642), (127, 665), (191, 40), (274, 995), (274, 1043), (274, 1087), (291, 125)], 'Coronium_(gastropod).html': [(117, 104), (117, 122), (117, 174), (117, 183), (132, 18), (134, 446), (134, 468), (183, 40), (266, 1031), (266, 1080), (266, 1124), (283, 125)], 'Odder.html': [(6, 703), (45, 29), (48, 441), (48, 463), (58, 510), (58, 532), (66, 267), (66, 288), (77, 591), (77, 614), (79, 378), (79, 399), (89, 321), (89, 572), (135, 526), (135, 548), (142, 439), (142, 462), (189, 412), (198, 417), (198, 662), (426, 40), (426, 2165), (426, 2206), (426, 2231), (509, 971), (509, 1019), (509, 1063), (534, 125)], 'Kattukukke.html': [(6, 529), (43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (60, 382), (60, 405), (117, 259), (117, 778), (120, 37), (122, 18), (124, 397), (124, 418), (173, 40), (173, 1077), (173, 1137), (173, 1181), (256, 991), (256, 1040), (256, 1084), (273, 125)], 'The_Portal_(community_center).html': [(6, 446), (178, 472), (178, 720), (211, 40), (211, 1289), (211, 1330), (211, 1355), (294, 1067), (294, 1116), (294, 1160), (311, 124)], 'Urs_Burkart.html': [(73, 504), (73, 527), (91, 275), (91, 330), (91, 363), (91, 728), (91, 750), (92, 240), (94, 18), (96, 431), (96, 453), (145, 40), (228, 995), (228, 1045), (228, 1089), (245, 124)], 'Alan_Oakley.html': [(56, 18), (58, 492), (58, 515), (70, 18), (72, 449), (72, 472), (72, 914), (72, 936), (121, 40), (204, 995), (204, 1044), (204, 1088), (221, 124)], 'Apocephalus_borealis.html': [(6, 496), (50, 616), (50, 639), (128, 721), (128, 743), (138, 882), (138, 904), (148, 1126), (148, 1149), (158, 475), (158, 498), (168, 679), (168, 701), (177, 759), (177, 781), (189, 2041), (189, 2063), (202, 421), (202, 444), (247, 40), (247, 1013), (247, 1083), (247, 1137), (330, 1031), (330, 1079), (330, 1123), (355, 125)], 'William_de_Pembroke.html': [(228, 516), (228, 539), (284, 18), (286, 423), (286, 445), (298, 18), (300, 430), (300, 452), (349, 40), (432, 1027), (432, 1076), (432, 1120), (449, 124)], 'Helena_Nyblom.html': [(6, 546), (44, 102), (47, 441), (47, 463), (53, 673), (53, 696), (77, 600), (77, 622), (107, 562), (107, 585), (111, 402), (111, 425), (113, 539), (113, 561), (127, 323), (127, 360), (135, 18), (137, 494), (137, 517), (137, 1110), (137, 1132), (137, 1588), (137, 1610), (186, 40), (186, 2792), (186, 2862), (186, 2916), (269, 1003), (269, 1052), (269, 1096), (294, 125)], 'Ban_On.html': [(6, 507), (53, 415), (53, 437), (83, 37), (85, 18), (87, 425), (87, 447), (136, 40), (136, 1175), (136, 1237), (136, 1283), (219, 975), (219, 1024), (219, 1068), (236, 124)], 'MarieJosC3A8phe_Jude.html': [(65, 323), (65, 360), (74, 18), (76, 374), (76, 395), (120, 40), (203, 1043), (203, 1092), (203, 1136), (220, 125)], 'Torovirinae.html': [(89, 18), (91, 348), (91, 370), (140, 40), (223, 995), (223, 1045), (223, 1089), (248, 124)], 'Golabkhvaran.html': [(6, 412), (57, 550), (57, 573), (59, 392), (59, 413), (69, 366), (69, 617), (69, 1200), (69, 1451), (73, 391), (73, 413), (111, 452), (126, 526), (126, 548), (477, 490), (477, 512), (480, 18), (482, 376), (482, 398), (531, 40), (531, 693), (531, 734), (531, 759), (614, 999), (614, 1048), (614, 1092), (631, 125)], 'Urodilatin.html': [(47, 753), (47, 775), (50, 516), (50, 538), (129, 78), (157, 1334), (157, 1356), (158, 1115), (158, 1137), (198, 40), (281, 991), (281, 1040), (281, 1084), (298, 125)], 'Don_Raye.