
This page documents my ongoing journey of learning the theoretical underpinings of data.

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Talk Slides from SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science
In the Fall of 2022, I gave a talk on my research at the SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (MDS22). Attached are the slides I prepared for my talk.

Talk Slides
FOCM Poster thumbnail

Poster from FoCM 2023
I was an invited poster presenter at the ninth conference of the Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM) Society in Paris during the Summer of 2023. Attached is a .pdf of my poster.

Scientific Poster
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Solutions to Elements of Statistical Learning
A key part of my Data Science journey has been solving exercies from the seminal textbook ESL. Here are my solutions to the exercises from this excellent book.

Textbook Solutions
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Spectral Convergence of Symmetrized Graph Laplacian on Manifolds with Boundary
Here is a highlighted paper I co-authored with my advisor. In this paper, we investigate some generalizations of the important nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique Diffusion Maps.

Highlighted Paper
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Radial Basis Approximation of Tensor Fields on Manifolds: From Operator Estimation to Manifold Learning
Here is another highlighted paper. In this project, we use Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) and local tangent space approximation to learn many different operators associated to an unknown manifold.

Highlighted Paper