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (108, 156), (123, 323), (123, 360), (169, 40), (252, 983), (252, 1031), (252, 1075), (269, 125)], 'Avengers_Academy.html': [(50, 203), (50, 225), (527, 151), (527, 181), (527, 204), (878, 466), (878, 487), (878, 1027), (878, 1049), (878, 1563), (878, 1585), (878, 2116), (878, 2138), (1094, 40), (1177, 1015), (1177, 1064), (1177, 1108), (1194, 125)], 'Gaetanus_Matthew_Perez.html': [(44, 102), (47, 429), (47, 450), (53, 635), (53, 658), (134, 37), (145, 40), (228, 1039), (228, 1088), (228, 1132), (245, 124), (272, 741)], 'Charles_Page_(cricketer).html': [(51, 18), (53, 502), (53, 524), (53, 1116), (53, 1138), (53, 1531), (53, 1553), (102, 40), (185, 1047), (185, 1097), (185, 1141), (202, 124)], 'Wolfgang_Lutz.html': [(49, 509), (49, 531), (166, 40), (249, 1003), (249, 1052), (249, 1096), (274, 125)], 'When_You_Loved_Me.html': [(266, 425), (266, 447), (271, 18), (273, 437), (273, 459), (322, 40), (405, 1019), (405, 1069), (405, 1113), (422, 124)], 'Slade_School_of_Fine_Art.html': [(6, 664), (112, 516), (112, 539), (370, 443), (370, 690), (732, 412), (732, 433), (733, 366), (733, 389), (876, 442), (876, 463), (932, 40), (932, 2003), (932, 2044), (932, 2069), (1015, 1047), (1015, 1096), (1015, 1140), (1032, 125)], 'Senapati_district.html': [(45, 29), (48, 441), (48, 463), (61, 611), (61, 633), (182, 29), (185, 441), (185, 463), (365, 698), (365, 722), (374, 481), (374, 504), (381, 495), (381, 518), (447, 214), (447, 236), (487, 398), (487, 420), (493, 426), (493, 448), (497, 338), (497, 359), (505, 333), (505, 354), (509, 404), (509, 425), (516, 338), (516, 359), (1121, 40), (1204, 1019), (1204, 1068), (1204, 1112), (1221, 125)], 'Sarah_BlakleyCartwright.html': [(44, 102), (47, 386), (47, 407), (58, 583), (58, 605), (113, 40), (196, 1047), (196, 1096), (196, 1140), (213, 124)], 'Bulbonaricus.html': [(57, 44), (57, 81), (57, 91), (93, 18), (95, 460), (95, 482), (144, 40), (227, 999), (227, 1048), (227, 1092), (244, 125)], 'WintersWimberley_House.html': [(6, 474), (59, 479), (59, 502), (67, 609), (67, 632), (69, 415), (69, 436), (78, 604), (78, 627), (80, 415), (80, 436), (95, 310), (95, 560), (95, 1153), (95, 1403), (124, 438), (124, 863), (277, 360), (277, 381), (278, 373), (278, 395), (286, 18), (288, 383), (288, 406), (337, 40), (337, 1418), (337, 1459), (337, 1484), (420, 1043), (420, 1092), (420, 1136), (437, 124)], 'Uruguayan_constitutional_referendum_2014.html': [(51, 509), (51, 531), (282, 573), (282, 595), (440, 18), (442, 432), (442, 454), (442, 870), (442, 892), (491, 40), (574, 1115), (574, 1165), (574, 1209), (591, 125)], 'Canbelego_County.html': [(6, 519), (63, 147), (72, 327), (72, 349), (90, 304), (90, 576), (95, 303), (95, 575), (100, 302), (100, 574), (105, 302), (105, 574), (110, 306), (110, 578), (115, 301), (115, 573), (120, 303), (120, 575), (125, 306), (125, 578), (130, 306), (130, 578), (135, 301), (135, 573), (140, 304), (140, 576), (145, 308), (145, 580), (150, 304), (150, 576), (155, 307), (155, 579), (160, 306), (160, 578), (165, 303), (165, 575), (170, 305), (170, 577), (175, 301), (175, 573), (180, 306), (180, 578), (185, 303), (185, 575), (190, 304), (190, 576), (195, 301), (195, 573), (200, 305), (200, 577), (205, 304), (205, 576), (210, 302), (210, 574), (215, 303), (215, 575), (220, 304), (220, 576), (225, 302), (225, 574), (230, 306), (230, 578), (235, 302), (235, 574), (240, 303), (240, 575), (245, 304), (245, 576), (250, 303), (250, 575), (255, 305), (255, 577), (260, 307), (260, 579), (265, 302), (265, 574), (270, 305), (270, 577), (275, 302), (275, 574), (280, 309), (280, 581), (285, 306), (285, 578), (290, 307), (290, 579), (295, 303), (295, 575), (300, 304), (300, 576), (305, 301), (305, 573), (310, 303), (310, 575), (315, 308), (315, 580), (320, 304), (320, 576), (325, 304), (325, 576), (330, 304), (330, 576), (335, 306), (335, 578), (340, 306), (340, 578), (345, 303), (345, 575), (355, 18), (357, 453), (357, 475), (406, 40), (406, 1024), (406, 1096), (406, 1152), (489, 1015), (489, 1064), (489, 1108), (506, 124)], 'Derek_Acorah.html': [(44, 102), (47, 341), (47, 362), (57, 631), (57, 653), (141, 281), (419, 37), (426, 40), (509, 999), (509, 1048), (509, 1092), (526, 125), (553, 924)], 'Embraer_Unidade_GaviC3A3o_Peixoto_Airport.html': [(6, 502), (80, 312), (80, 564), (80, 1179), (80, 1431), (94, 552), (94, 575), (96, 467), (96, 489), (131, 51), (161, 472), (161, 495), (162, 487), (162, 509), (171, 212), (171, 307), (171, 549), (171, 619), (178, 66), (178, 144), (178, 150), (181, 78), (588, 40), (588, 739), (588, 780), (588, 805), (671, 1123), (671, 1172), (671, 1216), (688, 125)], 'Mei_Lanfang.html': [(49, 499), (49, 521), (103, 490), (103, 512), (114, 558), (114, 580), (161, 323), (161, 360), (207, 40), (290, 995), (290, 1043), (290, 1087), (315, 125)], 'Bowie_Race_Track.html': [(6, 420), (45, 607), (45, 630), (93, 415), (93, 666), (125, 40), (125, 1133), (125, 1174), (125, 1199), (208, 1015), (208, 1064), (208, 1108), (225, 124)], 'Harry_Hill_Bandholtz.html': [(49, 497), (49, 519), (68, 454), (68, 477), (72, 720), (72, 742), (80, 432), (80, 455), (153, 544), (153, 566), (160, 481), (160, 504), (220, 297), (220, 681), (284, 309), (284, 331), (389, 40), (472, 1031), (472, 1079), (472, 1123), (497, 125)], 'FalmanCounty_Acres_Texas.html': [(6, 438), (52, 651), (52, 673), (55, 343), (55, 593), (55, 1187), (55, 1437), (124, 315), (124, 565), (133, 486), (133, 509), (193, 601), (193, 625), (287, 40), (287, 875), (287, 916), (287, 941), (370, 1055), (370, 1103), (370, 1147), (387, 125)], 'XCops_(band).html': [(44, 29), (47, 441), (47, 463), (258, 18), (260, 444), (260, 466), (309, 40), (392, 1003), (392, 1052), (392, 1096), (409, 124)], 'Klaus_Gerwien.html': [(121, 18), (126, 485), (126, 508), (128, 436), (128, 458), (179, 40), (262, 1003), (262, 1051), (262, 1095), (279, 125)], 'Sir_Run_Run_Shaw_Hospital.html': [(6, 578), (6, 625), (50, 551), (50, 574), (116, 421), (116, 444), (358, 37), (396, 40), (396, 1654), (396, 1724), (396, 1778), (396, 1859), (396, 1921), (396, 1967), (479, 1051), (479, 1100), (479, 1144), (504, 125)], 'Lucius_Allen_(politician).html': [(104, 40), (187, 1051), (187, 1101), (187, 1145), (204, 124)], 'Larvicide.html': [(45, 558), (45, 581), (70, 501), (70, 524), (76, 29), (79, 441), (79, 463), (100, 29), (103, 441), (103, 463), (155, 40), (238, 987), (238, 1035), (238, 1079), (255, 125)], 'Dialogue_for_Hungary.html': [(52, 514), (52, 537), (141, 627), (141, 649), (240, 490), (240, 512), (241, 533), (241, 555), (374, 565), (374, 588), (841, 40), (924, 1031), (924, 1081), (924, 1125), (949, 125)], 'Durham_Women27s_F.C..html': [(95, 276), (95, 297), (96, 453), (96, 474), (97, 251), (97, 272), (98, 430), (98, 451), (99, 257), (99, 278), (100, 460), (100, 481), (102, 447), (102, 469), (103, 250), (103, 272), (104, 471), (104, 493), (113, 453), (113, 474), (115, 430), (115, 451), (117, 460), (117, 481), (119, 447), (119, 469), (121, 471), (121, 493), (131, 474), (131, 495), (169, 468), (169, 490), (175, 468), (175, 490), (181, 468), (181, 490), (187, 468), (187, 490), (193, 468), (193, 490), (199, 564), (199, 586), (205, 468), (205, 490), (211, 468), (211, 490), (217, 468), (217, 490), (234, 468), (234, 490), (240, 468), (240, 490), (246, 468), (246, 490), (252, 468), (252, 490), (258, 468), (258, 490), (264, 468), (264, 490), (270, 468), (270, 490), (276, 468), (276, 490), (282, 468), (282, 490), (288, 465), (288, 487), (639, 40), (722, 1035), (722, 1085), (722, 1129), (739, 124)], 'Miss_Guatemala_2008.html': [(66, 448), (66, 470), (95, 451), (95, 473), (101, 531), (101, 553), (107, 443), (107, 465), (127, 428), (127, 450), (134, 444), (134, 466), (141, 580), (141, 603), (148, 532), (148, 554), (155, 508), (155, 530), (162, 508), (162, 530), (169, 452), (169, 474), (254, 40), (337, 1027), (337, 1076), (337, 1120), (354, 124)], 'Kelvin_R._Throop.html': [(49, 18), (51, 362), (51, 384), (93, 40), (176, 1015), (176, 1064), (176, 1108), (193, 124)], 'Kreslyuvtsi.html': [(6, 410), (53, 415), (53, 438), (90, 568), (90, 591), (114, 837), (114, 859), (274, 441), (274, 686), (276, 18), (278, 411), (278, 433), (320, 41), (327, 40), (327, 641), (327, 682), (327, 707), (410, 995), (410, 1044), (410, 1088), (427, 125), (454, 945)], 'Communities_of_Tulu_Nadu.html': [(56, 18), (58, 418), (58, 440), (106, 40), (189, 1047), (189, 1097), (189, 1141), (206, 124)], 'Social_dualism.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 368), (54, 390), (59, 29), (62, 441), (62, 463), (67, 29), (70, 386), (70, 407), (107, 29), (110, 384), (110, 406), (217, 40), (300, 1007), (300, 1056), (300, 1100), (317, 125)], 'Baltic_Peak.html': [(43, 102), (46, 429), (46, 450), (72, 334), (72, 586), (147, 40), (247, 124)], 'Melanolagus_bericoides.html': [(67, 44), (67, 81), (67, 91), (106, 18), (108, 418), (108, 441), (157, 40), (240, 1039), (240, 1088), (240, 1132), (257, 125)], 'Gacharageini.html': [(6, 550), (44, 102), (47, 386), (47, 407), (52, 29), (55, 429), (55, 450), (60, 29), (63, 441), (63, 463), (82, 587), (82, 609), (84, 392), (84, 413), (94, 358), (94, 599), (94, 1161), (94, 1402), (113, 18), (115, 444), (115, 466), (164, 40), (164, 1316), (164, 1357), (164, 1382), (247, 999), (247, 1048), (247, 1092), (264, 124)], 'Luca_Luciano.html': [(44, 102), (47, 429), (47, 450), (53, 418), (53, 440), (194, 40), (277, 999), (277, 1048), (277, 1092), (294, 124)], 'Mohamed_ElSayed.html': [(47, 487), (47, 510), (171, 436), (171, 459), (180, 424), (180, 446), (189, 424), (189, 446), (198, 442), (198, 464), (207, 430), (207, 452), (277, 440), (277, 463), (380, 40), (463, 1015), (463, 1064), (463, 1108), (480, 125)], '1915_Montana_football_team.html': [(49, 456), (49, 478), (562, 40), (645, 1055), (645, 1104), (645, 1148), (662, 124)], 'Progressive_refinement.html': [(43, 102), (46, 441), (46, 463), (55, 18), (57, 535), (57, 557), (101, 40), (184, 1039), (184, 1088), (184, 1132), (201, 124)], 'Bonny_River.html': [(6, 409), (60, 440), (60, 683), (62, 18), (64, 481), (64, 503), (76, 18), (123, 40), (123, 938), (123, 979), (123, 1004), (206, 995), (206, 1044), (206, 1088), (223, 125)], 'Linowiec_KuyavianPomeranian_Voivodeship.html': [(6, 534), (6, 560), (54, 388), (54, 411), (70, 446), (70, 469), (78, 421), (78, 444), (148, 474), (148, 725), (149, 18), (151, 570), (151, 592), (200, 40), (200, 821), (200, 891), (200, 945), (200, 1005), (200, 1046), (200, 1071), (283, 1115), (283, 1164), (283, 1208), (308, 125)], 'Cygany_Masovian_Voivodeship.html': [(6, 479), (53, 432), (53, 455), (140, 451), (140, 702), (141, 18), (143, 521), (143, 543), (192, 40), (192, 792), (192, 833), (192, 858), (275, 1063), (275, 1112), (275, 1156), (292, 125)], 'Ribboned_sweetlips.html': [(50, 552), (50, 575), (74, 71), (161, 40), (244, 1023), (244, 1072), (244, 1116), (269, 125)], 'Minardi_M185.html': [(47, 543), (47, 566), (108, 423), (108, 446), (109, 419), (109, 442), (110, 419), (110, 442), (220, 448), (220, 471), (287, 436), (287, 459), (306, 436), (306, 459), (466, 40), (549, 999), (549, 1048), (549, 1092), (566, 125)], 'Social_impact_of_YouTube.html': [(110, 731), (110, 754), (124, 646), (124, 669), (145, 538), (145, 580), (145, 590), (153, 509), (153, 531), (165, 607), (165, 630), (183, 652), (183, 675), (197, 572), (197, 594), (209, 488), (209, 510), (241, 898), (390, 473), (390, 495), (527, 40), (610, 1047), (610, 1096), (610, 1140), (627, 125)], 'Lower_Blackburn_Grade_Bridge.html': [(6, 444), (63, 664), (63, 687), (65, 425), (65, 446), (79, 320), (79, 572), (79, 1177), (79, 1429), (107, 489), (107, 511), (108, 481), (108, 503), (109, 613), (109, 636), (114, 442), (114, 970), (156, 40), (156, 1640), (156, 1681), (156, 1706), (239, 1063), (239, 1112), (239, 1156), (256, 124)], '2016E2809317_Little_Rock_Trojans_women27s_basketball_team.html': [(48, 502), (48, 524), (508, 399), (508, 420), (509, 394), (509, 415), (999, 40), (1082, 1195), (1082, 1245), (1082, 1289), (1099, 124)], 'Burbridge_Creek.html': [(6, 439), (56, 37), (57, 18), (105, 40), (105, 923), (105, 985), (105, 1031), (188, 1011), (188, 1061), (188, 1105), (205, 124)], 'Women27s_javelin_throw_world_record_progression.html': [(56, 475), (56, 497), (63, 475), (63, 497), (70, 475), (70, 497), (77, 394), (77, 417), (84, 394), (84, 417), (91, 394), (91, 417), (98, 394), (98, 417), (105, 394), (105, 417), (112, 454), (112, 477), (119, 607), (119, 630), (126, 409), (126, 431), (133, 409), (133, 431), (140, 463), (140, 486), (147, 463), (147, 486), (154, 463), (154, 486), (161, 463), (161, 486), (168, 463), (168, 486), (175, 475), (175, 497), (182, 406), (182, 429), (189, 463), (189, 486), (196, 463), (196, 486), (203, 463), (203, 486), (210, 463), (210, 486), (217, 463), (217, 486), (224, 388), (224, 411), (231, 439), (231, 462), (238, 439), (238, 462), (245, 439), (245, 462), (252, 439), (252, 462), (259, 454), (259, 477), (266, 439), (266, 462), (273, 439), (273, 462), (280, 463), (280, 486), (287, 415), (287, 438), (294, 409), (294, 432), (301, 403), (301, 425), (308, 409), (308, 432), (315, 439), (315, 462), (322, 439), (322, 462), (329, 460), (329, 483), (336, 439), (336, 462), (343, 439), (343, 462), (362, 403), (362, 425), (369, 403), (369, 426), (376, 403), (376, 426), (383, 391), (383, 413), (390, 391), (390, 413), (397, 475), (397, 497), (654, 41), (662, 40), (745, 1143), (745, 1192), (745, 1236), (762, 125), (789, 890)], 'Larry_Brooks.html': [(335, 40), (418, 999), (418, 1048), (418, 1092), (435, 124)], 'PoznaC584_Wola_railway_station.html': [(6, 512), (6, 538), (56, 642), (56, 665), (96, 594), (96, 616), (98, 391), (98, 412), (153, 402), (153, 425), (160, 461), (160, 709), (198, 40), (198, 1029), (198, 1090), (198, 1135), (198, 1195), (198, 1236), (198, 1261), (281, 1079), (281, 1126), (281, 1170), (298, 125)], 'Seminemacheilus.html': [(57, 71), (91, 18), (93, 447), (93, 469), (142, 40), (225, 1011), (225, 1060), (225, 1104), (242, 125)], 'U.S._Snowboarding_Race_to_the_Cup.html': [(44, 382), (44, 404), (64, 18), (66, 479), (66, 501), (108, 40), (191, 1083), (191, 1132), (191, 1176), (208, 124)], 'Charles_Stuart_(rugby_union).html': [(55, 18), (57, 525), (57, 548), (57, 1140), (57, 1162), (57, 1578), (57, 1600), (106, 40), (189, 1063), (189, 1112), (189, 1156), (206, 124)], 'Syncretocarpus.html': [(107, 18), (109, 486), (109, 509), (158, 40), (241, 1007), (241, 1056), (241, 1100), (266, 125)], '2011_UK_Open_Qualifier_4.html': [(86, 554), (86, 576), (199, 631), (199, 653), (209, 640), (209, 662), (217, 631), (217, 653), (229, 631), (229, 653), (236, 631), (236, 653), (247, 631), (247, 653), (255, 631), (255, 653), (267, 649), (267, 672), (274, 631), (274, 653), (286, 727), (286, 749), (294, 631), (294, 653), (306, 649), (306, 672), (313, 631), (313, 653), (324, 649), (324, 672), (332, 631), (332, 653), (344, 631), (344, 653), (351, 631), (351, 653), (364, 631), (364, 653), (372, 631), (372, 653), (384, 655), (384, 678), (391, 655), (391, 678), (402, 631), (402, 653), (410, 631), (410, 653), (422, 631), (422, 653), (429, 622), (429, 645), (441, 631), (441, 653), (449, 622), (449, 645), (461, 631), (461, 653), (468, 631), (468, 653), (479, 718), (479, 740), (487, 631), (487, 653), (499, 706), (499, 728), (506, 640), (506, 662), (520, 631), (520, 653), (528, 631), (528, 653), (540, 631), (540, 653), (547, 631), (547, 653), (558, 631), (558, 653), (566, 631), (566, 653), (578, 706), (578, 728), (585, 631), (585, 653), (597, 706), (597, 728), (605, 706), (605, 728), (617, 631), (617, 653), (624, 631), (624, 653), (635, 631), (635, 653), (643, 706), (643, 728), (655, 655), (655, 678), (662, 631), (662, 653), (675, 631), (675, 653), (683, 631), (683, 653), (695, 655), (695, 678), (702, 655), (702, 678), (713, 631), (713, 653), (721, 655), (721, 678), (733, 631), (733, 653), (740, 631), (740, 653), (752, 727), (752, 749), (760, 631), (760, 653), (772, 655), (772, 678), (779, 655), (779, 678), (790, 631), (790, 653), (798, 706), (798, 728), (810, 706), (810, 728), (817, 631), (817, 653), (832, 631), (832, 653), (840, 631), (840, 653), (852, 631), (852, 653), (859, 631), (859, 653), (870, 631), (870, 653), (878, 631), (878, 653), (890, 631), (890, 653), (897, 631), (897, 653), (909, 631), (909, 653), (917, 631), (917, 653), (929, 631), (929, 653), (936, 631), (936, 653), (947, 631), (947, 653), (955, 631), (955, 653), (967, 706), (967, 728), (974, 640), (974, 662), (987, 706), (987, 728), (995, 706), (995, 728), (1007, 682), (1007, 705), (1014, 682), (1014, 705), (1025, 631), (1025, 653), (1033, 706), (1033, 728), (1045, 631), (1045, 653), (1052, 631), (1052, 653), (1064, 631), (1064, 653), (1072, 631), (1072, 653), (1084, 631), (1084, 653), (1091, 631), (1091, 653), (1102, 631), (1102, 653), (1110, 706), (1110, 728), (1122, 622), (1122, 645), (1129, 631), (1129, 653), (1143, 631), (1143, 653), (1151, 631), (1151, 653), (1163, 631), (1163, 653), (1170, 706), (1170, 728), (1181, 631), (1181, 653), (1189, 631), (1189, 653), (1201, 613), (1201, 635), (1208, 631), (1208, 653), (1220, 649), (1220, 672), (1228, 631), (1228, 653), (1240, 613), (1240, 635), (1247, 613), (1247, 635), (1258, 631), (1258, 653), (1266, 613), (1266, 635), (1278, 622), (1278, 645), (1285, 682), (1285, 705), (1298, 622), (1298, 645), (1306, 622), (1306, 645), (1318, 631), (1318, 653), (1325, 682), (1325, 705), (1336, 631), (1336, 653), (1344, 622), (1344, 645), (1356, 631), (1356, 653), (1363, 631), (1363, 653), (1375, 631), (1375, 653), (1383, 631), (1383, 653), (1395, 631), (1395, 653), (1402, 664), (1402, 687), (1413, 631), (1413, 653), (1515, 41), (1519, 41), (1527, 40), (1610, 1047), (1610, 1096), (1610, 1140), (1627, 124), (1654, 716), (1654, 941)], 'Football_at_the_National_Games_of_China.html': [(96, 29), (98, 488), (98, 509), (173, 29), (175, 488), (175, 509), (212, 29), (214, 488), (214, 509), (279, 29), (281, 488), (281, 509), (572, 694), (572, 716), (802, 41), (810, 40), (893, 1107), (893, 1156), (893, 1200), (910, 124), (937, 892)], 'Streatfeild_family.html': [(45, 344), (45, 366), (53, 472), (53, 494), (94, 518), (94, 540), (105, 448), (105, 470), (165, 40), (248, 1023), (248, 1073), (248, 1117), (265, 124)], 'Wheatland_High_School_(California).html': [(6, 459), (55, 310), (55, 559), (55, 1173), (55, 1422), (103, 18), (105, 395), (105, 417), (154, 40), (154, 1152), (154, 1197), (154, 1226), (237, 1087), (237, 1137), (237, 1181), (254, 124)], 'Middle_Park_Victoria.html': [(6, 462), (50, 487), (50, 510), (59, 817), (59, 839), (61, 390), (61, 411), (72, 326), (72, 578), (72, 1175), (72, 1427), (188, 475), (188, 497), (198, 650), (198, 672), (208, 531), (208, 553), (218, 685), (218, 707), (228, 596), (228, 618), (238, 643), (238, 665), (248, 722), (248, 744), (258, 593), (258, 615), (273, 366), (273, 875), (365, 40), (365, 614), (365, 655), (365, 680), (448, 1035), (448, 1084), (448, 1128), (465, 125)], 'Russian_Party_in_Estonia.html': [(50, 506), (50, 528), (219, 246), (377, 40), (460, 1047), (460, 1096), (460, 1140), (477, 125)], 'Marion_Rockefeller_Weber.html': [(225, 18), (227, 578), (227, 601), (227, 1193), (227, 1215), (239, 18), (241, 579), (241, 601), (290, 40), (373, 1047), (373, 1096), (373, 1140), (390, 124)], 'Imperial_Venus_(film).html': [(49, 342), (49, 364), (130, 170), (176, 18), (178, 395), (178, 417), (190, 18), (192, 418), (192, 440), (241, 40), (324, 1035), (324, 1084), (324, 1128), (341, 125)], '1951_National_League_tiebreaker_series.html': [(36, 586), (36, 608), (48, 352), (48, 374), (1697, 537), (1697, 560), (1790, 40), (1873, 1107), (1873, 1156), (1873, 1200), (1890, 125)], 'Kate_Harwood.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (79, 239), (86, 160), (138, 40), (221, 999), (221, 1048), (221, 1092), (238, 124)], 'Celebrity_doll.html': [(245, 40), (328, 1007), (328, 1056), (328, 1100), (345, 124)], 'Kim_Yonghwa.html': [(84, 38), (86, 403), (86, 425), (143, 229), (143, 765), (154, 165), (154, 195), (154, 218), (155, 160), (156, 203), (156, 258), (156, 291), (156, 656), (156, 678), (292, 37), (301, 40), (384, 999), (384, 1049), (384, 1093), (401, 125), (428, 862)], 'Jane_Wrightson.html': [(123, 40), (206, 1007), (206, 1056), (206, 1100), (223, 124)], 'Clear_Creek_Township_Cooper_County_Missouri.html': [(6, 524), (52, 876), (52, 898), (56, 406), (56, 657), (56, 1281), (56, 1532), (60, 454), (60, 477), (64, 415), (64, 438), (147, 393), (147, 641), (148, 494), (148, 742), (149, 408), (149, 656), (151, 31), (154, 312), (154, 560), (171, 352), (171, 374), (172, 360), (172, 382), (173, 368), (173, 391), (208, 66), (208, 117), (214, 398), (214, 420), (220, 426), (220, 448), (224, 338), (224, 359), (232, 333), (232, 354), (236, 404), (236, 425), (243, 338), (243, 359), (293, 600), (293, 623), (404, 40), (404, 818), (404, 859), (404, 884), (487, 1131), (487, 1180), (487, 1224), (504, 125)], 'Gregory_Fortuin.html': [(53, 18), (55, 557), (55, 579), (55, 1065), (55, 1086), (67, 18), (69, 458), (69, 481), (107, 41), (115, 40), (198, 1011), (198, 1060), (198, 1104), (215, 124), (242, 785)], 'Dextran_1.html': [(83, 40), (166, 987), (166, 1036), (166, 1080), (183, 124)], 'Vanavara_Airport.html': [(6, 467), (74, 275), (74, 527), (74, 1105), (74, 1357), (364, 18), (366, 423), (366, 445), (949, 40), (949, 959), (949, 1000), (949, 1025), (1032, 1015), (1032, 1064), (1032, 1108), (1049, 125)], 'SotC481panna.html': [(43, 102), (46, 386), (46, 407), (51, 29), (54, 419), (54, 441), (59, 29), (62, 462), (62, 484), (80, 449), (80, 471), (260, 433), (260, 455), (1167, 40), (1250, 1007), (1250, 1056), (1250, 1100), (1267, 125)], 'Agnolin.html': [(48, 35), (50, 431), (50, 452), (87, 40), (170, 979), (170, 1028), (170, 1072), (187, 125)]}
So far, it seems our function has the desired functionality. Let's save our results to a .csv file. OUr csv file will contain the filename of each match, the line where the match occured, the index where the match occured, as well as the surrounding characters of the match, which we call "Context."
import csv
data = [["File","Line","Index","Context"]]
for file_name in results:
with open(os.path.join('wiki/',file_name)) as file:
lines = [line for line in file.readlines()]
for (line,index) in results[file_name]:
line_length = len(lines[line])
# handle context for matches at beginning / end of lines
context_min = max(0,index-15)
context_max = min(line_length,index+15)
context = lines[line][context_min:context_max]
with open('results.csv',mode = 'w') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
Let's turn this code into a function which saves the results as a specified filename.
def write_results(results,name):
data = [["File","Line","Index","Context"]]
for file_name in results:
with open(os.path.join('wiki/',file_name)) as file:
lines = [line for line in file.readlines()]
for (line,index) in results[file_name]:
line_length = len(lines[line])
context_min = max(0,index-15)
context_max = min(line_length,index+15)
context = lines[line][context_min:context_max]
with open(name,mode = 'w') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
Let's add regex pattern matching into our matcher function.
import re
def match_mapper(pattern,file_name_chunk):
matches = {}
for file_name in file_name_chunk:
# open each file
with open(os.path.join('wiki/',file_name)) as file:
lines = [line for line in file.readlines()]
for i,line in enumerate(lines):
# find a set of lines matching
match_set = set(re.findall(pattern,line)) # set of strings which match the pattern in given line
if len(match_set) > 0:
if file_name not in matches:
matches[file_name] = [] # initialize list for new matches
indices = []
for match in match_set:
indices += find_matches(line,match) # create list of indices of all matches
matches[file_name] += [(i,j) for j in indices]
return matches
def matcher(pattern, num_cores = 8):
mapper = functools.partial(match_mapper,pattern)
results = map_reduce(file_names,num_cores,mapper,exact_match_reducer)
return results
Lets test it out by finding case insensitive matches using regex pattern (?i) to indicate case insensitivity.
results = matcher('(?i)dAta')
Now we can write the results to a csv, and load it in as DataFrame.
import pandas as pd
regex_results = pd.read_csv('regex_results.csv')
File | Line | Index | Context | |
0 | Pictogram.html | 44 | 102 | plainlinks metadata ambox ambo |
1 | Pictogram.html | 47 | 441 | ew.svg.png 2x" data-file-width |
2 | Pictogram.html | 47 | 463 | le-width="512" data-file-heigh |
3 | Pictogram.html | 57 | 406 | -Pismo.jpg 2x" data-file-width |
4 | Pictogram.html | 57 | 428 | le-width="340" data-file-heigh |
In conclusion, we were able to use the map reduce framework to implement a regex pattern matching search on files in a given directory. This was executed using a first principles implementation of MapReduce, and demonstrated on directory of raw html files from wikipedia.